Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=Bolt8;149574]Have you seen every season?[/QUOTE] Yes. The names do not jump out at me. I had to Google them to remember who they were. Therefore, not so memorable.
I didn't say they were memorable I said in my opinion I find them more memorable than Danielle. I guess I have a really good memory cause I can remember every Survivor from every season except maybe the last 6 seasons there's a few forgettable names.
Dreamz I think would have been pretty good. I liked how no one voted for him because he betrayed Yau-man in the car deal.
[QUOTE=Bolt8;149580]I didn't say they were memorable I said in my opinion I find them more memorable than Danielle. I guess I have a really good memory cause I can remember every Survivor from every season except maybe the last 6 seasons there's a few forgettable names.[/QUOTE] I was actually talking about that with my mother the yesterday, we found it funny how we could easily fully name the oldest Survivors (like the first two seasons) but probably couldn't name the first names of everyone from Samoa. I can name all the winners and runners up, and can do the seasons in a row, but I can't name every single Survivor from every single season. Some people are just really Danielle.
That could have something to do with that on Survivor they used to put the castmembers names on and their faces before the beginning of the show.
I can probably name all the Survivors from seasons 1-5. Seasons 6-10 I might struggle a little and seasons 11-19 I will most likely forget a few names just not normally a runner up like Danielle.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;149586]That could have something to do with that on Survivor they used to put the castmembers names on and their faces before the beginning of the show.[/QUOTE]I agree, they used to say their name, age, job, and location. But now-a-days, it would be primarily "John Doe, a twenty-something bartender/aspiring actor from Los Angeles." I can name every Survivor in boot order, lol. I've always been a complete Survivor dork.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;149627]I agree, they used to say their name, age, job, and location. But now-a-days, it would be primarily "[B]John Doe, a twenty-something bartender/aspiring actor from Los Angeles[/B]." I can name every Survivor in boot order, lol. I've always been a complete Survivor dork.[/QUOTE] Isn't that name, age, job, and location? :p
Haha, well yea, but in the early days when they did that, they at least had some diversity to them. Now, they'd have to repeat that same line for half the cast.
I think the reason why we have so many forgettable contestants now is not only due to editing (I honestly had no idea who Kelly was this past season till she got voted off, and even then I didn't know who she was) but also because practically everyone that gets cast these days are recruits. What happened to the good old days of casting people who actually WANTED to be on the show?
That is CRAZY! I honestly wouldn't mind a Fans Vs. Favorites 2 though...but every other season is a little much...I guess the ratings of HvV will seal the deal.
I just started watching Survivor, I watched the last few episodes of Samoa and got really into it. I found myself rooting for Brett a lot. Can anybody tell me what Cirie has done to be so popular and be asked back to so many shows? She's lives right near me and I heard this is going to be her third Survivor show. It's crazy.
[QUOTE=andrewsz1991;151786]I just started watching Survivor, I watched the last few episodes of Samoa and got really into it. I found myself rooting for Brett a lot. Can anybody tell me what Cirie has done to be so popular and be asked back to so many shows? She's lives right near me and I heard this is going to be her third Survivor show. It's crazy.[/QUOTE] Cirie is the self-proclaimed "couch potato". A bit of a "well if I can do it..." person.
OOo yeah because I knokw she got far and made quite a bit of money but never quite won the whole thing.
[QUOTE=andrewsz1991;151789]OOo yeah because I knokw she got far and made quite a bit of money but never quite won the whole thing.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I think they use Cirie to try and get more of the "normal" people to apply.
[QUOTE=molds13;149575]Yes. The names do not jump out at me. I had to Google them to remember who they were. Therefore, not so memorable.[/QUOTE] Yea I know this was a week ago. But Gina and Hunter are prob two of the most known and popular pre-jury Survivors. If you dont know them its shame on you and i have to question if you've really seen every season. you also didn't recognize Danni from the 10 Year Reunion.
[QUOTE=asamber1;151799]Yea I know this was a week ago. But Gina and Hunter are prob two of the most known and popular pre-jury Survivors. If you dont know them its shame on you and i have to question if you've really seen every season. you also didn't recognize Danni from the 10 Year Reunion.[/QUOTE] Neither did a LOT of people who saw the picture. It wasn't just me. You should read what some people on other boards were saying about her. Survivor: Marquesas was almost 8 years ago. Forgive me for not remembering every single person. I think there are much more memorable pre-jury Survivors...for example, Boston Rob. Jeff Varner. Kimmi. The list goes on. Not like that was a great season anyway.
[QUOTE=asamber1;151799]Yea I know this was a week ago. But Gina and Hunter are prob two of the most known and popular pre-jury Survivors. If you dont know them its shame on you and i have to question if you've really seen every season. you also didn't recognize Danni from the 10 Year Reunion.[/QUOTE] Just because people don't remember who they are doesn't mean they're not a Survivor fan. And no offense, but Danni was possibly one of the most forgettable winners. I like her a lot, but not very many people remember her...
[QUOTE=andrewsz1991;151789]OOo yeah because I knokw she got far and made quite a bit of money but never quite won the whole thing.[/QUOTE] Andrew - I used to work in Stamford. I'm currently living in Seymour. Cirie is in Norwalk right? I used to live there too - right near Washington St. Holler Connecticuttttttt
Heroes vs Villains is going to be revisiting old challenges from past seasons. From the promos, you can see they're doing the bag digup from Exile Island, and the first immunity challenge from Cook Islands. Mark Burnett said in an interview that they brought back Schmergenball from Samoa as well. What other challenges do you guys want to see?
One of my favorites was in Africa when they had to roll the boulders to the finish line. I can't remember if they've reused that one since then...? I also liked the one they first used in Palau where they have the weight they have to carry and walk around in a circle until they catch the other team... They used that again in Gabon.
This is pretty cool. It's got every season's theme song and the order that people were voted out. It's cool to see the differences in each emblem for each seasons, and I like hearing the differences in the theme songs to kind of mirror the area that they're in (the didgeridoo for Australia, the "oriental" music for Thailand, Pirates of the Caribbean-esque music for Pearl Islands, military drums for Palau, creepy music for Exile Island, etc) It doesn't have the results for Heroes vs Villains in it, so part 2 is spoiler-free :D [url=]YouTube - FULL History of Survivor! (Part 1/2)[/url] [url=]YouTube - FULL History of Survivor! (Part 2/2)[/url]
Anonymous's picture
Favorite Season: All-stars; pretty good cast (well I'd hope so!), but the best season in terms of challenges. Loved the 3 tribe deal. I'd also love to see a 3 tribe merge, because that would be really interesting. Only bad thing was that the jury voted the wrong way. Worst Season: Exile Island. It had its moments, but with Terry winning all those challenges, and then having him voted off kind of made it anti-climactic, although I did want Aras to win since the merger. The merged the 4 tribes way too early. I understand that if you lose two immunity challenges, your tribe is down to 2, but they could've had 2 immunity challenges, and then knock it down to 3 tribes, a couple more challenges, then knock it down 2 tribes. challenges were pretty bad too, with the exception of a few. hanging on a pole? c'mon. i could do a better challenge in my backyard. I'd like to see survivor go to something like Portugal or Spain.
Recently I've caught up on Amazon and Exile Island/Panama. Amazon was interesting. Pretty middle-ground stuff. Can't BELIEVE Jenna was the winner. Wow! What went wrong! haha Exile Island has been pretty good...weird that they can play the hidden immunity idol AFTER the votes have been read. Is this the only season that is set like that?? I'm almost finished with this and I know who wins....and I'm not happy about it. Don't really like the guy.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;153031] Exile Island has been pretty good...weird that they can play the hidden immunity idol AFTER the votes have been read. Is this the only season that is set like that?? I'm almost finished with this and I know who wins....and I'm not happy about it. Don't really like the guy.[/QUOTE]Cook Islands did the idol the same way. It gave Yul a free ride to the win.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;153031] Exile Island has been pretty good...weird that they can play the hidden immunity idol AFTER the votes have been read. Is this the only season that is set like that?? I'm almost finished with this and I know who wins....and I'm not happy about it. Don't really like the guy.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I didn't really like the way that was set up either. It made the idol a very expensive bargaining chip and a huge risk to vote for that person. I kind of like how now you have to throw it out before the votes are read, it makes it more risky...but I also think that telling people (even in your alliance) is a bad idea, because word always seems to spread and then people want to flush the idol out as soon as possible. It just puts a target on your back. Back during Cook and Exile, it took it straight off.
I think they changed it after seeing how much power it gave Yul. They probably would have changed it after Exile, if Terry realized he could have thrown one of the immunity challenges and used the idol to his advantage.
[QUOTE=SurferZ;153089]I think they changed it after seeing how much power it gave Yul. They probably would have changed it after Exile, if Terry realized he could have thrown one of the immunity challenges and used the idol to his advantage.[/QUOTE] Yeah...when he was hurting for numbers he should've thrown a challenge, let them vote for him and then had his pick of who to knock off. Terry is really ruining this season for me. Meh. So after this one I think Cooks and Fiji are the only ones I haven't seen.
Cook Islands and Fiji are the worst seasons. I actually kind of like Exile Island. Its the on more recent reason (and its hardly recent) with some decent characters having all Shane, Courtney, Cirie, and Terry. Its really a shame of all people Danielle got to come back from this season over Courtney, Shane, and Terry! I am really fed up with the hidden idol. I think they have gotten played out. I wouldnt mind if there was one a reason (kind of like Gary in Season 11), but having so manny is annoying. IMO.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;153134]Yeah...when he was hurting for numbers he should've thrown a challenge, let them vote for him and then had his pick of who to knock off. Terry is really ruining this season for me. Meh. So after this one I think Cooks and Fiji are the only ones I haven't seen.[/QUOTE] He ruined the season for me too. I thought "aw how cute, he celebrated after winning" until he did it every single time. Then the "YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!" was really obnoxious. I wouldn't waste your time with Fiji. Awful season. I actually really liked Cook Islands, but I think it was more the people that I liked rather than the actual season. I mean Parvati, Ozzy, Penner...and Billy, of course. The division by race was interesting and I did like how diverse the final 4 was. [QUOTE=asamber1;153140]Cook Islands and Fiji are the worst seasons. I actually kind of like Exile Island. Its the on more recent reason (and its hardly recent) with some decent characters having all Shane, Courtney, Cirie, and Terry. Its really a shame of all people Danielle got to come back from this season over Courtney, Shane, and Terry! I am really fed up with the hidden idol. I think they have gotten played out. I wouldnt mind if there was one a reason (kind of like Gary in Season 11), but having so manny is annoying. IMO.[/QUOTE] I liked Exile Island too. I loved Shane, Courtney, and Cirie. And total agreement on having Danielle back. I'm kind of fed up with the idol too. It's like as soon as word gets out that someone has it, the immediate thought is to flush it out. And rehiding it kind of sucks too because it potentially gives someone a lot of chances.
