Survivor Samoa: Spoilers

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brett must have won quite allot of immunity challenges as I see it.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;140856]brett must have won quite allot of immunity challenges as I see it.[/QUOTE] Or 3. The final 5 was probably supposed to be Shambo-Jaison-Mick-Russ-Natalie.
Not to mention that I would think he would have been targeted before Monique and Dave as he is viewed as a tougher physical threat and has befored better in the immunity challenges so far.
I could be totally wrong but how would any of us know who wins, my uncle works for CBS and says that is shot live with about an hour delay. We may know who wins as far as the top 2 but now who takes it all.
[QUOTE=zetagirl;141032]I could be totally wrong but how would any of us know who wins, my uncle works for CBS and says that is shot live with about an hour delay. We may know who wins as far as the top 2 but now who takes it all.[/QUOTE] In general, I'd tend to agree. However, if the vote looks like it was heavily weighted, a single jury member/crew member could leak that information and give us an accurate prediction/result (being they get the unvarnished truth, not the edited version we see after the fact.) If it was a close vote and the jury looked deadlocked, then it would be much harder to get an accurate feel and would just be speculation.
[QUOTE=zetagirl;141032]I could be totally wrong but how would any of us know who wins, my uncle works for CBS and says that is shot live with about an hour delay. We may know who wins as far as the top 2 but now who takes it all.[/QUOTE] The only way would be to know who voted for who. Some people may be tight lipped about it, but when it comes to telling each other they might not care as much. The Ponderosa people may know exactly who won by picking each other's brains, and the finalists may have been able to figure it out in the 4 months since they've been home in conversation with others, but we the average viewer should not have an idea between the final 2/3. The spoilers coming in from S20 have had Russell repeatedly saying he didn't win. Then again, it may have been a cover just like all his other stories. After all, the 4 winners in the first All-Stars were all gone by the 6th vote (with Jenna leaving on her own). Then again, Russ said he had no idea who anyone was before season 12... As you can see, the speculation is rampant. I don't think anyone except the people who have seen the votes (i.e. the ones behind the camera who straight up saw the votes) know who for SURE won.
Well that is probably exactly the case. They also probably have had talks about the game and I have to think to a certin degree know who will vote for who at least before they go and hear out the people in tribal council.
Jaison wins immunity this week.
Apparently, missyae was having email correspondance with a [URL=""]Sucks poster[/URL], and amid some sort of rant about herself, she said [COLOR=black][quote]Good year for Arkansas reality contestants though, started with Kris Allen on Idol. [/quote]Natalie is from Arkansas.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=molds13;141055]Jaison wins immunity this week.[/QUOTE] I'm glad he does. I'm starting like him more now.
Sooo any news on next week? haha
[QUOTE=emsx0x;142229]Sooo any news on next week? haha[/QUOTE] Next week is a double elimination, which makes it a bit easier as people weren't sure if it was Dave or Monica who went first. So, should be them.
From one of his interviews: [quote]ET: Having seen the show now, would you change your vote? [B]John Fincher[/B]: I would not change my vote. I think there are a lot of people who would change their vote. Out of respect for the game and everyone's effort, I really tried hard to make a decision on who would receive my vote. I think a lot of other people didn't do that. I think a lot of other people were disgruntled. Some people were so fed up that they don't even want to talk about the game. I can talk about the game forever. It is entertaining and fun. A lot of people don't have experience making decisions. A lot of people voted for the person they like the most. To answer your question, I would not change who I voted for. I made the correct decision. [/quote] Sounds very much like he's saying he voted Russell, but wasn't accompanied by many other jurors in doing so.
I don't think you posted this one or not Sean, but here is Laura's response to the same question: [QUOTE][B]ET[/B]: Would you change your vote if you had had a chance to watch the show first? [B]Laura[/B]: I based my vote on a number of things. One of them was I want the person whose name I write down to be a good person. That is a big gift, giving someone $1 million. I want that person to be a good person. The other side is, I am a competitor and I want to go up against the best. Clearly, you beat me. I am a big girl, I can handle it. [B]I want you to tell me what you did to beat me. If you can tell me, and you are right, I will stick out my hand and say, "Well played," and you are going to get the money.[/B][/QUOTE] To me it sounds like she gave Russell a chance to explain himself, he failed, and she voted for Natalie.
Is everyone still saying that it is a final 3? I know that in the beginning when people were saying that Mick won they said it was a final 3. Has that changed since it seems as though Natalie won.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;142304]Is everyone still saying that it is a final 3? I know that in the beginning when people were saying that Mick won they said it was a final 3. Has that changed since it seems as though Natalie won.[/QUOTE] I dunno. At this point, Mick has done even less to make his mark in the game than Natalie has. It's possible that he gets 0 votes while the rest are split between Nat and Russell.
We have only been hearing about people voting for Russel and Natalie. My guess is that Natalie does really great at the final tribal council, if she does actually win.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;142304]Is everyone still saying that it is a final 3? I know that in the beginning when people were saying that Mick won they said it was a final 3. Has that changed since it seems as though Natalie won.[/QUOTE]When the final 3 was originally revealed, people thought Mick was a clear winner on the basis that Natalie, at the time, had 0 airtime and just seemed like the typical invisible Becky/Susie/Cassandra F3 loser. And Russell was seen as less of a good player and more of just a nasty villain. Now we see more dimension to both of their characters and it's probably they who have the best chance. I wouldn't be surprised with something like a 4-3-2 vote. Natalie might get Laura, Kelly, Monica and Brett. Russell gets maybe Shambo, Erik and John. And Mick maybe gets Jaison and Dave? Speculation is that at one of next week's tribal councils, Russell might give Shambo the idol. Fits with the bold move advertised in the commercial, and also it would make sense that she's a target -- Mick and Jaison might realize that Russell's trying to take her to the end so they try to take her out.
Seeeaaaan I dont know which season you were watching when you say Becky/Susie/Cassandra because I clearly remember susie getting 3 out of the 7 jury votes! you mean Sugar/Cassandra/Becky right? lol
Yea, Susie did get jury votes, but no airtime. I was going more along those lines.
Really annoying how the person that deserves to win the most doesn't because of some stupid grudges people hold, he obviously outwit, outplayed, and outlasted everyone which is the main point of the game. Russell SHOULD WIN
Missy says that Dave is first to go tonight, followed by Monica. Then lists the rest of the predictable boot order as Shambo in 6th place, Jaison in 5th, Brett in 4th.
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I really think that Russell or Natalie deserve to win. Russ has played a good manipulative game, and Nat has played a good social game. However, Mick, who is likely to win right now, is probably going to win for doing absolutely nothing, he hasnt made any big moves, hasnt ruffled any feathers he is just there and has done crap to win this game. He is just a nice guy who is semi-attractive, and semi-athletic. Nat or Russ FTW
[QUOTE=TSPKM;143924]I really think that Russell or Natalie deserve to win. Russ has played a good manipulative game, and Nat has played a good social game. However, Mick, who is likely to win right now, is probably going to win for doing absolutely nothing, he hasnt made any big moves, hasnt ruffled any feathers he is just there and has done crap to win this game. He is just a nice guy who is semi-attractive, and semi-athletic. Nat or Russ FTW[/QUOTE] Uhh...have ya read the spoilers?
Damn Brett has to win every immunity or else Jaison would've won the whole thing, and I wanted him to win from the beginning :(
How would Jaison have won? I don't know if this opinion of all the jury members but at least Eric thought he was useless and a waste of space. To me that sounds like a vote not going to Jaison.
Missy is starting to say some stuff about the final vote but doesn't seem to have much concrete info: [quote] I think 1 of the 3 finalists is going to blow the jury away with a great speech and it wont be Russell. I told you what his strategy will likely be - that of a boxer like Mike Tyson - I knocked you out - I am better than you - I deserve to win. Outwit Outplay - anything I could say about the jury votes would actually just be speculation wouldnt it? I mean - YES - some of them do talk to each other - heck Mick - Brett - Dave - and John have been out eating together in California lately and are still great friends. However - whats to say they might be telling a little white lie about their vote and just dont want to hurt each others feelings yet? I am not 100% positive about this but I was told Natalie is still not working. Another player told her not to worry about it because Russell won her a million dollars. Now is that true? I have no idea - I just know its been said. Is it speculation on that persons part? Probably. I have been told Laura and Brett did know each other pre-show and went to church together and probably knew Dave too. Does that mean they vote together? Maybe - maybe not. I have read on here Russell gets no votes and I have heard he quite possibly gets John - Dave - Sham - and Erik. Again - all of that is just speculation though. I do not know a tally right now. I dont know about the speech yet - I just know it was not Russell because lets face it - thats not his style. He is in your face - braggart - cocky - I cannot see him being articulate and trying to win over votes. He is more of the type to demand your vote. I told you long ago about both 19 and 20 - he is awesome at getting in front of a jury - but he sucks at pleading his case. [/quote]
I just think he would have, idk why. I think Brett would win too if he made it. We definitely saw the aggressive mean-spirited side of Russell last night which may be a sign that he doesn't win.
Laura said in many interviews that Russel spoke to her like he spoke to Natalie as well.
[QUOTE=emsx0x;144227]I just think he would have, idk why. I think Brett would win too if he made it. We definitely saw the aggressive mean-spirited side of Russell last night which may be a sign that he doesn't win.[/QUOTE] Last time was the first time I saw Russell scared for his position as leader dog in this pack. I wouldn't necessarily call it aggressive and mean-spirited, just worried.
