The Challenge: Rivals II - New Girl

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[QUOTE=Camille;354190]I heard about the arrest. Where did you hear about the breakup? They seemed all settled and connected. But Heather seem more stable than Dustin.[/QUOTE] Heather said it on twitter she said something about going on different paths.
um I was kind of upset with this episode. Why all the shade on Cara Maria? I had no idea people were that disinterested in her. I like Cara. I thought she was cool with some of these cast members but, I guess not. I felt bad for the girl... Oh Anastasia...Where do I begin? Ok she definitely did not prove that she was any type of physical or mental competition. She was so sloppy. From hooking up with CT to having a near panic attack at the elimination. She was not a good look this time around but maybe next time... Penalties for quitting... WTF? did they just pull that **** out of their a**es? Ct and Diem. Oh Brother. Idk folks...I just really don't know. ho-hum. Theresa is ******* me off more and more. Girl Shut the ***** up! First your talking ***** on Ana saying that she is getting played then you want to tell her it is ok and that it is not her fault? Girl Bye. Stop trying to start *****. That challenge was a big turn off...and so was Cooke ******* in that water. The opening credits (or whatever they are) were weird. I thought it was like a preview or something but ok... Did anyone see Diem get pulled away from an argument or something...I wonder what that was about? Also Aneesa was hilarious in that clip! Interesting episode to say the least.
The Intro was awful...Why don't they put effort in their intros when it comes to Rivals?
[QUOTE=Imjustsayin;354200][B]um I was kind of upset with this episode. Why all the shade on Cara Maria? I had no idea people were that disinterested in her. I like Cara. I thought she was cool with some of these cast members but, I guess not. I felt bad for the girl...[/B] Oh Anastasia...Where do I begin? Ok she definitely did not prove that she was any type of physical or mental competition. She was so sloppy. From hooking up with CT to having a near panic attack at the elimination. She was not a good look this time around but maybe next time... Penalties for quitting... WTF? did they just pull that **** out of their a**es? Ct and Diem. Oh Brother. Idk folks...I just really don't know. ho-hum. Theresa is ******* me off more and more. Girl Shut the ***** up! First your talking ***** on Ana saying that she is getting played then you want to tell her it is ok and that it is not her fault? Girl Bye. Stop trying to start *****. That challenge was a big turn off...and so was Cooke ******* in that water. The opening credits (or whatever they are) were weird. I thought it was like a preview or something but ok... Did anyone see Diem get pulled away from an argument or something...I wonder what that was about? Also Aneesa was hilarious in that clip! Interesting episode to say the least.[/QUOTE] TBH, It [B]is[/B] unfair in a way, since CM and Cooke did not even know each other, let alone were they "Rivals"... it's also unfair towards those who were automatically eliminated when their partner got sent home pre-maturely on past challenges....Plus from Naomi to CM is a huge upgrade... She's got friends in the house(not guys though) but what was she expecting... she is being a cry-baby on twitter again...
TJ had absolutely no remorse towards Ana haha.
[QUOTE=LexBlair;354204][ATTACH]2359[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] Well then. When some of the cast members choose to ***** about BMP/the editing on Twitter like it's such a terrible, surprising, shameful thing... heavy sigh. I'm so glad that Ana is finally gone. "Finally" because it seemed like she was on my tv for an eternity and it'd only been two episodes. An MTV challenge seemed liked it was the farthest from where she needed to be, at least at that point. Praying to the gods and whoever/whatever else necessary that they don't try to bring her back for an Exes 2 - I don't think that'd fair well anyway. I LOVE that Emily and Paula are doing so well. I don't care if it's predictable. They are a fab team and I'm rooting for them. Also hardcore rooting for Diem and Aneesa, but I was disappointed with what went down with Diem during the challenge. Altho, it's easily forgotten that she's semi-recently returning from chemo, so you know what, she's doing pretty damn great, all things considered. As much as I loved their scenes in the premiere, the Diem/CT moments in this episode seemed more organic. I liked seeing Diem talk politics with CT and Wes. Yes - and more, please - to that alliance. The addition of Cara Maria is interesting. Unfair, in my opinion, but still interesting. I just hope that she and Cooke don't take out my faves now that they've shown their strength in an elimination.
We have still yet to see a hard daily challenge. All of these wins Zach/Trey are getting favor to them, easily the first challenge you have Trey who is the smallest dude in the house jumping into Zach's arms who is the biggest dude in the house. Like how in the hell do you expect Wes to catch CT or Frank to catch Johnny or even Jordan catching Marlon. Then this challenge all Zach had to do was carry Trey which is pretty easy for someone like Zach. I'm not saying they don't deserve credit but the wins are not impressive by any means.
This episode left me with alot of questions 1st why didn't they show the entire pushing/shoving with Frank and CT. 2nd when have a team ever been penalized for DQs on future daily challenges. 3rd wtf is up with Ana.
I'm predicting it now. In Rivals 3, someone will go home in episode 1, and their replacement is going to be the partner's friend, or barely a rival.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;353982]Who likes her? Abram, Laurel....[/QUOTE] I thought she was friends with Brandon, Leroy, Diem and was friendly with CT. Am I wrong?
[QUOTE=Calinks;354092]Sarah is always pulling top tier competitors lol. She's a pick up artist.[/QUOTE] Since when was Vinny a top tier competitor?
[QUOTE=audreyhorne;354212]I thought she was friends with Brandon, Leroy, Diem and was friendly with CT. Am I wrong?[/QUOTE] I think some of the girls were scared tbh.
[QUOTE=LexBlair;354203]TBH, It [B]is[/B] unfair in a way, since CM and Cooke did not even know each other, let alone were they "Rivals"... it's also unfair towards those who were automatically eliminated when their partner got sent home pre-maturely on past challenges....Plus from Naomi to CM is a huge upgrade... She's got friends in the house(not guys though) but what was she expecting... she is being a cry-baby on twitter again...[/QUOTE] Johnny and Frank didn't even know each other, either, but nobody seems to have a problem with it. Mike and Leroy were never rivals, and Mike was a replacement. Again, nobody complained about it. Cara Maria was friends with several people before this challenge and now everybody hates her? I just don't get it.
[QUOTE=RMD1;354216]I think some of the girls were scared tbh.[/QUOTE] Weren't they scared of Paula/Emily? Or Paula/Evelyn for instance? None of these pairs were really rivals. It was also unfair for Paula to get the strongest female as a partner TWICE, when she didn't have a legitimate rivalry with either of them. I can't see any cast members *****ing about it. Besides, isn't it always the same story? They're mean to CM during the challenge, they apologize at reunion/aftershow. Some people...
I think when it comes to Cara Maria a lot of people like Johnny Bananas might find her annoying to be around. I also think people like Paula and Jasmine's reactions were based purely on the competition. Obviously Cara Maria is a huge upgrade for Cooke from Naomi. Paula may like Cara Maria but she is about the game. But on twitter and Cara and CT seemed super friendly. I'm guessing that CT and Cara may have worked together alliance wise. And Jonna, Nany and Jemmye like Cara.
A little backstory on Anastasia. The reason she fell apart at elimination is because she is really anemic and it had been hours in the heat since she was able to eat anything. I'm anemic too and I know I would be dizzy and lightheaded in that situation. That's why Ana and Marlon looked mad at TJ for his "ciggarettes and no food" comment. I don't think physically Ana is in the right condition for challenges being so frail and anemic. You need to have some sort of endurance. They edited her actions in the elimination to make her look crazy when she's really anemic and sickly due to hours of starving in the heat waiting. Trishelle backed Ana up and said the most disgusting thing she saw production do was hold up getting her medical attention all because they wanted a shot of Ana falling apart. What is up with production lately between this challenge and Portland? They wouldn't step in when Nia was assaulting people with objects and purposely ignored phone calls from Johnny and Averey. They are so desperate for good television to compete with other shows, they don't care about the castmember's safety! Ana said Jordan later hopped over the fence and carried her to an ambulance himself. Gotta love Jordan.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;354201]The Intro was awful...Why don't they put effort in their intros when it comes to Rivals?[/QUOTE] Completely agree. BMP has been so lazy making those intros after CutThroat. BTW How are Cara Maria and Cooke Rivals? Where is this suppose tweet that made them Rivals? The tweet probably doesn't even exist, I bet production made them say that to go along with all the other BS they do to the cast-members now a days.
[QUOTE=Benfiquista;354223]Completely agree. BMP has been so lazy making those intros after CutThroat. BTW How are Cara Maria and Cooke Rivals? Where is this suppose tweet that made them Rivals? The tweet probably doesn't even exist, I bet production made them say that to go along with all the other BS they do to the cast-members now a days.[/QUOTE] I don't think we're supposed to actually buy them as Rivals. It seems like they just wanted a replacement for Cooke.
[QUOTE=Camille;354222]A little backstory on Anastasia. The reason she fell apart at elimination is because she is really anemic and it had been hours in the heat since she was able to eat anything. I'm anemic too and I know I would be dizzy and lightheaded in that situation. That's why Ana and Marlon looked mad at TJ for his "ciggarettes and no food" comment. I don't think physically Ana is in the right condition for challenges being so frail and anemic. You need to have some sort of endurance. They edited her actions in the elimination to make her look crazy when she's really anemic and sickly due to hours of starving in the heat waiting. [B]Trishelle backed Ana up and said the most disgusting thing she saw production do was hold up getting her medical attention all because they wanted a shot of Ana falling apart.[/B] What is up with production lately between this challenge and Portland? They wouldn't step in when Nia was assaulting people with objects and purposely ignored phone calls from Johnny and Averey. They are so desperate for good television to compete with other shows, they don't care about the castmember's safety! Ana said Jordan later hopped over the fence and carried her to an ambulance himself. Gotta love Jordan.[/QUOTE] And I agree with Trishelle 100% That is so Digusting. She needed medical attention ASAP and they waited just to get the scene they wanted? That's just ****ty really ****ty. Production is really slipping and they need to get it together and Worry about the safety of the cast-members because Ratings is not worth a life.
[QUOTE=Benfiquista;354223]BTW How are Cara Maria and Cooke Rivals? Where is this suppose tweet that made them Rivals? The tweet probably doesn't even exist, I bet production made them say that to go along with all the other BS they do to the cast-members now a days.[/QUOTE] I think Cooke was just making a joke about how they actually don't know each other at all when she said the comment about the tweet.
Ahhh you gotta love Twitter. More info
Im pretty sure they only had that intro for this episode because Naomi was gone, so they couldnt put her in an opening scene as cookes partner, and they couldnt put cara maria in the opening intro either before she was revealed. I guarantee next episode they have a REAL inro.
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[QUOTE=Fullback12;354234]Ahhh you gotta love Twitter. More info[/QUOTE] Ana hit ct like it was his bf of 5 yrs she caught cheating.. If she would have stuck with what she told johnny just having fun it would have been nothing so she clearly caught feelings for ct Ana did look bad but more so to me bc she acted like it was all editing and i heard her side on podcast and she didnt deny anythin or say editing lied just events were out of order so thats why you are thisssss mad? She said she didnt believe he used her just for a vote bc it makes no sense ok so than what is the prob? She denied anyone informed her about ct and diem but that doesnt matter either bc they got last its not like the housw voted her in so once again to me her 100 endless tweets and flip out is too much in the end they had a hookup and she went home because she got last and is not very good ... I think she is milking this is her one moment to milk she didnt really do anything on her rw and she is tryin to be a singer if she cant not eat for three hrs in the heat count her out of any final challenge if being anemic causes that or her smoking or both
[QUOTE=Camille;354037]well Diem has feelings because of their history and Anastasia doesn't seem to know much about CT's history on these shows and with Diem. They are adults and should think smarter, you're right about that. Still feel bad for Diem especially.[/QUOTE] I didn't see it that way. I feel like the first night she was drunk and old feelings might of kicked in, but since then it seems like she's trying to avoid him and doesn't really care. She didn't seem upset to me. She usually would have her say if she cared. She's a talker. I don't know. I saw that Ana wrote about it being part of the "STORY LINE" on Twitter. Felt she was trying to tell us something. Also, Wes yelled at CT once about his "fake" relationship and this week he was saying CT was in love with Diem. I think they're all playing their part. Didn't anyone here see The Hills finale???
Zach carrying Trey LMAO Let's hope Em & Paula don't win [i]every[/i] mission, that gets boring quick. Love the CM/Cooke chemistry, but I don't get how Cara Maria was laughing when Cooke peed... in water she could've been dumped in! I would've cursed her out. V1Man, you were right, I laughed at Anastasia's fight with CT. "I'm gonna **** you up!" Really? You weigh at least 50-60 lbs of muscles less than him, honey Jordan and Sarah were oddly cute. Is Leroy still alive ? :'(
Next Episode is called "The Dark Knight Rises", the sequel to last season's "Dark Knight"
Diem said that on the xxx Games they cut out one station of the challenge where they have to pump a disgusting white liquid into a cup.
[QUOTE=DarkFights;354246]Diem said that on the xxx Games they cut out one station of the challenge where they have to pump a disgusting white liquid into a cup.[/QUOTE] Did BMP really think that MTV would let them show that?
[QUOTE=CASTOFF;354155]Anastasia just irritates me...I'm impressed with Jessica, I think she has more heart than Bird.[/QUOTE] Even after the entire season of Portland and 2 episodes of Rivals, whenever anyone calls Ana "Bird" I can't help but picture Sweet Dee from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
