The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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I dont think its fair to "hate" people for having different opinions on who they want to see on. Everyone has their favorites.

It's not so much that they have different opinions it's just that their opinions are terrible.

I'd rather see more AYTO from Season 4 and 5 on the next challenge! 

I'd rather see more AYTO from Season 4 and 5 on the next challenge! 

You can stop now. You're not cute or funny.

But it's true though, I love AYTO! Bloodlines brought in some good people, but it looks like they won't stick except for Vinny Pig and maybe Nicole. AYTO is popular and it is producing lots of seasons! Road Rules used to be popular with old people, but that show died out. This show has evolved to have LOTS of castmembers from FM, spring break, bloodlines and AYTO! Someone shouldn't be more preferably only because they are from the laughable REAL WORLD. 

But it's true though, I love AYTO! Bloodlines brought in some good people, but it looks like they won't stick except for Vinny Pig and maybe Nicole. AYTO is popular and it is producing lots of seasons! Road Rules used to be popular with old people, but that show died out. This show has evolved to have LOTS of castmembers from FM, spring break, bloodlines and AYTO! Someone shouldn't be more preferably only because they are from the laughable REAL WORLD. 


Oh, and when Bananas is done getting endless wins, he and Vinny Pig should have a spinoff show together Biggrin

That way, it can pave the way for AYTO to take over the Challenge. As we all know, I love money is a better franchise, and I think AYTO can bring the Challenge to ILM standards Biggrin

TBMK wrote:

I dont think its fair to "hate" people for having different opinions on who they want to see on. Everyone has their favorites.

It's not so much that they have different opinions it's just that their opinions are terrible.

I guess.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

TBMK wrote:

I dont think its fair to "hate" people for having different opinions on who they want to see on. Everyone has their favorites.

It's not so much that they have different opinions it's just that their opinions are terrible.

yes, according to you.

Debut Album wrote:

TBMK wrote:I dont think its fair to "hate" people for having different opinions on who they want to see on. Everyone has their favorites.

It's not so much that they have different opinions it's just that their opinions are terrible.

yes, according to you.

Right. So I can have a right to not like them and write about them if I please. Why is that a problem?

Dykeadelic  *** Jenn **** her

Who I don't want to see on the shows...CeeJai, what a social justice warrior...reminds me of the typical libtard lmao.


Paula is a sad case for me. I can see why they brought her on so much...she was a character. Different sides to her. She was a ******* mess and she was nuts and did wild shit. And I really think that maybe had she been in a different era of shows I think she would've been so much better than she was. But she came around in the garbage *** Fresh Meat/JEK era and honestly, she was cool at first. didn't mind her at all.

But then the Island happened. That is the turning point with me with her. She sided with that shitty *** The Family Alliance(I swear that is one of the worst alliance names ever) and she sat there and laughed at Evelyn, Shitted on her and thought that Kenny/Backpack were gonna come through and ride off in the sunset with the W alongside them but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That shit did NOT happen and the bought Evelyn on their boat and left Paula with that garbage *** boat of Ryan/Robin/Jenn and she ******* lost! Let me tell you I was HERE for it. Her crying in the treasure chest at the end is one of the funniest things to ever happen on these shows IMO. She talked all that shit and thought she w***itting pretty and looked what happened? *****.

Her biggest problem IMO is her enabling of JEK. I mean she aligned with them so much despite them ******* her over. She was another yes men and it was just painful to watch. Not to mention not to mention that after awhile she just got old..I mean the ***** did 10 challenges straight(Exculding The Ruins) I got tired of seeing her always crying, always allowing JEK to get thier way, always making jokes that wasn't funny etc. She really got tiring. I'm honestly glad that she's done with these shows because I feel like I've seen enough of her to last a lifetime.

But like I said before..I see it. I see glimpses of what she could've been. Had she been her own person and played her own game she could've been so much more IMO. But she came when she came and she was what she was. And I hope to NEVER see her again.

Oh and her breaking down right when she lost on Fresh Meat 2 was ******* halarious.

I tried to like Paula on key west but she was just tragic then came inferno 3 and the duel and I was legit  Tyra banks rooting for her but there was no reason to see her every damn year. Thank god they phased her out.

Jesus christ DA sometimes i wonder how can you have so much hate inside of you for people that you never freakin met lmao.

But i agree on the Paula entry. You forgot to mention that Laurel dragging that she got. She really deserved that one with the enabling (like you said) of JEK/Wes. She was laughing at Cara after Wes was bullying her and starts telling Cara to shut the **** up and go to bed and that she will stick up for Wes (after this guy sent her home on FM2 lol). What surprises me the most is some of the cast gets backstabbed or stab right on their faces but they are still "Yes man" to these "big dogs" its so pathetic lol

Jesus christ DA sometimes i wonder how can you have so much hate inside of you for people that you never freakin met lmao.But i agree on the Paula entry. You forgot to mention that Laurel dragging that she got. She really deserved that one with the enabling (like you said) of JEK/Wes. She was laughing at Cara after Wes was bullying her and starts telling Cara to shut the **** up and go to bed and that she will stick up for Wes (after this guy sent her home on FM2 lol). What surprises me the most is some of the cast gets backstabbed or stab right on their faces but they are still "Yes man" to these "big dogs" its so pathetic lol

I don't litteraly have hate in my heart for these people lol. I just dislike them..very much.

But yeah..I did forget to mention that. Might go back and Edit it and write that In.


Much like a couple of others I don't hate Preston. It's just that in all of his challenge appearences he was basicially just there..Like I can't remember anything he did. Just a blank stare. Kinda sucks though because if you watch is RW season he had a much better showing so you would think he would be better than what he was but nope...didn't happen. 

**** you for that entry

**** you for that entry

You like Preston? Didn't know that.

HonestTea101 wrote:

**** you for that entry

You like Preston? Didn't know that.

I loved Preston. Hated how he was always picked last on FA when he was performing great in every mission

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

he wasnt obnoxious at least

I liked Preston, wasn't stanning him like Honest Tea. But he was underrated during Free Agents. I think it was great how he grew as a competitor because of Knight's influence on him. 

I actually wish we had more challenges with the NOLA 2 cast. It was one of my favorite seasons. If Knight was still around, he would still be a regular.

And as boring as Ashlee was on her season, I wanted to see her compete because she would have been a strong competitor. 

McKenzie should have come back too


Man. Did this guy go down the toilet fast. When he first came on the show he was decent eye candy and nothing more. On Cutthroat he wasn't all that much of a presence honestly but from what we saw of him it was just the usual challenge shit...drinking, partying, fighting, but nothing specuatular. Then he returned for Exes 1 and man did he let him self go. Dude look like ******* free willy. But he was kind of a **** here. He Ripped of Mandi's top and got send home over it. And that was the end of him on these shows. Honestly in retrospect he was just there. Which is what you can say about alot of people that came from Fresh Meat 2.

I actually wish we had more challenges with the NOLA 2 cast. It was one of my favorite seasons. If Knight was still around, he would still be a regular.And as boring as Ashlee was on her season, I wanted to see her compete because she would have been a strong competitor. McKenzie should have come back too

Eric and Sahar should've came on too.

rwportland2 wrote:

I actually wish we had more challenges with the NOLA 2 cast. It was one of my favorite seasons. If Knight was still around, he would still be a regular.And as boring as Ashlee was on her season, I wanted to see her compete because she would have been a strong competitor. McKenzie should have come back too

Eric and Sahar should've came on too.

Yeah I remember reading on here they were contacted for one of the Exes seasons. Tbh they would have been a random addition, but I would have been interested in seeing how far they would have made it.

Yeah, hated Vinny because we could have had Noor, who would have brought so much more to these shows. Plus Vinny being a **** towards Easy on Cutthroat just because he lost to him and not even apologizing to Mandi for ripping off her top. Wes should have beat his ***.

Like what did production see in guys like Vinny and Luke over Noor that made them think "Yeah let's bring them on for Cutthroat"

This is honestly so sad. He was so hot before... Dumb as a rock and never quite competed that well, but still hot. He went downhill so quickly and now he's disgusting lol


Creepy *** *********. This ************* is probably the worst out of all the bloodlines. Speaking of that garbage *** season this ******* had the nerve to try to pointlessly start shit with CT while he was there which was so damn cringeworthy. Like ************ you know full well CT would ******* destroy you in every way imaginable. Know your role and shut your mouth(The Rock reference!). This ******* was worse on the equally terrible Rivals 3 where he just aggressivley hugged Thomas to try to look tough. And let me not get started on that whole cheyenne situation. Why did he disrespectuflly call her the wrong ******* name? And I think it's pathetic to try to get buck with Devin too. You know if Cory was there or anyone else that would beaten his and his shit stain of a cousin's ***** that shit wouldn't happened. 

Speaking of Cory It was great seeing him come for Vinny on Bloodlines. He sure didn't buck up then.. Not to mention the ************ is creepy ***hit.

So in conclusion he ******* sucks and he's lucky that his ******* cousin has so much power and is there to protect him because if he wasn't someone would've claimed his edges.


Yeah, hated Vinny because we could have had Noor, who would have brought so much more to these shows. Plus Vinny being a **** towards Easy on Cutthroat just because he lost to him and not even apologizing to Mandi for ripping off her top. Wes should have beat his ass.Like what did production see in guys like Vinny and Luke over Noor that made them think "Yeah let's bring them on for Cutthroat"

Apparently Noor didn't drink and that's why wasn't asked back. SMH. Another production mistake.

Holy **** excuse me 
