The Real World: Skeletons - Madison Walls

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Damn she is really hot! Top 5 for the show IMO.
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;451965]Criminal record of $50 why make that a big secret to hide it's not like you were a felon or sentenced to years in prison. She stole $50 worth of something.[/QUOTE] a guy can dream can he? that be funny if she did.
Is it just me or does she look a lot like [url=]Christa Scholtz from Endurance 2[/url], who is also from Austin? The resemblance is uncanny, but I can't find anything linking the two. :p
She looks like the actress Amy Smart. I kinda see her as troublemaker of the season :)
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;451965]Criminal record of $50 why make that a big secret to hide it's not like you were a felon or sentenced to years in prison. She stole $50 worth of something.[/QUOTE] I don't think the crime is embarrassing as the mugshot.
[QUOTE=thefinishlin;451987]Damn she is really hot! Top 5 for the show IMO.[/QUOTE] i don't know about all that. she's right up there with Montana in terms of basic looking.
[QUOTE=dragoo;452010]She looks like the actress Amy Smart. I kinda see her as troublemaker of the season :)[/QUOTE] wasn't amy smart in Angel and The Butterfly Effect.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;452148]wasn't amy smart in Angel and The Butterfly Effect.[/QUOTE] I don't know lol. The only movie I've seen with her was Rat Race and I loved her there and the moment I saw Madison she reminded me on Amy. They are both hot.
LOL yeah I don't see the big deal about the mugshot. I mean, yeah she's looking rough but whatever it's not like she robbed a bank.
LOVE HER already! Prettiest girl since Ashley Kelsey! <3 #TeamMaddie
She looks so cute and appears to have nice eyes, but then you see that mugshot and..... Lol. Seems like a bad girl then.
She seems like trouble too, which I like....definitely seems like someone who stirs up drama.
I just lost my lunch. Ashley Kelsey as the last beautiful girl template? WTF?
[QUOTE=mickeyflo24;451950]I have a feeling that Madison will end up being like Dustin on this season. she may try and cover up her criminal record and then the cast mates all find out.[/QUOTE] dUSTIN AINT COVERED UP ****. Everybody knew from the jump. Had it not been a vevmo user, Adam royer, etc a crew member would've revealed it. Seeing madison cover up her criminal past would be pointless.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;458313]I just lost my lunch. Ashley Kelsey as the last beautiful girl template? WTF?[/QUOTE] Haha I know right, to me Ashley Kelsey is pretty basic. Averey, Ashley M, Arielle, Ashley C. and Jenna were all prettier than her IMO. But I do agree that Madison is pretty cute.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;458466]Haha I know right, to me Ashley Kelsey is pretty basic. Averey, Ashley M, Arielle, Ashley C. and Jenna were all prettier than her IMO. But I do agree that Madison is pretty cute.[/QUOTE] Jenna and Ashley K were both pretty basic blondes for me. blondes that i found gorgeous were McKenzie and Heather Marter.
Lol at Madison covering up her " criminal past" she stole something worth 50 dollars its like she killed someone. I doubt anyone in the house would care at all.
I doubt she would even hide it.. She probably doesn't give a **** about it now.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;458466]Haha I know right, to me Ashley Kelsey is pretty basic. Averey, Ashley M, Arielle, Ashley C. and Jenna were all prettier than her IMO. But I do agree that Madison is pretty cute.[/QUOTE] To be fair, Jenna reminds me of Mac and Me.
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;459217]Lol at Madison covering up her " criminal past" she stole something worth 50 dollars its like she killed someone. I doubt anyone in the house would care at all.[/QUOTE] a guy can hope can't he?
Lol at the fact the Wikipedia page for rw Chicago just says for her " Madison was arrested in 2013 in round rock Texas"

I firgured she was the one with the drug addiction. Oh god I can't wait to see her on tv!

she reminds me of Shelby from are you the one 2

LMAO I know this girl. She is a freaking crackhead. She used to be addicted to oxy and would take whatever drug she could get her hands on. Then she started doing heroine AKA the reason her face looks so dang bad in that mugshot everyone speaks of. For a while she was sleeping with guys just so they would buy her drugs! She's freaking crazy. There is a lot wrong with this girl. One time, she came to my house because she had nowhere else to go and I was obviously being nice and when she left she stole like all my clothes including underwear.... AND she stole my dog's hydrocodones. 

LMAO I know this girl. She is a freaking crackhead. She used to be addicted to oxy and would take whatever drug she could get her hands on. Then she started doing heroine AKA the reason her face looks so dang bad in that mugshot everyone speaks of. For a while she was sleeping with guys just so they would buy her drugs! She's freaking crazy. There is a lot wrong with this girl. One time, she came to my house because she had nowhere else to go and I was obviously being nice and when she left she stole like all my clothes including underwear.... AND she stole my dog's hydrocodones. 

Wow!!!! It be cool if i knew someone going to the real world, then i could dish all the dirt on them.

LMAO I know this girl. She is a freaking crackhead. She used to be addicted to oxy and would take whatever drug she could get her hands on. Then she started doing heroine AKA the reason her face looks so dang bad in that mugshot everyone speaks of. For a while she was sleeping with guys just so they would buy her drugs! She's freaking crazy. There is a lot wrong with this girl. One time, she came to my house because she had nowhere else to go and I was obviously being nice and when she left she stole like all my clothes including underwear.... AND she stole my dog's hydrocodones. 

Prove it. 

Via MTV:

This flirty, gorgeous, and naive Texan blonde is known for stealing guy’s hearts and bubbly personality and Marilyn Monroe-like persona. At the age of 3, Madison and her mother trekked to California to make it in show biz. When she wasn’t being homeschooled, she spent her childhood either at the pool or acting in commercials, movies, and TV shows. She would often commute back to Texas to join her competitive cheerleading team as their “flyer.” In high school, though, things took an unexpected and drastic turn. Madison began dating a boy who turned her on to recreational prescription drugs - which led to her using heroin. Despite her dark past, Madison is focused on new beginnings, building close female friendships, and finding herself again.

this picture furthur proves my point of her being related to shelby from ayto 2.. they are twins

I know this is dumb but I wish they used a different picture for her cast photo. She has such a cute smile!
