The Challenge: Rivals II - New Girl

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The Challenge: Rivals II - New Girl
Johnny plans a ninja attack on unsuspecting housemates. A replacement arrives. The contestants are tied up during a challenge; a hookup doesn't go as planned. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2355[/ATTACH]
Surprising they don't mention CT and Frank mini pushing match.
do they *mini push match* on this episode
It's called "New Girl"? Well, hopefuly this new girl is interesting enough to stir things up in the house. I look forward to seeing how the cast reacts, particularly the girls. [QUOTE=Fullback12;353851]Surprising they don't mention CT and Frank mini pushing match.[/QUOTE] Perhaps that sneak peek ([url=]Watch 'Challenge' stars CT and Frank face off | Inside TV |[/url]) is the extent of it. Which saddens me because I was slightly hoping CT would shut Frank up. A CT vs. Frank fight would be hilarious.
[QUOTE=DarkFights;353854]do they *mini push match* on this episode[/QUOTE] This is not a spoiler thread, so you should ask that question elsewhere.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;353848][B]Johnny[/B] plans a ninja attack on unsuspecting housemates. A replacement arrives. The contestants are tied up during a challenge; a hookup doesn't go as planned. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2355[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] I thought it was CT.? [QUOTE=mario21jorge;352671] Ep. 2 | Sneak Peek CT plans a ninja attack on unsuspecting housemates. Episode airs Monday at 10/9c. But on schedule it says that it is only wednesday. So which one is correct?[/QUOTE]
Watching Theresa discuss events (CT and Diem dancing) or playing pranks with Johnny Bananas feels so weird. It's like watching a common storm-trooper interact with Darth Vader himself.
[QUOTE=RedRaider;353861]Watching Theresa discuss events (CT and Diem dancing) or playing pranks with Johnny Bananas feels so weird. It's like watching a common storm-trooper interact with Darth Vader himself.[/QUOTE] Well..... she has been wanting to get into his pants for a while...dunno if she succeeded yet or if she gave up the idea by now if not..
[QUOTE=RedRaider;353861]Watching Theresa discuss events (CT and Diem dancing) or [B]playing pranks with Johnny Bananas[/B] feels so weird. It's like watching a common storm-trooper interact with Darth Vader himself.[/QUOTE] btw, rather positive that's CT though...
I hope this episode is good.
Let the show begin !!!
Here we go!
i want to see the intro
That was a lame intro.
* You can not fight booboo so it does not matter* love that quote
Oh Ninjas
Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go
Ugh I hate Theresa's voice and confessionals.
Anastasia looks better without the makeup..
CT rocks hipster glasses?
CT is right, don't act one way Diem then another.
Respect to Jordan! Love the guy!
Jordan doin work! Haha love it when this guy kicks ***.
I thought the "intro" was just a sneak peek or something, lol.
Jordan and Sara would be a cute couple.
Jordan/Sarah would be a great couple together.
Trishelle's voice annoys the hell out of me. Frank's voice is even worse.
That's how bad of a boy Frank is, Knight takes him down and keeps him down in one move
Nice work, Knight! Where the hell was this on BOTS?
Wow. Never underestimate the extent of Frank's dramatic-ness. I thought the fight started from something much more important.
