The Challenge: Generic Thread

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[QUOTE=Blue123;282994]Agreed, I liked Duel 1 better, there was no competition on G3 the bad ***** dominated the whole game and lost in the end, it was bull****, it was a waste of their time. And if they do another duel it better be the same as duel 1 format none of that partnering up for the challenges bull crap. And I wana see a Kenny/Wes duel or a rematch of Wes/Derrick and a Laurel/Evelyn duel.[/QUOTE] I believe you mean Veterans, not Bad *****
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283002]Well she won 2 challenges, 2 Exiles and she won the whole challenge on her first try, she didnt do awful. She's a winner and thats better than girls like Laurel, Cara Maria, Aneesa, Sarah, Kelly Anne and Robin can say.[/QUOTE] Katie won the Inferno after winning two Infernos and one against a dude. Doesn't mean she's good. Granted I'd take Carley before Katie, but I'd take all the other girls you listed before Carley (except MAYBE Robin).
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283000]Yeah well that was a really hard Exiel and I disagree that Landon would have won with any partner. Carley was the type to never give up and [B]its not like he literally picked her up and put her on his shoulders[/B], she did had to get to the top of that hill before Sydney, Ev, Jill, Jenn and Laurel and she did. I do realize that Landon was a big help by carrying weight but I think Carley held her own, of course she would have to come back and do a challenge without partners to really be able to tell if she can handle it or not.[/QUOTE] Haha, he pushed her up the mountain with his head. Also, Casey won 5 elimination rounds with Wes. He never carried her.... but guess what, Casey's terrible.
[QUOTE=Challenge_Fan;283006]Haha, he pushed her up the mountain with his head. Also, Casey won 5 elimination rounds with Wes. He never carried her.... but guess what, Casey's terrible.[/QUOTE] But because one person was terrible and won, does that mean that every girl is terrible if they have a good partner? I don't think Carley's the best girl, but the fact that she survived the final and that exile against Ev/Luke, which I've heard was so intense because both teams used everything they had to win, says something about her.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;283008]But because one person was terrible and won, does that mean that every girl is terrible if they have a good partner? I don't think Carley's the best girl, but the fact that she survived the final and that exile against Ev/Luke, which I've heard was so intense because both teams used everything they had to win, says something about her.[/QUOTE] No, I am just saying that because she won some elimination rounds and a final doesn't mean that she's good. She definitely struck me as an inferior competitor, but having only seen one season with her, it's impossible to know for sure.
[QUOTE=Challenge_Fan;283009]No, I am just saying that because she won some elimination rounds and a final doesn't mean that she's good. She definitely struck me as an inferior competitor, but having only seen one season with her, it's impossible to know for sure.[/QUOTE] If you ignore the trials before FM2 and when she was picked by Landon, what exactly made her inferior? Yeah she ALMOST passed out in an exile, but again, it's also been said that Landon considered that exile harder than the final so he had to push Carley as much as possible.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;283010]If you ignore the trials before FM2 and when she was picked by Landon, what exactly made her inferior? Yeah she ALMOST passed out in an exile, but again, it's also been said that Landon considered that exile harder than the final so he had to push Carley as much as possible.[/QUOTE] Why would I ignore the trials before FM2? They factor in. Also, the fact that Landon had to push her to the top with his head. I have nothing against her, my whole point was simply that she didn't impress me. The fact that she won 2 Exiles and a Final didn't impress me. It simply furthered my believe that Landon is the best in the game.
[QUOTE=Challenge_Fan;283011]Why would I ignore the trials before FM2? They factor in. Also, the fact that Landon had to push her to the top with his head. I have nothing against her, my whole point was simply that she didn't impress me. The fact that she won 2 Exiles and a Final didn't impress me. It simply furthered my believe that Landon is the best in the game.[/QUOTE] Yeah and Diem didn't do that well at the trials either, but she's done well in the past too. I'm not saying Carley's the best, but I don't see how Landon pushing her up the mountain at the very end of the final makes the final not impressive for her. Doesn't have to be very impressive, but I think it still has to mean something.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;283012]Yeah and Diem didn't do that well at the trials either, but she's done well in the past too. I'm not saying Carley's the best, but I don't see how Landon pushing her up the mountain at the very end of the final makes the final not impressive for her. Doesn't have to be very impressive, but I think it still has to mean something.[/QUOTE] Is Diem really that impressive though? Fresh Meat: Her and Derrick won 3 challenges and lost in their first elimination round. Duel: She won 2 challenges, one of which she didn't really earn. She lost in her first elimination round. Gauntlet 3: Her team dominated and she had a free ride to the end. Duel 2: She didn't win any challenges and won one elimination round before losing in her second one. Ruins: Lost in Episode 1. She's not bad, but it's not like she's great either.
Ah, the monthly debate over whether Carley was a good partner or not. I was starting to think we may have moved on from that. :o
Lol. I loved Carly. She obviously wasn't like some athletic super amazon lady like Laurel. But I think she had a huge heart and huge will. Fresh Meat 2 was all about teamwork. One person could not win any challenge , let alone the final mission. I mean how many of the teams failed in the exile because they could not communicate? The fact is that Landon and Carly both communicated REALLY well and won. When Carly was starting to tire, Landon didnt yell at her like most of the partners did. He talked her through it which probably helped alot. They were a perfect team. And at the end of the day they won fair and square
I agree completely. It takes two to win. Some argue that Casey made it to the final too. There's a reason why she was last in the final and almost in every challenge. There's also a reason for her winning 5 exiles. They had much less weight to carry. And they only took out 1 strong team (which was Shane and Linette, Tonya and Johnnie would've done well too if it wasn't for the fact that Tonya brought 200 lbs of luggage with her). While Casey gave up many times during the challenges, Carley actually didn't quit (for instance when she fell from the punching bag) and kept on going. And also do you really think a weak person like Casey could last that long in that second mission, where they had to repeatedly stay under water? Of course, I think that Landon did help a lot. But he didn't literally carry her. He kept calm and told her to keep going, which at the moment was the best for Carley. But then again, who knows, I guess we'll just have to see, if she'll return for another challenge, and maybe prove everybody that she can do good without Landon.
Right. Fresh Meat 1 was completely different than Fresh Meat 2. Wes and Casey would have been eliminated against Tonya and Johnnie had Fresh Meat 1 actually been a fair competition. Also ChallengeFan Diem is a good competitor. Her and Derrick won a couple challenges in Fresh Meat, she wont 3 missions on Duel 1. Gauntlet 3 she was considered by her team to be the 2nd strongest female next to Evelyn. She made it deep in Duel 2 beating Jenn in a Duel, and she should have beaten Brittani but because her foot supposedly hit the ground (even though none of the angles of the camera actually caught her foot hitting the ground and I still dont believe it actually hit). And she was the female leader of the Challengers in The Ruins and lost to Tonya who is a great athlete. I think Carley is a good competitor, if she sucked and couldnt do anthing there was no way she would have been able to beat Sydney, Evelyn, Laurel, Jenn and Jillian. I mean thats a lot of competitors to beat based on "luck." Landon even said that Carley impressed him on the Fresh Meat 2 and she pulled her weight.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283036]Right. Fresh Meat 1 was completely different than Fresh Meat 2. Wes and Casey would have been eliminated against Tonya and Johnnie had Fresh Meat 1 actually been a fair competition. Also ChallengeFan Diem is a good competitor. Her and Derrick won a couple challenges in Fresh Meat, she wont 3 missions on Duel 1. Gauntlet 3 she was considered by her team to be the 2nd strongest female next to Evelyn. She made it deep in Duel 2 beating Jenn in a Duel, and she should have beaten Brittani but because her foot supposedly hit the ground (even though none of the angles of the camera actually caught her foot hitting the ground and I still dont believe it actually hit). And she was the female leader of the Challengers in The Ruins and lost to Tonya who is a great athlete. I think Carley is a good competitor, if she sucked and couldnt do anthing there was no way she would have been able to beat Sydney, Evelyn, Laurel, Jenn and Jillian. I mean thats a lot of competitors to beat based on "luck." Landon even said that Carley impressed him on the Fresh Meat 2 and she pulled her weight.[/QUOTE] Diem lost to Tonya on purpose in a pre-arranged elimination since she had to go home.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;283056]Diem lost to Tonya on purpose in a pre-arranged elimination since she had to go home.[/QUOTE] Why wouldnt they just bring in a new girl then? I mean I'm sure Paula or Aneesa would have done it. Plus it didnt appear that way on Kim and Brad's faces when Diem was losing. I cant imagine the Challengers were okay with just giving up their best female competitor because she "had" to go home, especially since the competition hadnt even really started.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283233]Why wouldnt they just bring in a new girl then? I mean I'm sure Paula or Aneesa would have done it. Plus it didnt appear that way on Kim and Brad's faces when Diem was losing. I cant imagine the Challengers were okay with just giving up their best female competitor because she "had" to go home, especially since the competition hadnt even really started.[/QUOTE] Because she didn't TELL's a similar situation to what happened with Evan on Rivals. They wanted to leave but they didn't tell anyone aside from certain other cast members.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283233]Why wouldnt they just bring in a new girl then? I mean I'm sure Paula or Aneesa would have done it. Plus it didnt appear that way on Kim and Brad's faces when Diem was losing. I cant imagine the Challengers were okay with just giving up their best female competitor because she "had" to go home, especially since the competition hadnt even really started.[/QUOTE] She wasn't going to get paid if she made it obvious she was throwing the elimination. She also wasn't going to get paid if she left without participating in an elimination.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283233]Why wouldnt they just bring in a new girl then? I mean I'm sure Paula or Aneesa would have done it. Plus it didnt appear that way on Kim and Brad's faces when Diem was losing. I cant imagine the Challengers were okay with just giving up their best female competitor because she "had" to go home, especially since the competition hadnt even really started.[/QUOTE] The best Challengers' girl was considered to be Kelly Anne...not Diem. Diem did win three missions on the duel but the circumstances around them were in her favor. First mission she won was the mud pit and winning that had more to do with being popular than it did with being athletic which is exactly why Beth was out of that competition in the first nano second. Second mission she won was the sand dunes where it was basically a distance running contest between chain smoker Robin and Svetlana who admitted to not remembering when she last ran. Svetlana also hinted at it being a nice present since it was Diem's birthday that day. Third missino was another distance running contest against Robin again and Kina but Diem did do a good job in that one. In every other mission on the Duel she seemed to do pretty awful she placed dead last in a lot of them. Beth also stated during the Flying Leap competition that Casey should've picked Diem for the duel because Diem was easily the weakest girl there and that Casey would've probably beaten her in Pole Wrestle. I think Diem has come a long way though since her beginnings and she seems to have gradually improved on every challenge she came on.
Rachel and Tyler on the podcast with Derrick. [url=]Derrick Kosinski's | Ultimate Challenge Radio | Powered by Talent Network[/url]
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;283008]But because one person was terrible and won, does that mean that every girl is terrible if they have a good partner? I don't think Carley's the best girl, but the fact that she survived the final and that exile against Ev/Luke, which I've heard was so intense because both teams used everything they had to win, says something about her.[/QUOTE] Landon said that that exile was harder than the final and I guess she survived it but she was completely useless, she was dying and wasn't carrying any weight and didnt help in some of the puzzles all she had to do was walk. Made me realize how good Ev really is judging by how Carley looked and she was carrying more weight than Luke.
In my opinion, when people think of Carley, they put too much weight on the exile and final mission. Granted, she faltered during those, she still completed them, beating the other teams who were very strong, and ended up winning. However, from what I remember, she was actually really good in the regular missions and contributed a lot to the team during those. I don't think Carley is the best competitor, but I think she's a lot better than people give her credit for. Plus, wasn't she training to become a professional wrestler? If she's ever in a physical elimination, that'd definitely be an advantage for her.
Adam L. turned down rivals. I wonder why he had a change of heart.
Again, I'm afraid of what would happen with the combined ************* of Adam L and Johnny Bananas on one show. I consider Adam to be the original Johnny Bananas.
I think Trishelle and Katie may have sparked Adam's interest again. I think him and Abram would have been a great team. I also think that when a really good season comes around like Rivals, it makes the cast members more interested in doing another one. Especially if they're doing really cool challenges. I would love to see these three on another one together mixed in with the veterans that still do the show but have a longer past with these people (Robin, Aneesa, Derrick, Abram, Ct, Adam K., Rachel R.)
[QUOTE=TheCollegeD;282893]I hope we get some NOLA 2 people on this upcoming challenge, i haven't heard any of them rumored to be going :([/QUOTE] Well it's sad that I had to stare at the cast photo for 30 seconds to remember half of the people. Once I realized who was who, I realized half of them would make for great challenge folk.
[url=]Derrick Kosinski's | Ultimate Challenge Radio | Powered by Talent Network[/url] I think we should have a specific thread to talk about these. The latest episode with Rachel Robinson & Tyler was really good. Actually made me think a lot about my sexuality and that I should actually become an active member of the LGBT community. Any other thoughts on the latest podcast?
I was rewatching Rivals this week and I noticed that "Blast Off" was the only Jungle that was used twice. I think its a tad ridiculous that it was the only one used twice, I think they should have just made up a whole new one. Plus they used it with Laurel/Cara Maria vs. Jonna/Jasmine which automatically meant that L&CM were gonna win. Its almost like production wanted them to win... Idk i just think it was kind of a ****** way to get them in the finals instead of making a new Jungle to give J&J a chance.
[QUOTE=kyled13;283512]I was rewatching Rivals this week and I noticed that "Blast Off" was the only Jungle that was used twice. I think its a tad ridiculous that it was the only one used twice, I think they should have just made up a whole new one. Plus they used it with Laurel/Cara Maria vs. Jonna/Jasmine which automatically meant that L&CM were gonna win. Its almost like production wanted them to win... Idk i just think it was kind of a ****** way to get them in the finals instead of making a new Jungle to give J&J a chance.[/QUOTE] Production chose the easiest set up to clean up afterward since they all had to fly off to Argentina the next day. A circle in the sand is easy to get rid of, while a giant contraption or a wall isn't.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;283513]Production chose the easiest set up to clean up afterward since they all had to fly off to Argentina the next day. A circle in the sand is easy to get rid of, while a giant contraption or a wall isn't.[/QUOTE] That makes sense actually. But still wish it had been something to give them more of a chance to win
[QUOTE=kyled13;283514]That makes sense actually. But still wish it had been something to give them more of a chance to win[/QUOTE] Thats silly, production shouldnt make challenges so everybody has a chance to win, let the best team win and if Laurel and Cara Maria are better competitors than Jonna and Jasmine (which they are) then so be it.
