Survivor Samoa: Spoilers

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The supposed order goes something like this: Erik Kelly Laura John Monica Dave Shambo Jaison Brett
According to SU, Russell told everyone on S20 that Natalie wins 19.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;139555]According to SU, Russell told everyone on S20 that Natalie wins 19.[/QUOTE] Now that is interesting. I have a feeling that she'd have the girls (Kelly, Laura, Monica) because she technically was the "mastermind" behind Erik's vote out. She did make some moves. Shambo would probably vote for Russell regardless. Mick I feel like unless he does something huge in the next couple of episodes won't get any votes. There hasn't been any word of how the votes went, have there?
[QUOTE=molds13;139558]Now that is interesting. I have a feeling that she'd have the girls (Kelly, Laura, Monica) because she technically was the "mastermind" behind Erik's vote out. She did make some moves. Shambo would probably vote for Russell regardless. Mick I feel like unless he does something huge in the next couple of episodes won't get any votes. There hasn't been any word of how the votes went, have there?[/QUOTE] I'm starting to really dislike Shambo. Maybe Laura is right...
Okay, im getting really upset. I absolutely LOVE Laura. She is such a great player, shes clean and a perfect survivor. They are only making her look like the enemy for the Underdog foa foa four. I really do hope that Russel goes home tonight. I do hope so, or even one of the guys, like DAVE! I dislike that guy for some stranger reason. I dont know who would turn on Laura on her tribe, probably Shambo and John. I dont know for sure, but maybe she wont go home tonight, now I can see people turning on Monica. I wouldnt mind her going :) Im cheering for the girls though, so I hope Monica, Laura and Natalie go far. As for Russel, he keeps targeting my Laura because she was smart not too trust him, so Russel, good-bye! Done, get out, go home! :)
[QUOTE=Dark Angel;139611]Okay, im getting really upset. I absolutely LOVE Laura. She is such a great player, shes clean and a perfect survivor. They are only making her look like the enemy for the Underdog foa foa four. I really do hope that Russel goes home tonight. I do hope so, or even one of the guys, like DAVE! I dislike that guy for some stranger reason. I dont know who would turn on Laura on her tribe, probably Shambo and John. I dont know for sure, but maybe she wont go home tonight, now I can see people turning on Monica. I wouldnt mind her going :) Im cheering for the girls though, so I hope Monica, Laura and Natalie go far. As for Russel, he keeps targeting my Laura because she was smart not too trust him, so Russel, good-bye! Done, get out, go home! :)[/QUOTE] Um, I don't want to burst your bubble and all but...Russell isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Shambo and John do turn on Laura tonight, and Natalie is supposedly the winner. PS Welcome to Vevmo.
That is what I thought. Natalie's game is too tight to lose to someone like Russell. Here only major challenger I think is Mick.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;139644]That is what I thought. Natalie's game is too tight to lose to someone like Russell. Here only major challenger I think is Mick.[/QUOTE] Or Brett or Johnny.
[QUOTE=JackD;139649]Or Brett or Johnny.[/QUOTE] Or neither because they're not in the finals. She has a bigger opponent in Mick than Russ.
[QUOTE=molds13;139651]Or neither because they're not in the finals. She has a bigger opponent in Mick than Russ.[/QUOTE] Oh damn... Mick seems like a JT type kind of a guy so you got a winner in him.
Russel will probably never win Survivor. I don't think that he will have the ability to convince people that he sent home to vote for him like Todd, Yul, Parvati, and Richard were able to do.
[QUOTE=JackD;139653]Oh damn... Mick seems like a JT type kind of a guy so you got a winner in him.[/QUOTE] Actually ssseeeaaann said earlier today that signs are pointing toward Natalie winning...did you read this thread?
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;139656]Russel will probably never win Survivor. I don't think that he will have the ability to convince people that he sent home to vote for him like Todd, Yul, Parvati, and Richard were able to do.[/QUOTE] Dude. He doesn't. Read the spoilers.
I am saying that in any other season he won't be able to, either. Like, if he did a fans vs favs in the future. I know he doesn't win Samoa.
[QUOTE=molds13;139658]Actually ssseeeaaann said earlier today that signs are pointing toward Natalie winning...did you read this thread?[/QUOTE] Nope I didn't. Natalie is going to some tricky Parvati type thing and lose. That's my prediction. Russ will forever beat out Rupert and Johnny Fairplay and Rob C has the best to never win.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;139661]I am saying that in any other season he won't be able to, either. Like, if he did a fans vs favs in the future. I know he doesn't win Samoa.[/QUOTE] He doesn't win season 20 either. I think once people have actually seen his gameplay they'll know to get rid of him right away. He had a huge advantage going into All Stars 2.
I know that he doesn't. I never said anything about 20. I said Fans vs Favs.
[QUOTE=JackD;139662]Nope I didn't. Natalie is going to some tricky Parvati type thing and lose. That's my prediction. Russ will forever beat out Rupert and Johnny Fairplay and Rob C has the best to never win.[/QUOTE] the thread, then ask your questions and make your predictions. The answers to most of the questions you've asked have already been answered, and it's really annoying to have to re-answer them for you.
[QUOTE=molds13;139670] the thread, then ask your questions and make your predictions. The answers to most of the questions you've asked have already been answered, and it's really annoying to have to re-answer them for you.[/QUOTE] Okay, okay sorry! I'm now convinced that Natalie wins! I have made up my mind.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;139667]I know that he doesn't. I never said anything about 20. I said Fans vs Favs.[/QUOTE] I highly doubt they'll do another fans vs favorites, but you never know.
Here is the exact text of what SU said: [quote]Russell spent alot of time telling them he did not win Samoa. I got no votes he told them. "The blonde kicked our *****, none of us would have tunk it"...he told them. I'm actually at this point kinda hoping he wins, jst for giggles next season. But, as far as I know, he never changed the "I didnt win story line". [/quote]Now from my perspective, I don't necessarily automatically count this as a Natalie win, because he could afterall have been doing what he does best in lying. I tend to doubt him getting 0 votes and he has changed his story in that he leaked to missy that he thinks he got votes from Shambo, John and Dave. The only thing I take from SU is that Mick doesn't win.
i dont understand why people would pick natalie to win when russell has played a hell of a game
Natalie has the social game that Russell does not, but she also has proven herself strategically as well. I think either way, Mick/Russell/Natalie is one of the strongest final 3's the show has seen in quite a while
right, but russell has been a total mastermind, and finding 3 idols...although natalie did cause the erik vote, i still think russell has done more for the game this season
[QUOTE=boogaya;139704]right, but russell has been a total mastermind, and finding 3 idols...although natalie did cause the erik vote, i still think russell has done more for the game this season[/QUOTE] True, but us watching from our standpoint is completely different than the people who have been "personally" hurt by Russell in the game. If I were in the game and I got screwed by Russ, I would find it difficult to look past the fact that he screwed me over to see that he played one of the best games of Survivor ever. I mean come on, you saw Erik. He's still griping almost a week later. Kelly still looks mad. You can bet Laura is going to be fuming for a while. Even though Russ may not have been the mastermind before any of those (Natalie masterminded Erik, Kelly got idoled, John flipped on Laura), I can almost guarantee Laura wouldn't vote for Russ just because they had such bad blood.
[QUOTE=molds13;139708]True, but us watching from our standpoint is completely different than the people who have been "personally" hurt by Russell in the game. If I were in the game and I got screwed by Russ, I would find it difficult to look past the fact that he screwed me over to see that he played one of the best games of Survivor ever. I mean come on, you saw Erik. He's still griping almost a week later. Kelly still looks mad. You can bet Laura is going to be fuming for a while. Even though Russ may not have been the mastermind before any of those (Natalie masterminded Erik, Kelly got idoled, John flipped on Laura), I can almost guarantee Laura wouldn't vote for Russ just because they had such bad blood.[/QUOTE] true, but i think that jurors should base their vote on an ''outwit/outplay/outlast'' viewpoint, regardless on how bad they got screwed. the reason they got screwed is because they got outwitted/outplayed which is a fact they have to face
missy insinuates that John is next: "Hey John - look on the brightside of things - your move did get you 3 more days. "
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[QUOTE=boogaya;139704]right, but russell has been a total mastermind, and finding 3 idols...although natalie did cause the erik vote, i still think russell has done more for the game this season[/QUOTE] Maybe, but Russell says it himself that this game is a social game, and by him showing himselft to be untrustworthy and cocky, he is essentially playing a good game to make the finals, however for the final vote he is playing not so strategical, he should be playing to get the votes. If you notice, Natalie is playing a strong social game by tricking the Galu's to vote out Erik, yet she isnt cocky or seem untrustworthy so her social game is 10x better than Russell's.
Among a paragraph of S20 spoilers, survivrcuz stated that Russell goes up against Natalie and receives 0 votes in the end. He mentioned nothing of Mick.
These are things that haven't been out and out said before, but missy is posting on a [URL=""]new board[/URL] and stated under no uncertain terms that John is next to go, and that "there will be 1 person at Galu who sneaks a bit further than Foa had planned but if you win immunity there is nothing people can do about it." (i.e. Brett) Boot order looks to be 9. John 8. Monica 7. Dave 6. Shambo 5. Jaison 4. Brett 3. Russell? 2. Mick? 1. Natalie?
