[quote=Bacchus;95168]And it still had a cuss word in the URL when you posted it. :D
[URL="http://tinyurl.com/Iambetteratpostinglinksmuhuhah"]I Can’t Stand RWDC Haters Cheat to Win[/URL][/quote]
Hahahaha "I am better at posting links muahahahah".
[QUOTE=jku20;95179]Because most of us hot guys ARE gay ;)
Did I miss something though, where does that say that he's gay?[/QUOTE]
That's what makes me mad! I'm a ******** girl and there are very few hot lesbians out there... When Jenn and Rachel had their thing on Duel 2, I became very happy...
But back on topic.. *crosses finger for a hot lesbian on this cast*
[quote=Lamb Chop!!!;95210]That's what makes me mad! I'm a ******** girl and there are very few hot lesbians out there... When Jenn and Rachel had their thing on Duel 2, I became very happy...
But back on topic.. *crosses finger for a hot lesbian on this cast*[/quote]
Emily is bi supposedly
[QUOTE=DupontDan;95253]Emily is bi supposedly[/QUOTE]
Ha I'm so slow. First I thought you meant Emily from Road Rules. Are you talking about Emilee on Cancun or is there an Emily on D.C?
[quote=Lamb Chop!!!;95373]Ha I'm so slow. First I thought you meant Emily from Road Rules. Are you talking about Emilee on Cancun or is there an Emily on D.C?[/quote]
Emily on DC.
Heard that Real World had already been at gym today so I braved it. Did my workout and was walking down the stairs to the locker room. Who pops out at the bottom of the stairs but my boyfriend Andrew, leaving the weight area? He stopped at bottom of stairs and waited so the single camera (who was behind him at the time) could get around him and me. Once he got to the top and was ready, Andrew did his best Rocky impression up the stairs, stopping to pump his fists at the top.
Lame... staged...
Oh and Andrew looked pretty "regular" in person (and young)... I think I may have to break up with him for his on-camera cheesiness ;)
[quote=DupontDan;95390]Heard that Real World had already been at gym today so I braved it. Did my workout and was walking down the stairs to the locker room. Who pops out at the bottom of the stairs but my boyfriend Andrew, leaving the weight area? He stopped at bottom of stairs and waited so the single camera (who was behind him at the time) could get around him and me. Once he got to the top and was ready, Andrew did his best Rocky impression up the stairs, stopping to pump his fists at the top.
Lame... staged...
Oh and Andrew looked pretty "regular" in person (and young)... I think I may have to break up with him for his on-camera cheesiness ;)[/quote]
The "Rocky" shot confirms what I suspected when they installed that hot tub (when most of us thought this would be a season without one); I believe Andrew is MOST LIKELY the one who has struggled with weight issues during his life. I know that BMP was looking for stories that weren't only good but easier to edit together given some of the problems they had telling Kaitlynn's story. In a house with some very fit people, the weight issue one is a little easier to edit than some of the other storylines they were pursing.
Just my guess. Could be wrong.
[quote=CannotTellU;95398]The "Rocky" shot confirms what I suspected when they installed that hot tub (when most of us thought this would be a season without one); I believe Andrew is MOST LIKELY the one who has struggled with weight issues during his life. I know that BMP was looking for stories that weren't only good but easier to edit together given some of the problems they had telling Kaitlynn's story. In a house with some very fit people, the weight issue one is a little easier to edit than some of the other storylines they were pursing.
Just my guess. Could be wrong.[/quote]
Does anyone know is the Philly Rocker is an immigrant? I know he's Latino...but did he immigrate to this country? That's also my guess. When BMP looks to tell stories, they try to cast friendships to promote interesting conversations. So my guess is that singer red head girl was cast to be Philly Immigrant Rockers friend...in addition to having some really funny footage of them all singing and being ridic together. When they aren't looking to focus on storylines, they cast for some confict. These aren't general rules...just observations from hours and hours of way too much reality TV.
[QUOTE=CannotTellU;95398]The "Rocky" shot confirms what I suspected when they installed that hot tub (when most of us thought this would be a season without one); I believe Andrew is MOST LIKELY the one who has struggled with weight issues during his life. I know that BMP was looking for stories that weren't only good but easier to edit together given some of the problems they had telling Kaitlynn's story. In a house with some very fit people, the weight issue one is a little easier to edit than some of the other storylines they were pursing.
Just my guess. Could be wrong.[/QUOTE]
If he struggled before, he doesn't seem to be now. He's really thin - didn't notice the other times I've seen him but in workout clothes from a foot away I did.
[quote=CannotTellU;95402]Does anyone know is the Philly Rocker is an immigrant? I know he's Latino...but did he immigrate to this country? That's also my guess. When BMP looks to tell stories, they try to cast friendships to promote interesting conversations. So my guess is that singer red head girl was cast to be Philly Immigrant Rockers friend...in addition to having some really funny footage of them all singing and being ridic together. When they aren't looking to focus on storylines, they cast for some confict. These aren't general rules...just observations from hours and hours of way too much reality TV.[/quote]
If you bring it up in his thread, I bet his girlfriend might be able to answer that for you.
Hey everyone...I'm new to this so sorry for making everyone repeat everything
Who's gay/bi this season?
Anything on their jobs yet, or is it too early?
[quote=CannotTellU;95402]Does anyone know is the Philly Rocker is an immigrant? I know he's Latino...but did he immigrate to this country? That's also my guess. When BMP looks to tell stories, they try to cast friendships to promote interesting conversations. So my guess is that singer red head girl was cast to be Philly Immigrant Rockers friend...in addition to having some really funny footage of them all singing and being ridic together. When they aren't looking to focus on storylines, they cast for some confict. These aren't general rules...just observations from hours and hours of way too much reality TV.[/quote]
Josh is not an immigrant, born and raised South Philly!
So I ran into them 3 times today (I swear they follow me) and noticed something interesting. First two times (Ty, Erika, and I think Callie but I forget, and then Andrew, Ashley, and I forget who the 3rd was) they were on camera and totally social with each other. Third time (Ty, Erika, Callie, and I think Josh but I forget) the crew was just carrying their equipment, which I have never seen before, and they weren't speaking a word to each other and all looked pissed off. Also all but Callie were loaded down with numerous cases of beer, while she didn't carry anything and walked ahead a bit. Can there already be some disconnect in the house?
BTW Andrew wasn't wearing the glasses today but has instead aquired a furry white hat with ears that makes him look like he has a bear on his head. I wanted to remind him it was 90 degrees outside but declined...
[quote=DupontDan;95715]So I ran into them 3 times today (I swear they follow me) and noticed something interesting. First two times (Ty, Erika, and I think Callie but I forget, and then Andrew, Ashley, and I forget who the 3rd was) they were on camera and totally social with each other. Third time (Ty, Erika, Callie, and I think Josh but I forget) the crew was just carrying their equipment, which I have never seen before, and they weren't speaking a word to each other and all looked pissed off. Also all but Callie were loaded down with numerous cases of beer, while she didn't carry anything and walked ahead a bit. Can there already be some disconnect in the house?
BTW Andrew wasn't wearing the glasses today but has instead aquired a furry white hat with ears that makes him look like he has a bear on his head. I wanted to remind him it was 90 degrees outside but declined...[/quote]
Thanks for the info again :).
Oh and as for the "disconnect", I'm not surprised. Eight strangers in a house with no TV, limited internet , no cell phones, etc, its bound to ugly.
[QUOTE]So I ran into them 3 times today[/QUOTE]
Clearly they are stalking you. Damn The Real World, can't they just leave the locals alone?
Thanks Dan for the update. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;95770]Clearly they are stalking you. Damn The Real World, can't they just leave the locals alone?
Thanks Dan for the update. ;)[/QUOTE]
Yeah I am thinking they just might be plotting on you Dan...watch out...those REal World kids are sneaky, LOL.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;95732]Thanks for the info again :).
Oh and as for the "disconnect", I'm not surprised. Eight strangers in a house with no TV, limited internet , no cell phones, etc, its bound to ugly.[/QUOTE]
It is hard enough to not have disconect with family and you have tv, internet, and phones!
i dont know if anyone has said this but emily in the picture on the first page looks a lot like the girl from that true life episode where they look for apartments in new york city. If i can remember her voice was annoying and she acted very spoiled (In my opinion). Dont know if she looks a lot like her or it is actually her
[QUOTE=Janette;96270]Hi everyone. I'm new to this site. Is this just a sight for sightings of the cast or something? Anywho Good Morning![/QUOTE]
Welcome to Vevmo Janette! This site is for talking about entertainment(Reality TV, Scripted TV, Movies, Sports,etc.). It's not just for cast sightings.
I'm not sure how many of you follow my Twitter feed [url=http://www.twitter.com/realworlddcnewz]Real World (RealWorldDCNEWZ) on Twitter[/url] but since last night I've received messages and reports that [I]somebody[/I] is taking information from my Twitter feed, and from postings on Vevmo, and is now getting paid to contribute to a DC-based site.
So earlier today I called it out on Twitter. I've received a great deal of support and information from people publicly and privately regarding this incident.
I got a contentious text message from this person saying that if I wanted to call her to "apologize" I could. I of course called, not to apologize, but to make clear that the information she has posted (lots of it anyways) has come from Vevmo and my Twitter feed. She claimed that there was no proof that she didn't have other sources, and that her information didn't necessarily come from here or Twitter.
(Of course, the fact that we (Vevmo and myself on Twitter) have been on this story since much longer before this individual, can't go unnoticed.)
Anyhow, in an effort to cut down on the drama, she agreed to give credit on the site and I agreed that I'd call it a "misunderstanding" and not plagiarism.
NOTE: She threatened to look into libel charges; but the young hunny doesn't realize that I have media law experience and that this threat is baseless given that it's undisputed that Vevmo (in part via myself) and my Twitter have been posting inside information that has been reposted elsewhere...
Crazy no? Bottom line: I'm going to (and I suggest that Bacchus and Mods) pay close attention to [url]http://dc.metromix.com/tv/blog/get-the-real-deal/1324717/content[/url] to make sure all information is properly attributed.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;96343]Wait, Elizabethany is the one who's doing that? I'm confused.[/QUOTE]
She's the person with whom I spoke... We[I]agreed[/I] that this was a [I]misunderstanding[/I]. And she agreed to include a link on that website to my twitter feed and to Vevmo giving credit where credit is due. (She asserted that she doesn't need to cite "conversations" just "facts" and she asserted that there's no way of me being able to prove she got the information from Vevmo or myself. If you look at the site as of right now, most of the information is unattributed (ergo, seems to be original information).
She claimed that it was her impression I was "hating" - I in turn told her it would appear she's the one hating and taking info. After some back-and-forth I realized this was a battle that was not going to be cleared up and since I have nothing to gain from this whole thing anyhow, I decided to let it go. If she wants the glory, the radio spots, etc., have at it. I know and we know who has the information and who just claims to have it.
Meanwhile the folks at Anti-Real World DC (who have been supportive) say that "It's plagiarism...they just got caught."
I, myself, am done wasting more time on this. Good luck to all involved. Enjoy our info.
[quote=wiggyndc;96342](Of course, the fact that we (Vevmo and myself on Twitter) have been on this story since much longer before this individual, can't go unnoticed.)
Um yeah I'd say thats [I]pretty[/I] obvious considering no one knew who she was until about 2 weeks ago!
Classic case of a little girl reaching for her 15 minutes of fame while riding the back of someone else's. Everyone knows exactly what she is doing and they have all called her on it, yet she still thinks she is little miss popular. Whatever though vevmo does not have time for peons and thier immaturity.