[QUOTE=LilysMom;135478]Lets see there is Jeremy, Caroline, Matt, Tyler, Bonnie, and Jenna.[/QUOTE]
Jenn has only been in two episodes, right? I don't know...I don't think killing everybody is the right way to go, but the show continues to rock and there's been a death in just about every episode. I'm just looking at this from a long term point of view.
Anyone else think Elena and Katherine are related? Or is that too obvious?
What does everyone think about Alaric and Logan?
We need some more discussion on this show damnit! I'm sick of going over to TWOP.
[QUOTE=Stacee_Danielle;138591]Did I miss anything when it comes top Logan? I never saw anyone change him into a vampire...was he always one??[/QUOTE]
Viki fed on him, but that is all I remember.
I heard thursdays episode is going to have an amazing cliffhanger...and then we go on the two month break....ugh!
I bet you Elena finds that picture of Katherine.
So apparently the creator is planning on killing main characters. I saw in some article that he wants the viewers to be surprised so anybody can die at any time. Vicki is an clear example, she was a main char but now she is gone.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;138768]I heard thursdays episode is going to have an amazing cliffhanger...and then we go on the two month break....ugh!
I bet you Elena finds that picture of Katherine.[/QUOTE]
That is exactly what I was thinking too! How creepy would that be?
[QUOTE=tjhallow;138778]Anyone is free game except for Elena, Stefan, and Damon.[/QUOTE]
I think your right, although I am hoping Jeremy is the same way. I really like his character and the kid is so darn cute.
I have never read these books TJ, can you tell me what happens in them?
I find the whole Elena and Katherine looking exactly alike tacky, lol.
I like Jeremy, and I don't think the writers would kill him because that, IMO, would be too much for Elena to handle.
I never read them either but I have been reading wikipedia and it seems as if the books are nothing like the series so I don't follow it too much.
I could definately see them killing off Jeremy as because he isn't in the book so fundamentaly he is dispensable at anytime. If they follow the books at all then we will be seing Elena, the 2 brothers and her best friends Bonnie and Caroline for along time and I would be shocked if they killed off matt as well. Does anyone else find it weird that they didn't stick to the book when casting Elena and go with a blonde hair blue eyed girl?
I read in an interview that they wanted this to be different from the book, I have a hunch Jeremy might be the werewolf. I know Tyler is in the books but I heard it was different.
I don't know they are sure setting Caroline up the way in which she is portrayed and develeping her towards the book. Also the actor who plays Damon is doing a great job. I was kinda surprised they killed off Vicki so soon but in the grand scheme of this show she wasn't going to be there long anyway. They also had to show that they were serious. I also am trying to avoid major things in which happen in the book that may reveal were the show will go.
I have never read these books TJ, can you tell me what happens in them?[/QUOTE]
Hey, I read the books a long, long, long time ago. The show is definitely going in a different path with a lot of stuff but I think they've kept the important things. I love this show, I actually have been looking forward to it more than Supernatural which is pretty big for me. Anyways my memories of the book:
Tyler was definitely the werewolf, Jeremy I'm pretty sure did not exist, I think Elena had a baby sister or something. It would be weird if Jeremy was the werewolf just because I think it had to be genetic and that would probably mean Elena would have to have the werewolf gene which would just take the story in a completely different direction. They haven't really shown Tyler that much though so I don't know where they're going.
Elena was a dead ringer for Katherine in the books too, in fact Katherine lured the brothers there purposefully because she wanted them to - particularly Stefan- be tormented by seeing someone who looked exactly like her. But then she got pissed off when he started to fall in love with Elena and not just be drawn to the fact that she looked like Katherine. They kind of suggest that Elena must somehow be related but I don't think they ever really got that deep into it in the books. Also Katherine was trapped and mummified, she had faked her own death in hopes that the brothers would reunite over her death but it only had the opposite effect and they ended up killing each other in a blind rage. So she hid out, getting more powerful and more pissed off over the years.
Also the brothers were Italian and lived during the Italian Renaissance (I think they even still had slight accents) so the entire Mystic Falls family history and the secret society of gatekeepers stuff is completely unique to the show.
Bonnie on the show I think is a combination of Elena's two best friends in the book Bonnie and Meredith. Bonnie was kind of druid descent and was kind of flighty and naive, while Meredith was the more serious one. I like the Bonnie on the show better than the books. I love her storyline I definitely would like to see more, if she gets anywhere near as powerful as Emily she is going to be bada**. In the books I think her and Damon had a lot of chemistry, I don't know if they are going to go there on show (especially since he tried to rip her throat out) but I hope so cause I think they'd be hot together.
Caroline I think she and Elena were like rivals or something in the book but I can't remember. Caroline was a total b***h and I think she and Elena were the two most popular girls in school. She was always trying to get with Stefan and one up Elena. Caroline also steals Elena's journal and was going to read it out loud to everyone but I think Damon stopped her. By the end of the books I think she and Elena had called a truce. I actually like Caroline on the show, i think her and Matt are cute together.
Vicki though was attacked by Katherine - but everyone assumed Damon had done it since no one knew Katherine was alive and Damon didn't exactly deny it. Then Katherine toyed with her and made her do stuff like strip in the middle of the cafeteria. I can't remember what happened to her in the end but she was always a fringe character so I wasn't surprised when they killed her off.
Alaric I think was a vampire hunter in the books, I think at first he was out to get the brothers but the Meredith character convinced him to work with them instead of hunting them. I'm pretty sure they are going to do something similar on the show because they were making it too obvious that the audience is supposed to think he's a vampire. I like him, I think he's going to be a good add to the cast.
Overall I'm glad the story isn't exactly like the book, it keeps it interesting. I wish Damon was a little more like the book but Ian Somerhalder is. . .there are no words. Instant love.
Okay I'm mostly done rambling now. Oops I hope that wasn't all spoiler but seeing as how they've taken a completely different direction with the storyline I don't think it was.
Thank you very much Binary Solo!
I have read a lot of articles that say they are not sticking to the books. I really like this show, and the characters!
[QUOTE=LilysMom;138985]Thank you very much Binary Solo!
I have read a lot of articles that say they are not sticking to the books. I really like this show, and the characters![/QUOTE]
Yeah they've kept a lot of the basic stuff but it's not really the exact same so I don't know where they're going, which is actually a good thing in my opinion. I don't think that people should really expect the show to be a regurgitation of the book - it would be too limiting anyways because once the show got through the books they wouldn't have anywhere else to go. Once I got over the fact that Elena wasn't an icy, self-centered blonde (and is more "Kristen Stewart" like than I appreciate). . .and that there was no Meredith. . .and that they randomly decided to change the Salvatore family history. . .and added a drug addict brother. . .and that Damon just straight up slaughters people at will and is sometimes a bit on the camp side. . .and that Stefan looks closer to 30 vs. 17. . .I've really gotten into the show.
I don't think Elena is anything like Bella.
Bella is self absorbed and only cares about Edward. The Vamp Diaries made me realize how completely ridiculous their relationship is. Elena cares about her family & friends and is reacting like a normal person should, and doesn't put Stefan above everything.
Bella and Edward's relationship is sick.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;139004]I don't think Elena is anything like Bella.
Bella is self absorbed and only cares about Edward. The Vamp Diaries made me realize how completely ridiculous their relationship is. Elena cares about her family & friends and is reacting like a normal person should, and doesn't put Stefan above everything.
Bella and Edward's relationship is sick.[/QUOTE]
I was talking more in terms of physical mannerisms and the whole "deep, sensitive, outsider in converse" element. Elena was nothing like that, she was a confident, outgoing, prom queen in the books, somewhat self-centered but then she evolves and part of what I like about the books I think is seeing that evolution. But this Elena right off the bat is a total saint it seems and I don't like that difference between the book and the show. She's just more boring on the show to me.
But yea, I am extremely anti-Twilight though. I know part of why this is but a large part of it just isn't rational - I just don't like the two lead actors, they bug me, I don't like how they're everywhere, I hate the emo angst thing, they just annoy me in general. I couldn't care less whether or not they're actually dating and that Robert Patterson apparently doesn't shower, they suck. Which is very childish I know! But everytime I see Robert Patterson twinkling on my tv I just want to make him go away. But the main part of why I don't like it is because everything I've heard about the book is pretty much straight out of Vampire Diaries, which was written 10 years before. I'm very protective of the Vampire Diaries, that was like a big part of my childhood, and I feel like Meyer just straight up swaggerjacked the hell out of it so it p*sses me off.
Okay rant over.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;139021]I wonder if/when they will introduce the man known as Klaus. He is so influential and has ties to Tyler.[/QUOTE]
You know I was wondering that too, but given the way that they've altered Katherine's fate they may not or they may bring in someone named Klaus who has a completely different storyline. I'm still wondering if they're actually going to use Tyler though or if he's going to be another "surprise" kill becuase he hasn't really been a big part of the story so far, he was mostly tied to Vicki and now that she's dead there's not a lot use for him on the show. I'm trying to figure out how they're going to bring Katherine back because I figure they have to, so maybe that's how Klaus gets in unless Damon is able to manipulate Bonnie into getting powerful enough to help him.
They pretty much as i see it need Klaus. Without him they are just stuck with the hero i.e. Stefan and the anti hero Damon. Without Klaus they are without a real definitive villian but then agian he was supposed to kill Vicki and that didn't happen either.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;139026]They pretty much as i see it need Klaus. Without him they are just stuck with the hero i.e. Stefan and the anti hero Damon. Without Klaus they are without a real definitive villian but then agian he was supposed to kill Vicki and that didn't happen either.[/QUOTE]
Yeah good point. But then again they seem to be setting the Logan character up to be the villain for a while and if they go with Tyler as the werewolf storyline then they've still got that. Klaus wasn't introduced until about the third book right? I wonder at what point they're going to have Elena and Damon get closer, that was a pretty important part of things but so far Damon doesn't even seem remotely interested in her beyond the fact that she looks like Katherine and is dating his brother and Elena doesn't like him at all.
I thought that Tyler became a werewolf because of Klaus? Also was he not intially dormant? Do you think they will have the same finally for season 1as they had for book 1, that would be interesting.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;139033]I thought that Tyler became a werewolf because of Klaus? Also was he not intially dormant? Do you think they will have the same finally for season 1as they had for book 1, that would be interesting.[/QUOTE]
You know I think you're right, you're testing my memory I haven't read those books in years! But yeah I think he used Tyler as his minion and unlocked his inner werewolf. I HOPE that they swing things around so that it ends like the first book, that twist was pretty great I don't think I saw it coming at all. I also wonder if Emily is going to come back and possess Bonnie to send important messages kind of like the way Honora Fell (I think that was her name) did with Bonnie in the book - it would be weird of them to cast a somewhat known actress like they did for Emily and then only use her once. Also what's up with the 27 hungry vamps underground, I wonder? I feel sorry for who ever is the first unfortunate person to wonder into that batcave.
The Vamp Diaries and twilight are nothing alike...there similarities between the couples but thats it.[/QUOTE]
Not really what I've read and I've also seen passages from Twilight that are really similar to ideas taken from Vampire Diaries, I'm not the first person to say it. At the very least I think she read to stories and they influenced her. But its one of those difference of opinion things that aren't worth debating about.
A major difference the love triangle between the 3 main characters as well as the brothers triangle relationship with Katherine make it somewhat different.
There are gonna be similarities, its all about the same thing, vampires. The only major similarity about them IMO, are the couples. Stefan/Elena, Bill/Sookie, Edward/Bella. Its just like making movies about witches, really, how different can you get?
I know your not the first person to say and I thought the same thing, but as someone who used to be obsessed with twilight, I see a lot of differences, and if anything, True Blood turned me off twilight, and now from watching Vampire Diaries, its borderline hate towards twilight.