Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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Here's a pretty good article featuring many veterans of Survivor including season 20 participants Jerri, Coach and Rupert...don't worry, there are no spoilers: [URL=""]Survivors pick their 'Survivor' all-stars[/URL] [quote]"Survivor" will mark its 20th season with something special as it once again unites former players, this time as “Heroes vs. Villains.” Before CBS announces the lineup next week, we asked former Survivors whether they see themselves as a hero or villain, who other than themselves they’d like to see play this time around and is it easier to win as a hero or villain. [/quote]
That was a really interesting article! Cool hearing from people like Kathy and Cesternino again. I was surprised that no one mentioned Stephenie...
Great article. Have any of you guys either read or seen the movie [I]Lord of the Flies[/I]? I remember in All-Stars when Rob and Amber won the movie night that Jeff said that Survivor was based off this book. What do you guys think?
[QUOTE=molds13;147926]Great article. Have any of you guys either read or seen the movie [I]Lord of the Flies[/I]? I remember in All-Stars when Rob and Amber won the movie night that Jeff said that Survivor was based off this book. What do you guys think?[/QUOTE] I remember that. Mark Burnett said on a VH1 special years back that Survivor was originally supposed to be some sort of documentary but they changed it to make it more of a reality show.
Season finales and the gender makeup: 2 females: Marquesas, Pearl Islands, Guatemala, Micronesia 2 males: Thailand, Tocantins 1 male, 1 female: Borneo, Australia, Africa, Amazon, All-Stars, Vanuatu, Palau, Panama (males won 5/8 times) 2 males, 1 female: Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa (males won 2/3 times) 2 females, 1 male: China, Gabon (males won 2/2 times)
Interesting that before Tocantins there hadn't been two males in the finals since Thailand.
Final 4 makeup. Blue indicates a man won; red indicates a woman won that season. 4 men: 3 women, 1 man: [COLOR="Red"]Marquesas[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Vanuatu[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Pearl Islands[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Guatemala[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]China[/COLOR] 2 women, 2 men: [COLOR="Blue"]Borneo[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Australia[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Thailand[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]All-Stars[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Palau[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Panama[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Cook Islands[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Gabon[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Tocantins[/COLOR] 3 men, 1 woman: [COLOR="Blue"]Africa[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Amazon[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Fiji[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Samoa[/COLOR] 4 women: [COLOR="Red"]Micronesia[/COLOR]
Jury makeup by gender. Again, blue indicates a male winner, red a female winner: 4 women, 3 men: [COLOR=Red]Australian Outback[/COLOR], [COLOR=Blue]Thailand[/COLOR], [COLOR=Red]All-Stars[/COLOR], [COLOR=Blue]Palau[/COLOR], [COLOR=Blue]China[/COLOR], [COLOR=Blue]Tocantins[/COLOR] 4 women, 4 men: [COLOR=Red]Micronesia[/COLOR] 5 women, 4 men: [COLOR=Blue]Cook Islands[/COLOR] 5 women, 2 men: [COLOR=Blue]Vanuatu[/COLOR] 4 men, 3 women: [COLOR=Blue]Borneo[/COLOR], [COLOR=Blue]Africa[/COLOR], [COLOR=Red]Marquesas[/COLOR], [COLOR=Red]Amazon[/COLOR], [COLOR=Red]Pearl Islands[/COLOR], [COLOR=Blue]Panama[/COLOR] 5 men, 2 women: [COLOR=Red]Guatemala[/COLOR], [COLOR=Blue]Gabon[/COLOR] 5 men, 4 women: [COLOR=Red]Samoa[/COLOR] 6 men, 3 women: [COLOR=Blue]Fiji[/COLOR] Totals: 30 women, 33 men
I believe that Osten from PI is the only Survivor ever to not have Jeff say "The tribe has spoken" upon his torch being snuffed.
Jury makeup, based on their original tribes. If the finals makeup is different, I bolded what tribe the winner was from. Borneo: 4 Pagong, 3 Tagi (2 Tagi) Australia: 4 Kucha, 3 Ogakor (2 Ogakor) Africa: 4 Samburu, 3 Boran (2 Boran) Marquesas: 6 Rotu, 1 Maraamu (1 Rotu, [B]1 Maraamu[/B]) Thailand: 4 Sook Jai, 3 Chuay Gahn (2 Chuay Gahn) Amazon: [COLOR=black]4 Tambaqui[/COLOR], 3 Jaburu (1 Tambaqui, [B]1 Jaburu[/B]) Pearl Island: 4 Drake, 3 Morgan (1 Morgan, [B]1 Drake[/B]) All-Stars: 3 Mogo Mogo, 2 Chapera, 2 Saboga (2 Chapera) Vanuatu: 5 Yasur, 2 Lopevi (1 Yasur, 1 Lopevi) Palau: 6 Koror, 1 Ulong (2 Koror) Guatemala: 4 Yaxhá, 3 Nakúm (1 Yaxhá, [B]1 Nakúm[/B]) Panama: 3 La Mina, 2 Bayoneta, 1 Casaya, 1 Viveros (1 Bayoneta, [B]1 Viveros[/B]) Cook Islands: 4 Rarotonga, 3 Manihiki, 2 Puka Puka ([B]2 Puka Puka[/B], 1 Aitutaki) Fiji: 5 Moto, 4 Ravu (2 Moto, [B]1 Ravu[/B]) China: 4 Zhan Hu, 3 Fei Long (3 Fei Long) Micronesia: 4 Malakal, 4 Airai (2 Malakal) Gabon: 4 Fang, 3 Kota ([B]2 Kota[/B], 1 Fang) Tocantins: 6 Timbira, 1 Jalapao (2 Jalapao) Samoa: 8 Galu, 1 Foa Foa (3 Foa Foa)
[QUOTE=molds13;148365]I believe that Osten from PI is the only Survivor ever to not have Jeff say "The tribe has spoken" upon his torch being snuffed.[/QUOTE]For Bobby Jon, he said "Bobby Jon, the tribe definitely did not speak tonight, nonetheless, it's time for you to go." Janu got "Janu, per your wishes, this game is over for you, but you will return and be a part of the jury. Good night." And Rudy got: "In this case, Kelly has spoken."
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;148390]For Bobby Jon, he said "Bobby Jon, the tribe definitely did not speak tonight, nonetheless, it's time for you to go." Janu got "Janu, per your wishes, this game is over for you, but you will return and be a part of the jury. Good night." And Rudy got: "In this case, Kelly has spoken."[/QUOTE] Zing, good call!
In the seasons where there have been both sexes represented at the final tribal council, the men have voted for the women 18 times (most noticeably Samoa and Amazon), while the women have voted for the men 27 times (most noticeably Cook Islands and Palau).
Survivor is slowly but surely morphing itself into the RWRR looks like we will be seeing all stars every other season [URL=""][url][/url][/URL]
How much longer is Survivor going to be on for? I remember when they were saying it would be done after season 12... Now here we are on season 20!
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;148508]Survivor is slowly but surely morphing itself into the RWRR looks like we will be seeing all stars every other season [URL=""][url][/url][/URL][/QUOTE] Ugggggggggggggggh.
I hope they can find a way to at least bring an interesting mix to every all star season. HvV has a good cast but also has way too tangled a web of people who have been on shows together before. If they just do Amanda, James, Cirie, Russell and Parvati every other season, it will tank.
I guess it is better that they are at least thinking of ways to cut corners and keep the show on the air. With falling ratings across the network spectrum, thinking outside the box doesn't hurt.
I would love to see season 22 be a 2nd chance where pre merge members were voted off. There's lots of good choices. Here's some I wouldnt mind seeing: 19-Besty, Ben, Russell, & Marissa. 18-Sandy & Candice 17-Ace 16-Mickey 15-Aaron & Ashley 14-Jessica &erika 13-Cao Boi 12-Bruce 11-Amy 10-James & Jeff 9-Brady, John K, Dolly, & Mia (I liked everyone voted off early lol) 7-Nicole 6-Ryan 5-Tanya, Stephanie, Jed 4-Sarah, Gina, Hunter, Gabe (another season where my favorites left early) 3-Jessie, Silas, Lindsey 2-Debb 1-Dirk & Joel
What about Bobby John?
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;148540]What about Bobby John?[/QUOTE] He got his second chance, it was called Survivor: Guatemala.
Yeah, I was just adding his name as he was eliminated before the merge and would be someone people would remember on a season like that.
If we are lucky, season 28 will be titled Survivor: Fourth Chance vs. Fifth Chance, featuring such cast members as Russell Hantz, Amanda Kimmel, James Clement, Rupert Boneham, Coach Wade, Sugar Kiper, Parvati Shallow and Cirie Fields.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;148547]Yeah, I was just adding his name as he was eliminated before the merge and would be someone people would remember on a season like that.[/QUOTE] In Guatemala? No he wasn't. He was the 2nd person voted out after the merge and the 1st member of the jury.
Yeah, he made it. I would personnally like to see Robb from Thailand.
That was just my personal list, and regardless if Bobby Jon was on Gautemala he wouldn't be added to my list.
As much as I'd like to see people like Gina and Hunter again, do you really think the casual viewers would remember them? Second chance seasons wouldn't do well I don't think...
I do, Gina & Hunter are way more memorable than Danielle. If someone were planning on watching the season I think they would regardless of it was a 2nd chance Survivor or not and I think older fans would watch if good quality cast members like Hunter & Gina were cast.
[QUOTE=Bolt8;149570]I do, Gina & Hunter are way more memorable than Danielle. If someone were planning on watching the season I think they would regardless of it was a 2nd chance Survivor or not and I think older fans would watch if good quality cast members like Hunter & Gina were cast.[/QUOTE] I have no idea who Hunter and Gina are.
Have you seen every season?
