Survivor Samoa: Spoilers

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I see the merge will be next week. Are the spoilers still saying Erik will be voted out next week or Jaison?
[QUOTE=kayla3nicole;134766]I see the merge will be next week. Are the spoilers still saying Erik will be voted out next week or Jaison?[/QUOTE]Erik is next, but missy has posted not too much else, so the fates of Laura, Monica, Kelly, Shambo, Dave, John, Brett and Jaison are unknown. They fall somewhere in 4th to 11th place, but who goes where is unknown. What she HAS said on [URL=""]SurvivorBlows[/URL] is that "Of course Shambo will flip but I am told that does not just happen immediately." Missy also says: [quote]Laura and her girls are very tight and will remain tight after the merge. Brett is also tight with Laura. The word I was told was she was his 'mama' out there. [/quote]My guess is that initially, Laura/Kelly/Monica are the ones who flip to overthrow the ruling men of Galu. Given Missy emphasizing this about Brett, I'd wager a guess that Shambo waits til the top 9 or 10 to flip. After Erik and Dave and/or John get picked off, Brett goes back with his 'mama' and her girls, and Shambo votes with Foa Foa to break up that foursome.
[URL=""]TDT[/URL] classified the jurors as follows: Erik: "First juror?" Jaison, Monica, John: "Jury" Brett: "Mid-late jury" Dave: "Mid-late jury?" Kelly, Laura, Shambo: "Late jury?" Could mean they think Erik is 12th place, Jaison/Monica/John are 11th-9th in some order, Brett and Dave in 8th/7th, and Kelly, Laura and Shambo rounding out the final 6 with Mick, Natalie and Russell.
CBS released a clip of the pre-TC chaos for tonight's episode, we definitely see Natalie emerge as a player here. Laura and John are both seen with the immunity necklace. [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Samoa - Change of Plans[/url]
I think Russell's refusal to give Natalie credit will become a relevant scene once the finale comes along. He will inevitably try to rip her apart to the jury and claim she did nothing but follow him, but that clip shows he's wrong. She DOES pull off the Erik vote and Russell severely underestimates her now, and he will continue to do so later when pleading his case. Including that scene is a perfect clip for a reunion show montage, showing how one of Russell's "dumb *** blondes" bested him to win the game. And Mick, who everyone expected to win after seeing who the final 3 would be, is simply instructed in the above clip by Natalie how he is to vote. If Natalie wins, she will be the first woman since Jenna Morasca to win a season that does not include returning participants.
Another likely jury vote for Natalie, per [URL=""]Erik's interview[/URL]: [quote][B]At this point in the game, who do you think is playing the best game?[/B] *****... gosh, that's so tough. John? Maybe? I gotta go with John. I think everyone is kinda playing a little bit different game. See, Laura was playing a good game but she was wrong. She made a mistake and got a little greedy and got a little pompous. I can't really say Russell, because he's aggressive but he looks like a total idiot when he comes to our tribe. He came over to us and he shows 8 different people the idol and makes promises to everybody and I thought his game play sucked. At this point in the game I didn't really respect anybody's game play. Shambo, God bless her heart, she was very loyal but she wasn't a gamer. She wasn't a strategist, she was loyal and that's what she brought to the table. Monica was thinking she signed up for the wrong show. She thought she was going to be on "Survivor: Cabo San Lucas Princess Edition." I guess maybe Brett because he works really hard, he's very intelligent. I'm gonna go with Brett and America doesn't know that because he doesn't get so much facetime. [B]Oh, wait no! Natalie. She's protecting herself as a lone wolf, only woman on Foa Foa. She's really tight with a guy who's mowing people down and at this point in the game she concocted the idea to get me out and I think she's responsible for making the biggest move in the game. I stand corrected, it's Natalie 100%.[/B] [/quote] Natalie seems to have the 90210 girls locked up, plus Erik. She needs 1 more or she needs Russell and Mick to split the other 5 votes 3-2.
Despite much speculation, Missy infers that Jaison will NOT be this week's boot.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;136829]Despite much speculation, Missy infers that Jaison will NOT be this week's boot.[/QUOTE] Yeah, TDT has it too. They are definitely leaning toward Laura. CBS gives subtle hints (like "this is going to be the most memorable tribal council") which would lean more toward Laura than Monica or Jaison.
**** I wish I would stop reading this forum!!!!!!! But I can't stop, now I know some things I wish I didn't I hope Brett and Jaison make final 3. My dream final 3: Jaison, Brett, Russell uwfhiaejwjglasthiegjAOWIG must. stop. reading
Missy has posted some minor details, insinuating that whatever happens this week is so pivotal that Russell did not want it spoiled. And the purple rock may make its return once they are down to 10. [COLOR=black][[/COLOR]quote][COLOR=black]Yes, this is the eppy #9 I have been talking about for weeks. This is their main event of the season, all the cards in, all the eggs in this basket this week. They want this big 'strategy' to remain unspoiled and a surprise Thursday night, at least that's what the word is on the street![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]I did post on the visitors board that Jaison is safe. I say visitors field becaus! I say visitors field because this is my home field!! I dont know if TDT read that and updated his board to say scratch Jaison or not. Maybe he has some info this week, I dont know. But it will not be Jaison.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]For the Foa members to get as far as they do, right now they must have their solid 4 votes for each Tribal so dont think there is any backstabbing going on with them yet, its too early, they need each other and they need another person or 2.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]I am told that when we get down somewhere around the final 10 mark there was at least 1 player wondering about what happens in case of a tie at Tribal Council. So the thoughts of the ole purple rock come into play. Now does it end up happening, not sure on that yet but the lines are drawn and will anyone cross them? The 2 players who would be the target of the votes would become safe and everyone else would draw for the purple rock, would anyone want to go home that way? I sure wouldnt but you never know.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Laura definitely would have gone home last week if she would not have won immunity. They had the votes, she was a goner.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Erik's smart move would have been to go to The Evil One and make a deal. 2 idols - 2 players. He wanted it flushed out and look what happened to him. I bet he lays awake at night thinking about an alliance with The Strategic One now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]The rat? Just as it says, unlikely person so scratch Shambo off your list. I am told someone was even hunting snakes out there in hopes of slaying one for some food![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]I am told the 'tastes like chicken' line could go to anyone as most everyone said it. I am sure CBS will zone in on 1 person though.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]I am told there is some confusion being tossed out there by CBS this week on some vidcaps, be careful.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Chill out EYE, nobody is trying to ruin your eppy this week!![/COLOR][/quote]
Per TDT, Brett (who?) takes 4th place, and Jaison is 5th place. The immunity challenge tonight, despite misleading previews, comes down to Laura, Mick and Shambo.
Sean, I read briefly somewhere (I think on sucks when I was looking for screencaps) that there was a rumor floating around that one person doesn't participate in tonight's tribal and they tie tonight. Have you read anything about that? That'd certainly make tonight "memorable" as the previews say...
[QUOTE=molds13;137760]Sean, I read briefly somewhere (I think on sucks when I was looking for screencaps) that there was a rumor floating around that one person doesn't participate in tonight's tribal and they tie tonight. Have you read anything about that? That'd certainly make tonight "memorable" as the previews say...[/QUOTE]I read that too but I am thinking it was just a theory. Probst said something pre-show about someone getting to bypass tribal council but who knows...I am wondering if their original intent was for the losing tribe in immunity challenge pre-merge was for someone to go to the winning tribe and be safe?
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;137754]Per TDT, Brett (who?) takes 4th place, and Jaison is 5th place. The immunity challenge tonight, despite misleading previews, comes down to Laura, Mick and Shambo.[/QUOTE] I didn't expect Jaison to go that far! Glad he did. I have a feeling that a big name will leave tonight...
Any new spoilers for next week out yet?
From next week: [QUOTE]A clever castaway jeopardizes the success of a scheme to ensure their own safety in the game[/QUOTE] Any thoughts on who? I was thinking Russ, of course, since CBS loves him. [QUOTE]Tempers flare and an alliance threatens to splinter apart at the most dramatic tribal council yet[/QUOTE] Obviously they are referring to the Galu alliance and Shambo flipping, and the tempers flaring must be Laura and Russell.
[QUOTE=molds13;138138] Any thoughts on who? I was thinking Russ, of course, since CBS loves him. [/QUOTE]I'm almost thinking John and/or Dave jumps ship to join ShamFoa so they don't have to pick a purple rock. Missy has pimped them out as making some sort of smart move and given them some praise (i.e. her source Russell likes them) but we haven't seen anything from them yet. Maybe they agree to vote out Laura or Monica if Shambo agrees to return to the Galu fold at top 9? Then she stays with Foa anyway. I think we will get two more good tribal councils, then once ShamFoa gains an unbreakable majority at top 8, it will be relatively predictable. Monica and Laura are probably next to go in one order or another, then John and Dave, then Brett (who?) wins a couple immunities forcing Shambo and Jaison out.
John has such a good chance of becoming a 2nd Russell. Dave should be going next then Monica should break free from Laura and approach Jaison.
Laura is next to go. Tribal council's first vote results in a tie between Laura and (most likely) Russell. At the second vote, one of the Galu group changes their vote to Laura to avoid picking rocks. This is all per missyae: [quote]That last episode was really emmy worthy but wait till this week. I guess I found an interview with the boot in it or I guess I am copying someone else again so here is what you need this week. Many would think this immunity challenge might be right up The Strategic Ones alley but it did not turn out that way. If it were baseballs being tossed - maybe - but not those little rock shaped thingys. However someone else from Foa Foa steps up and wins immunity this week. The lines are drawn in the sand at tribal council. We had 5 strong on each side - or do we? After the tie vote someone on Galu decides they dont wanna be at risk and they change their vote on the second vote. You dodged twice Laura but you did not win immunity this week and now you are gone! [/quote]
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;138887]Laura is next to go. Tribal council's first vote results in a tie between Laura and (most likely) Russell. At the second vote, one of the Galu group changes their vote to Laura to avoid picking rocks. This is all per missyae:[/QUOTE] Good. I hate that betch.
[QUOTE=JackD;138889]Good. I hate that betch.[/QUOTE] How can you hate someone you've never met and someone that you don't know in real life? Seems like a bit of harsh wording.
[QUOTE=molds13;138890]How can you hate someone you've never met and someone that you don't know in real life? Seems like a bit of harsh wording.[/QUOTE] I hate her on TV. She just seems all... problem-ish. I'm a very hatable person but I do not hate any of you.
I don't get why people dislike Laura. Natalie, Mick, and Laura are my favorites.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;138897]I dn get why people dislike Laura. Natalie, Mick, and Laura are my favorites.[/QUOTE] Mick has a likable, JT thing going on. He'll go far.
GO BRETT!! I like Brett and Russell and Jaison the best. Omg I wonder who turns on Galu?? I have a feeling it is either John or Brett. But for it to be Brett seems kind of random
[QUOTE=JackD;138901]Mick has a likable, JT thing going on. He'll go far.[/QUOTE] haha he's no where close to JT, JT was good at challenges mick is a sore loser
[QUOTE=mxiong162;139001]haha he's no where close to JT, JT was good at challenges mick is a sore loser[/QUOTE] Yeah, but he might be a sore loser with $1 million.
That is true, most likely him or Natalie will take all that money home.
Should be Brett or Natalie.
[QUOTE=JackD;139080]Should be Brett or Natalie.[/QUOTE] Brett takes 4th. It sounded like Mick was the winner, but now signs are pointing toward Natalie. Unless Natalie goes on a super-awesome immunity streak, I don't think she should.
