The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

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Jake above Marie and Ty? I watched Sexes 2 and I don't even recall him lmaoo

I liked Jake because he didn't take any of it too seriously. He was like anti the current state of the Challenge. Everything now is SO serious to everybody and I appreciate somebody like Jake from back in the day, who is just there to have a good time. I'll also admit that a lot of people that were on some of those are at an advantage because in general, those challenges were the golden age IMO and will be memorable forever. I remember more from those challenges than I do for Exes 2 (and I liked Exes 2)

Also, I don't know if you made a typo but he wasn't on Battle of the Sexes 2, but the first Battle of the Sexes. And again, the guys and girls are ranked separately. There are more girls and the girl side is a lot more competitive than the guys (seriously there are SO many boring guys on this show)

I agree Marie was such an explosive addition to the show! Wish we see more of her

Marie is a boss and should be ranked a bit higher IMO. Predicting the true queen Svetlana to be on the next list. 


56. Cooke (Rivals 2)

Cooke kicked *** in her first challenge, but she made an enemy out of Diem, which is like the fastest way to get half the challenge audience to hate you. She also lucked out because her original partner was Naomi, who is terrible at these challenges, and she ended up paired with Cara Maria, a major upgrade. Cara Maria actually had a pretty terrible showing for much of this challenge, so Cooke had to carry this team. There was a lot of shady behind the scenes rumors about Cooke though. Like, did she hook up with CT? Was she really a terrible human secretly? Or what? But you can’t deny that she entertained both on and off the playing field.

cooke deserves higher


80. Davis (Inferno 3, Duel 2, Rivals)

Davis actually had a great rookie season. I think he shocked people with how well he did. He was competing with Johnny Bananas, Timmy, and Alton on his team and he certainly held his own. He also came very close to making it to the end, almost beating Derrick in one of the final eliminations. He was also punched by CT in the very episode, so that happened. I still remember Bananas comforting him (back when Bananas would do something like that). His following seasons were pretty blah, though.

Almost beat Derrick? He got shut out 3-0...

Jake above Marie and Ty? I watched Sexes 2 and I don't even recall him lmaoo

Because he was on Sexes 1

Jake above Marie and Ty? I watched Sexes 2 and I don't even recall him lmaoo

Because he was on Sexes 1

Meant Sexes 1. I watched them both recently.


55. Stephen W (Battle of the Seasons)

Oh, Stephen. One of the first full-on villains of this show. He spent his days trying to get a rise out of Coral, and going around calling her mean and spirit-less. It was all very high school, but unsurprising coming from Stephen. It eventually got him voted out, because everybody basically thought he was a giant ***. And who could blame them when he’s going around throwing ‘bows at people during the inner tube tango mission? If this was a list of most memorable Real Worlders though, he’d rank much higher.

55. Jasmine (Rivals, Battle of the Exes, Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Free Agents)

Jasmine did five, FIVE, challenges in a row. And got increasingly more insufferable on each one. I think Jasmine seems like a sweet person but man does she ham it up for the cameras. Honestly, she hams it up for the camera but is still not all that entertaining. Mostly just loud. But still, I actually kind of like. Don’t really miss her, though. Her great rookie season is worth a decent ranking alone.

54. Laterrian (Extreme Challenge, Battle of the Sexes, Gauntlet)

LT was…not very good at these challenges. He was the definition of all bark (literally) and no bark. Plus, he totally knocked Sarah over on Rolling on a River and completely let her take the fall for it and go into the Gauntlet ONCE AGAIN, AND AGAINST HER BFF. I really hated him after that episode. However, I will say LT was mostly cool on the Extreme Challenge. He was the only RR cast member to defend his team in front of Judge Mills and I enjoyed his blossoming friendship and gained respect and understanding for Christian.

54. Genesis (Battle of the Sexes, Battle of the Sexes 2)

I loved Genesis. She was just freaking cool, but she was also sneaky funny in a *****y kind of way. Like, she was a total sweetheart but she had this cynical edge to her. I also appreciated that she took the game seriously but not too seriously. Like, when most of her friends opted out of participating in "Battle of the Opposite Sexes", she was like "meh I don't care about getting nude, plus guys you're dumb you don't have to get naked if you just don't answer or get it right duh" Plus, she was a solid competitor (for that era). Still pissed she got voted out first on BOTSexes 2.

53. Johnny R (Free Agents, Battle of the Exes 2)

Ah, Johnny. The “luck of the Irish”, indeed. He managed to make it to the end of his first challenge without ever seeing an elimination, even though it was random drawing. That’s actually impressive in it’s own way. Plus, even though he didn’t win, he crushed it in that final. He was a solid competitor, who I think hasn’t shown what he’s fully capable of, and he was pretty funny too. And of course, he had sex with Nany on TV which led to his central storyline in Exes 2: the mutual contention between him and ex Averey. Johnny was actually kind of an *** for much of this challenge, but his Boston presence was able to get him in with the right alliances (well, “right” for most of the game)

53. Casey (Fresh Meat, Duel, Gauntlet 3, Ruins)

Ugh, Casey. Casey is the queen of talking like she’s actually done ANYTHING to prove herself when in reality she is always terrible. Like, if Casey is on the challenge, you know she’ll be shitty. She thinks winning 5 exiles that she really did not even contribute to makes her some elite. And her trying to put Coral down for quitting while acting like she was “taking one for the team” by going against Evelyn (and losing pathetically) was outrageous. Also, WTF didn’t the Veterans get rid of her over Coral anyways?! And don’t even get me started on The Ruins, where she w***o terrible that she’s basically the whole reason her team self-destructed. Okay, fine I have an irrational hatred for Casey.

52. Brandon N (Fresh Meat 2, Cutthroat, Rivals, Battle of the Seasons 2, Free Agents)

Brandon has been on 5 challenges and that’s amazing to me because he’s so chill and blends in so much that I honestly can’t believe that. But it doesn’t matter that he’s been on 5 challenges, because only one matters: Cutthroat. If you weren’t rooting for Brandon during Cutthroat when his red team scapegoated him for an entire season, then you are probably going to hell tbh.

52. Jamie (Inferno 2)

Was Jamie the most entertaining or interesting cast member? No, but she was a solid competitor who made it to the end and won her first and only challenge and she’s now an actress who acts in things people have actually seen, so she deserves a high rank. She’ll always be a memorable cast member simply because she’s well known. Plus, she’s cool as **** and everybody loved her. I still remember her falling into the water during the little bike riding mission and nobody could be mad at her for falling since it was her, but for anyone else they’d be annoyed. Plus, I'll never forget the mission where she and Shavonda try and get into Tonya's head (and succeed) by yelling terrible things about her.

51. Mike R (Rivals)

Who doesn’t love Mike Mike? Okay, so it’s definitely possible not to if you’ve seen his RW season, but in general you can’t help but like the guy. He’s at his most likable when hanging out with his BFF Leroy, and man did Leroy luck out when Adam R got kicked off (well, in terms of having a likable partner). The most interesting thing about Mike is that he is SO different from every other guy on these shows that it was really an interesting contrast. Plus, he (mostly) held his own, brought humor, flirted with Paula, and had an epic meltdown. Not to mention when Leroy fell on top of him in a mission. The noises he made….LOL.

51. Jemmye (Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Free Agents, Battle of the Exes 2)

I’m sorry, but Jemmye is hilarious and I thought about ranking her higher but ended up doing some rearranging. She’s secretly been the queen of one one liners for like 3 challenges running. Plus, love them or hate them, you felt something for the Jemmye/Knight saga. You were invested one way or the other. And I learned that you can be afraid of ketchup and it’s a legit phobia because of her (which is outrageous/ridiculous). Jemmye’s underrated as a competitor, but I think she needs a strong partner to really do well. And I don’t feel right saying this now, but when she called out Diem for her fake bullshit during Rivals 2, you had to cheer her on a little bit (at least based on how that season was edited).

Top 50 starts tomorrow! (also I did some rearranging, so some of the hints for this last group don't apply, in case anybody pays attention to that)

But hints for the next group:

- 2 girls from the same original season will appear

- Actually 2 guys from the same original season will appear too, but it's the opposite show from the two girls.

- One guy will appear that was beat by a girl in his elimination

Jemmye calling anyone fake is the definition of the pot calling the kettle black.

Casey and Brandon should be lower.

I cringed a little when I saw Casey that high. Maybe like 15 lower would have been perfect for her challenge career.

I cringed a little when I saw Casey that high. Maybe like 15 lower would have been perfect for her challenge career.

Honestly, I hate Casey, but the fact that she gives me such a visceral reaction made me decide she was worth ranking higher than some other (better) people. She DID add something to each show she was on (except Duel), even if it wasn't something I necessarily wanted to watch.

Will update in a bit with the next batch.


50. Nehemiah (Duel, Gauntlet 3, Duel 2, Rivals)

Nehemiah is kind of a strange cast member. Like, I can’t decide if he’s dramatic or zen. Remember his weird zen room on Duel 2? So odd. Whatever, to me Nehemiah will ALWAYS be Beth’s “tenderoni” and nobody can convince me otherwise. He also had a secret rivalry with Evan that led everyone to be like “they’re stretching these pairs!” when they were cast and then they ended up being one of the most contentious pairs.

50. Elka (Battle of the Seasons, Gauntlet)

Elka was awesome on her couple of challenges. I remember her most fondly from BOTSeasons where she and Sean kicked some major *** (most points for RW; second highest overall I believe) and she was just generally the shit. She wasn’t the most dramatic person on the team but she built solid friendships, specifically with Mike and Coral which continued to the Gauntlet. Sadly, Mike was too busy thinking with his ***** so he chose to vote off Elka over Trishelle. And Elka won the first mission for their team! Okay, admittedly, she got injured and her attitude wasn’t the BEST this season, but still you just don’t choose Trishelle over Elka. Elka taking the RW check that she won off the wall and with her was pretty lol-worthy too. I can’t decide if that’s good or bad though. Also, Elka hated Matt, because how could you not?

49. Cohutta (Island, Ruins, Free Agents)

Poor Cohutta. He’s too nice for his own good, and ends up with these super hot girls who just cannot seem to treat him right. I mean, Nany is a very nice girl, but if you’ve heard about her or watched the show, you know getting into a relationship with her probably isn’t going to be a good idea. Not gonna lie, my heart broke for him a little bit when she banged Johnny R and then lied to him about it. You can’t help but love Cohutta, with his stupid accent and his strange phrases. Plus, he really did kick *** on the Ruins, for being such a little guy.

49. Ibis (Battle of the Sexes 2, Gauntlet 2, Ruins)

First of all, Ibis is beautiful. Just had to be said. Secondly, she is not the greatest competitor but people really exaggerate how terrible she’s been. She was actually pretty solid on BOTSexes 2 and played a great social game for a rookie. Ibis is generally pretty p***ive, but she’s not afraid to tell it like it is when she needs, and she was decently ballsy for a rookie. As for the Gauntlet 2, yeah she was the closest thing the rookies had to a weak link, but in the end she basically won the challenge for them. She was also a welcome breath of fresh air on the Ruins, and the voting situation where Veronica w***upposed to be sent in, but the tables completely turned on Ibis is both heartbreaking and hilarious at the same time. It is kind of unfortunate for her though that she may be best remembered as being that girl who ate 3 sticks of butter and a ton of Roti though. But hey, it was all for the team(s)!!

48. Dustin (Battle of the Exes, Battle of the Seasons 2, Free Agents, Battle of the Exes 2)

Dustin has really not had a great showing on these challenges. Being eliminated in the first 3 episodes for 3/4  of the shows he has done. But man, did he make it count on BOTSeasons 2. His weird bromance with Alton which come on, if you know about Dustin’s past a part of you HAD to be like “uhhh should Heather be worried about this?” (just kidding, but seriously.) He performed well and he did his best to keep his team sane, but man when Dustin snaps, he SNAPS. His fight with Frank is definitely top 10 most insane arguments in the history of the show. He kept getting in his face, calling him “Catholic school boy” (?????), but then he would just laugh it all up. Like, he’s probably bipolar or something but man, good shit. Plus, who could forget when he was looking all possessed and mumbling shit to himself about Trishelle? Dustin’s weird, ya’ll.

48. Devyn (Battle of the Seasons 2, Free Agents)

Say what you want about Devyn, she’s 2/2 on making it to the end of the Challenge. I don’t care how she got to the end, but fact of the matter is, she did. And she did it giving one-liner after one-liner. We need a source of comedy on this show and for awhile, Devyn provided it (it got a little try-hard after awhile though, let’s be honest). And come on, who could forget the most WTF relationship of Devyn and Big Easy? I don’t even know why it w***o WTF, it just was. Nobody would have expected that, least of all Devyn. And honestly, Devyn played the game politically pretty well. She made sure she was on the right sides of the Laurel/Theresa feud at the right times during Free Agents. And I’m sorry, but if you didn’t at least crack a smile during the hilariously absurd funeral for Devyn’s wig, you’re probably humorless and no fun at parties.

47. Danny J (Fresh Meat, Inferno 3, Gauntlet 3, Ruins, Fresh Meat 2, Battle of the Seasons 2)

Okay, Danny has been on 6 challenges and has not only never won, but he’s never made it to the final. Hell, he’s only made it past the halfway point like once probably. Any way you cook it, it ain’t great. He’s never even won an elimination. Oof. But he’s had some moments. Sadly, most of the moments include him talking himself up like he’s ever done anything on these shows. His most memorable challenge appearance was probably Fresh Meat 2, and that’s like the least memorable challenge so, rough stuff.

47. Jillian (Gauntlet 2, Gauntlet 3, Fresh Meat 2)

Let’s make one thing clear: Jillian was a little rat on Gauntlet 2 who created the entire main conflict on the rookies team, but because of her we did get the epic Cara and Kina feud. Still, there’s a reason those two rank much higher on this list than Jillian, and that’s because she’s really not all THAT interesting. She was impressive on Gauntlet 3, winning 3 gauntlets, but they weren’t exactly against top-tier competitors. Still, the conflict between Frank/Jillian and the rest of the rookies provided much of the rookie drama on Gauntlet 3, and you were either rooting for them or completely against them. She’s a small girl but tough. With that said, she seemed a little different on FM2. She seemed a lot more timid and afraid of missions than she ever had in the past, leading to much of the conflict between her and Pete. I guess it worked out for her though, since she made it to the end again. Still, Jillian came a long way from banging Patrick on day 1 of RR X-Treme to wearing soccer mom outfits for the FM2 photoshoot. (random sidenote: RR X-Treme: best looking girls? I'd say so)

46. Theo G (Battle of the Sexes, Gauntlet)

Man, Theo was awesome. If you didn’t like Theo, you’re wrong. He’s like old-school Leroy. Just chill as hell, usually solid competitors. I’m honestly shocked Theo wasn’t on more challenges, and as much as I love Coral, everybody knows she should have been in that final Gauntlet against Cara. Still can’t believe Theo lost that one.

46. Nia (Free Agents, Battle of the Exes 2)

Nia, Nia, Nia…if Nia only appeared on Free Agents, she’d be in like the bottom 5 of this whole list. But no no, Nia came back for Exes 2 and made sure Hurricane Nia came back in a BIG way. For anybody who watched RW Portland, you were just waiting for this to happen. If you loved Nia, you wanted to see her blow up just for entertainment and to root her on. If you hated Nia, you wanted her to blow up to prove you were right and that she had not in fact changed her ways and w***till a psycho. Look, I was mainly in the second camp (I hated Nia), but something crazy happened: I actually cheered her on when she unleashed on everyone. Bananas and Nany were so full of shit and somebody had to put them in their places. Did I agree with everything Nia said? No (some of the name-calling was harsh) but ****it if I didn’t love it. Nany needed that shit-eating grin slapped off her face, and Nia delivered it on a silver platter. But sorry Nia fans, she’s not as good as a competitor as you talk her up to be. She had a solid elimination round or 2, but generally did poorly. And then she threw it all away to feel up Jordan. I’m sure she’ll be back.

Hints for next update:

- Lots of "K" names! 4/10 in the next update go by names that start with K.

Dustin and Devyn deserve better placements. Great challenge personalities.

Jillian is alright. I like her.

Theo was cool too and he should've been at the final challenge on The Gauntlet. RW probably wins if he was there.

Omg the weave funeral had to be one of the funniest(outside the competition) moments in challenge history it had me dying!

Devyn is too low and Nia as well

Love me some Jillian <3

My fondest memory of Ibis will always be that daily from The Ruins where she was packing after getting the rug pulled out from under her during the vote and Johnny kept trying to tell her why he switched his vote on her.  When she yelled at him "Shut the **** up!", it was music to my ears.  And the fact that he actually DID shut up for a few seconds is enough for Ibis to have earned her angel wings!

Dustin and Devyn deserve better placements. Great challenge personalities.

Jillian is alright. I like her.

Theo was cool too and he should've been at the final challenge on The Gauntlet. RW probably wins if he was there.

 Based on personality Dustin should be in the 90s

Danny have had way worse showing than Dustin


45. Nathan (Challenge 98, Gauntlet)

Nathan was kind of, sorta the leader of the RW team. I mean, you could argue that Alton or Miz was, but Alton and Miz played the game too emotionally (especially Miz), so Nathan was kind of defacto. He was a solid competitor but I mostly remember him for being kind of an *** to Coral in the final mission and who can forget the I Scream mission (still the grossest challenge of all time, tbh) where Nathan had like herpes on his lip and everyone else had to EAT FROM THE SAME BOWL OF ICE CREAM? Okay, fine it probably wasn’t herpes, but still with this crew you gotta watch out for that shit.

45. Heather B (Challenge 2000)

Heather was the shit. She was basically the leader of the RW team and it was hilarious because she was one part mother hen and one part crazy. She could be the voice of reason and the reason for chaos all in the same episode. She’ll always have points in my book for going out of her way to make sure the camera caught Piggy smoking when nobody w***upposed to be smoking. I also loved her friendship with Teck

44. Dunbar (Island, Duel 2, Ruins, Cutthroat, Battle of the Exes, Rivals 2)

Oh Dummy Bear. He’s basically Danny J 2.0 but with a much better track record (he even won!) Except, didn’t his winnings get taken away for doing ****? LOL I have no idea if that’s true but I’m going to pretend it is. Dunbar is mostly known for having a horrible temper, but sometimes Dunbar throws out some weirdly hilarious quotes. Like when Kenny said he doesn’t scuba dive, and Dunbar MADE SURE every girl in the audience knew he does, in fact, “scuba dive”. Most of Dunabr’s challenges involve lady problems, like when he w***ort of with Paula but totally hooking up with Kim, or arguing with Kellyanne over whether or not they ever hooked up, but to me Dunbar will always be that guy that got a ******* from Aneesa.

44. Kelley (Battle of the Seasons)

Kelley was awesome for so many reasons. First of all, she and Danny had the absolute best team and friendship this season, and were total underdogs. Nobody would expect them to be as good as they were, and honestly Kelley is a big part of why they were so good. Kelley kicking *** in the rope climbing mission is one of the all time great challenge moments IMO. Plus, who could forget her adorable friendship with Lindsay and how she refused to vote her off? I felt for her so bad then. She also had a great sense of humor, like when she said she couldn’t count on her hands how many people she’s slept with: “Oh, I’m a big ole *****!!”

43. Knight (Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Battle of the Exes 2)

It’s weird talking about Knight because I do forget that he’s no longer with us sometimes. I personally always loved Knight. He was definitely polarizing, and he’s mostly known for being an ******* (throwing Nany’s clothes in the pool, attacking Jemmye with ketchup, making fun of Marlon’s sexuality, anything with Preston), but deep down you could tell he had a good heart and genuinely cared about his friends. Knight certainly made his mark on the challenges, in the brief time he had. Rest in peace.

43. Jonna (Rivals, Battle of the Seasons 2, Rivals 2, Free Agents, Battle of the Exes 2)

Look, I was never a big fan of Jonna. She w***o boy crazy on her season and p***ive-aggressive. She w***till sometimes boy-crazy on the challenge (BOTS2), but she mostly kept her cool and let the bigger personalities do their thing. She always performed well, but not spectacularly. In general, she was always very middle of the road when it came to everything, but she had a very impressive rookie season. And if BOTExes 2 didn’t make you root for her, with Zach berating her all season long, then you probably have no soul. Even I like/felt bad for Jonna after that crap. Plus, she got into a fight with Frank once, so she automatically gets cool points, and I’m very interested in hers and Isaac’s relationship. Would’ve liked to see more of that.

42. Chet (Ruins, Cutthroat, Battle of the Seasons 2, Free Agents)

Chet is interesting because he seems to look like someone who would stand against everything the Challenge, but he was actually a pretty dynamic personality for a little bit there. Nobody does snark better than Chet, especially when it’s aimed at somebody like Frank “I wish they would’ve asked me to spell ‘whiny *****’, F-R-A-N-K” Chet was also a better player physically and strategically than I think he was given credit for. Sadly his last appearance, he quit, but I didn’t blame him (his skin was like folding over). Also, remember when he was like kind of hooking up with Mandi? That always confused me because Mormons.

42. Kim (Duel 2, Ruins)

Kim, in my opinion, is one of the most underrated players. She had one of the best rookie seasons, beating out two veterans (including Ruthie!). She wasn’t the most physically imposing person, but she w***mart and knew what to do. Plus, she had a great attitude for much of the game, and quite frankly that continued into the Ruins. She hated the right people (Casey, because duh) and she performed well consistently. One of the great shames is that she was not in the final with Sarah and Kellyanne, where she belonged. Her elimination with Susie is one of the most epic of all time, at least female wise. Kim w***mart, funny, strong, strategic, and should be back. Sadly, she was also normal and from RW Hollywood, which doesn’t exist apparently.

41. Ace (Inferno, Battle of the Sexes 2, Gauntlet 2, Inferno 3)

Ah Ace. Lovable doofus Ace. Let’s get one thing straight: Ace was never much of a competitor, and he didn’t take it all too seriously. Sometimes, that was annoying (Inferno where he wouldn’t wear the bug helmet), sometimes it was endearing (BOTS2), but on some level you can’t help but like Ace a little bit. He was eliminated first on his first challenge, and second on his second, and then proclaimed “On my third one, I’m going home third!!” Of course, that didn’t happen, and Ace improved on his next two challenges. He might be most remembered for “attacking” the girls on his team (aka blasting Air Supply) or maybe for refusing to wear a speedo because his friends would make fun of him (NOT because he can wrap his ***** around his waist, like Alton, sadly for Ace). But come on, everybody wanted Ace to make it to the end of the challenge, right? Plus, he couldn’t figure out how to work the clutch which led to the cl***ic quote from Julie: “THE CLUTCH?!?!?! THE ******* CLUTCH?!?!!?” Thank you, Ace.

41. Kellyanne (Island, Ruins)

It’s weird that Kellyanne h***o far) only been on two challenges, because she had such a commanding presence and she’s talked about so frequently. It’s especially weird that one of those was the abomination known as The Island. But man, if there was one saving grace from that challenge, it was Kellyanne with her hatred for Johanna and Johnny Banan***he let us all know why Johnny is allegedly called “Bananas” (he was trying to have sex with a girl but couldn’t get it up, so used a banana….wow there was a lot of********* jokes on the Island) and she had the most epic, drunken reunion of all time. And then came the Ruins, with the most awkward love rhombus ever. She fought with everyone from Darrell to Dunbar to Brad. And she totally said she accidentally had sex with Adam K (which is probably how everyone who had sex with him feels tbh). On top of all this, Kellyanne was always a force to be reckoned with. I think people overrate her a little as a competitor, but still she made it to the end and did well, and she beat Rachel in an elimination. Plus, I hate Evelyn and even I enjoyed their friendship.

Sorry if the pics are big. They wouldn't post otherwise!!

Hints for next update

- 3 guys AND 3 girls have only done 1 challenge.

Kim Kelley and Heather should be wayyy lower. But still love the descriptions!!

When i found out Jonna was on the list already    

Kim Kelley and Heather should be wayyy lower. But still love the descriptions!!

Ultimately, I wanted the list to fully represent every era of the challenge. It's easy to say people like Kelley or Heather should be lower because they haven't appeared on a Challenge in over a decade, but for many people those are the essential challenge years. On paper, Kelley doesn't seem like she was that interesting, but keep in mind she was in a challenge where literally for half the challenge nobody was eliminated and only 6 teams remained, and Danny/Kelley were incredibly enjoyable (IMO, at the very least). There will be people disagree with where some of the newer cast members are on this list as well, or where some FM people are, and some one-and-done older challengers that still haven't been posted, but I wanted to be as inclusive as possible. It was harder on the guys' side, because they aren't as interesting as the girls, so there are some guys that ended up ranking higher than I expected (there's a lot of one-and-done guys coming up in the next few installments, old school)

It's not so much based on how many challenges people did, but moreso if I felt that they had a lasting impression, positive or negative.

But I appreciate the feedback! I think the top 10 guys and top 10 girls will be fun to get to, but I think people will be mostly happy with it.

My girl Svetlana making it into the top 40 and only did one challenge.

Love how high Kim and KA made it despite only doing two challenges <3

Remember when Jonna fell 10 feet to the ground on her *** and Zach still was yelling at her because that made me root for her more than I ever thought I would

My girl Svetlana making it into the top 40 and only did one challenge.

smh lol Svetlana is cringe worthy to me

Remember when Jonna fell 10 feet to the ground on her *** and Zach still was yelling at her because that made me root for her more than I ever thought I would


Great list! Kim and Kelley were such surprising competitors!! Love Jonna and Kellyanne! And Ace... I would marry Ace <3 LOL.

