Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;147013]I heard that Courtney from the EI season was asked, but declined. Danielle was the next best I guess...[/QUOTE] Even just looking at the alternate choices though, I think that Natalie would have been a much better choice as a villain.
Yeah! I thought Natalie was totally overlooked on her season. She was a major reason as to why the person who won did win. As she got him to give up his necklace. Though it isn't certain if he would have continued winning, it did look that way.
I would like to have seen Natalie (FvF) on All Stars. She was a dirty player towards the end and kind of a *****. I could be wrong but if I can't even remember Danielle on her season I don't see her bringing too much to the table. Corrine would have been a good choice also.
The best choice, in my opinion, would have been Twila, to bring diversity to the female villains. Natalie was invisible for the first ten episodes, and only emerged toward the end. The only purpose she would serve on HVV would have been an easy alliance for casting's favorite girl Parv. Corinne is a wannabe Jerri and totally artificial. Twila's authentic, not afraid to make moves, and gets into conflicts. She has a personality that is unique that Parvati, Jerri, Sandra and Courtney don't already bring to the table. Lynne Spillman has stated in the past that they cast people for sex, humor and conflict, and I think they way over-emphasize the "sex" aspect at the expense of conflict.
Natalie was invisible for the majority of the season, and I'm not really that big of a fan of her but I do think she would have brought some good entertainment to this season and would have been a lot more bold. I agree with you on Corrine, she was fake I retract what I said on her. Twilia would have added alot to the show, I would have liked to seen her over Sandra.
I am still wondering why James was brought back, because last time he was on an all star season he was pretty much just background?
James is a strong competitor but not a great game player. Amanda was boring on China and just annoying on FvF I don't get why she was brought back either I would have much rather seen Tina someone from an earlier season like Kim P or Gretchen. Oh and are Ozzy & Amanda still together?
I have to say, whether people think Natalie deserved to win or not, she is one of the sweetest people ever. She takes time on facebook to respond to most of the people who address her. A few days ago, I sent her a message on FB chat and she sent me an inbox message saying she was sorry that her chat wasn't working but thanked me and hoped I had a merry Christmas. And last night we talked on FB chat for a few minutes. She has even sent messages to people who have left her nasty wall posts saying she is sorry they didn't think she deserved it, but that she hopes they have a good holiday. Russell deserved to win, but after seeing all his crying and how gracious and classy Natalie has been, I am growing more glad that she was the victor. SU has said on sucks that her facebook is a fake, but given that her profile picture was added July 27, and that her boyfriend's facebook has pictures of her from January 2009, when nobody knew who she was, it seems totally authentic to me.
[QUOTE=Bolt8;147053]James is a strong competitor but not a great game player. Amanda was boring on China and just annoying on FvF I don't get why she was brought back either I would have much rather seen Tina someone from an earlier season like Kim P or Gretchen. Oh and are Ozzy & Amanda still together?[/QUOTE] I'm a bit irritated that they brought back people for a third time in general. I've seen enough of Rupert, Stephenie, James, etc. I do have to say that I'm extremely glad they got China Courtney on this season. She declined Fans VS Favorites and that's the only reason Amanda got put on that season...
I don't mind people being brought back for a third time, just as long as they deserve it. Parvati & Rob I think totally deserved to be asked back a third time. Amanda & Cirie are two examples that shouldnt have been asked back for a third time in my opinion.
[QUOTE=Bolt8;147149]I don't mind people being brought back for a third time, just as long as they deserve it. Parvati & Rob I think totally deserved to be asked back a third time. Amanda & Cirie are two examples that shouldnt have been asked back for a third time in my opinion.[/QUOTE] I think that Parvati, Cirie, Jerry, Colby, Stephanie, and Rob are vey deserving of a third time. Amanda might be too if she didn't give up at both final tribal councils that she was in. I can understand her being an alternate but not at the top of the list. Rupert was good in PI but got on my last nerve in AS. I see why James is on, but I don't really think that he is a true all star. I would have much rather seen someone like Penner, Ozzy, or Cesternino take his and Ruperts spots.
Why do you think Cirie is deserving of a 3rd time?
[QUOTE=Bolt8;147160]Why do you think Cirie is deserving of a 3rd time?[/QUOTE] She played a really good game on FvF. She played more under the radar so a lot of the credit went to Parv. She was the mastermind behind the whole blindside of Erik
Part of me wishes they had passed on threepeaters all together.... Jerri - lost interest in AS1 after she got revenge on Colby & Tina, though I do love her and am glad she is in this season Colby - had no interest in AS1 Rupert, James - have no concept of how to play Cirie, Amanda, James - played the exact same game twice and got nearly the same result twice
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;147159][B]Rupert was good in PI but got on my last nerve in AS.[/B] [/QUOTE] I watched Pearl Islands a little while ago and it reminded me why I am not a fan of Rupert. The rarrrr yells, the cockiness, the "I can't believe this" when he was voted off, just the way he talked...was annoying to me. I really hope he won't be like that this time around.
[QUOTE=molds13;147189]I watched Pearl Islands a little while ago and it reminded me why I am not a fan of Rupert. The rarrrr yells, the cockiness, the "I can't believe this" when he was voted off, just the way he talked...was annoying to me. I really hope he won't be like that this time around.[/QUOTE] Wow, I can't believe there are this many non-Rupert fans in one place! It must be an internet record. Oh ya, count me in.
Jerri & Colby I don't mind seeing again cause Australia is my favorite season and I well because I just like them. I understand Rupert & James are very likeable fan favorites so I understand wanting to bring them back I just don't think they add anything except physical strength. I don't like how Rupert (just like Russell) feels entitled to win.
[QUOTE=Bolt8;147194]Jerri & Colby I don't mind seeing again cause Australia is my favorite season and I well because I just like them. I understand Rupert & James are very likeable fan favorites so I understand wanting to bring them back I just don't think they add anything except physical strength. [B]I don't like how Rupert (just like Russell) feels entitled to win.[/B][/QUOTE] I would guess it's because at the end of his season he was called one of the most likable, popular, and best Survivors yet. That just got into his head.
Well that makes me like him even less.
I think the first All-Star season was an obvious look at who production felt were the best winners. You had 4 out of the first 7 (Richard, Tina, Ethan, and Jenna) and Sandra was invited but did not go due to some parasite she picked up from Pearl Islands. Supposedly Brian was invited but wanted some ridiculous stipend to appear so did not get on, Vecepia was not invited. Thailand had only one representative in Shii-Ann, Marquesas only had Kathy and Boston Rob, two of the most likable characters on that season, Amazon only had Jenna and Rob, again, two of the most likable characters, and Pearl Islands only had Rupert, again...the most likable guy on that season. It was obvious that they heavily relied on their characters from the first 3 seasons to make that all-star season work.
Here's a quick list of how many tribal councils each winner had to sit through. Tom from Palau has the least (7), and Natalie from Samoa has the most (14). Rich: 12 (3 before merge) Tina: 11 (3 before merge) Ethan: 11 (3 before merge) Vecepia: 12 (4 before merge) Brian: 9 (3 before merge) Jenna: 11 (3 before merge) Sandra: 12 (4 before merge) Amber: 9 (2 before merge) Chris: 12 (4 before merge) Tom: 7 (1 before merge) Danni: 12 (4 before merge) Aras: 9 (2 before merge) Yul: 9 (3 before merge) Earl: 9 (3 before merge) Todd: 9 (2 before merge) Parvati: 9 (2 before merge) Bob: 9 (3 before merge) JT: 11 (4 before merge) Natalie: 14 (5 before merge)
That to me shows how good J.T./ Ethan played as their were plenty of opportunities to get them out but yet they made it to the end. I feel they both played very similar. As for cirie I don't think she was worthy of one all star season and another is definite over kill. I really was hoping instead of an all star season as they have made(good vs. bad) they would put winners vs. losers. In which would have a team of 9/10 winners compete agianst 9 players who came very close or had massive colapses that cost them the game.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;147212] I really was hoping instead of an all star season as they have made(good vs. bad) they would put winners vs. losers. In which would have a team of 9/10 winners compete agianst 9 players who came very close or had massive colapses that cost them the game.[/QUOTE] That'd be kind of cool. In a lot of the seasons with 2 in the finals, the person who won the last immunity and placed the final vote ended up losing (Kelly, Colby, Kim J, Neleh, Lil, Boston Rob, Danielle, Amanda)
Miscellaneous voting/challenge/people stats going into HVV from their prior 1 or 2 seasons (you'll have to click it to see it better): [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] The asteriks for Amanda and Russell are because they played idols. None of Amanda's 4 votes have ever counted against her, and only 2 of Russell's 9 have ever counted.
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;147013]I heard that Courtney from the EI season was asked, but declined. Danielle was the next best I guess...[/QUOTE] Courtney wouldve been an excellent choice! She was so crazy, her and Shane together cracked me up. Why wasnt Shane asked? Both of them wouldve been better choices over Danielle or Natalie.
Little stats about ages: Youngest male to win Survivor: Todd Herzog (22) Youngest female to win Survivor: Jenna Morasca (21) Youngest male runner-up: Ozzy Lusth and Dre "Dreamz" Herd (25) Youngest female runner-up: Neleh Dennis (21) Oldest male to win Survivor: Bob Crowley (57) Oldest female to win Survivor: Tina Wesson (39) Oldest male runner-up: Clay Jordan (46) Oldest female runner-up: Kim Johnson (56) Ages of winners and their runners-up: Richard: 39 (Kelly: 22) Tina: 39 (Colby: 26) Ethan: 27 (Kim: 56) Vecepia: 36 (Neleh: 21) Brian: 34 (Clay: 46) Jenna: 21 (Matthew: 33) Sandra: 29 (Lil: 51) Amber: 25 (Rob: 27) Chris: 33 (Twila: 41) Tom: 40 (Katie: 29) Danni: 30 (Steph:25) Aras: 24 (Danielle: 24) Yul: 31 (Ozzy: 25; Becky: 28) Earl: 35 (Cassandra 42; Dre 25) Todd: 22 (Amanda: 23; Courtney: 26) Parvati: 25 (Amanda: 23) Bob: 57 (Susie: 47; Sugar: 29) JT: 24 (Stephen: 29) Natalie: 26 (Russell: 36; Mick: 33) Average age of winners: 31.42 years old Average age of runners-up: 31.96 years old
[QUOTE=Aquatta;147222]Courtney wouldve been an excellent choice! She was so crazy, her and Shane together cracked me up. Why wasnt Shane asked? Both of them wouldve been better choices over Danielle or Natalie.[/QUOTE] Shane was asked as an alternate, and was super pissed when he wasn't chosen.
I forgot all about Bob he was awesome, though his friend was a total loose cannon.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;147212]That to me shows how good J.T./ Ethan played as their were plenty of opportunities to get them out but yet they made it to the end. I feel they both played very similar. [/QUOTE] See I think you can take that list a number of can either say "Hey, this person played great because they kept their neck off the chopping block so many times", or you can say "Hey, this person must have played a pretty decent physical game to keep their *** out of tribal council" or in the case of Tom, "Hey, this person got really lucky that they never switched up tribes this time around".
[QUOTE=molds13;146213]Absolutely. The Have vs Have Not twist was ridiculous and the final 3 was just bad. I can't even name the final 3 except Earl and that stupid Dreamz guy. What kind of a name is Dreamz anyway? I think Earl is the guy that no one remembers winning Survivor. Pearl Islands was decent with the combo of Fairplay and Rupert but the outcast twist did kind of suck. So did that final 2. Sandra is probably one of my least favorite winners. Lill winning would have been even worse. I thought the final 4 in Thailand was the worst in history, and was definitely one of the worst seasons along with Fiji and Africa (which was just boring). I think my favorite seasons would be Micronesia, Australian Outback, and Borneo, which is what got me hooked on Survivor in the first place (even if the cast was forgettable).[/QUOTE] Agree with everything you said about Fiji, I absolutely hated that season. Probably the worst season ever. I loved PI, just loved Fairplay and Rupert combo along with Sandra. I love that she won the game and I still dont see how, she never won a single immunity challenge but yet won the game. Guess that's where the social aspect comes into play. I loved Sandra and how she would go off on people & she was very loyal and smart. She was a good winner in my eyes, glad she is back for HVV. Agree that Thailand was pretty bad, my least fave seasons are Thailand, Fiji, Amazon (first & only season I stopped watching), and probably Tocantins. Favorite seasons would be Borneo (of course), Pearl Islands, & Cook Islands.
