The Real World: Skeletons - Madison Walls

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Huge congrats to Tony and Madison!

BTW, there are 6 cast members-Bruno doesn't count!!!!! Lol

i liked Bruno better then Jason by far 

good for you...

And I knew that since this thread was coming up randomly that she either was during a guest appearance or was pregnant. Congrats

I'm surprised they're still together. I'm happy but nervous for them. I still don't trust Tony, I don't want him abandoning Madison or anything but they've stuck together this long so hopefully it all works out. 

I'm surprised they're still together. I'm happy but nervous for them. I still don't trust Tony, I don't want him abandoning Madison or anything but they've stuck together this long so hopefully it all works out. 

I think they are doing good I mean the bought a condo together which is a permanent thing

Congrats to Madison and Tony! So many cast members are pregnant like Madison, Jenny, Theresa and Jasmine.

Jazzy is preggo?! 

Jazzy is preggo?! 

Yeah lol she posted that she was pregnant a few weeks ago on twitter and instagram

Jazzy is preggo?! 

Yeah lol she posted that she was pregnant a few weeks ago on twitter and instagram

more like a few months ago.

Jasmine, Jenny, Katie (she already had the baby), Theresa, Madison, and Paula with two kids.

anyone else??

Jenny had her baby a couple weeks ago. Maybe a little less. And she is ADORABLE. Teeny and tiny.

Madison is like that annoying friend in high school that always got mistreated or cheated on by her boyfriend. Those friends that always broke up and would talk shit about each other only to get back together a week later. I used to like madison but now she just annoys me lol. Over her and Tony those two never left high school. 

Her and Tony aren't back together tho lol where is this uncalled for hate coming from 

Her and Tony aren't back together tho lol where is this uncalled for hate coming from 

So ? Like this hasn't happen before ? He hooked up with two girls in the real world house while madison was in it and she still got together with him a couple days after that 

Just came out of left field is all. 

TwoStrikes wrote:

Her and Tony aren't back together tho lol where is this uncalled for hate coming from 

So ? Like this hasn't happen before ? He hooked up with two girls in the real world house while madison was in it and she still got together with him a couple days after that 

Going back one time to Tony messing up means she always goes back? Well TIL...

TylerLovesTyler3 wrote:

TwoStrikes wrote:Her and Tony aren't back together tho lol where is this uncalled for hate coming from 

So ? Like this hasn't happen before ? He hooked up with two girls in the real world house while madison was in it and she still got together with him a couple days after that 

Going back one time to Tony messing up means she always goes back? Well TIL...

Probably not, but Madison is a very weak individual. It's not like you can't say that she wouldn't go back to Tony's dumb *** if given the chance.

Madison is definitely someone who I see forgiving to a fault, but from what we know she's only taken Tony back once for the shit he pulled. I don't even see it as being weak though.

If her and Tony ended up getting together I wouldn't judge her. If I were her though I wouldn't let him do challenges again though. But she has a kid with him so if she gave him a chance again I wouldn't mind but I mean having your boyfriend cheat on you on international tv is a massive deal imo 

Thisis what drives me crazy about Tony,  I genuinely believe that he's a good person. But he has no control over his urges. As a guy, we all know how hard it is to be committed to one girl only, Tony isn't ready for a relationship and damn sure not fatherhood. But if Madison were to get back with him it doesn't make her weak,  it just means she desperately wants Tony to try being the family man he can be. I mean he practically raised Shane 

Thisis what drives me crazy about Tony,  I genuinely believe that he's a good person. But he has no control over his urges. As a guy, we all know how hard it is to be committed to one girl only, Tony isn't ready for a relationship and damn sure not fatherhood. But if Madison were to get back with him it doesn't make her weak,  it just means she desperately wants Tony to try being the family man he can be. I mean he practically raised Shane 

Such a bs response to male infidelity... do you think it is easier for women to be faithful? Or that females don't have urges, like a little strange, especially when their man starts getting lazy about the relationship... If a girl does it she is a **** but a shucks boys will be boys...BS!

Madi unfortunately is weak but  she better toughen up if she is planning to be a decent mother you can't raise a child while trying to raise a fail at one of them. When you choose to stay with someone who treats you badly and doesn't even have the decency to be discreet (ya know...not on tv) your child will learn that this is the way to live.

Thisis what drives me crazy about Tony,  I genuinely believe that he's a good person. But he has no control over his urges. As a guy, we all know how hard it is to be committed to one girl only, Tony isn't ready for a relationship and damn sure not fatherhood. But if Madison were to get back with him it doesn't make her weak,  it just means she desperately wants Tony to try being the family man he can be. I mean he practically raised Shane 

i also like tony and can see that he's a good person but his sexual frustrations really are out of control and he need to get his shit together and realize that he's human... not an animal and as a result can't be going around plumbing every hot female he sees.

what he has for Madison is "supposedly" love not lust. Lust is based on blind animalistic short sightedness: the thing he had for Christina and the other girl he cheated with on his re season. Love is completely different; It's based on intelligence, reason, sacrificing short term for long term gain - all things that he clearly already knows about based off his raising his brother - but still needs to know how to apply to his romantic relationship

If her and Tony ended up getting together I wouldn't judge her. If I were her though I wouldn't let him do challenges again though. But she has a kid with him so if she gave him a chance again I wouldn't mind but I mean having your boyfriend cheat on you on international tv is a massive deal imo 

I can see this. I've seen friends of mine who stay in very unhappy relationships/marriages for the sake of their kid, and I usually advise them not to, but I can also see the logic in doing that and can understand her decision moreso than I would if there wasnt a baby in the picture. There's always a chance he'll eventually grow the **** up and be a good partner. 

Madison is definitely someone who I see forgiving to a fault, but from what we know she's only taken Tony back once for the shit he pulled. I don't even see it as being weak though.

I'm calling her weak for several other things. Her inability to stand up/put her foot down makes her weak in my eyes. The fact she needed other people to speak up first before she put her two cents in was weak. And then we got her relationship with Tony, who knew was bad, but would run back like a puppy to their master - when said master is incapable of having a puppy in the first place.

Fresh Meat wrote:

Madison is definitely someone who I see forgiving to a fault, but from what we know she's only taken Tony back once for the shit he pulled. I don't even see it as being weak though.

I'm calling her weak for several other things. Her inability to stand up/put her foot down makes her weak in my eyes. The fact she needed other people to speak up first before she put her two cents in was weak. And then we got her relationship with Tony, who knew was bad, but would run back like a puppy to their master - when said master is incapable of having a puppy in the first place.

Hmmm yeah I just chalk that up to her being too nice, which I said she is to a fault.

hardbitten wrote:

Fresh Meat wrote:Madison is definitely someone who I see forgiving to a fault, but from what we know she's only taken Tony back once for the shit he pulled. I don't even see it as being weak though.

I'm calling her weak for several other things. Her inability to stand up/put her foot down makes her weak in my eyes. The fact she needed other people to speak up first before she put her two cents in was weak. And then we got her relationship with Tony, who knew was bad, but would run back like a puppy to their master - when said master is incapable of having a puppy in the first place.

Hmmm yeah I just chalk that up to her being too nice, which I said she is to a fault.

Yeah, I know what you meant. I just felt an unnecessary need to explain my reasoning, lmao. Definitely agree with the bolded.

Madison is definitely someone who I see forgiving to a fault, but from what we know she's only taken Tony back once for the shit he pulled. I don't even see it as being weak though.

You people need to remember that we only see what MTV shows us. And they made tony the guy who cheats and sleeps around, they would still be together if the Christina thing didn't happen so obviously their is a whole different side of him we don't see otherwise Madison wouldn't have been with him for so long.

Interesting to know that she talks to nicole and especially Violetta all the time. to know that she talks to nicole and especially Violetta all the time.

That's what's up. I see nobody really bothers themselves with Bruno. Surprised no Sylvia

Madison is definitely someone who I see forgiving to a fault, but from what we know she's only taken Tony back once for the shit he pulled. I don't even see it as being weak though.

i dont see madison going back since he's with alyssa now and is expecting with her and i dont think she'd risk the peace she has to raise their child together.

or not

I need this messy queen to finally accept a challenge ❤

I need this messy queen to finally accept a challenge ❤

I wouldn't say she's messy but I agree. I want to see her on a challenge.
