[QUOTE=LexBlair;354047]I would actually like to see Jess again, I see her having a potential, Ana was the anchor in every way in this team..[/QUOTE]
I can go along with that. Not interested in seeing Ana again regardless of tonight's outcome
[QUOTE=Camille;354053]Cooke and Cara Maria look like they'd make one hell of a team. I can see why people want them gone. They look like they match up extremely well.[/QUOTE]
Cara's a solid mid-level #2 and Cooke has #1 potential. The second best team right now is Jonna & Nany because both are top-tier level 2 players but neither is overly physical.
Sigh... Ana is a horrible competitor. Though she provided a bit of drama, I will forever be mad that Nia and Averey weren't there instead. Jessica/Anastasia give zero threat whereas I think Nia and Averey could win the thing.
Girls always look bad when it comes to hook ups, I don't feel bad for diem bc in a way I know she is also playing the game I'm pretty sure she knew what's the deal with CT from all the ppl she def is the one that knows him better.
Anastasia is def dumb she should have know better.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;354056]Cara's a solid mid-level #2 and Cooke has #1 potential. The second best team right now is Jonna & Nany because both are top-tier level 2 players but neither is overly physical.[/QUOTE]
Cara's really athletic, and most importantly, can really kick butt on a final. Cooke is definitely a true athlete though. Cara will probably work as well with her as she did Laurel.
Jonna and Nany match up really well and Jonna strikes me as someone who is a good strategist and good with puzzles too.
Paula looks like she's in the best shape she's ever been and Emily is a beast. These three teams I can see standing out over the rest.
YES! My girl Cooke is 1-0!. I feel bad that Ana is leaving though cause she has been pretty funny.
Uh oh, what's wrong, is Ana allergic to something out there?