Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=molds13;147224]Shane was asked as an alternate, and was super pissed when he wasn't chosen.[/QUOTE] Oh wow what a crime that he didnt make the show. I mean Tyson made it over Shane? Coach is enough, we dont need his sidekick on the show with him again. What in the heck were they thinking? Bad move. I wouldve loved to have seen Shane back along with EI Courtney over Danielle. They were probably the best duo of that season. One of my favorite seasons ever.
I'm a bit surprised that Rob Cesternino from the Amazon season isn't on this season. He didn't really get to play long on the original All Stars season so I'm surprised that he wasn't asked for this one.
[QUOTE=Aquatta;147232]Agree with everything you said about Fiji, I absolutely hated that season. Probably the worst season ever. [/QUOTE] Wait, what? We agree on something? Someone take a picture :D [QUOTE]I loved PI, just loved Fairplay and Rupert combo along with Sandra. I love that she won the game and I still dont see how, she never won a single immunity challenge but yet won the game. Guess that's where the social aspect comes into play. I loved Sandra and how she would go off on people & she was very loyal and smart. She was a good winner in my eyes, glad she is back for HVV.[/QUOTE] Rewatching Pearl Islands, I do have a lot more respect for the season. I wouldn't go as far as saying that Sandra is one of my least favorite winners ever now (she still isn't one of my favorites, and I explained why in the HVV spoiler thread), but I am standing firm on Lil. She was still pretty awful. [QUOTE]Agree that Thailand was pretty bad, my least fave seasons are Thailand, Fiji, Amazon (first & only season I stopped watching), and probably Tocantins. Favorite seasons would be Borneo (of course), Pearl Islands, & Cook Islands.[/QUOTE] I would add Gabon to the least favorite list and add Micronesia to the favorites. Other than that, pretty spot on.
I liked fans vs. Favorites as well but found it disheartening when people like Chet make it that far doing nothing. Also with all the people having to be medically evacuated James and Penner, with the lack of using the idol Jason,Ozzy, and Erik. Left for a medicore finish. I usually find that the people who make the final are either the most boring or the people who aren't worthy of the win and the people who played better went home sooner.
[QUOTE=Aquatta;147234]Oh wow what a crime that he didnt make the show. I mean Tyson made it over Shane? Coach is enough, we dont need his sidekick on the show with him again. What in the heck were they thinking? Bad move. I wouldve loved to have seen Shane back along with EI Courtney over Danielle. They were probably the best duo of that season. One of my favorite seasons ever.[/QUOTE] Somewhere around here is the blog that Shane wrote about not being picked. He was pissed. He got screwed, and he made sure that everyone knew about it.
[QUOTE=molds13;147238]Somewhere around here is the blog that Shane wrote about not being picked. He was pissed. He got screwed, and he made sure that everyone knew about it.[/QUOTE] [URL=""]Shane Powers: Attn: Someone[/URL] Ironically, he now exchanges friendly tweets with Erika Shay.
Since when is someone entitled to be on the show. Sure he was pretty good on the show but still it's their show. I think it would have made more mad if the winner had been asked to come on the show. Also how is Cirie a hero?
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;147244]Since when is someone entitled to be on the show. Sure he was pretty good on the show but [B]still it's their show[/B]. I think it would have made more mad if the winner had been asked to come on the show. Also how is Cirie a hero?[/QUOTE] kind of bugs me that people like Lynne Spillman and Erika Shay think it is their show that exists for the sole benefit of their friends. There is no excuse for Danielle DiLorenzo but TDT said back in August that she has friends in casting so that's how she gets on. Even back for Parvati and Amanda in season 16, there were better choices than them at the time, but they are/were BFF with Erika.
Isn't Erika from Big Brother? If so isn't that a funny coincidence ;)
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;147253] kind of bugs me that people like Lynne Spillman and Erika Shay think it is their show that exists for the sole benefit of their friends. There is no excuse for Danielle DiLorenzo but TDT said back in August that she has friends in casting so that's how she gets on. Even back for Parvati and Amanda in season 16, there were better choices than them at the time, but they are/were BFF with Erika.[/QUOTE] Exactly! I would rather see Peih-Gee, Twila, or even someone like Alicia instead of Danielle. I know that Twila called out the casting so I doubt she will EVER be invited back. She was upset about Eliza being on FvF, but I think that Eliza was a big character on Vanuatu so I think that she was a reasonable choice.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;147256]Isn't Erika from Big Brother? If so isn't that a funny coincidence ;)[/QUOTE] No. The Erika from BB is Erika Landin.
Oh yeah! I checked it out I had just heard though from a show that she found Johnny Fairplay and presumed that she did casting. Sorry about that. Does anyone know though if she still does casting?
Erika Landin used to be on the casting team for Survivor and TAR but found some other job in the industry after BB All Stars.
[QUOTE=molds13;147236]Wait, what? We agree on something? Someone take a picture :D Rewatching Pearl Islands, I do have a lot more respect for the season. I wouldn't go as far as saying that Sandra is one of my least favorite winners ever now (she still isn't one of my favorites, and I explained why in the HVV spoiler thread), but I am standing firm on Lil. She was still pretty awful. I would add Gabon to the least favorite list and add Micronesia to the favorites. Other than that, pretty spot on.[/QUOTE] I know, I couldnt believe when that we had agreed on so many things when I had read this thread! LOL. Hey there is a first time for everything I guess. Lil was awful and I am glad she didnt win since she was voted off then came back with the stupid Ghost Tribe twist. Without that lame twist the season wouldve been even better. Yea Gabon doesnt stick out in my mind as a good season either. I hated how Sugar stabbed her tribe in the back and basically handed Bob the win. That's the first time I ever felt that something on Survivor was staged. I loved Micronesia as well, reading this thread reminds me of how good that season was and I loved Chet, Kathy & their friend with the big *****. That was a pretty good season as well. As I have said before I also liked Exile Island so I would add that as a fave of mine.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;147253] kind of bugs me that people like Lynne Spillman and Erika Shay think it is their show that exists for the sole benefit of their friends. There is no excuse for Danielle DiLorenzo but TDT said back in August that she has friends in casting so that's how she gets on. Even back for Parvati and Amanda in season 16, there were better choices than them at the time, but they are/were BFF with Erika.[/QUOTE] See this is why I avoid reading inside info and spoilers about Survivor. This show is still one of my untouched shows where I dont know all the behind the scenes info about. I think that's why after all these years I still am in love with Survivor. I hate knowing that just because Danielle has friends in the casting department she got on HVV. There are plenty of better women than her and Candice. BTW I would consider Candace a villain not a hero, I hated her on Cook Islands and she also mutinied against her tribe making her a big loser in the end lol. The whole Shane situation sucks. I guess he doesn't have friends in the casting department. He responded in typical psycho Shane fashion, which is why he wouldve been perfect for this season but oh well.
[QUOTE=Aquatta;147272] I loved Micronesia as well, reading this thread reminds me of how good that season was and I loved Chet, Kathy & their friend with the big *****. That was a pretty good season as well. As I have said before I also liked Exile Island so I would add that as a fave of mine.[/QUOTE] I can't stand Kathy. I can't stand Kathy because she quit. She agreed to go on a show that [I]thousands[/I] of people would kill to get on and she just up and quit. I feel the same way about Osten...actually, I feel worse about him. As Christa said, "he's probably the biggest puss I've ever met". That kind of stuff makes me feel that the physical and psychological tests they put potential people through don't mean ****. Big ***** McGee was Tracy, btw.
Speaking of quitting...I believe that Jenna Morasca was the only Survivor ever to leave the game without having been to tribal council on All-Stars. I'm not including whatever season it was (Palau?) where they voted 2 people off immediately, because they never actually played the game.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;147253] kind of bugs me that people like Lynne Spillman and Erika Shay think it is their show that exists for the sole benefit of their friends. There is no excuse for Danielle DiLorenzo but TDT said back in August that she has friends in casting so that's how she gets on. [B]Even back for Parvati and Amanda in season 16, there were better choices than them at the time[/B], but they are/were BFF with Erika.[/QUOTE] Parvati and Amanda only got asked to do FvF because Candace (Cook Islands) and Courtney (China) turned it down. Funny enough, they both accepted this time yet Amanda and Parvati are still on.
I believe PG from China also choose not to go on FVF.
[QUOTE=molds13;146986]Just curious...why would you have voted for Danielle or Susie, or Cirie over the other person available? I (personally, of course) thought Aras, Bob, and Parvati (or even Amanda) were better choices. I'm still wondering why Danielle was brought back for Heroes vs Villains.[/QUOTE] Underdog pretty much is my reason. I always root for the underdogs.
[QUOTE=asamber1;147305]I believe PG from China also choose not to go on FVF.[/QUOTE] Tom Westman, Shane and Yul were also asked. Tom declined. I don't know about Peih Gee.
I have always been skeptical that Yul and Tom were actually asked. I think that could be something they just told people who were mad they weren't on. I was pretty sure "No Winners" was determined for that season. But i could be wrong. I was always skeptical Tom and Yul were actually asked. I really think Natalie (FVF) would be the biggest waste of space on an all star season. I mean might as well just call her Brett she did nothing up until the very very end of her game. Really a complete waste in my opinion. I really think all the "fans" who went far in that season (Erik, Alexis, and Natalie) were all pretty terrible players and just handed everything over to the favorites. And it would be absurd to put her and Parv back on the team together. I mean Amber and Jerri were split up on All Stars (even if they were not friends post show). But you can't put Parv and Natalie back together. So if you want Natalie in, you would have to take Parv out. I mean i really felt bad for the Vanuatu girls on FVF cause Twila, Ami, and Eliza were prob the MOST deserving girls to be put on that season but it would have been Vanuatu girls overload if they took up 3/5 slots, with 9 seasons of girls to go through. Also Molds adding to me last post, aside from underdogs i would have just voted who i liked better and i have to base that off Tv.
For S16, they apparently had 6-10 other people waiting in the wings to go, who were dropped last minute. The speculation at that time went constantly back and forth between a complete all star edition or a fans vs favs type thing and some might even say CBS didn't know what they were doing til last minute. They wanted to prevent pre-show alliances and so they told more people than they intended to bring that they would be on the show. Then they told them days before the plane was to take off that they would not be going. Apparently, they did not have the same interest in breaking up alliances for S20, because most of the interview list, and the Heroes vs. Villains theme were spoiled nearly an entire month before they flew to Samoa.
[QUOTE=asamber1;147312]I have always been skeptical that Yul and Tom were actually asked. I think that could be something they just told people who were mad they weren't on. I was pretty sure "No Winners" was determined for that season. But i could be wrong. I was always skeptical Tom and Yul were actually asked. [/QUOTE] [url=]Survivor Season 16 Cast Information[/url] [QUOTE]Question: In selecting the people for this season, what was your role and who did you want that you couldn't get? JP: We did something interesting with casting of the favorites. We refer to it as "the big con". We alluded to the fact that there would be 20 people on the season. So when we started talking to the favorites they figured there must be 20 favorites going, it's an All Stars season. So, we had 20 people on the hook thinking they were going. Knowing all along we were only taking 10 and that the other 10 were going to be fans. That for us was important because we knew all these guys were talking on the phone to each other and trying to build alliances before the show even started. So we wanted to complicate it a little bit. I think it worked. [B]Some of the people that we wanted on the show and just didn't have a spot for...Shane from Exile Island. Yul, we wanted back. A couple of the people that we wanted that didn't want to do it were Tom Westman from Palau. I ran into Tom in New York. We were talking. I said, "If we ever did another All Star, would you do it?" He said, "There's no chance. Look at how it played for me. I came out as a hero. Everything went my way. I'm the fireman who was the nice guy and won. All I would do is tarnish that image. I'm not going through it again." The other person we really wanted back was Courtney from last season. She didn't want to do it either. [/B] So we had a couple people turn us down. But for the most part as you can imagine it was a feeding frenzy of favorites calling our casting director, pleading their case as to why they would make a good choice. [/QUOTE]
Interesting that Tom said all that, but is coming back for this season... If I won, I sure as hell wouldn't come back. There's nothing left to prove.
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Well, Tom is coming back as a "Hero" in the Heroes vs. Villians, so he doesn't have to worry about tarnishing his "nice guy/hero" image. I guess with Fan vs. Favorites, it almost does seem like the "Favorites" were the "villians" in a sense that they are trying to defend their title as favorites against a bunch of newbies.
[QUOTE=LifeAfterBMP;147411]Well, Tom is coming back as a "Hero" in the Heroes vs. Villians, so he doesn't have to worry about tarnishing his "nice guy/hero" image. [/QUOTE]I disagree. With a tribe of 10 heroes who are generally pretty boring, they are going to have to do some editing to at least get some conflict out of that tribe. The heroes are going to stand together as a tribe from anywhere from 4-10 episodes depending on if/when there is a switch merge. The editors are going to have to get SOMETHING out of them, so some of them will have to get different edits than their last time around.
Just because you are on the "hero" tribe doesn't mean you can't be interesting or have conflict or that they have to edit it. A different group of people and the dynamics of the game this time kinda changes everything.
There will be drama on the hero side I'm sure... I'm excited to see how people like Randy, Russell, and Coach interact with each other. It'll be fun to watch.
All-Stars, Fans vs Favorites, and Heroes vs Villians all have featured castmembers who either made the jury or final TC on their original season except for Boston Rob (Marquesas) and Shii Ann (Thailand). As for the 3-peats, Jerri, Boston Rob and Colby were the only two that were only in one jury/final TC while the rest are all 2/2.
