Survivor Samoa: Spoilers

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Survivor Samoa: Spoilers
[B]SURVIVOR 19 SPOILERS[/B] It is time to get a spoiler thread going for Survivor: Samoa! According to [URL=";f=96;t=6657;st=30"][/URL] they are going to start filming on the 29th of June, and it will end in early August. [quote][SIZE=2][B]Aggies Grey’s Lagoon Resort & Spa will be closed to host the “Survivor Samoa” Series. The closure will be in place from 01 June – 30 September, 2009[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]If we count back from Aug. 5th, or 6th, 39 days would bring us to Saturday June 27th, or Sunday June 28th as start film dates. If they begin filming on a Monday like they usually do, that would put us at Monday, June 29th as the start film date.[/SIZE] [/quote] Also, Here is the logo :) [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]
Hopefully this is as good as the one with G.C.
[QUOTE=Zachary;72549]Hopefully this is as good as the one with G.C.[/QUOTE] Please tell me you don't remember the season solely because of GC. He was one of the worst male contestants ever. EVER.
Be that as it may. lol. Oy yeah can't forget Sugar. Any word today on who the cast is?
[QUOTE=Zachary;72563]Be that as it may. lol. Oy yeah can't forget Sugar. Any word today on who the cast is?[/QUOTE] The cast has yet to be finalized. They are still accepting applications.
[quote=Zachary;72563] Any word today on who the cast is?[/quote] As soon as we find some casting spoilers we will post it. ;)
I also read on [URL=";f=96;t=6657;st=30"]survivorskills[/URL] that a male Pro Wrestler might be on this season. [quote][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]I heard that a pro Wrestler was going to be on this season[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=black]I hope it's not Ashlee again.[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]^no my friend who told me this said it was a guy[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/quote] Who knows if this will happen or not, but at least it is something to talk about.
[quote=Phoenix;72583]I also read on [URL=";f=96;t=6657;st=30"]survivorskills[/URL] that a male Pro Wrestler might be on this season. Who knows if this will happen or not, but at least it is something to talk about.[/quote] It's Mike "the Miz"!!! hahah wouldn't that be something?!
I doubt its Mike.
[quote=Zachary;72589]I doubt its Mike.[/quote] I know, joke.
I found this at [URL=""][/URL] [URL=""]YouTube - Movie 129[/URL] [quote] possible recruit for s19? video is barely labeled (a lot like brendan's was when i saw that in september). seems like a recruit--good looking, young, bland personality, and filmed with PhotoBooth rather than edited and pieced together like most tapes. hayley something--i guess we'll wait and see! [/quote]
Wow...that was ridiculously boring. She is seriously delusional. And there is nowhere in northern Chicago that doesn't have a girls soccer league. They actually have some of the best girls high school teams in the country.
Cool find! I can't listen to it right now but does she say how old she is? It may just be me but she looks young.
[QUOTE=tatertots;72945]Cool find! I can't listen to it right now but does she say how old she is? It may just be me but she looks young.[/QUOTE] She is 23. Youngest of 3 from the north side of Chicago (aka spoiledville).
[quote=tatertots;72945]Cool find! I can't listen to it right now but does she say how old she is? It may just be me but she looks young.[/quote] She says she is 23. Haha, Molds beat me to it. ;)
Thanks guys! I'll check it out later, but wtf on there not being any womens soccer leagues in Chicago? What is she smoking?!
[QUOTE=tatertots;72990]Thanks guys! I'll check it out later, but wtf on there not being any womens soccer leagues in Chicago? What is she smoking?![/QUOTE] I think she was talking more about leagues growing up, not women's leagues. Either way, it's still BS. There is plenty of opportunity in Chicago, especially on the north side. It's the wealthiest area.
[quote]Local reports say filming will begin "within a few days". The very cool possible reward canopy walk at Falealupo, on the western tip of Savaii, is now "closed for construction." [/quote] [via [URL=""]survivorsucks[/URL]] I [B]think[/B] this is the Canopy walk at Felealupo. [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
That is very pretty. I actually may get back into Survivor, seeing I enjoyed the end of Tocantins.
Very cool! I would love to go on that bridge.
Filming begin in a few days? I heard they won't be starting until the end of June. Unless they're just talking about nature filming...
The cast will be located on a 240 acre plot on the island of Upolu, Samoa. Go to 13˚59' 30.95" S, 171˚26'14.98" W. From BC
[QUOTE=busycorner;76640]The cast will be located on a 240 acre plot on the island of Upolu, Samoa. Go to 13˚59' 30.95" S, 171˚26'14.98" W. From BC[/QUOTE] Welcome, and thanks.
[QUOTE=busycorner;76640]The cast will be located on a 240 acre plot on the island of Upolu, Samoa. Go to 13˚59' 30.95" S, 171˚26'14.98" W. From BC[/QUOTE] Thanks BC, and welcome to Vevmo!
[LEFT][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/LEFT] [quote][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=2]A possible with Samoan connections: Mandy Mantzel. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]She made it far into the selection process for Tocantins.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]Last year she was living, and teaching at local school in Samoa via SIT. She lived with a host family part of her time while there, and it seems that her Samoa experience had a positive affect on her which changed some of her views on life.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/quote] [quote][SIZE=2]Here's what she had to say about not making the Tocantins cut:[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]cuzimbossy[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]September 04, 2008[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]"I got the call-back. And I even got to the point where they had me fill out an ungodly amount of paperwork that basically said, "yes, CBS! my soul is all yours! fries with that?". I divulged information that some of my closest friends don't even know, and I took an extensive physical that required me to be weighed NEKKID. But in the end, my *** got saaacked. Bah humbug." [/SIZE] [/quote] [via [URL=""]survivorskills[/URL]] [SIZE=2]Here is her myspace[/SIZE] [URL=""][SIZE=2][COLOR=#37496d]Mandy[/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL]
I found this at [URL=";f=96;t=6749;st=30"][/URL] :). [quote] 1rst Contestant Spoiler for Survivor: Samoa # 19! I recieved this tip from a very reliable source who's given me 100% on. the. mark. Spoilers in the past - [B]she'll be coming home tomorrow.[/B] Season 19 Contestant: [B]Ashley Trainer[/B] 22-year-old Female from Minnesota She was cast by Jennifer Cron (casting associate) who told her not to mention any of her connections to previous cast members during interviews & told her to delete her facebook & myspace. She removed her facebook once cast, but here are pictures of her with former cast members.[/quote] Here is a picture of her. [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Twitter: [URL=""]Ashley[/URL]
Does the jury stay in a hotel after they are voted out?
[quote=salt&vinegar;101349]Does the jury stay in a hotel after they are voted out?[/quote] They stay in a house, but yea, same idea. posts videos after every episode of the jury house (which they call Ponderosa). The pre-jury people are sent on a vacation somewhere until the game ends.
I can't wait for this season! I'm stoked that the All Stars will also film in Samoa two weeks after this ends.
[SIZE=2]I found this at [URL=""][/URL] [/SIZE] [SIZE=4][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]Survivor Samoa Tribe Colors. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]The two tribe colors at the beginning will be Yellow and Purple. The merged tribe color will be blue. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][/SIZE]
Thanks Phoenix!
