my thinking is that the fall off the balcony was not malicious.
however, i am stating a fact. When there is any kind of abuse or battery and the police are called in (police accompany all emergency ambulance calls), if an assault or battery took place, it is the state's responsibility to arrest the perpetrator. the only reason i said that i'm not sure about DC is because it is a district and not a state. I did a rudimentary google search on arrest/battery laws but nothing substantial turned up. That's a much better effort than guessing.
think of the most recent Charlie Sheen arrest. His wife did not want to press charges but in the state of Colorado it's up to the state to press charges. Do you watch Cops? I've seen an embarrassing number of episodes. When a man/woman assaults his/her partner, it is the state that presses charges, not the victim. This reason this law was passed was because victims were fearful of retribution. And in these cases police never see the offense. The show up, see scratches, bruises, blood, etc, interview the people involved, possible witnesses, and arrest the aggressor. So, yes, a person can show up at the ER, claim that they were assaulted and the accused can, in fact, get arrested.
[QUOTE=good brooklyn;148331]So, yes, a person can show up at the ER, claim that they were assaulted and the accused can, in fact, get arrested.[/QUOTE]
[I]But that is not always the case[/I]. Like you said earlier, it varies by state. And you do not know the rules for how DC operates. So you cannot make assumptions or broad generalizations that it will go a certain way when it very well may not.
****, we don't even know if it was an "assault". You're just going to have to wait and see what the situation is.
About Mike's 'Bisexuality":
I really think he's gay, not bi, but the producers told him to say he was because middle America is used to see gay stereotypical gay men on TV and god forbid someone who plays sports, is masculine, not into fashion is gay.
At the "After Show," Andrew says to Mike: "You're gay and religious," and Ashley on season previews says, "I kissed a gay guy and now everyone thinks I'm into him."
I think Mike is totally gay.
I'm sorry superdrive, but that's stupid.
See Danny, Davis, Nick, and Chris among others to counter your example.
On unrelated note, did RR go 9 seasons without a gay castmember?
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;175421]about 3 months late, but I figured this would be the best place to ask. Does anyone know why there was no vacation this season?[/QUOTE]
good question... i think usually when its a serious season and the cast have awesome back stories and are driven they focus on that and dont take away from that with trips; idk just a guess.
[QUOTE=journalme;175422]good question... i think usually when its a serious season and the cast have awesome back stories and are driven they focus on that and dont take away from that with trips; idk just a guess.[/QUOTE]
I don't believe that the back stories have been better than before. I feel if they are casting people who feel a need to put their back stories out there as part of an agenda as opposed to just having them come out in the day to day of living their lives. It seems almost like the casts sort of field-produce their own stories within the context of the show in recent seasons. That said, I suspect that the lack of trips probably has to do with $$$$, logistics, and security.