Survivor Fantasy casts

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Survivor Congo
Pre merge vs post merge vs winners
Niari Tribe(pre merge)

Sangha Tribe(post merge)

Malebo Tribe(winners)

I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I don't know, I love Stephanie and would really like to see Alexis again, but the post merge tribe's girls are to die for.

I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I don't know, I love Stephanie and would really like to see Alexis again, but the post merge tribe's girls are to die for.

Corinne and Morgan <3

I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I don't know, I love Stephanie and would really like to see Alexis again, but the post merge tribe's girls are to die for.

So I take it you like the cast.

I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I don't know, I love Stephanie and would really like to see Alexis again, but the post merge tribe's girls are to die for.

So I take it you like the cast.


I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I don't know, I love Stephanie and would really like to see Alexis again, but the post merge tribe's girls are to die for.

Corinne and Morgan <3

Oh god those two on the same tribe hahahaha I imagine Corinne woukd throw a challenge just to vote her out.

Ciera though <3

I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I don't know, I love Stephanie and would really like to see Alexis again, but the post merge tribe's girls are to die for.

Corinne and Morgan <3

Oh god those two on the same tribe hahahaha I imagine Corinne woukd throw a challenge just to vote her out. Ciera though <3

I think they'll either get along great or despise each other, no inbetween. 

I really like Ciera but I feel that if she had flip one tribal earlier, she would have probably won, it not then Hayden. 

I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I don't know, I love Stephanie and would really like to see Alexis again, but the post merge tribe's girls are to die for.

Corinne and Morgan <3

Oh god those two on the same tribe hahahaha I imagine Corinne woukd throw a challenge just to vote her out. Ciera though <3

I think they'll either get along great or despise each other, no inbetween. 

I really like Ciera but I feel that if she had flip one tribal earlier, she would have probably won, it not then Hayden. 

Haha I don't know Corinne SHREDDED Morgan apart in her Cagayan cast assessment. She basically said she hates that people like her make the show so I don't see them getting along but stranger things have happened.

I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I don't know, I love Stephanie and would really like to see Alexis again, but the post merge tribe's girls are to die for.

Corinne and Morgan <3

Oh god those two on the same tribe hahahaha I imagine Corinne woukd throw a challenge just to vote her out. Ciera though <3

I think they'll either get along great or despise each other, no inbetween. 

I really like Ciera but I feel that if she had flip one tribal earlier, she would have probably won, it not then Hayden. 

Haha I don't know Corinne SHREDDED Morgan apart in her Cagayan cast assessment. She basically said she hates that people like her make the show so I don't see them getting along but stranger things have happened.

Damn I may check out that podcast after all. To be fair she told on the SJDS cast assessment that she never watched the seasons, and she bases her opinions on the bios and cast videos. 

Damn I may check out that podcast after all. To be fair she told on the SJDS cast assessment that she never watched the seasons, and she bases her opinions on the bios and cast videos. 

You have to. It's so ******* funny.

Damn I may check out that podcast after all. To be fair she told on the SJDS cast assessment that she never watched the seasons, and she bases her opinions on the bios and cast videos. 

You have to. It's so ******* funny.

Everything involving Corinne is hilarious. I was listening to the SJDS podcast yesterday and I swear I couldn't stop laughing, she destroyed everyone there, especially Jaclyn and her missing uterus. 

I would be rooting for the pre-merge only because Alexis, Kelley and Stephanie are in it. 

I don't know, I love Stephanie and would really like to see Alexis again, but the post merge tribe's girls are to die for.

Corinne and Morgan <3

Oh god those two on the same tribe hahahaha I imagine Corinne woukd throw a challenge just to vote her out. Ciera though <3

I think they'll either get along great or despise each other, no inbetween. 

I really like Ciera but I feel that if she had flip one tribal earlier, she would have probably won, it not then Hayden. 

Haha I don't know Corinne SHREDDED Morgan apart in her Cagayan cast assessment. She basically said she hates that people like her make the show so I don't see them getting along but stranger things have happened.

Damn I may check out that podcast after all. To be fair she told on the SJDS cast assessment that she never watched the seasons, and she bases her opinions on the bios and cast videos. 

Yeah see her saying Kass will win Cagayan and be boring as bell. She actually said she'd rather talk to a casserole than Kass because she's so boring and Kass ended up tweeting a pic of her with a casserole to Corinne haha.

Can't wait for her s30 one with the diverse cast!

Everything involving Corinne is hilarious. I was listening to the SJDS podcast yesterday and I swear I couldn't stop laughing, she destroyed everyone there, especially Jaclyn and her missing uterus. 

She's so vile and I absolutely love it. It's actually a bit sad that we enjoy it so much.

Yeah see her saying Kass will win Cagayan and be boring as bell. She actually said she'd rather talk to a casserole than Kass because she's so boring and Kass ended up tweeting a pic of her with a casserole to Corinne haha. Can't wait for her s30 one with the diverse cast!

That Kasserole tweet was life.

She's so vile and I absolutely love it. It's actually a bit sad that we enjoy it so much.

We're definitely going to hell. 

She's so vile and I absolutely love it. It's actually a bit sad that we enjoy it so much.

We're definitely going to hell. 

At least we'll be there with Corinne!

We're definitely going to hell. 

At least we'll be there with Corinne!

I think even Satan himself is scared of her. I would burn in the pits of hell just for her. 

It's also hilarious how she still hates Sugar and still takes shots at her. Feud still going 6 years strong <3

It's also hilarious how she still hates Sugar and still takes shots at her. Feud still going 6 years strong <3

She basically hated the entire Gabon cast except for Bob, Randy, Marcus and Charlie. 

Plus she also hates Brenda, Jenna Morasca and a couple others I can't remember. 

It's also hilarious how she still hates Sugar and still takes shots at her. Feud still going 6 years strong <3

"At least she wouldn't spend the money on drugs like Sugar would."

OMG. And the BvW comment about Sugar and her dad... I was waiting for the gates of hell to open and******* in for laughing...

It's also hilarious how she still hates Sugar and still takes shots at her. Feud still going 6 years strong <3

She basically hated the entire Gabon cast except for Bob, Randy, Marcus and Charlie. 

Plus she also hates Brenda, Jenna Morasca and a couple others I can't remember. 

Yeah but she can at least tolerate the others. Like her and Kenny are even friends now. She just loathes Sugar so much. I remember the night Corinne was voted out in Caramoan, Sugar posted a FB status about karma hahahahha. Also semi related but Randy also gave a sly grin when the Villains found out Sugar got voted out but wasn't shown.

It's also hilarious how she still hates Sugar and still takes shots at her. Feud still going 6 years strong <3

"At least she wouldn't spend the money on drugs like Sugar would."

OMG. And the BvW comment about Sugar and her dad... I was waiting for the gates of hell to open and******* in for laughing...

I don't remember rhe BvW comment actually. Lol what was said?

 OMG. And the BvW comment about Sugar and her dad... I was waiting for the gates of hell to open and******* in for laughing...

Oh god did she went where I think she went? If so, that's so mean yet so funny. #straighttohell

I just remembered her dad died.....never mind haha

 OMG. And the BvW comment about Sugar and her dad... I was waiting for the gates of hell to open and******* in for laughing...

Oh god did she went where I think she went? If so, that's so mean yet so funny. #straighttohell

It's not a funny subject. Death is never funny. But something about Corinne saying it in her malicious, elitist way makes it so.

I just re watches Corrine's jury speech and I died of laughter I love how she started off serous" Susie if you say yes to this questions I'll vote for you, will you have your vocal cords removed if you win"

Also I love what she says about Ken here

Survivor Peru
Heroes vs Villains 2
Abi Maria

Survivor Skeleton Coast
Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty
Kunene Tribe(brains)
Rob C
Swakop tribe(brawn)

Ugab Tribe(beauty)

My ideal cast
Survivor: Costa Rica
Puntarenas Tribe
Heidi Strobel
Parvati Shallow
Amanda Kimmel
Erik Huffman
Brenda Lowe
Chelsea Meissner
Jay Byars
Pete Yurkowski
Eddie Fox
Reynold Toepfer
Guanacaste Tribe
Jenna Lewis
Jenna Morasca
Ryan Aiken
Jeff Wilson
J. T. Thomas Jr.
Spencer Duhm
Natalie White
Brett Clouser
Natalie Tenerelli
Jefra Bland
