I really loved Knight's message to Diem on CT's little box (you could see it while Johnny Reiley was signing):
"Beautiful, you're one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. Can't wait to see you back in the house. Love, Knight."
I got teary-eyed when I saw that he (and his family) had requested that any donations in his name go to MedGift. Also really felt for CT because if Knight had such respect for Diem it probably also spoke to the relationship that CT and Knight had as friends.
I really loved Knight's message to Diem on CT's little box (you could see it while Johnny Reiley was signing):
"Beautiful, you're one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. Can't wait to see you back in the house. Love, Knight."
I got teary-eyed when I saw that he (and his family) had requested that any donations in his name go to MedGift. Also really felt for CT because if Knight had such respect for Diem it probably also spoke to the relationship that CT and Knight had as friends.
Awww that really is very sweet!
I second that.. the sweetest part is definitely the donation. Thoughtful, selfless and giving. It definitely tells a lot.
I'm very new here, but I think the reason people continue to pick apart everything about Diem's life is because of the sheer fact that it's over. We've seen the last footage of her that we ever will (probably) and and any further probing is just holding on - either for a last chance at answers or simply memories and the difficulty of letting go. People will grasp at any last reason for conversation or information.
I really loved Knight's message to Diem on CT's little box (you could see it while Johnny Reiley was signing):
"Beautiful, you're one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. Can't wait to see you back in the house. Love, Knight."
I got teary-eyed when I saw that he (and his family) had requested that any donations in his name go to MedGift. Also really felt for CT because if Knight had such respect for Diem it probably also spoke to the relationship that CT and Knight had as friends.
Awww that really is very sweet!
Glad you could make that out, paused my DVR to try and read it but couldn't. That is really so touching what Knight wrote and the donations by his family to MedGift. I know on TV he had this jerk persona but deep down underneath all of that, he could be a really kind guy.
I'm very new here, but I think the reason people continue to pick apart everything about Diem's life is because of the sheer fact that it's over. We've seen the last footage of her that we ever will (probably) and and any further probing is just holding on - either for a last chance at answers or simply memories and the difficulty of letting go. People will grasp at any last reason for conversation or information.
Anyway, that's what I think.
I think that's a fair assessment. People want to keep talking about her so they don't forget her....it's painful knowing that at some point the conversation will naturally lessen....but I have the point of view that even when that time comes it doesn't mean we are all thinking of her less often; it just means we are more at peace with everything, that she really is in a safe place now and happy. I think as much as we say that she is in a happy place now....we still have those images and pictures of the last couple months and it's hard to reconcile that with her being in a happy place now with no pain....but she really is.
Ya know, I hope though that conversation never completely stops about Diem because I like the idea of keeping her memory alive through sharing memories but I don't think in the future it will be as much conversation having to do with rumors or innuendo around her, well hopefully. I really like what Johnny Bananas is doing right now, selling the t-shirts and giving the proceeds to MedGift. I ordered mine and I'm waiting to get it. I think once I do, I will take a selfie and send it to Bananas via email. I like that pics are being posted of fans wearing the shirt. I am curious as to how much will have been raised.
Stefx23, your reply was so nice. Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge AyeOhKay's sacrifice on behalf of MedGift. I admire everyone's positive efforts to support Diem's legacy through donations of time, money and commentary about her incredible life.
I share SemiSweet's frustration about the nitpicking that has gone on in this thread; it's the reason I've limited my activity. I don't believe her post was directed to AyeOhKay but I, too, have taken posting here personally when in retrospect, it may not have been intended in the way I viewed it. Stefx23 hit the nail on the head when she said (bolded below) that many of us are still emotionally raw and grieving for a person we admired greatly.
A few of us have had a connection with Diem that went beyond watching her on television and following her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Although we may not have been Face to Face friends, we became friends nonetheless. Because her personal relationships were kept private, we walk a fine line in respecting that desire and trying to right wrong information. It goes back to honoring her legacy, part of which involved her plans for her future with MedGift and the White Picket Fence dream.
Thanks for listening!
I spent my last $300 that had for books and a charger (for school, mind you) to donate to Diem as soon as her medgift page was created. i don't know about anyone here but I am a senior in college and I needed that money but Diem was my favorite person on television and an angel on earth so I donated and ate instant Ramen and worked extra hours that week.
Just wanted to say that this touched me. I'm in school and on a limited income and it felt like it was hard for me to pull together 25 dollars to give but I did...then I recently ordered a Diem shirt from Johnny B's website...so that rounds my donation total to about 50...wish I could have done more...so for you to give $300 while in school is impressive. I know your not looking for praise for it though or attention....you donated because you genuinely love Diem.....but I just wanted to say that is all.
As for the rest....I don't want to insert myself into any argument...I will just say that I think all of us are still missing Diem...it's still tough and so we are all naturally on a hair trigger with our emotions....myself included at times....so my general message to everyone is to try to kind of step back and don't overreact about things....and remember we all loved Diem and we all have that in common.
Your welcome. I understand those sentiments. Those that actually got to have a more personal interaction with Diem (speak with her on the phone or spend one-on-one time with her in life) would naturally have a different perspective than those that just chatted with her online. I think so many of us felt like we knew her because of how active she was on social media, that's probably one of the reasons why we are having such a hard time dealing with the loss....but of course we didn't actually know her in a deep way....but yet it can feel like we did. I think that is one of the things that was so special about Diem, her ability to make everyone else feel so special, like that magic touch...not everyone has that quality. She spread her love around to everyone and we all could feel it.
Heck even those that got to spend some time with her in life and actually speak with her didn't really know her in the deepest of ways, like CT, Alicia or her family did, but I think Diem just had such a way of making everyone feel so special that you could feel like you were in the deepest part of her life, when actually there were so many things she probably reserved for just a handful of people....even if perhaps Diem shared some details with friends about things that she might not have even tweeted about online...still I would say there was an extra layer to her of things she was holding back from even those folks....that only a select 5 or 6 people got to know. I get the sense though that Diem had such a way of talking with people that she could make you feel like you were one of the "special few" and the truth is....each person that got a chance to know Diem in real life (not just online)....well they are special of course (every human being who has a caring heart is), Diem would say that too, but they still were not in the most inner inner circle of Diem's life and that's as it should be. I can understand though meeting Diem and just falling in love with her and convincing yourself, I'm in the deepest part of her life when that actually was not the case. She's the type of person that people would meet and want to instantly be best friends with her; she had that affect on people.
I think Diem was an open person, she loved so many and affected everyone. I would say she was more open than most people, but even an open person is still going to reserve the really special parts of themselves for just a handful of people....it's human nature, privacy. Not trying to minimize anyone's relationship with her of course, especially those that actually knew her better than those that just chatted with her online, but just saying that Diem had that ability to make everyone she came into contact with feel like they had known her for a million years or feel like she was their closest friend and I think it was all 100% genuine...it was very real...not a put-on, but at the same time the people who really know what is best for Diem the most are her best friend, her family members, CT and perhaps a few others. Everyone else cares and are protective of Diem of course but everyone else doesn't have as much of a complete picture or insight into Diem as just a chosen few and I for one am glad it's that way. I feel a little too uncomfortable knowing too much, like it's not my place (even though I've also felt at times like I wanted to know more).
I really loved Knight's message to Diem on CT's little box (you could see it while Johnny Reiley was signing):
"Beautiful, you're one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. Can't wait to see you back in the house. Love, Knight."
I got teary-eyed when I saw that he (and his family) had requested that any donations in his name go to MedGift. Also really felt for CT because if Knight had such respect for Diem it probably also spoke to the relationship that CT and Knight had as friends.
I really loved Knight's message to Diem on CT's little box (you could see it while Johnny Reiley was signing):
"Beautiful, you're one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. Can't wait to see you back in the house. Love, Knight."
I got teary-eyed when I saw that he (and his family) had requested that any donations in his name go to MedGift. Also really felt for CT because if Knight had such respect for Diem it probably also spoke to the relationship that CT and Knight had as friends.
Aww that is too sweet!
I didn't know that. That is sweet. My favorite message (although, all were beautiful and touching) was Zach's "I wish you were my ex". Made me chuckle.
Interesting response, Stefx23. Very heartfelt, and I can tell how much you loved her. Can't say I agree with all of your points but I follow the gist. The only thing I would share with you from my perspective is that our D was/is many things to many people. The measure of anyone's friendship is the ability to connect and share that intimacy that true friendship entails. Doesn't have to be face to face anymore. Just like anyone else, Diem shared who she was, what she did and what she planned as she chose. I adore her for what she gave to the people I know and she knew none of us in 2D form.
Your welcome. I understand those sentiments. Those that actually got to have a more personal interaction with Diem (speak with her on the phone or spend one-on-one time with her in life) would naturally have a different perspective than those that just chatted with her online. I think so many of us felt like we knew her because of how active she was on social media, that's probably one of the reasons why we are having such a hard time dealing with the loss....but of course we didn't actually know her in a deep way....but yet it can feel like we did. I think that is one of the things that was so special about Diem, her ability to make everyone else feel so special, like that magic touch...not everyone has that quality. She spread her love around to everyone and we all could feel it.
Heck even those that got to spend some time with her in life and actually speak with her didn't really know her in the deepest of ways, like CT, Alicia or her family did, but I think Diem just had such a way of making everyone feel so special that you could feel like you were in the deepest part of her life, when actually there were so many things she probably reserved for just a handful of people....even if perhaps Diem shared some details with friends about things that she might not have even tweeted about online...still I would say there was an extra layer to her of things she was holding back from even those folks....that only a select 5 or 6 people got to know. I get the sense though that Diem had such a way of talking with people that she could make you feel like you were one of the "special few" and the truth is....each person that got a chance to know Diem in real life (not just online)....well they are special of course (every human being who has a caring heart is), Diem would say that too, but they still were not in the most inner inner circle of Diem's life and that's as it should be. I can understand though meeting Diem and just falling in love with her and convincing yourself, I'm in the deepest part of her life when that actually was not the case. She's the type of person that people would meet and want to instantly be best friends with her; she had that affect on people.
I think Diem was an open person, she loved so many and affected everyone. I would say she was more open than most people, but even an open person is still going to reserve the really special parts of themselves for just a handful of people....it's human nature, privacy. Not trying to minimize anyone's relationship with her of course, especially those that actually knew her better than those that just chatted with her online, but just saying that Diem had that ability to make everyone she came into contact with feel like they had known her for a million years or feel like she was their closest friend and I think it was all 100% genuine...it was very real...not a put-on, but at the same time the people who really know what is best for Diem the most are her best friend, her family members, CT and perhaps a few others. Everyone else cares and are protective of Diem of course but everyone else doesn't have as much of a complete picture or insight into Diem as just a chosen few and I for one am glad it's that way. I feel a little too uncomfortable knowing too much, like it's not my place (even though I've also felt at times like I wanted to know more).
Interesting response, Stefx23. Very heartfelt, and I can tell how much you loved her. Can't say I agree with all of your points but I follow the gist. The only thing I would share with you from my perspective is that our D was/is many things to many people. The measure of anyone's friendship is the ability to connect and share that intimacy that true friendship entails. Doesn't have to be face to face anymore. Just like anyone else, Diem shared who she was, what she did and what she planned as she chose. I adore her for what she gave to the people I know and she knew none of us in 2D form.
This brought a smile to my face. That's all. I normally say so much more I know, lol.
I was able to make out a few of the messages the cast wrote for Diem on her Welcome Home gift.
Nany-You are the definition of a FIGHTER, Love Always.
Johnny B- To one of the strongest, bravest, and most amazing woman Ive ever met...
Nia- So happy that you are home beautiful, I know this only made you stronger babe!
Jemmye- Your beyond amazing, Now Kick *** babygirl.
Leroy-Stay strong. You are our hero!-Roylee
Sarah- Diem, you are such a trooper! Glad your feeling better. Hope your back on your feet and kicking *** soon. We all love you
Zach- Your the real MVP. We all miss you. P.S., You should be my Ex!
CT- You know I love you. You are a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman and I am blessed to know you. Im not worried about you because I know your a fighter. Im so proud of you and you are one of the bravest, strongest people I have ever met. You can do this, I believe in you. Im not worried at all. You got this. Love Chris.
Amazing how one little person can stir up so much deep emotion in so many! Thank you justsayin for taking the time to decipher - that was awfully nice of you!
Does anyone know if they filmed the reunion show yet? Do you think CT will be there if it hasn't be filmed yet?
i highly highly doubt ct will be on it. I would be suprised at least unless someone convinces him to do it for Medgift or something. Jemmye i could see, but CT doesn't want to be prodded with questions about Diem and make it about getting a reaction for TV for ratings. Him shutting the phone off speaker phone was a pretty good example of that as well on the episode. He just cared about her being OK.
i really don't want him to be on it in case he broke down or something, i don't want to see him wiht a devastated look on his face, we already saw that on the show.
I would think there is a slight possibility but he legit hasn't mentioend the show at all this entire season, so odds are a NO.
Does anyone know if they filmed the reunion show yet? Do you think CT will be there if it hasn't be filmed yet?
i highly highly doubt ct will be on it. I would be suprised at least unless someone convinces him to do it for Medgift or something. Jemmye i could see, but CT doesn't want to be prodded with questions about Diem and make it about getting a reaction for TV for ratings. Him shutting the phone off speaker phone was a pretty good example of that as well on the episode. He just cared about her being OK.
i really don't want him to be on it in case he broke down or something, i don't want to see him wiht a devastated look on his face, we already saw that on the show.
I would think there is a slight possibility but he legit hasn't mentioend the show at all this entire season, so odds are a NO.
He hasnt mentioned anything at all this season. He seems to just be away; taking time for himself. And that is exactly what he should be doing. I dont know if we will see him anytime soon but, I have a feeling when we do, he will be a different man.
I don't think he would be at the reunion. He definitely isn't ready to talk about Diem and to be honest I don't even want to see that because it will just be too hard to watch this soon. I hope he is okay though<3
Because last weeks Auction was so big they are doing more stuff this week. They have her Rivals 2 shirt and they also have the outfit she did for the BOTE2 promo stuff. http://www.ebay.com/itm/281587497221
Because last weeks Auction was so big they are doing more stuff this week. They have her Rivals 2 shirt and they also have the outfit she did for the BOTE2 promo stuff. http://www.ebay.com/itm/281587497221
I'm telling you when they put up her thong and CT's boxers from the Van switch in Iceland I am bidding! Ok, thats a bit weird but I still find that scene hilarious......
I think CT knows how it goes by now and how the reunion would go IF he attends. They will ask him about how he felt, than show a clip show of best ct and diem moments, and try to get an emotional response out of him for TV. I don't know why he would want to put himself through that.
I just hope he is hanging in there, staying strong.
The thong/boxer switcheroo in Battle of the Exes 1 is one of my favorite scenes in Challenge history, too! Aside from the Keystone Kops attire changing, it generated one of my favorite CT lines ~"Totally broke my crayons. "
Because last weeks Auction was so big they are doing more stuff this week. They have her Rivals 2 shirt and they also have the outfit she did for the BOTE2 promo stuff. http://www.ebay.com/itm/281587497221
I'm telling you when they put up her thong and CT's boxers from the Van switch in Iceland I am bidding! Ok, thats a bit weird but I still find that scene hilarious......
So I have finally gotten on this site thanks to Semisweet. She rocks.
I have been holding these thoughts to myself for a long time because I couldn't get on here so bear with me.
Diem is such a warrior and such an inspiration. I used present tense on purpose because her spirit encourages others to fight. The way she handled herself though it all will always be a positive source of support for people in the future even though she received her wings. I also believe she continues to live on in everyone she touched, especially those she loved and shared her life with.
On the note of people she shared her life, we need to respect her desire for privacy. We all know who she loved, they know who they are. We all have seen who loved her, and she knew it too. They were all shown in her memorial video. No one needs to worry about titles or statuses. Our opinions do not matter. Each of her loved ones knew their place with and their feelings for Diem. THAT is what truly matters. That should be enough for all of us. I know we all want to know more because we care so much, but it really is not our place. People who do not have nice things to say should keep it to themselves.
As as far as Chris goes, he too has expressed his desire for privacy. For years, he avoided all Diem related questions-even after Duel 1. He only posted one photo of himself with Diem in the hospital. I believe that was done to raise money for Medgift. Let's be honest it wasn't for publicity for himself because he has been completely radio silent. And raising money to help Diem was something she really needed at that time. At the end of the day, no one should ever doubt that Chris truly loved Diem. It was beautiful to watch, even the ugly parts. Thank you Chris and Diem for sharing that with us so openly despite both of your preferences for privacy.
Their relationship was not perfect. That's because it was real. No one has a perfect relationship. They each made mistakes and had their hardships but at the end of the day, they loved each other in the true meaning of the words. They forgave each other for the faults and continued to love and support each other. Every thing else about it is just noise and distraction.
Chris has said multiple times on the shows that he doesn't like to talk about things and talk things out. Diem said in her blogs that after losing her mom, even hearing her name was emotional torture for her for years. After everyone has a chance to express their condolences, we should all try to stop tagging him in every picture of Diem and tagging him with quotes about Diem on twitter. Assuming he comes back to social media someday, if he posts a new picture or post all responses shouldn't be Diem, Diem, Diem.
As someone who has lost a sibling to cancer, I can tell you from experience how unbelievably painful it can be when my brother is brought up unexpectedly. Even after 10 years it can still hurt when I'm caught off guard. The memories are happy and great to talk about but if I had to hear it day in and day out every single day, I don't know how I would have been able to heal. So please keep that in mind when interacting with all of Diem's loved ones. Take your cues from what they are talking about.
And to correct an error, a few pages ago someone transribed messages from the care package box Chris made for Diem on BOTE2. The one attributed to CT is actually from Averey. I suspect that Chris's message was private. It was probably in the card Sarah drew flowers on and had the TAY on the outside. It makes sense that given how he turned the phone off speaker and turned away from the camera that he wouldn't have shown his message on camera.
Finally and most importantly, Medgift. It was Diem's passion and it is her legacy. I hope to see it continue to flourish. If anyone has a contact with their local hospital, consider contacting Medgift and helping creating partnerships with new hospitals. Raising money is only one part of how you can help. Everyone can do something. My brother always said I can't give from my wallet but I can always give of myself- by participating, by giving of my time and by speaking and raising awareness.
Thank you for allowing me to share my feelings and thoughts with you. Fly high angel Diem. We will never let you be forgotten and may your legacy live on after we are all gone.
So I have finally gotten on this site thanks to Semisweet. She rocks.
I have been holding these thoughts to myself for a long time because I couldn't get on here so bear with me.
Diem is such a warrior and such an inspiration. I used present tense on purpose because her spirit encourages others to fight. The way she handled herself though it all will always be a positive source of support for people in the future even though she received her wings. I also believe she continues to live on in everyone she touched, especially those she loved and shared her life with.
On the note of people she shared her life, we need to respect her desire for privacy. We all know who she loved, they know who they are. We all have seen who loved her, and she knew it too. They were all shown in her memorial video. No one needs to worry about titles or statuses. Our opinions do not matter. Each of her loved ones knew their place with and their feelings for Diem. THAT is what truly matters. That should be enough for all of us. I know we all want to know more because we care so much, but it really is not our place. People who do not have nice things to say should keep it to themselves.
As as far as Chris goes, he too has expressed his desire for privacy. For years, he avoided all Diem related questions-even after Duel 1. He only posted one photo of himself with Diem in the hospital. I believe that was done to raise money for Medgift. Let's be honest it wasn't for publicity for himself because he has been completely radio silent. And raising money to help Diem was something she really needed at that time. At the end of the day, no one should ever doubt that Chris truly loved Diem. It was beautiful to watch, even the ugly parts. Thank you Chris and Diem for sharing that with us so openly despite both of your preferences for privacy.
Their relationship was not perfect. That's because it was real. No one has a perfect relationship. They each made mistakes and had their hardships but at the end of the day, they loved each other in the true meaning of the words. They forgave each other for the faults and continued to love and support each other. Every thing else about it is just noise and distraction.
Chris has said multiple times on the shows that he doesn't like to talk about things and talk things out. Diem said in her blogs that after losing her mom, even hearing her name was emotional torture for her for years. After everyone has a chance to express their condolences, we should all try to stop tagging him in every picture of Diem and tagging him with quotes about Diem on twitter. Assuming he comes back to social media someday, if he posts a new picture or post all responses shouldn't be Diem, Diem, Diem.
As someone who has lost a sibling to cancer, I can tell you from experience how unbelievably painful it can be when my brother is brought up unexpectedly. Even after 10 years it can still hurt when I'm caught off guard. The memories are happy and great to talk about but if I had to hear it day in and day out every single day, I don't know how I would have been able to heal. So please keep that in mind when interacting with all of Diem's loved ones. Take your cues from what they are talking about.
And to correct an error, a few pages ago someone transribed messages from the care package box Chris made for Diem on BOTE2. The one attributed to CT is actually from Averey. I suspect that Chris's message was private. It was probably in the card Sarah drew flowers on and had the TAY on the outside. It makes sense that given how he turned the phone off speaker and turned away from the camera that he wouldn't have shown his message on camera.
Finally and most importantly, Medgift. It was Diem's passion and it is her legacy. I hope to see it continue to flourish. If anyone has a contact with their local hospital, consider contacting Medgift and helping creating partnerships with new hospitals. Raising money is only one part of how you can help. Everyone can do something. My brother always said I can't give from my wallet but I can always give of myself- by participating, by giving of my time and by speaking and raising awareness.
Thank you for allowing me to share my feelings and thoughts with you. Fly high angel Diem. We will never let you be forgotten and may your legacy live on after we are all gone.
I posted about the messages on the Care Package and I have reviewed the episode and you are absolutely right!. I made an error. It was Avery who wrote that message and not CT; honest mistake. You stated that he wouldnt have shown his message on camera and I assume you are correct, but he didnt show anything. The box was just in view and the camera crew filmed it. And from wat I saw, I thought that it said, "Chris". Some of the messages were hard to make out and that is the reason for my error. It was in no way to impose upon their privacy or cause speculation. I reseppct Diem way too much to do that.
And Semisweet is awesome! She has helped me through a lot recently.
No worries! I knew it was an honest mistake. I had no intention of suggesting otherwise. I was trying to say that I doubted Chris would have allowed the crews to shoot footage of his message. It was an honest mistake and I had to look close at it too. You did a really great job with all the others.
You can also see a part of Wes's message because it starts with sis. It looks like it says something like you really had me worried. Or something like that. Total speculation on my part.
So I have finally gotten on this site thanks to Semisweet. She rocks. - No thanks necessary I was merely messenger... thanks to Bacchus
I have been holding these thoughts to myself for a long time because I couldn't get on here so bear with me.
Diem is such a warrior and such an inspiration. I used present tense on purpose because her spirit encourages others to fight. The way she handled herself though it all will always be a positive source of support for people in the future even though she received her wings. I also believe she continues to live on in everyone she touched, especially those she loved and shared her life with. LOVE that you use present tense! She does continue to inspire and motivate
Thank you for allowing me to share my feelings and thoughts with you. Fly high angel Diem. We will never let you be forgotten and may your legacy live on after we are all gone. From your lips to God's ear
And Semisweet is awesome! She has helped me through a lot recently. <-- as for you Justsayin, that is my privilege & pleasure
SemiSweetDOES rock! She is Mama Bear, keeping her cubs in line. She is one of the gifts I received from knowing Diem.
I cannot tell you, SingWithRapture, how much your post meant to me. It is beautifully written, exceptionally poignant, and wonderfully filled w/logic and truth. Thank you!
So I have finally gotten on this site thanks to Semisweet. She rocks.
Awww that really is very sweet!
I second that.. the sweetest part is definitely the donation. Thoughtful, selfless and giving. It definitely tells a lot.
I'm very new here, but I think the reason people continue to pick apart everything about Diem's life is because of the sheer fact that it's over. We've seen the last footage of her that we ever will (probably) and and any further probing is just holding on - either for a last chance at answers or simply memories and the difficulty of letting go. People will grasp at any last reason for conversation or information.
Anyway, that's what I think.
Glad you could make that out, paused my DVR to try and read it but couldn't. That is really so touching what Knight wrote and the donations by his family to MedGift. I know on TV he had this jerk persona but deep down underneath all of that, he could be a really kind guy.
Man, I miss both of them!
I think that's a fair assessment. People want to keep talking about her so they don't forget her....it's painful knowing that at some point the conversation will naturally lessen....but I have the point of view that even when that time comes it doesn't mean we are all thinking of her less often; it just means we are more at peace with everything, that she really is in a safe place now and happy. I think as much as we say that she is in a happy place now....we still have those images and pictures of the last couple months and it's hard to reconcile that with her being in a happy place now with no pain....but she really is.
Ya know, I hope though that conversation never completely stops about Diem because I like the idea of keeping her memory alive through sharing memories but I don't think in the future it will be as much conversation having to do with rumors or innuendo around her, well hopefully. I really like what Johnny Bananas is doing right now, selling the t-shirts and giving the proceeds to MedGift. I ordered mine and I'm waiting to get it. I think once I do, I will take a selfie and send it to Bananas via email. I like that pics are being posted of fans wearing the shirt. I am curious as to how much will have been raised.
Your welcome. I understand those sentiments. Those that actually got to have a more personal interaction with Diem (speak with her on the phone or spend one-on-one time with her in life) would naturally have a different perspective than those that just chatted with her online. I think so many of us felt like we knew her because of how active she was on social media, that's probably one of the reasons why we are having such a hard time dealing with the loss....but of course we didn't actually know her in a deep way....but yet it can feel like we did. I think that is one of the things that was so special about Diem, her ability to make everyone else feel so special, like that magic touch...not everyone has that quality. She spread her love around to everyone and we all could feel it.
Heck even those that got to spend some time with her in life and actually speak with her didn't really know her in the deepest of ways, like CT, Alicia or her family did, but I think Diem just had such a way of making everyone feel so special that you could feel like you were in the deepest part of her life, when actually there were so many things she probably reserved for just a handful of people....even if perhaps Diem shared some details with friends about things that she might not have even tweeted about online...still I would say there was an extra layer to her of things she was holding back from even those folks....that only a select 5 or 6 people got to know. I get the sense though that Diem had such a way of talking with people that she could make you feel like you were one of the "special few" and the truth is....each person that got a chance to know Diem in real life (not just online)....well they are special of course (every human being who has a caring heart is), Diem would say that too, but they still were not in the most inner inner circle of Diem's life and that's as it should be. I can understand though meeting Diem and just falling in love with her and convincing yourself, I'm in the deepest part of her life when that actually was not the case. She's the type of person that people would meet and want to instantly be best friends with her; she had that affect on people.
I think Diem was an open person, she loved so many and affected everyone. I would say she was more open than most people, but even an open person is still going to reserve the really special parts of themselves for just a handful of people....it's human nature, privacy. Not trying to minimize anyone's relationship with her of course, especially those that actually knew her better than those that just chatted with her online, but just saying that Diem had that ability to make everyone she came into contact with feel like they had known her for a million years or feel like she was their closest friend and I think it was all 100% genuine...it was very real...not a put-on, but at the same time the people who really know what is best for Diem the most are her best friend, her family members, CT and perhaps a few others. Everyone else cares and are protective of Diem of course but everyone else doesn't have as much of a complete picture or insight into Diem as just a chosen few and I for one am glad it's that way. I feel a little too uncomfortable knowing too much, like it's not my place (even though I've also felt at times like I wanted to know more).
Aww that is too sweet!
I didn't know that. That is sweet. My favorite message (although, all were beautiful and touching) was Zach's "I wish you were my ex". Made me chuckle.
Interesting response, Stefx23. Very heartfelt, and I can tell how much you loved her. Can't say I agree with all of your points but I follow the gist. The only thing I would share with you from my perspective is that our D was/is many things to many people. The measure of anyone's friendship is the ability to connect and share that intimacy that true friendship entails. Doesn't have to be face to face anymore. Just like anyone else, Diem shared who she was, what she did and what she planned as she chose. I adore her for what she gave to the people I know and she knew none of us in 2D form.
Your welcome. I understand those sentiments. Those that actually got to have a more personal interaction with Diem (speak with her on the phone or spend one-on-one time with her in life) would naturally have a different perspective than those that just chatted with her online. I think so many of us felt like we knew her because of how active she was on social media, that's probably one of the reasons why we are having such a hard time dealing with the loss....but of course we didn't actually know her in a deep way....but yet it can feel like we did. I think that is one of the things that was so special about Diem, her ability to make everyone else feel so special, like that magic touch...not everyone has that quality. She spread her love around to everyone and we all could feel it.
Heck even those that got to spend some time with her in life and actually speak with her didn't really know her in the deepest of ways, like CT, Alicia or her family did, but I think Diem just had such a way of making everyone feel so special that you could feel like you were in the deepest part of her life, when actually there were so many things she probably reserved for just a handful of people....even if perhaps Diem shared some details with friends about things that she might not have even tweeted about online...still I would say there was an extra layer to her of things she was holding back from even those folks....that only a select 5 or 6 people got to know. I get the sense though that Diem had such a way of talking with people that she could make you feel like you were one of the "special few" and the truth is....each person that got a chance to know Diem in real life (not just online)....well they are special of course (every human being who has a caring heart is), Diem would say that too, but they still were not in the most inner inner circle of Diem's life and that's as it should be. I can understand though meeting Diem and just falling in love with her and convincing yourself, I'm in the deepest part of her life when that actually was not the case. She's the type of person that people would meet and want to instantly be best friends with her; she had that affect on people.
I think Diem was an open person, she loved so many and affected everyone. I would say she was more open than most people, but even an open person is still going to reserve the really special parts of themselves for just a handful of people....it's human nature, privacy. Not trying to minimize anyone's relationship with her of course, especially those that actually knew her better than those that just chatted with her online, but just saying that Diem had that ability to make everyone she came into contact with feel like they had known her for a million years or feel like she was their closest friend and I think it was all 100% genuine...it was very real...not a put-on, but at the same time the people who really know what is best for Diem the most are her best friend, her family members, CT and perhaps a few others. Everyone else cares and are protective of Diem of course but everyone else doesn't have as much of a complete picture or insight into Diem as just a chosen few and I for one am glad it's that way. I feel a little too uncomfortable knowing too much, like it's not my place (even though I've also felt at times like I wanted to know more).
This brought a smile to my face. That's all.
I normally say so much more I know, lol.
I was able to make out a few of the messages the cast wrote for Diem on her Welcome Home gift.
Nany-You are the definition of a FIGHTER, Love Always.
Johnny B- To one of the strongest, bravest, and most amazing woman Ive ever met...
Nia- So happy that you are home beautiful, I know this only made you stronger babe!
Jemmye- Your beyond amazing, Now Kick *** babygirl.
Leroy-Stay strong. You are our hero!-Roylee
Sarah- Diem, you are such a trooper! Glad your feeling better. Hope your back on your feet and kicking *** soon. We all love you
Zach- Your the real MVP. We all miss you. P.S., You should be my Ex!
CT- You know I love you. You are a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman and I am blessed to know you. Im not worried about you because I know your a fighter. Im so proud of you and you are one of the bravest, strongest people I have ever met. You can do this, I believe in you. Im not worried at all. You got this. Love Chris.
Amazing how one little person can stir up so much deep emotion in so many! Thank you justsayin for taking the time to decipher - that was awfully nice of you!
Diem's shirt and shorts sent for $1,305 and had 88 bids. I would say that is really impressive. The Item for this week is her Rivals 2 shirt.
Does anyone know if they filmed the reunion show yet? Do you think CT will be there if it hasn't be filmed yet?
i highly highly doubt ct will be on it. I would be suprised at least unless someone convinces him to do it for Medgift or something. Jemmye i could see, but CT doesn't want to be prodded with questions about Diem and make it about getting a reaction for TV for ratings. Him shutting the phone off speaker phone was a pretty good example of that as well on the episode. He just cared about her being OK.
i really don't want him to be on it in case he broke down or something, i don't want to see him wiht a devastated look on his face, we already saw that on the show.
I would think there is a slight possibility but he legit hasn't mentioend the show at all this entire season, so odds are a NO.
He hasnt mentioned anything at all this season. He seems to just be away; taking time for himself. And that is exactly what he should be doing. I dont know if we will see him anytime soon but, I have a feeling when we do, he will be a different man.
Thanks for the opinions. I hope he isn't on the reunion either. The question now becomes will he be on anymore challenges.
I don't think he would be at the reunion. He definitely isn't ready to talk about Diem and to be honest I don't even want to see that because it will just be too hard to watch this soon. I hope he is okay though<3
Because last weeks Auction was so big they are doing more stuff this week. They have her Rivals 2 shirt and they also have the outfit she did for the BOTE2 promo stuff. http://www.ebay.com/itm/281587497221
I'm telling you when they put up her thong and CT's boxers from the Van switch in Iceland I am bidding! Ok, thats a bit weird but I still find that scene hilarious......
I think that is very impressive.............inspiring and heartbreaking..........I life well lived.
I would be really surprised if he attended......he has shown no desire for any media contact.
I think CT knows how it goes by now and how the reunion would go IF he attends. They will ask him about how he felt, than show a clip show of best ct and diem moments, and try to get an emotional response out of him for TV. I don't know why he would want to put himself through that.
I just hope he is hanging in there, staying strong.
The thong/boxer switcheroo in Battle of the Exes 1 is one of my favorite scenes in Challenge history, too! Aside from the Keystone Kops attire changing, it generated one of my favorite CT lines ~"Totally broke my crayons. "
So I have finally gotten on this site thanks to Semisweet. She rocks.
I have been holding these thoughts to myself for a long time because I couldn't get on here so bear with me.
Diem is such a warrior and such an inspiration. I used present tense on purpose because her spirit encourages others to fight. The way she handled herself though it all will always be a positive source of support for people in the future even though she received her wings. I also believe she continues to live on in everyone she touched, especially those she loved and shared her life with.
On the note of people she shared her life, we need to respect her desire for privacy. We all know who she loved, they know who they are. We all have seen who loved her, and she knew it too. They were all shown in her memorial video. No one needs to worry about titles or statuses. Our opinions do not matter. Each of her loved ones knew their place with and their feelings for Diem. THAT is what truly matters. That should be enough for all of us. I know we all want to know more because we care so much, but it really is not our place. People who do not have nice things to say should keep it to themselves.
As as far as Chris goes, he too has expressed his desire for privacy. For years, he avoided all Diem related questions-even after Duel 1. He only posted one photo of himself with Diem in the hospital. I believe that was done to raise money for Medgift. Let's be honest it wasn't for publicity for himself because he has been completely radio silent. And raising money to help Diem was something she really needed at that time. At the end of the day, no one should ever doubt that Chris truly loved Diem. It was beautiful to watch, even the ugly parts. Thank you Chris and Diem for sharing that with us so openly despite both of your preferences for privacy.
Their relationship was not perfect. That's because it was real. No one has a perfect relationship. They each made mistakes and had their hardships but at the end of the day, they loved each other in the true meaning of the words. They forgave each other for the faults and continued to love and support each other. Every thing else about it is just noise and distraction.
Chris has said multiple times on the shows that he doesn't like to talk about things and talk things out. Diem said in her blogs that after losing her mom, even hearing her name was emotional torture for her for years. After everyone has a chance to express their condolences, we should all try to stop tagging him in every picture of Diem and tagging him with quotes about Diem on twitter. Assuming he comes back to social media someday, if he posts a new picture or post all responses shouldn't be Diem, Diem, Diem.
As someone who has lost a sibling to cancer, I can tell you from experience how unbelievably painful it can be when my brother is brought up unexpectedly. Even after 10 years it can still hurt when I'm caught off guard. The memories are happy and great to talk about but if I had to hear it day in and day out every single day, I don't know how I would have been able to heal. So please keep that in mind when interacting with all of Diem's loved ones. Take your cues from what they are talking about.
And to correct an error, a few pages ago someone transribed messages from the care package box Chris made for Diem on BOTE2. The one attributed to CT is actually from Averey. I suspect that Chris's message was private. It was probably in the card Sarah drew flowers on and had the TAY on the outside. It makes sense that given how he turned the phone off speaker and turned away from the camera that he wouldn't have shown his message on camera.
Finally and most importantly, Medgift. It was Diem's passion and it is her legacy. I hope to see it continue to flourish. If anyone has a contact with their local hospital, consider contacting Medgift and helping creating partnerships with new hospitals. Raising money is only one part of how you can help. Everyone can do something. My brother always said I can't give from my wallet but I can always give of myself- by participating, by giving of my time and by speaking and raising awareness.
Thank you for allowing me to share my feelings and thoughts with you. Fly high angel Diem. We will never let you be forgotten and may your legacy live on after we are all gone.
No worries! I knew it was an honest mistake. I had no intention of suggesting otherwise. I was trying to say that I doubted Chris would have allowed the crews to shoot footage of his message. It was an honest mistake and I had to look close at it too. You did a really great job with all the others.
You can also see a part of Wes's message because it starts with sis. It looks like it says something like you really had me worried. Or something like that. Total speculation on my part.
SemiSweet DOES rock! She is Mama Bear, keeping her cubs in line. She is one of the gifts I received from knowing Diem.
I cannot tell you, SingWithRapture, how much your post meant to me. It is beautifully written, exceptionally poignant, and wonderfully filled w/logic and truth. Thank you!