Real World Brooklyn: Ep. 11 - Discussion

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[quote=Corals Rack;54832]Ah, pooping into an envelope while riding in an could I forget such a classic RW moment? LOL.[/quote] OK..That's one happened. They all knew it was going to happen, that is why the cast didn't freak out. Does anyone think that other then in the most extremely contrived situation a sober person would do such a thing. Colie was sick to her stomach, on antibiotics and eating Outward Bound "healthy food". She didn't want to go on the long drive home. She was not given an option (but there was an envelope). Now imagine a caravan of crew in front and behind the SUV. Davis was not allowed to stop. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. I must quote K8.. It is when they butcher the time-space continuum in order to make your character conform to expectations. Thats what stuns me. Thats what was upsetting.
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;54819]I disagree. No one is blaming Ryan for having more airtime or getting attention, the frustrations are directed solely at editing and production. If my posts come across that way then I apologize, because that is not at all my intent.[/QUOTE] Its not your posts that come off as blaming Ryan, its just that it seems as if all these posts directed at BMP focused on Ryan will only result in people disliking Ryan for it, which I believe is unfair to him.
[quote=hpkhg45;54836]Its not your posts that come off as blaming Ryan, its just that it seems as if all these posts directed at BMP focused on Ryan will only result in people disliking Ryan for it, which I believe is unfair to him.[/quote] I haven't read any posts indicating anyone was not liking Ryan because of this particular reason. If people post about not liking Ryan, they usually have just disagreed with things he has said or done on the show. I haven't seen anyone not like him because he's been shown too much.
[QUOTE=hpkhg45;54836]Its not your posts that come off as blaming Ryan, its just that it seems [B]as if all these posts directed at BMP focused on Ryan[/B] will only result in people disliking Ryan for it, which I believe is unfair to him.[/QUOTE] Well, that really is a load of crap, not to mention more than a little insulting. To quote Ryan himself... "I don't care what people think." Ryan also has strong opinions on Baya's lack of air time. Unfortunately, it will be a while before he has a chance to share those thoughts with us, however.
[quote=V1man;54840]Well, that really is a load of crap, not to mention more than a little insulting. To quote Ryan himself... "I don't care what people think." Ryan also has strong opinions on Baya's lack of air time. Unfortunately, it will be a while before he has a chance to share those thoughts with us, however.[/quote]That sucks. :(
Just to interject a bit of reality into the mix here with all the talk of who got what amount of air time. Is the "fair" thing to split up the air time absolutely equally? Or damn close to it? Are each of the cast members equally interesting? You know, it reminds me of how some people harp from time to time about the need to show more starving children on TV more so that people will donate money. Here is the problem, if all you had was starving children on, people would not watch. If 9 channels had other things on, and the tenth devoted its time to starving children, I suspect the tenth would be the lowest rated channel. To the extent that they show more of some people than others, it is likely do to the fact that THEY think certain characters are more interesting. Is it so wrong that they show what they think is more interesting? To take a hyperbolic example, it's like quasi modo complaining about girls not giving him second looks, while Adonis gets them hanging on by the dozen. Am I comparing some house mates to quasi modo? well, no, but I hope you get the idea. Does not bother me, but then, I NEVER had a big egalitarian streak in me. Egalitarianism in practice in terms of airtime would lead to less interesting shows.
[QUOTE=tybert7;54885]Just to interject a bit of reality into the mix here with all the talk of who got what amount of air time. Is the "fair" thing to split up the air time absolutely equally? Or damn close to it? Are each of the cast members equally interesting? You know, it reminds me of how some people harp from time to time about the need to show more starving children on TV more so that people will donate money. Here is the problem, if all you had was starving children on, people would not watch. If 9 channels had other things on, and the tenth devoted its time to starving children, I suspect the tenth would be the lowest rated channel. To the extent that they show more of some people than others, it is likely do to the fact that THEY think certain characters are more interesting. Is it so wrong that they show what they think is more interesting? To take a hyperbolic example, it's like quasi modo complaining about girls not giving him second looks, while Adonis gets them hanging on by the dozen. Am I comparing some house mates to quasi modo? well, no, but I hope you get the idea. Does not bother me, but then, I NEVER had a big egalitarian streak in me. Egalitarianism in practice in terms of airtime would lead to less interesting shows.[/QUOTE] If we were having an intellectual discussion, I'd likely agree with you. The flaw in the logic you attempt to apply is that it does not examine the potential of the people in the Brooklyn house to actually be interesting TV. When I apply my own background in the medium with having come to know this cast personally, I know I could make better TV with them than has BMP. I find their failure to produce a better season to be appalling. Many people who have watched the dailies, including the cast, know it is not entirely an issue of available footage. One can only question the competence of some involved in production.
[quote=LilysMom;54807]Apparently ENY, I would think this would be another issue that would be great for MTV to cover. There are more people out there than realized suffering from panic attacks, some might not even know what they are. It would be nice for them to at least get some more information out there.[/quote] That and manic depression aka Bipolar disorder.
[quote=V1man;54886]If we were having an intellectual discussion, I'd likely agree with you. The flaw in the logic you attempt to apply is that it does not examine the potential of the people in the Brooklyn house to actually be interesting TV. When I apply my own background in the medium with having come to know this cast personally, I know I could make better TV with them than has BMP. I find their failure to produce a better season to be appalling. Many people who have watched the dailies, including the cast, know it is not entirely an issue of available footage. One can only question the competence of some involved in production.[/quote] So basically BMP sucks at their job. Right?
[QUOTE=Debut Album;54916]So basically BMP sucks at their job. Right?[/QUOTE] That would be a little too crass for me. The word "sucks" is very pedestrian. I'd prefer to say that BMP frequently fails to meet my standards.
[quote=V1man;54927]That would be a little too crass for me. The word "sucks" is very pedestrian. I'd prefer to say that BMP frequently fails to meet my standards.[/quote] I guess I'll take that as a yes.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;54937]I guess I'll take that as a yes.[/QUOTE] No, it means I endeavor to elevate the quality of the discourse here whenever possible. :)
[quote=V1man;54927]That would be a little too crass for me. The word "sucks" is very pedestrian...[/quote] Says the guy who referred to another poster's opinion as "a load of crap" about 6 or 7 posts ago.
[QUOTE=joey v;54944]Says the guy who referred to another poster's opinion as "a load of crap" about 6 or 7 posts ago.[/QUOTE] Joey, sometimes it just is what it is... sarcasm...
[quote=V1man;54840]Well, that really is a load of crap, not to mention more than a little insulting. To quote Ryan himself... "I don't care what people think." Ryan also has strong opinions on Baya's lack of air time. Unfortunately, it will be a while before he has a chance to share those thoughts with us, however.[/quote] Ryan said he dosen't care what people think? What was that in response to?
[QUOTE=trees12;55035]Ryan said he dosen't care what people think? What was that in response to?[/QUOTE] Something you have not yet seen...
Wow, this episode was so emotional. Sadness, Joy (from re-living the Obama victory), and laughter. I felt so bad for Ryan when he got that phone call. That had to be a horrible feeling. Wow the first things he thought about was that he didnt want to put his parents through this again and his girlfriend is gonna be so mad. I really hope he doesnt have to go back to Iraq. I hate that he won't be at the reunion. Anyone know why not? Chet is a baby. He'll be in on pranks until it's done to him and he doesnt like it. Oh, and Katelynn pissed me off with her ignorant statement about Obama being "kind of a white guy" and I'm glad Devyn spoke up and let her know what the real deal is. So because Obama is intelligent, articulate, well educated and well versed, that means he's "white" or "white washed"? Now I'm just assuming that that's the reason that Katelynn mentioned that because I couldnt see any other reason. I'm just glad that Devyn was there to break it down the way she did because I don't think any of the other housemates would have said anything. Katelynn is still cool though. Everyone makes ignorant statements. That's just 1 that pissed me off.
[QUOTE=Gifted1;55042]Wow, this episode was so emotional. Sadness, Joy (from re-living the Obama victory), and laughter. I felt so bad for Ryan when he got that phone call. That had to be a horrible feeling. Wow the first things he thought about was that he didnt want to put his parents through this again and his girlfriend is gonna be so mad. I really hope he doesnt have to go back to Iraq. I hate that he won't be at the reunion. Anyone know why not? Chet is a baby. He'll be in on pranks until it's done to him and he doesnt like it. Oh, and Katelynn pissed me off with her ignorant statement about Obama being "kind of a white guy" and I'm glad Devyn spoke up and let her know what the real deal is. So because Obama is intelligent, articulate, well educated and well versed, that means he's "white" or "white washed"? Now I'm just assuming that that's the reason that Katelynn mentioned that because I couldnt see any other reason. I'm just glad that Devyn was there to break it down the way she did because I don't think any of the other housemates would have said anything. Katelynn is still cool though. Everyone makes ignorant statements. That's just 1 that pissed me off.[/QUOTE] Ryan returns to Iraq in less than two weeks. Perhaps you should read the reunion thread.
[quote=V1man;55043]Ryan returns to Iraq in less than two weeks. Perhaps you should read the reunion thread.[/quote] Thanks. Damn that's sad.
[quote=RMD1;54520]WOW!! I have Don't think I have ever been this emotional with the real world before. One of the first word's out of Ryan's mouth was "Bella is going to be mad." That shows a lot about how much he loves her. And then again he said "I don't want to put my parents through this again." He is a real man and puts other peoples needs in front of his own. I really respect Ryan a lot and wish him all the luck in his future!![/quote] My take on Ryan's concern about Belle's reaction is a little different. If I were in his position I would wish that I had a significant other who I could immediately lean on for support. Someone who would be reassuring and try to make me feel better. For Ryan, he was forced to suffer a little more with the thought that his girlfriend would instead be mad. In my opinion that was a pretty good sign that the relationship was not so great. From what little we saw of Belle she seemed like a really nice person, but sometimes two really nice people are not meant for each other. I hope they both find a better fit.
[QUOTE=IndySkye;55133]My take on Ryan's concern about Belle's reaction is a little different. If I were in his position I would wish that I had a significant other who I could immediately lean on for support. Someone who would be reassuring and try to make me feel better. For Ryan, he was forced to suffer a little more with the thought that his girlfriend would instead be mad. In my opinion that was a pretty good sign that the relationship was not so great. From what little we saw of Belle she seemed like a really nice person, but sometimes two really nice people are not meant for each other. I hope they both find a better fit.[/QUOTE] I think you're totally misreading this. I think Ryan felt bad for Bella. Like he wanted to start a life with her or maybe go to the next step in the relationship - so they kept telling themselves that he would never get that call. I don't think he thought she'd be legit mad, I think he just felt bad that he would have to put her through the worrying again.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;55208]I think you're totally misreading this. I think Ryan felt bad for Bella. Like he wanted to start a life with her or maybe go to the next step in the relationship - so they kept telling themselves that he would never get that call. I don't think he thought she'd be legit mad, I think he just felt bad that he would have to put her through the worrying again.[/quote] That's the feeling I got too. I also thought he said that he started dating her after he got back. So fortunately she hasn't had to say goodbye to him before, but imagine telling this girl that you are tryng to build a life with that you are going to have to leave her for who knows how long and be in such a dangerous environment while you are gone!
[quote=tatertots;55214]That's the feeling I got too. I also thought he said that he started dating her after he got back. So fortunately she hasn't had to say goodbye to him before, but imagine telling this girl that you are tryng to build a life with that you are going to have to leave her for who knows how long and be in such a dangerous environment while you are gone![/quote] It would be a good reason to be incredibly upset like Mom, Dad, Brother, but not mad. Ryan seems to have a good vocabulary so I believe when he said mad, he meant mad. In the video clips Scott is also incredulous about someone being mad about hearing the news, but Ryan indicates that that is what he thinks she would be. In his replies to fans on, he wrote the he and Belle broke up after the show finished taping. I can't remember the way he put it, but I think it was one of those things like, we are are in different places in our lives, or we want different things in life, or something like that. He also mentioned in several places along the way that he was unhappy that Belle didn't suport his being cast for the show, calling her "a wet blanket". Sometimes a stallion needs to toss off that blanket.
[quote=IndySkye;55223]It would be a good reason to be incredibly upset like Mom, Dad, Brother, but not mad. Ryan seems to have a good vocabulary so I believe when he said mad, he meant mad. In the video clips Scott is also incredulous about someone being mad about hearing the news, but Ryan indicates that that is what he thinks she would be. In his replies to fans on, he wrote the he and Belle broke up after the show finished taping. I can't remember the way he put it, but I think it was one of those things like, we are are in different places in our lives, or we want different things in life, or something like that. He also mentioned in several places along the way that he was unhappy that Belle didn't suport his being cast for the show, calling her "a wet blanket". Sometimes a stallion needs to toss off that blanket.[/quote] My husband ships out for basic training in 3 months, and I can say without a doubt that one of the MANY emotions that will go through me if or when he is deployed will be mad. Not at him, but I would be lying to say that it wouldn't be something I have to deal with. And he made this decision after we were married to join the military, I can imagine starting to date someone already committed to the service would be hard- you didn't get to weigh in on that. I would never take my anger/fear/sadness out on my husband, even now we are taking all the time to be together as possible since he will be gone for a year starting in July. Also...take with about a pound of salt. It's a known fact around here that those are interns posting for the cast members mostly.
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[quote=needsalife;55239]My husband ships out for basic training in 3 months, and I can say without a doubt that one of the MANY emotions that will go through me if or when he is deployed will be mad. Not at him, but I would be lying to say that it wouldn't be something I have to deal with. [/quote] ITA. Mad is definately something I've felt as well, but not towards my man. (He is shipping out for his second tour as well, in about 2 weeks).
I agree with the previous two posts about range of emotions, although I think it is significant that Ryan's first thought about Belle is (speaking to Scott) "She's going to kill me." And then again on the dailies from 3/25, Ryan tells Chet about the time that has passed since he found out and that he still hadn't told Belle and wasn't sure how to do it. It just makes me feel horrible for Ryan that his best friend, as he described her, is someone that he didn't feel he could turn to immediately for support and comfort. To me, that says something about the relationship. I personally wouldn't want an S.O. that if I found out that I had cancer, or lost my job, or got drafted, they would "kill me." That's just wrong. Nobody needs that.
MTV has up 2 videos of [I]The After World[/I], one of them is a very touching video of Scott and Baya, the other is Ryan, Chet and Scott. Baya is very touching in her video, I understand where she is coming from and admire her for sharing her true feelings.
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Wheres the episode 12 thread?
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That puppy is too cute! I think I died from the cuteness.
Anonymous's picture
Its nice to see a different side of Ryan.
