Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

Here is a place for general Survivor discussion. For example: 1. What is your favorite/least favorite season, and why? 2. Who is your favorite/least favorite winner, and why? 3. Who is your favorite/least favorite contestant, and why? 4. Where would you like to see Survivor go next?

[QUOTE=molds13;146073][B]Survivor 20 All Stars: Heroes vs. Villains - Cast[/B][/QUOTE] Why is Tyson there? Is he really an all star? The only people that I feel REALLY should be on that aren't are Natalie(Micronesia), Todd, and Peih Gee. Of course, I would have loved to be able to see Sierra again, too! Sandra should be a hero, Sugar shouldn't be there and Peih Gee or Natalie should be a villain.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;146172]Why is Tyson there? Is he really an all star? The only people that I feel REALLY should be on that aren't are Natalie(Micronesia), Todd, and Peih Gee. Of course, I would have loved to be able to see Sierra again, too! Sandra should be a hero, Sugar shouldn't be there and Peih Gee or Natalie should be a villain.[/QUOTE] When you talk about Tyson and Sugar not being there and replacing them with Natalie you really loose all credibility.
[QUOTE=asamber1;146177]When you talk about Tyson and Sugar not being there and replacing them with Natalie you really loose all credibility.[/QUOTE] Tyson didn't really do anything all star worthy on Tocantins and Sugar didn't even care about winning Gabon. Natalie was a good player and knew how to convince people to do things that they wouldn't usually do. She convinced Erik to give up immunity to her!
Who is the best female villian? I think that it would have to be either Jerri or Ami. Ami was just evil on Vanuatu and Jerri is the only Survivor to actually get booed off the stage at a reunion! After rewatching her seasons I really don't think that Jerri is that bad, she's just annoying. I think that most of the All Stars audience problem with her is that she didn't like Colby and Rupert. I had actually forgotten how close Amber and Jerri were on Australia.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;146188]Who is the best female villian? I think that it would have to be either Jerri or Ami. Ami was just evil on Vanuatu and Jerri is the only Survivor to actually get booed off the stage at a reunion! After rewatching her seasons I really don't think that Jerri is that bad, she's just annoying. I think that most of the All Stars audience problem with her is that she didn't like Colby and Rupert. I had actually forgotten how close Amber and Jerri were on Australia.[/QUOTE] I don't think anyone could ever hold a candle to Jerri. She's had best female villain in the bag for a long time. Ami was pretty docile on Micronesia, I didn't really like her in either season she appeared on. I think Parvati was a decent villain in Micronesia and in my opinion is the best woman to ever win Survivor.
I decided to answer one of the questions molds posted because I'm BA like that. My favorite season would be Pearl Islands because of all the blindsides after the merge. The Outcast twist brought it down a few pegs, but it was still an unforgettable season. Least favorite season would probably be Fiji... It was just ridiculously boring, and I remember hearing a rumor that it nearly got the show canceled. What do you all think?
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;146209]I decided to answer one of the questions molds posted because I'm BA like that. My favorite season would be Pearl Islands because of all the blindsides after the merge. The Outcast twist brought it down a few pegs, but it was still an unforgettable season. [B]Least favorite season would probably be Fiji... It was just ridiculously boring, and I remember hearing a rumor that it nearly got the show canceled. [/B] What do you all think?[/QUOTE] Absolutely. The Have vs Have Not twist was ridiculous and the final 3 was just bad. I can't even name the final 3 except Earl and that stupid Dreamz guy. What kind of a name is Dreamz anyway? I think Earl is the guy that no one remembers winning Survivor. Pearl Islands was decent with the combo of Fairplay and Rupert but the outcast twist did kind of suck. So did that final 2. Sandra is probably one of my least favorite winners. Lill winning would have been even worse. I thought the final 4 in Thailand was the worst in history, and was definitely one of the worst seasons along with Fiji and Africa (which was just boring). I think my favorite seasons would be Micronesia, Australian Outback, and Borneo, which is what got me hooked on Survivor in the first place (even if the cast was forgettable).
Why was Shii Anne on All Stars? I really don't remember her from Thailand! I barely remembered Amber at the time either.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;146221]Why was Shii Anne on All Stars? I really don't remember her from Thailand! I barely remembered Amber at the time either.[/QUOTE] I remember reading they decided last minute they wanted a Thailand rep. There are a few theories as to why Amber was cast, one being that Elisabeth simply declined, but I have also read that the producers found out that her and Rob were having a little fling and wanted to have the romance aspect involved in the show, so they cast her and put them on the same tribe.
Hopefully we can see Jenna and Rich on FvF2 in a couple years.
I can't believe Sandra was invited to the all star season she was so boring.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;146221]Why was Shii Anne on All Stars? I really don't remember her from Thailand! I barely remembered Amber at the time either.[/QUOTE] Because she was one of the only good people on that season...
I've only seen Survivor from season 15 (China) and up. Out of what I've seen, Micronesia is my favorite. My favorite Survivors are James and Parvati, I like their gameplay. Russell has now made it into my favorite list too.
Anyone else know how Brett was voted the third best player by fans? He was invisible the entire season till the last couple of episodes and besides winning two or three immunities he did nothing, but then again besides Russ & Shambo who else was shown this season.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;146228]Hopefully we can see Jenna and Rich on FvF2 in a couple years.[/QUOTE] Do we know if there are going to be future seasons? I always heard season 20 would be the last one, but then again I guess they said the same thing about season 12...
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;146495]Do we know if there are going to be future seasons? I always heard season 20 would be the last one, but then again I guess they said the same thing about season 12...[/QUOTE] They are currently casting for season 21, although there hasn't been an official announcement yet.
[QUOTE=Bolt8;146299]Anyone else know how Brett was voted the third best player by fans? He was invisible the entire season till the last couple of episodes and besides winning two or three immunities he did nothing, but then again besides Russ & Shambo who else was shown this season.[/QUOTE] Best player was disguised for fan favorite... I agree though. Brett did nothing. To answer one of the other questions: I'm one of those people that feel if someone can win Survivor, then they deserve it. Obviously Richard was among my favorite winners since he won the first season. I was also very happy that Sandra won. Chris from Vanuatu was also one of my favorites. Jenna from Amazon is probably my least favorite... I just didn't like her to be honest.
[QUOTE=molds13;146496]They are currently casting for season 21, although there hasn't been an official announcement yet.[/QUOTE] Oh neato... Do they still cast 18 year olds? Maybe I'll audition. ;)
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;146498]Oh neato... Do they still cast 18 year olds? Maybe I'll audition. ;)[/QUOTE] I believe they do, although in certain states the minimum used to be 19 or 21.
My least favorite survivor by far is Cirie.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;146525]My least favorite survivor by far is Cirie.[/QUOTE] OK, why? (Note to all: general discussion will flow better if you give reasons behind your comments)
To start off with she poses little to no physical threat. Then you add in from her first season her fish out of water so scared attitude which resulted in her complaining alot. She also to me seemed extremely almost entitled and that at least in her season she was controling things. Needless to say she is pretty good at smoothing things over. I really was surprised as to how far she made it on Fan vs. Favorites she virtually played the same game.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;146527]To start off with she poses little to no physical threat. Then you add in from her first season her fish out of water so scared attitude which resulted in her complaining alot. She also to me seemed extremely almost entitled and that at least in her season she was controling things. Needless to say she is pretty good at smoothing things over. [B]I really was surprised as to how far she made it on Fan vs. Favorites she virtually played the same game[/B].[/QUOTE] that's what makes her such a great player! Like Dr Will in Big Brother... you've got to be a master manipulator if you're able to play that same type of game twice!
I take her going far mainly because of her inept competitve ability. Such as with Shambo she doesn't do well in challenges and so she becomes a swing vote and rides coat tails to the end. As well as she let Natalie pull one of the biggest moves ever when Eric gave his immunity to her in which they could then vote him off.Do Survivor contestants have to take a physical before taping? I was just wondering this after the season which just transpired as both Mike and Russell needed to be evacutated. Thanks.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;146554]Do Survivor contestants have to take a physical before taping? I was just wondering this after the season which just transpired as both Mike and Russell needed to be evacutated. Thanks.[/QUOTE] There are both physical and psychological tests that contestants must pass in order to be considered.
This is a list of who received the most votes on their season that did not win. Some of them might surprise you: [B]BORNEO[/B] Jenna Lewis: 11 (9th voted out, day 27) [B]THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK[/B] Jerri Manthey: 12 (8th voted out, day 27) [B]AFRICA[/B] Clarence Black: 12 (7th voted out, day 21) [B]MARQUESAS[/B] Sarah Jones: 11 (4th voted out, day 12) [B]THAILAND[/B] Shii Ann Huang: 10 (7th voted out, day 21) [B]THE AMAZON[/B] Roger Sexton: 11 (7th voted out, day 21) [B]PEARL ISLANDS[/B] Burton Roberts, Lill Morris: 10 (13th/runner up, day 36/39, but both were eliminated twice. Runner up: Ryan Opray: 8 (9th voted out, day 21) [B]ALL-STARS[/B] Jerri Manthey, Lex van den Berghe, Alicia Calaway: 7 (7th/8th/10th voted out, day 24/27/30) [B]VANUATU - ISLANDS OF FIRE[/B] Rory Freeman: 14 (9th voted out, day 21) [B]PALAU[/B] Kim Mullen, Willard Smith, Stephenie LaGrossa: 8 (4th/5th/10th voted out, day 11/12/30) [B]GUATEMALA - THE MAYAN EMPIRE[/B] Jamie Newton, Lydia Morales: 10 (11th/15th voted out, day 27/37) [B]PANAMA - EXILE ISLAND[/B] Shane Powers: 9 (11th voted out, day 33) [B]COOK ISLANDS[/B] Jonathan Penner: 15 (14th voted out, day 33) [B]FIJI[/B] Anthony Robinson: 10 (6th voted out, day 16) [B]CHINA[/B] Jean-Robert Bellande: 12 (8th voted out, day 24) [B]MICRONESIA - FANS VS FAVORITES[/B] Chet Welch: 12 (6th voted out, day 17) [B]GABON[/B] [B]- EARTH'S LAST EDEN[/B] Crystal Cox: 11 (13th voted out, day 36) [B]TOCANTINS - THE BRAZILIAN HIGHLANDS[/B] Sierra Reed: 11 (9th voted out, day 30) [B]SAMOA[/B] Erik Cardona: 10 (7th voted out, day 21)
Oh, I so remember chet. Wasn't he the guy worked with pagent queens?
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;146589]Oh, I so remember chet. Wasn't he the guy worked with pagent queens?[/QUOTE] Yes, that would be him.
Here's another miscellaneous list: everyone who cast an elimination vote every round they voted (meaning the person they voted for went home): [B]Borneo:[/B] Rudy [B]Australia:[/B] Tina, Mike [B]Africa:[/B] Ethan, Kim J [B]Marquesas:[/B] Depends on the technicality of Paschal leaving -- he and Neleh had a perfect record up to then though [B]Thailand:[/B] Brian [B]Amazon:[/B] Rob [B]Pearl Islands:[/B] Osten [B]All Stars:[/B] Amber, Rob M, Jenna L, Sue [B]Vanuatu:[/B] Twila [B]Palau:[/B] Katie, Ian [B]Guatemala:[/B] Stephenie, Rafe [B]Panama:[/B] Danielle [B]Cook Islands:[/B] Yul, Becky [B]Fiji:[/B] None [B]China:[/B] Todd, Amanda [B]Micronesia:[/B] Parvati, Kathy [B]Gabon:[/B] Sugar [B]Tocantins:[/B] Stephen [B]Samoa:[/B] Natalie, Russell H, Russell S, Mike
More firsts: -Survivor: Borneo was the only season that aired on Wednesdays (the remainder have all aired on Thursdays) -Australian Outback was the longest season at 42 days and had the first medically evacuated player in Michael Skupin -Africa was the first to feature a tribal swap -Marquesas was the first and only season to feature the purple rock tiebreaker -Amazon had the first contestant with a disability (Christy Smith was hearing impaired) and was the first to divide tribes by gender -Pearl Islands was the first and only season to feature the Outcasts which allowed two eliminated players back in the game, and the first that had a player quit the game -All-Stars was the first season to feature more than 2 tribes and 16 players (3 tribes of 18 players) and was only season to give away 2 million dollar checks -Palau was the first season to feature 20 players, although 2 were eliminated before any tribal council, the first to feature Exile Island and was the first season in which one tribe won all immunity challenges -Guatemala was the first season (not all-star) to feature 2 returning players, Stephenie LaGrossa and Bobby Jon Drinkard, and was the first to feature a hidden immunity idol -Panama was the first season to feature 4 tribes, divided by age and gender -Cook Islands was the first season to feature 20 cast members (that all saw tribal council), divide tribes by race, and the first with a final 3 vote -Fiji was the first season to feature an odd number of castaways (19) and the have vs have not twist, and the first to feature one immunity idol at each camp -China was the first season to have the ability to kidnap players -Micronesia was the first season that sent one person from each tribe to Exile Island, and had 3 players leave without being voted out (Penner, James, Kathy) -Gabon was the first season aired in HD -Samoa was the first season that had a player find a hidden idol without any clues
