Survivor Samoa: Spoilers

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My personal prediction is 4-3-2. Brett, Laura, Monica and Kelly for Natalie Dave, John and Shambo for Russell Erik and Jaison for Mick But I think that aside from Brett, the votes from the Galu men are really hard to predict. They could go any which way. But either way, Natalie has 4 votes locked up and either needs Mick and Russell to split the other 5, or she just needs one more. I think the only mystery going into the finale is 2nd and 3rd place.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;145837]My personal prediction is 4-3-2. Brett, Laura, Monica and Kelly for Natalie Dave, John and Shambo for Russell Erik and Jaison for Mick But I think that aside from Brett, the votes from the Galu men are really hard to predict. They could go any which way. But either way, Natalie has 4 votes locked up and either needs Mick and Russell to split the other 5, or she just needs one more. I think the only mystery going into the finale is 2nd and 3rd place.[/QUOTE] That's exactly what I was thinking as well. Get out of my brain! :p
This is how I guessed who was voting for who...lots can be said in an interview. ETonline asked the same question to all the jury members thus far (except Erik, who got a bit of a different one) and they said this: Q: Knowing what you know now, would you change your vote? [B]Shambo[/B]: Nope. I never changed my vote during the game. I never jumped ship during the game.[B] (+ Russell)[/B] I was true to my own personal convictions for my own personal reasons. There is no way on God's green earth that I would change my vote. I would never in a million years after being a lifelong survivor fan vote for someone I liked. [B](1 vote Russell, she admitted he was a rat, but loved his game play, and was first to align with him)[/B] [B]Monica[/B]: I based my vote on a couple of things: definitely game play, [B](+Russell)[/B] definitely strategic moves [B](+Russell)[/B] and how they worked the social dynamics [B](+ Nat, - Russell)[/B]. Financial need might have been a consideration of mine, but it was one of the last things on my list, even though I pushed that issue with Russell [B](- Russell)[/B]. I had a combination of things that I struggled with. [B](Based on other interviews, definitely did not vote for Russell. 1 vote Nat)[/B] [B]Dave[/B]: No. I told myself when I got voted off that I was absolutely going to vote for the person who played the best game. I feel like I did that, but you have to understand there are several different types of game going on within "Survivor." There are games within challenges [B](+Mick)[/B], there are strategic games at camp [B](+Russell)[/B], and there are social games going on [B](+Nat)[/B]. There are several different levels of game play. [B](Between Russell and Nat, said Mick was not playing to win)[/B] [B]John[/B]: I would not change my vote. I think there are a lot of people who would change their vote. Out of respect for the game and everyone's effort, I really tried hard to make a decision on who would receive my vote. I think a lot of other people didn't do that. I think a lot of other people were disgruntled [B](-Russell)[/B]. Some people were so fed up that they don't even want to talk about the game. I can talk about the game forever. It is entertaining and fun. A lot of people don't have experience making decisions. A lot of people voted for the person they like the most [B](+Nat)[/B]. To answer your question, I would not change who I voted for. I made the correct decision. [B](Sounds like he voted opposite of everyone. 1 vote Russell/Mick)[/B] [B]Laura[/B]: I based my vote on a number of things. One of them was I want the person whose name I write down to be a good person. That is a big gift, giving someone $1 million. I want that person to be a good person.[B] (+ Nat, - Russell) [/B]The other side is, I am a competitor and I want to go up against the best. [B](+ Russell)[/B] Clearly, you beat me. I am a big girl, I can handle it. I want you to tell me what you did to beat me. If you can tell me, and you are right, I will stick out my hand and say, "Well played," and you are going to get the money. [B](- Russell...he did not do well at Tribal. 1 vote Nat)[/B] [B]Kelly[/B]: I think before I watched the show, I would have changed my vote, but watching the show now, I am glad I voted the way I did. [B](1 vote Nat)[/B] [B]ET[/B]: You are the first member of the jury. What will affect your decision? Will their pleas change your mind? [B]Erik[/B]: My decision is going to be made going into that final Tribal Council, but it is going to be a combination of what I know in the game and what may transpire at every Tribal Council coming up. There is nothing that anybody is going to say that will sway my decision. First of all, it is last minute desperation talk. Second of all, I will have food and nourishment and I will be able to comprehend what is going on. These people are going to be 39 days totally dilapidated. If there are Foa Foa members there, it will be hard to pick a deserving winner, because I only spent one day with them [B](- Mick, Russell, Nat)[/B]. But with Galu, it is going to be really tough because they all stabbed me in the back. You have got to watch out for everybody in this game. [B](is basing decision on TC's and other grumblings at Ponderosa...probably -Russell)[/B]
posted by some random girl on Sugar's facebook: [URL=""][B][COLOR=#3b5998]Leslie Reese[/COLOR][/B][/URL] Rob, Boo Bernis ruined this season for me. He said Russell makes final 3 and comes in 2nd. He doesnt win the million. Apparently people know who wins before hand. And he didnt get in trouble for saying that, and so far, i think he's right. So im sure sugar wouldn't get in trouble for saying anything unless she was on All-Stars... which we all know she is! She dissappeared a while back for a month and a half... Boo Bernis was on Fiji and is in Russell's clique. If this is accurate, we are looking at Natalie winning, Russell in 2nd and Mick in 3rd.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;145949]posted by some random girl on Sugar's facebook: [URL=""][B][COLOR=#3b5998]Leslie Reese[/COLOR][/B][/URL] Rob, Boo Bernis ruined this season for me. He said Russell makes final 3 and comes in 2nd. He doesnt win the million. Apparently people know who wins before hand. And he didnt get in trouble for saying that, and so far, i think he's right. So im sure sugar wouldn't get in trouble for saying anything unless she was on All-Stars... which we all know she is! She dissappeared a while back for a month and a half... Boo Bernis was on Fiji and is in Russell's clique. If this is accurate, we are looking at Natalie winning, Russell in 2nd and Mick in 3rd.[/QUOTE] I think our 4-3-2 thinking is getting more and more likely Sean :victory:
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;145949]posted by some random girl on Sugar's facebook: [URL=""][B][COLOR=#3b5998]Leslie Reese[/COLOR][/B][/URL] Rob, Boo Bernis ruined this season for me. He said Russell makes final 3 and comes in 2nd. He doesnt win the million. Apparently people know who wins before hand. And he didnt get in trouble for saying that, and so far, i think he's right. So im sure sugar wouldn't get in trouble for saying anything unless she was on All-Stars... which we all know she is! She dissappeared a while back for a month and a half... Boo Bernis was on Fiji and is in Russell's clique. If this is accurate, we are looking at Natalie winning, Russell in 2nd and Mick in 3rd.[/QUOTE] ...and she just ruined it for anyone that didn't already know
Russell posted on facebook a few minutes too early and with that, we have our final spoiler of the season: [URL=""][B][COLOR=#3b5998]Russell Hantz[/COLOR][/B][/URL] Y'all think I'm the BEST Survivor Ever? Donate to vote and help me raise money for some true survivors - children battling cancer at St Jude Children's Hospital. check out my new website [URL=""][COLOR=#3b5998][url][/url][/COLOR][/URL]
