[QUOTE=stuufman;354099]Cara was trending didn't catch other one.[/QUOTE]
#Rivals2 was trending for me. First time a challenge was trending in a whiiiiiile.
Lmao Knight should be casted in every challenge man, the dude never fails to make me laugh. Can't wait to see how Marlon gets all butthurt the next episode.
[QUOTE=JayTee;354113]Lmao Knight should be casted in every challenge man, the dude never fails to make me laugh. Can't wait to see how Marlon gets all butthurt the next episode.[/QUOTE] I find him entertaining too and he definitely stirs up but you get joy out seeing Marlon hurt? Why?
I really hope Anastasia doesn't come back to the Challenge ever because its very obvious she was there for all the wrong reasons all she came for was to be was the center of attention for tv time. I loved TJ at the end saying that's what happens when you smoke cigarettes and don't eat LOL.
LOL @ Everyone's Response to Cara Maria. I wanna say it's because she's not a castmember but then I realized that Camilla and Diem are there too.
Anastacia..She shouldn't have ever gotten mixed up with CT. I don't really see her coming back. If she's on another challenge I'll be surprised.
Once again a fight that was so stupid and had no business of even happening.I swear these fights are just not delivering. Frank really needed to mind his own Business and it was dumb of him to cry like that.
The Challenge..XXX Games..Best.Challenge.Ever. It's right on par with that Ice challenge from Battle of the Sexes 2.
I'm glad that They're giving out penalties for quitting. Everyone needs to compete in every challenge wether you want/need to or not.
Cooke/Cara Maria winning...Glad because it would've been really nasty for Cooke/Cara Maria to be dumped in Cooke's Pissed.
I see that Sarah is getting her some action. Jordan's hot so I think she picked the right guy. She might have just gotten herself a Decent Partner for Battle of the Exes 2.
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;354111]#Rivals2 was trending for me. First time a challenge was trending in a whiiiiiile.[/QUOTE]
It trended during the premiere, Ct and Wes also.
I really think CT has outgrown the show and does it for pure entertainment. I remember all the other seasons he was on he was always going on about how he wanted to win. Like if he wins cool, if he doesn't, it was fun messing with you guys. Johnny takes this **** way to seriously.
[QUOTE=Camille;354114]I find him entertaining too and he definitely stirs up but you get joy out seeing Marlon hurt? Why?[/QUOTE]
It's not so much that I get joy out of seeing someone get their feelings hurt, but I get joy when someone gets butthurt over a little joke. Like I said, it's 2013, you're in a house full of drunk idiots, you should expect a gay joke to be coming your way if you're ********. He could have retaliated with calling Knight a chipped tooth ugly b*stard or something instead of getting all crazy trying to fight him like in the trailer.
I also find it funny how Marlon didn't go all that crazy when CT shoved his face 4-5 times in the first episode.
Lol, last season Knight had an episode named "The Dark Knight" when he fought with Camila and Nany. Now the sequel, "The Dark Knight Rises" for when he fights with Marlon.
Not a bad episode, 1. Wes is a quitter!! Come one dude, stick your head in CT crotch for my entertainment!! haha ok I dont blame him but come on he gets paid a lot to be humiliated so******* up, same goes with Preston, and he's not even straight so whats the big deal? I'm sure Wes would do it if it was with a pretty girl. They should have totally done this challenge on a guys day, the guys would fight a bit more and it would be funny. They should have told them ahead of time that if you quit/DQ theres a penalty then they would probably do it but ya thats what sucks about rivals, the guys admit they dont try as hard or not at all during girl days.
As for Ana/CT bs, my god is that girl ever dramatic, she's all like "CT has feelings for Diem?!" ***** please, youre not his gf, know your place. She thinks he was going to marry her or some ****. And I have no idea what was up with that weird performance during the elimination, its not even a hard elimination, what are you having a panic attack for?
Please don't ever bring Preston back to one of these challenges. His reason for quitting was because be was flat out lazy, and he acts like it's Knight's problem.
[QUOTE=Camille;354103]SMH at the preview for next episode. Could Knight be a bigger jerk? Marlon probably didn't even know that people knew he's ********, he's probably still coming to terms with it, and that's what he does? I feel bad for Marlon.[/QUOTE]
on Portland, and even now, I have to say that the way Marlon was so honest about the things he did and the confidence he portrayed while talking about it, made me impressed. I too, feel bad for the way that went down in the preview.
Knight is a *****. The dude has his head so far up CTs *** its ridiculous. Talk about kissing ***. Hes not funny either. Heres hoping Marlon takes him out.
My thoughts on the episode:
I didn't really like Jordan during the first half of Portland, but I have to admit the guy puts 100% in everything that he does. I have mad respect for him. Seeing him lifting the weights right after Zach did it, props dude. He is kind of inspirational, lol.
Props to Jessica too. I thought for sure Ana would be the weak link on the team. But not only was Jessica able to keep her head in the game, she actually lifted Ana up during the challenge. Also during the elimination, it looked like to me that Jessica was trying way harder than Ana. Props to Jess too.
Trishelle...hmmm, I didn't think she would be disliked by people in the house. I think the dynamic with her shall be interesting, especially after seeing the preview for next week.
Emily/Paula win another challenge...SHOCKER!!!
I like Ct and all, and I know he brings ratings, but he is starting to feel himself a lil too much. But lol @ Frank crying after the "fight".
Glad that Preston and Wes got penalties for the next challenge. Serves them right.
Last thing: LMAO @ NOBODY clapping for Cara Maria. I think it was a mix of a few things the castmembers were probably thinking:
1. "How da **** is she a rival to Cooke?"
2. "Surprise surprise, its Cara Maria again"
3. "That **** is unfair, now that's another strong team"
[QUOTE=tjhallow;354125]I really think CT has outgrown the show and does it for pure entertainment. I remember all the other seasons he was on he was always going on about how he wanted to win. Like if he wins cool, if he doesn't, it was fun messing with you guys. Johnny takes this **** way to seriously.[/QUOTE]
That's what I think too, I thought that ct was the same, but now with these two episodes I think that after all this years he finally knows what ppl like and how to do his job infront of the cameras, This time it's just pure show.
[QUOTE=xfactor82;354135]Knight is a *****. The dude has his head so far up CTs *** its ridiculous. Talk about kissing ***. Hes not funny either. Heres hoping Marlon takes him out.[/QUOTE]
uh oh, we have Frank under a new account.
As for the reactions to CM, if you listened closely, half the ppl did not actually say her name or talk about the situation specifically.... they could have just used confessionals about something else just to highlight the message that CM is unwelcome here(ie. Camila's: "It just blows".. etc..)
[QUOTE=JayTee;354139]uh oh, we have Frank under a new account.[/QUOTE]
No it's the truth--- and you guys should really stop this whole "Frank is a member here s'''", bc believe it or not, not everybody has a raging hard on for CT and his troopers, as is the case with most of the ppl here...
Nobody said nothing about cara bc they were afraid, cara is strong and most of the girls know that, probably most of the girls said something like **** more competition,.
Knight is kinda being a jerk but whats the big deal, I dont think he was trying to be offensive. Theres nothing wrong with being gay, Knight is questionable too imo, he voluntarily 69ed with CT and did not hesitate to get on his knees and pretend to blow Wes. So he's the one looking foolish, so Marlon is probably bi or gay but denies it, so what, you just pretended to blow a guy
[QUOTE=JayTee;354139]uh oh, we have Frank under a new account.[/QUOTE]
Haha figures youd say that. I didnt know knight had fanboys. One of most irrelevant and boring people on these challenges.