Major League Baseball: 2012

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[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;321386]7 of the final 11 coming against the[B] 4th worst team in baseball.[/B] [/QUOTE] Why not be clear and say BALTIMORE ORIOLES, the franchise that just sent the Rangers packing? [QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;321386] If Oakland wins the WS, or even the AL, it won't be seen as a Rangers collapse but instead a surge by Oakland.[/QUOTE] The Rangers blew it. Choked. Failed. Self destructed. Imploded. Fell off a cliff. Sank. Drown. Rolled over and died. The Rangers collapse was absolutely EPIC. Why do you keep talking about the A's? You must have missed last night - [U]they lost to the O's.[/U] It wasn't the A's that capped off the worst collapse in baseball history, [U]it was the O's! [/U] You can spin this anyway you want but in the end the numbers along with a dose of reality tell the story. This Rangers team will always be remembered for blowing a 13 game AL West lead and losing 8 of 10 down the stretch. The only team that even holds a candle to that level of choke in recent memory is...[I]* drum roll please*[/I] [B]The 2011 World Series choking Rangers. [/B] [B] [url=]Rangers are baseball's latest choke joke[/url][/B] [QUOTE]The Rangers are the new collapse jokers of baseball, from their regular-season fold going back to the World Series Game 6 an October ago. The Orioles simply added another postseason layer to the disgrace[/QUOTE]. [url=][img][/img][/url]
The Rangers Game 6 choke last year was far worse than what the Red Sox did last year which is worse than the choke job this year. Did they choke, absolutely, but it wasn't as bad as you are trying to make it out to be. I think you are just trying to deflect attention away from the worst Red Sox season in 57 years that was proceeded by a historic collapse by making another choke job look worse. I see the games you are playing Bacchus. Interesting question now that the Rangers season is over. What happens to Josh Hamilton in free agency? It will be tough to give a 31 year old with as many personal issues as he has a long term contract, but I think someone will take that chance.
To be fair to the Rangers, the reason the As were able to catch them was because they played the As 6 times in their last 9 games. Granted that doesn't excuse losing so much to them, but had they not played each other at that time, things probably would have been different.
Interesting stat: [QUOTE]The Rangers spent 156 games this year in first place by themselves. Two other games they were tied for first place. The only days the Rangers were not in first place were the second and third games of the year and the final game of the year.[/QUOTE] [url=]Texas Rangers' Epic Collapse Could Signal the Decline of the Team[/url]
Yeah the Rangers blew it down the stretch but there choke isn't as bad as the Red Sox and Braves last year because unlike those teams they still made the playoffs. The Angels were supposed to run away with the A.L west this year, so I still say they were the biggest chokers this year. Anyways the Rangers will be fine.
[QUOTE=Lionsfan780;321438]Yeah the Rangers blew it down the stretch but there choke isn't as bad as the Red Sox and Braves last year because unlike those teams they still made the playoffs.[/QUOTE] They made the playoffs on a technicality (extra wild card slot.) Had the rules been the same as last year (or every year previous in the history of the sport) they would not have made the playoffs. Had there been an extra playoff slot last year both the Braves and Red Sox would have made the playoffs. It's the same thing, just different year. An absolutely epic, unforgettable collapse. [QUOTE] The Angels were supposed to run away with the A.L west this year, so I still say they were the biggest chokers this year. [/QUOTE] Not living up to expectations is not the same thing as choking. Having a 13 game lead and blowing it is choking. Losing 8 out of the last 10 games is choking. Losing the ALDS play in game is choking. [QUOTE]the Rangers will be fine.[/QUOTE] The Rangers are getting older and losing pieces. I am sure they will be fine but fine doesn't equate to good. The decline has already begun... [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;321439] The Rangers are getting older and losing pieces. I am sure they will be fine but fine doesn't equate to good. The decline has already begun... [/QUOTE] Their offense is going to decline, but their pitching staff will probably get better as time goes on. They have 4 starting pitchers between the ages of 24 and 27 and another good pitcher who is 23 that was in the bullpen this year and could become a starter (Robbie Ross). They also have an extremely deep farm system that is widely regarded as the best in baseball. I think it will be more of a retooling year next year for them though with the probable loss of Hamilton.
Did they make the playoffs on a technicality or an acutal rule change that all teams were aware of prior to the season? Had the rules been the same as 1993 (or every year previous in the history of the sport), the 2004 Red Sox and other wild card teams would not have made the playoffs or won the World Series. (I do get your point though as it is easier to draw comparision from the previous season) With that said, I agree that the Texas collapse was much bigger than that of Boston last year. On October 1st, the Rangers had the best record in the AL. By the 5th, their season was over. Talk about a major kick in the reproductive organs.
[QUOTE=Treetrunk;321480]Did they make the playoffs on a technicality or an acutal rule change that all teams were aware of prior to the season? Had the rules been the same as 1993 (or every year previous in the history of the sport), the 2004 Red Sox and other wild card teams would not have made the playoffs or won the World Series. (I do get your point though as it is easier to draw comparision from the previous season)[/quote] The reason for the wild card in 1993 was obvious - continuous expansion and eventual realignment. While the addition of the wild card can be debated vigorously, after nearly two decades it has been ingrained as part of baseball. The entire existence of an extra wild card slot winner is less than a week old and it serves no purpose but to increase TV revenues. The "play in game" will never be the actual playoffs. It is one game that decides who gets to go to the division series - where the playoffs begin. In any event, a comparison to teams in the exact same circumstance 12 months ago isn't much of a stretch. Bringing up a rule change 19 years ago is grasping. [QUOTE]With that said, I agree that the Texas collapse was much bigger than that of Boston last year. On October 1st, the Rangers had the best record in the AL. By the 5th, their season was over. Talk about a major kick in the reproductive organs.[/QUOTE] The Red Sox failure last year would be akin to a shiny apple slowly decaying until it was inedible while the Rangers disastrous collapse this year could be aptly likened to the Hindenburg.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;321482]The reason for the wild card in 1993 was obvious - continuous expansion and eventual realignment. While the addition of the wild card can be debated vigorously, after nearly two decades it has been ingrained as part of baseball. The entire existence of an extra wild card slot winner is less than a week old and it serves no purpose but to increase TV revenues. The "play in game" will never be the actual playoffs. It is one game that decides who gets to go to the division series - where the playoffs begin. In any event, a comparison to teams in the exact same circumstance 12 months ago isn't much of a stretch. Bringing up a rule change 19 years ago is grasping. The Red Sox failure last year would be akin to a shiny apple slowly decaying until it was inedible while the Rangers disastrous collapse this year could be aptly likened to the Hindenburg.[/QUOTE] I definitely get your point on the play-in, and I was just attempting to note that it is different than a technicality. My White Sox were in a similar situation this year with a September lead, but I was able to see the writing on the wall before the Tigers eventually took the Central. I had time to prepare when I was able to watch perennial minor leaguers DeWayne Wise and Dan Johonson bat third and DH in the lineup for multiple games in mid-September while sub-par rookies took turns in the starting rotation.
[QUOTE=Treetrunk;321484] My White Sox were in a similar situation this year with a September lead[/QUOTE] [url=][img][/img][/url] [QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;321386] If Oakland wins the WS, or even the AL, it won't be seen as a Rangers collapse but instead a surge by Oakland.[/QUOTE] It would seem your less than two day old [strike]excuse[/strike] "what if" scenario is already losing traction... [url=]Don Kelly's sacrifice fly in ninth gives Tigers 2-0 series lead on A's[/url] [QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;321394] Interesting question now that the Rangers season is over. What happens to Josh Hamilton in free agency? It will be tough to give a 31 year old with as many personal issues as he has a long term contract, but[B] I think someone will take that chance.[/B][/QUOTE] As much as I respect Josh Hamilton as a hitter, I hope it isn't Ben Cherington and the Red Sox who take that chance. While he can be the best player in baseball during a given week or month, he can be less effective than a defensive shortstop at the plate during his infamous slumps. The Boston environ itself is another reason that Josh should not even be considered by Red Sox management. I think he would either fold under the constant bombardment (e.g. Crawford/Gonzalez) or be driven to drink (e.g. Beckett, Lester, Lackey.)
[url=]Fractured ankle shatters Derek Jeter's aura of invincibility in Yankees' loss - Yahoo! Sports[/url] This is the moment when I start to get worried. I wasn't worried when they were down 0-4 last night or when they went into a game 5 with the Orioles, but now I am.
[QUOTE=yankeegurl93;322297] This is the moment when I start to get worried. I wasn't worried when they were down 0-4 last night or when they went into a game 5 with the Orioles, but now I am.[/QUOTE] Really, you weren't worried when your team was down 4 runs in the bottom of the 9th? I would have been worried, no matter who the closer was. But you got to go against this guy. [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=molds13;322298]Really, you weren't worried when your team was down 4 runs in the bottom of the 9th? I would have been worried, no matter who the closer was. But you got to go against this guy. [/QUOTE] At that point I was like, "you win some you lose some." It's only game 1. With the lackluster post-season performances of Rodriguez, Cano, and Granderson, Ibanez has been a saving grace. I'm really nervous for today and to see how things pull together.
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If today's game is anything like last night's, I will need a defibrillator on hand... Go Tigers!
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;322302]If today's game is anything like last night's, I will need a defibrillator on hand... Go Tigers![/QUOTE] I agree! Go AnyonebuttheYankees!
Is it just me, or does this playoff schedule seem extremely rushed? I thought it was interesting that game 5 of the ALDS and game 1 of the ALCS were less than 24 hours apart.
Jose Valverde has been terrible for the past 2 years. Last year he was just really lucky. Of the 4 remaining teams, I think the Cardinals are the best team, but it is largely dependent on Chris Carpenter and how he continues to hold up after missing most of the season. I would say the Tigers but their bullpen is really bad and the deeper you go into the playoffs, the greater the impact it will have.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;322314][B]Jose Valverde has been terrible for the past 2 years.[/B] Last year he was just really lucky. Of the 4 remaining teams, I think the Cardinals are the best team, but it is largely dependent on Chris Carpenter and how he continues to hold up after missing most of the season. I would say the Tigers but their bullpen is really bad and the deeper you go into the playoffs, the greater the impact it will have.[/QUOTE] Jose Valverde was 49 for 49 on regular season saves last year. What part of that was terrible?
[QUOTE=molds13;322317]Jose Valverde was 49 for 49 on regular season saves last year. What part of that was terrible?[/QUOTE] That was a lot of luck last year. His K/9 was the lowest of his career (which dropped again this year), his WHIP was the worst it had been since 2006, and his K/BB ratio was the 2nd worst in his career (3rd worst once you include this season). Just because he was 49/49 on saves doesn't mean he wasn't terrible. It was largely due to being very lucky.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;322318]It was largely due to being very lucky.[/QUOTE] Lefty Gomez often remarked, "I'd rather be lucky than good."
[QUOTE=Bacchus;322320]Known for his great wit, Lefty Gomez often remarked, "I'd rather be lucky than good."[/QUOTE] What about his 2-4 record, showing how bad he was in non-save situations (I believe they were all tie games at home) and giving up 4 runs in Game 4 of the ALCS last year to effectively end the Tigers season? Edit: Saying terrible for his performance last season was too extreme. I should have said something like very overrated (he got points in the MVP voting) and average at best. Also fixed an incorrect fact.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;322321]What about his 2-4 record, showing how bad he was in non-save situations (I believe they were all tie games at home) and giving up 4 runs in Game 6 of the ALCS to end the Tigers season last year?[/QUOTE] Most closers suck in non save situations. You should know this...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;322322]Most closers suck in non save situations. You should know this...[/QUOTE] If you are at home and the game is tied in the 9th or later, there is no save situation available. A closer should be able to go into a tie game in the 9th inning or later at home and perform.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;322321] Edit: Saying terrible for his performance last season was too extreme. I should have said something like very overrated (he got points in the MVP voting) and average at best. Also fixed an incorrect fact.[/QUOTE] Overrated? Yes. Terrible? No. Terrible this year? Abso*******lutely. Glad he was removed as the closer.
[QUOTE=molds13;322309]Is it just me, or does this playoff schedule seem extremely rushed? I thought it was interesting that game 5 of the ALDS and game 1 of the ALCS were less than 24 hours apart.[/QUOTE] The Yankees got screwed on this part because of when the season ended and the wild card games. The two wild card games were the same day and the first game of the ALDS/NLDS of best record vs wild card were the same day, but for scheduling purposes, the Nationals got a day off but the Yankees didn't. They're trying their hardest to get everything in, but that on top of the whole "start on the road" bs aren't fair.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;322326]The Yankees got screwed on this part because of when the season ended and the wild card games. The two wild card games were the same day and the first game of the ALDS/NLDS of best record vs wild card were the same day, but for scheduling purposes, the Nationals got a day off but the Yankees didn't. They're trying their hardest to get everything in, but that on top of the whole "start on the road" bs aren't fair.[/QUOTE] The Yankees/Orioles and Nationals/Cardinals games were all on the same day. Whenever the Nationals played, the Yankees played. The reason the Cardinals got a day off between series and the Yankees didn't is simply because they had the later game on Friday. Does anyone know how many times all 4 Divisional Series went 5 games? I feel like it may have been the first time it ever happened.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;322327]The Yankees/Orioles and Nationals/Cardinals games were all on the same day. Whenever the Nationals played, the Yankees played. The reason the Cardinals got a day off between series and the Yankees didn't is simply because they had the later game on Friday. Does anyone know how many times all 4 Divisional Series went 5 games? I feel like it may have been the first time it ever happened.[/QUOTE] Never
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;322327]The Yankees/Orioles and Nationals/Cardinals games were all on the same day. Whenever the Nationals played, the Yankees played. The reason the Cardinals got a day off between series and the Yankees didn't is simply because they had the later game on Friday. Does anyone know how many times all 4 Divisional Series went 5 games? I feel like it may have been the first time it ever happened.[/QUOTE] Last year they all went 5 games except Rangers-Rays (3-1). But as far as I can tell they've never all gone 5 games.
So now that Jeter's out, does that mean the fairweather Yankees fans will boo everyone in the lineup?
