The Challenge: Top 60 Females rate | Now: #3: Rachel, KellyAnne, Nany

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I would have discontinued this if Brittany made it on the top 20 of her era LMAO.

Seriously, why do you think Brittany made the top 20?  If she did it furthers my argument that the new era is utter crap

i didnt even vote but of course people recognize Brittany's talents!

13. Sarah G

AVG: 6.98With the elimination being introduced on The Gauntlet, The Challenge would become a show where people that were perceived weak had a fighting chance as opposed to being voted off based on performance. Sarah revolutionized the challenge by being one of the first noteworthy terrible competitors that fought their way to the end. She was the first to hold an elimination record and she held that for such a long time. Producers foreshadowed what the season was going to be for Sarah with an early "Sarah Sucks" monologue. Sarah came off of the RR Campus Crawl season and into the Challenge with a bad reputation of being a quiter, weak, lazy, and having a bad attitude. So bad that even her own two castmates Rachel and Darrell didn't have her back and would be lying if they thought she didn't have to prove herself every time.Queen of The Gauntlet: As a team, Road Rules decided to create a private voting system not based on personality, but based on performance. This voting system allowed for Sarah to be scapegoated often, even when she wasn't the worst performer of the day. To go into elimination numerous times can really take a toll on you, and it did for Sarah. I'd say the pressure to perform well is why she flopped so bad on some of the missions she did. Even when Sarah didn't hold the team back Sarah found herself in the crosshairs. This was all because of the low key rivalry she had with Adam L., the leader of the RR team, who was very blunt with calling out her performance and urged everyone to get rid of her in order to ensure that the stronger players make the final mission (meaning the males). But she gets bailed out of going into all the gauntlets by her boy fling that season, Theo V., who was one of the top guys on their team. One of the great Sarah moments was her finally speaking up to expose one of the teams weaker players who was in fact a male, and Laterrian finally got what was coming to him when he was finally sent in and sent home. Sarah had a triumphant victory against two men in the iconic Dead Man's Drop, and after beating Matt, Jonny Moseley officially claimed Sarah the "Queen of the Gauntlet." A rundown: She ended the Mizhelle vs Coral storyline by beating Thriselle, outlasted Adam's alpha-male minions Abram and Laterrian, beat RR's rival Irulan which caused another iconic moment and beat her best friend Rachel B. in an emotional elimination. By the end of the season she reigned with five wins, prevented an ending where Adam L. got the last laugh and won on her first and only Challenge. Sarah WAS The Gauntlet! 

Essential Season(s): Gauntlet

Era Standing:

#20. Irulan#19. Holly S.#18. Jamie#17. Kendal#16. Ayanna#15. Belou#14. Ellen#13. Sarah G.

13. Robin

AVG: 6.54Robin as a rookie in the Golden Age was a surprise for the girls' team in BOTS2. Robin lasted thirteen missions, but she wasn't largely important to the season aside from developing a romance with Challenge legend Mark Long and struggling during a mission that got her sent home. Her struggles with the Semi-Cross course put her on Coral's bad side, where she really broke and berated Robin for under performing. Robin definitely suffered from "you can't sit with us" treatment until the end of the era.Double Love Triangles: Robin's breakout year has got to be Inferno II. I mean she didn't last long but her dragging Tonya for being a liar and a "dirty ****" for fooling with Mark was definitely her ticket back onto the Challenge and soon to be regular. It ignited such a crazy Challenge moment that will be explained later on. Robin will leave her mark as being in the center of not one but two complicated love triangles involving herself, her ex Mark Long, and his side pieces Tonya and Jodi that resulted in great TV moments and emotional breakdowns. You can arguably say that before CT and Diem, Robin and Mark could have been the foundation of an Ex's theme - a theme that should have been in fruition during the times when that dysfunctional pair had relevance to us Challenge fans.Emotional wreck: Yes, she had her moments on her first few Challenges, mainly her second, but it wasn't until The Duel for Robin to get footing in the game. We saw her dependence on the Alpha males in the Challenge house and she would become another Challenge female to become emotionally unstable as she continued doing these things during the JEK era. Robin gave us that great drunken moment on The Duel. Of course the beef with Aneesa with her waving a kitchen spatula around while saying offensive things to Aneesa. On Gauntlet 3, instead of sticking with the old school gals Robin was able to get her payback on Coral as she was immune from the "Trim The Fat" protocol due to her allegiance to the mob she developed relationships on The Duel, yet loses in the finale due to Big Easy. Taking her losing streak badly she became a trainwreck on every single Challenge after, notably seen on The Island. She went from finally hanging with the cool kids to not knowing her status, being paranoid and being emotionally dependent on males of JEK era. Robin proudly embraced her single-motherhood in later seasons but would find herself either beng unwanted on her last three Challenges, and still no win.

Essential Season(s):  Inferno II, Gauntlet 2, Duel, Island, Exes

Era Standing:

#20. Aviv #19. Shauvon#18. Ibis#17. Brittini#16. Johanna#15. Tori#14. Kina#13. Robin

13. Jenna

AVG: 6.57You cannot deny how much Jenna has become one of the most loved characters in recent Challenges. We've had many before it was in the official "Challenge dictionary" during Exes 2, Jenna went from "lay up" to decent competitor with an undefeated record in eliminations. Who would have thought?"Barbie Beast": Jenna's shtick on the show is pretty simple: the sweet ditzy blonde. But that has come into question because Jenna seems to know how to play the game it seems. She showed up in missions, flies under the radar, remains likable around the house, and aligns with the strongest but dirtiest players in the game. Up until Invasion she's made final after final but to some she still has a lot to prove given the weaker competition she's gone against and what some might say crapshoot eliminations. Maybe she's a political mastermind of all sorts or maybe a hypnotist by using that butt of hers the guys rave about? It sure worked on Zach, someone very essential to Jenna's storyline across all of her seasons.Family Feud: We all agree that one of her best moments was on Bloodlines accompanied by her cousin Brianna. We remember that hilarious fight between the two where they aired a bunch of each other's dirty laundry in front of the house. Not only were they a mess in the social game they were pretty much a mess in the competition, Jenna multiple eliminations that season because of her ****** team and cousîn Brianna. Eventually the two got it together toward the end where Jenna and Brianna even took lead over perceived stronger teams, proving the female teams have potential to do well and surprisingly posing a threat to the competition despite finishing 3rd in the final. It was a good season for her overall.Doormat: Since day one Zach had his eyes set on Jenna during Exes II. The two quickly fell for each other setting off jealousy in Jonna who still has feelings for Zach, and Jay who still has feelings for Jenna. They were the shows hottest Challenge couple in recent times, but in typical  reality tv show fashion it didn't last too long. As expected Zach cheated on Jenna and called it off. Jenna doesn't crave for TV time as it is but Zach took up way too much of her storyline on Rivals 3 and Invasion despite making short appearances. Mentally he threw her off her game along with the vicious rumors going around the Invasion house that she hooked up with Bruno. Many missed opportunities to stand up for herself on her ex-boyfriend and fellow cast mates got her branded as a doormat on vevmo.Who would have thought a cast member who spent the entire RW Ex-plosion crying and in the shadows of Jay to being a Challenge star, having viewers so invested in her funny antics and relationships? Hopefully the Zach and Jenna ship has finally sailed and Jenna has more of a presence in the game. Something tells me she win blossom more now that Jailah is in full effect.

Essential Season(s): Exes II, Bloodlines 

Era Standing:

#20. Jasmine #19. Nicole R. #18. Devyn#17. Averey#16. Jemmye#15. Latoya#14. Marie#13. Jenna

Wait who the hell was voting for jenna lol. Anywho the only Sarah I know.  

Robbed. Sarah G had the best storyline of all time. Next list.

but catch the jump/differences in avgs from here on out Wink Sarah should be 11-9 though.

Jenna was expected, I actually thought she would have been like top five since we have tons of lurkers voting.

Jenna is 7 spots too high

Sarah G had a nice run on The Gauntlet but she wasn't a great competitor or even decent.  Really helped her that production ****** over Rachel B because of Alton.

Sarah G had a nice run on The Gauntlet but she wasn't a great competitor or even decent.  Really helped her that production ****** over Rachel B because of Alton.

Pause - explain?

12. Julie

AVG: 7.01Even if you've never seen a single season of Julie on television MTV has made sure you knew of the crazy moment on Inferno of her yanking on Veronica's safety harness, making her fearful of her life and being unapologetic about it. That's sadly the only clip they seem to have of any Challenge of the  past. Julie was certainly one of The Challenge's most bizarre and polarizing people at one point. If you weren't the biggest fans of Veronica, Coral and Co. Julie was your hero of the Golden Age because she always found herself on the hitlist of the mob but she never backed down.Mormon Rebel: On her first Challenge Extreme, Julie was essential to its success as some of the main storyline involved her battle with religion, getting kicked out of BYU for being on The Challenge and most of all...rubbing her teammates the wrong way because of her personality. The annoyance of Julie the mormon would go on to be a recurring thing for Julie and we can say that barely got along with the females of this show until Gauntlet 2.Melissa Will Kill You: On Battle of the Sexes she came into that season with enemies, roommate-turned-enemy Melissa. Five minutes in Melissa immediately tells Julie off, calls off their friendship and exposes Julie's shady business dealings that have affected Melissa outside of the show. What made matters worse for Julie was that Melissa won the mission that week and was able to orchestrate Julie's boot, setting the tone for the rest of the season for the Girls Team: playing dirty. Poor Julie had no fighting chance during the vote off days.Julie wants to Wrestle: Melissa's anger rubbed off on her bestie Coral who arrived on Inferno with a "Melissa Will Kill You" t-shirt--so you know there was tension from the start, but it was Julie herself that ignited the epic rivalry. It all started at RW's deliberations where duo Trishelle and Julie felt bullied by Coral who they believed was the weaker player (despite her actually being the strongest female on the team). The team agreed that it was Julie's turn to go into Inferno. If she were to go in she wanted the easy route, Katie, and when she didn't get her way she did the unthinkable...she cussed out Coral which sends her off the edge. Later in the game the two went toe-to-toe again when Julie had the balls to challenge Coral to a wrestling match which was by far one of the best Challenge night's in reality TV. The beef was so heavy the cast revealed at the reunion that Julie even peed in Coral's bed! Unfortunately, Inferno would be Julie's peak of insanity. Her last two challenges Inferno 2 and Gauntlet 2 had no iconic Julie moments as she matured and had no continuing rivalries. She lost to Tonya in an Inferno and lost the finals on Gauntlet 2 and that was the end of Julie's run. Still, Julie will go down as one of the most ballsy and bizarre female cast members of this era.

Essential Season(s): Extreme, Sexes, Inferno

Era Standing:

#20. Irulan#19. Holly S.#18. Jamie#17. Kendal#16. Ayanna#15. Belou#14. Ellen#13. Sarah G.#12. Julie

12. Cara Z.

AVG: 6.54

Cara Z is one of the hottest female Challengers ever! Now that that's out of the way let's look at all the things fans might have forgotten about her. She's one half of the most conniving, strategic duos in Challenge history and it was much appreciated to see the dirty stunts they attempted or pulled off. Cara's got balls: On her first season, The Gauntlet, Cara was one of the worse female player on her team and probably would have had the Sarah arc if Sarah had lost early on. Road Rules has always been a cutthroat team big on getting rid of dead weight aka female players. I'm sure Cara was aware of what would happen to her if Sarah was out or no longer scapegoated but she had courage. She left a big impression by standing up for Sarah the whole way. She still was sent into the Gauntlet herself, but she came back and won her first challenge with her supportive boyfriend Dave. What people often forget is that Cara has never been the one to hold her tongue. Cara was snappish with girls like Coral and Veronica. But got a real reaction on her second Challenge from Aneesa, who she thought "was like so gross." That was both an epic Aneesa and Cara moment where the two got into an altercation because of Cameran's quitting. Attached at the Hip: Cara and Susie bonded on Gauntlet 2 and found themselves outnumbered against the RR X-treme alliance. Cara and Susie being the schemers they are made deals with male vets to throw missions to secure their safety of not facing the raging ***** Kina in the Gauntlet. It was a smart move to secure that they had a chance of aeeing the final but they trusted the wrong person with this information (Jillian). Once word got around this led to the Kina and Cara rivalry where Cara and Susie were grilled by their team, Cara got singled out and eliminated by Kina in a physical contact Gauntlet.The Inferno 3 was probably my least favorite Cara. But the Cara this season was back with a vengeance and I can't knock that. It was so ironic how Cara was on the Good Guys team (applies to others as well) when she pulled bad *** moves the whole way through and was unapologetic about her bullying of Tonya. It was this Challenge where Cara was in the cool girls crew, the duo became a trio with Colie added into the mix. Cara was so ride or die for her girl Susie she would throw missions to secure Susie a Life Shield. The two were able to get the focus off of Cara throwing missions for Susie's benefit and throw the negative spotlight onto other players, such as Bananas and Ace. Particularly the giraffe mission that season which was a turning point in the teams dynamic. The males loathed Cara and wanted to get rid of her but she managed to make it to the end seeing zero Infernos.Cara could stand on her own in the old days but she's definitely more recognized for her looks and position as a sidekick in the JEK era unfortunately.

Essential Season(s): Gauntlet 2, Inferno 3

Era Standing:

#20. Aviv #19. Shauvon#18. Ibis#17. Brittini#16. Johanna#15. Tori#14. Kina#13. Robin#12. Cara Z.

12. Jonna

AVG: 6.68

I know everyone was waiting for Jonna to be that political mastermind running shit in the Challenge house but I guess it's not fair to compare her to her Endurance days.  Jonna's got beautiful eyes and BIG hair but not so big personality to go with it. Jonna's a sweetheart.My names Jonna: To be much smaller than their female competition Jonna and Jasmine surprisingly had a strong rookie showing. But it wasn't just her performance that she brought, the reserved and quiet Jonna we know now was actually confrontational on her first Challenge. She got into an epic argument with crazy Camila of all people because she called her a diffrent name and took offense to it. And guess? Jonna didn't back down! The season as a whole was a great underdog story for her as she mended her relationship with Jasmine and pulled an elimination upset over an overly confident Sarah.Showmance over Romance: Jonna returns on Battle of the Seasons (2012), the start of the short lived Rookie Revolution and a season where she became a focal character. After one night of flirting with Zach, Jonna had nothing to lose, she called things off with her boyfriend at home so she wouldn't cheat on national TV. Jonna's new relationship with Zach is what helped kept Cancun from being a target but harmed her relationship with other females in the house, particularly Nany. So the two are partnered on Rivals 2 and of course Zach and Jonna didn't last so she gets involved with yet another male player, this time Rookie Jordan. At this point it's pretty clear what her archetype is, but this would be the last of it as Jonna was done with the boy craze phase.Free Agents would be her first opportunity to compete as an individual. While she won an elimination that season, she was a casualty midway and was no match to some of the stronger competitors such as Cara, Aneesa, Theresa and especially Laurel.Zach sucks: Battle of the Exes 2 would be Jonna's last challenge and honestly the worst we've seen of her in the social aspect of the game. Anytime Jonna and Zach were shown it was painful to watch, just like any Zach storyline. Jonna spent the entire season dealing with his disrespect, criticism, BS apologies and blaming Jonna for the team performing poorly. It was so sad that she even used hooking up with Jay as an escape. What made it worse was Jonna's inability to stand up for herself for majority of the time until their final deleiberation. Although she went home seeing Zach lose a strength based elimination had to be satisfying.Jonna was a promising addition and a great during the beginning stages of her Challenge career but let men get in the way of her game. I'm sure most wouldn't mind a reappearance, and as a new mother I'm sure we'll see her more strong and independent.

Essential Season(s): Rivals, Seasons, Exes II

Era Standing:

#20. Jasmine #19. Nicole R. #18. Devyn#17. Averey#16. Jemmye#15. Latoya#14. Marie#13. Jenna#12. Jonna

Jonna's only good season was Rivals. ZzZzZzz

I'm still a Jonna stan and idk what anyone says. She's the reason I got into this franchise in the first place #endurancefan

Jonna's only good season was Rivals. ZzZzZzz

And Marie’s only good season has been Seasons. Your point?

gamer73 wrote:

Jonna's only good season was Rivals. ZzZzZzz

And Marie’s only good season has been Seasons. Your point?

Jonna shouldn't be that high. That's my point. Why y'all always gotta bring Queen Roda up?

Julie and Cara are both like 10 spots too low tbh

kvm1977 wrote:

Sarah G had a nice run on The Gauntlet but she wasn't a great competitor or even decent.  Really helped her that production ****** over Rachel B because of Alton.

Pause - explain?

A long standing rumor is that Alton & Irulan pissed off production so bad that they ****** over RW and Rachel B during her elimination with Sarah G on Ride Em Cowboy.  Rachel's was going faster and Sarah should have been DQ'd.   Always liked Sarah but felt horrible for Rachel B

Jonna & Cara Z are definitely too low IMO...both were top 5 or so of their era.   Julie's about right--further illustrating just how good that era was

Julie had no iconic Inferno 2 moments? Pssssh.

"The road to God is straight & narrow."

Jonna & Cara Z are definitely too low IMO...both were top 5 or so of their era.   Julie's about right--further illustrating just how good that era was

Jonna is not top 5 absolutely not. She's lucky to break top 10.

Julie had no iconic Inferno 2 moments? Pssssh."The road to God is straight & narrow."

Yeah. I was like Bish Whet? Her Inferno 2 moment was THE most Iconic. 

gamer73 wrote:

Jonna's only good season was Rivals. ZzZzZzz

And Marie’s only good season has been Seasons. Your point?


I honestly don't remember lol. Was it really a big Julie moment?

As far as Gauntlet 2, of course I remember when Ace ****** up in that van pushing mission ("THE CLUTCH? THE ******* CLUTCH") but there wasn't much to write about for that one.

I honestly don't remember lol. Was it really a big Julie moment?As far as Gauntlet 2, of course I remember when Ace ****** up in that van pushing mission ("THE CLUTCH? THE ******* CLUTCH") but there wasn't much to write about for that one.

Oh yes it was...Very Big.

Not to mention she started the whole "switcheroo" vote that got Jodi in trouble with the Bad *** girls, then proceeded to leave Jodi hanging to take all the heat lmaooooo

well shit, I drew blank with Julie that season. sorry

Not to mention she started the whole "switcheroo" vote that got Jodi in trouble with the Bad *** girls, then proceeded to leave Jodi hanging to take all the heat lmaooooo

there's always Jodi's write-up Julie will get a shout out there  Wink

Not to mention she started the whole "switcheroo" vote that got Jodi in trouble with the Bad *** girls, then proceeded to leave Jodi hanging to take all the heat lmaooooo

********* ***** was ******* ICONIC

Anyone who talks bad about Julie will be terminate.

Graphik wrote:

Not to mention she started the whole "switcheroo" vote that got Jodi in trouble with the Bad *** girls, then proceeded to leave Jodi hanging to take all the heat lmaooooo

********* ***** was ******* ICONIC
