I knew it! Callie was my first guess to being from Texas.
Here's the updated list (in bold, moved from the Cast Moves In thread):
1. Tall, tan brunette [B]from California[/B] (Ashley)
2. Green shirt guy, possibly "half Italian, half Poland" from Colorado(Mike Manning)
3. Redhead from Chicago (Erika Lauren)
4. Guy with tattoos from Philadelphia (Josh Colon)
5. Blonde with dark highlights [B]from Texas[/B] (Callie)
6. Brunette in purple/brown shirt smoking outside with #4 [B]from Missouri[/B] (Emily)
7. African-American, buff-looking NFL hopeful who is not gay from [B]Baltimore, MD[/B] (Ty)
8. Shaggy haired blonde guy with funky sunglasses from Colorado (Andrew)
[quote=salt&vinegar;94164]I think Andrew could be possibly gay.[/quote]
Do you have any evidence, or are you just judging him based on the pictures we've seen thus far?
Via Twitter:
Ashley, Emily, Callie, Ty, Erika, Mike
Anyone but me notice they look bored or annoyed in so many pics? It makes me think the producers are making them do things... also when someone twitpic'd me that earlier my 2nd thought was that Erika and Mike (thanks for the labels) are going to hook up.
Where is my favorite space cadet Andrew and his glasses?
[quote=salt&vinegar;94166]That is purely speculation based on the pictures we have seen.[/quote]
Trust me come to Dupont and there are a lot more guys that look like Mike than Andrew... even though he is more my type. I like 'em a bit dorky haha.
Honestly you can't stereotype from a picture or two unless they are of him hooking up with a guy :)
It would be terrible if the haters start throwing rotten fruit and vegetables at the cast like a failed sideshow act. Well, at least they have each other...
Elizabethany posted another video, she actually caught video of people holding signs telling the cast to leave.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnjbMlw-qm4]YouTube - eTV's Finding the Real World DC Cast, Episode 4[/url]
[quote=Dartagnan;94492]Ugh, I am really hating all the bad rep this season is getting at this point. It is annoying and useless.[/quote]
It really is annoying and useless. Wah wah, so TRW is in your city for a few months. boohoo.
So over on The Anti Real World DC blog, he posted about how he met Ashley (read it [URL="http://antirealworlddc.blogspot.com/2009/07/real-world-meets-anti-real-world.html"]here[/URL]). Then he goes on to say that when Ashley asked him straight up why people hate them....he [I]literally[/I] told her "We don't hate you."
I had to leave him a comment and tell him how stupid, contradictory, invalidating, and pathetic his blog is. =)
Hey, I hate the Real World, but I'm going to make my own blog about it and ***** every chance I get.
Sorry guys, I just feel bad for the cast. And I know a lot yous feel the same way.
i find the anti real world dc really lame and pathetic, esp after reading about his encounter with a cast member. yes she and the others are just like anyone else, except they have a camera. i love how this dude freely speaks for not himself, but every one of his friends in saying he and his friends would never let a camera crew follow them 24/7. im curious as to how old this person running it is. I am not saying every 18-26 yarold would leap at the chance to be on the RW, but many would. There is nothing wrong with it.
This guy needs to get a life. Im sorry, i just cant stand people who let hate consume them or time they could spend doing something good or uplifting or something to do with something they enjoy.
[quote=anon3450;94127]wiggy, what happened with the stalker/follower who was a possible security threat?[/quote]
No longer believe that this person is/was a threat. Just had a "colorful" past. The info was passed along to the appropriate people, just in case.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;94570]Hey, I hate the Real World, but I'm going to make my own blog about it and ***** every chance I get.
Sorry guys, I just feel bad for the cast. And I know a lot yous feel the same way.[/QUOTE]
TJ, I agree! People can hate that the production is there, but they shouldn't treat the cast members ****ty because of it. I'm literally fascinated by how many waves are being made bc of it though! Brooklyn didn't seem THIS bad, right!?
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;94576]TJ, I agree! People can hate that the production is there, but they shouldn't treat the cast members ****ty because of it. I'm literally fascinated by how many waves are being made bc of it though! Brooklyn didn't seem THIS bad, right!?[/quote]
Real World is my neighborhood. FML.
LOL, sorry I was just reading that site and it made of think of it.
DC is making the Brooklyn bloggers look like saints.
[B]OK: So at this point I'm not going to be sharing too much (so as to keep some mystery for the actual show when it airs)[/B]
But, I can tell you that I've been in touch with some of the cast, I have also been in touch with family and friends of the cast.... I know several people who have been in the house at this point, and I've got so much dish and scoop, I'm loving it.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;94564]It really is annoying and useless. Wah wah, so TRW is in your city for a few months. boohoo.
So over on The Anti Real World DC blog, he posted about how he met Ashley (read it [URL="http://antirealworlddc.blogspot.com/2009/07/real-world-meets-anti-real-world.html"]here[/URL]). Then he goes on to say that when Ashley asked him straight up why people hate them....he [I]literally[/I] told her "We don't hate you."
I had to leave him a comment and tell him how stupid, contradictory, invalidating, and pathetic his blog is. =)[/quote]
Bahahaha...if this is you, well played my man.
[QUOTE]Know how I know you're from D.C. ? Your build-up was strong, then you choked at crunch-time (see: Redskins, Capitals, Wizards, and pre-Obama Democrats).[/QUOTE]
[quote=wiggyndc;94580][B]OK: So at this point I'm not going to be sharing too much (so as to keep some mystery for the actual show when it airs)[/B]
But, I can tell you that I've been in touch with some of the cast, I have also been in touch with family and friends of the cast.... I know several people who have been in the house at this point, and I've got so much dish and scoop, I'm loving it.
I hope you weren't being sarcastic.
[quote=wiggyndc;94580][B]OK: So at this point I'm not going to be sharing too much (so as to keep some mystery for the actual show when it airs)[/B]
Oh you dirty rotten tease! ;)