[quote=Bacchus;54581]I think it was less of an agenda and more of a realistic depiction from the standpoint of the demographic involved (i.e. 68% of those aged 18-29 voted for Obama.).[/quote]
Still, ignoring the other 32% almost entirely seems a little biased.
[quote=Bacchus;54579]I get the strange feeling Chet had other motivations for supporting Romney besides his economic resume...[/quote]
hahah, probably true... but at least he had [I][U]something[/U][/I] of substance to back it up with (which is more than the impression I got from the other roommates).
[quote=Zereaux;54582]Still, ignoring the other 32% almost entirely seems a little biased.[/quote]
But it is not even 32% as that is[I] all[/I] youth. Out of that 32% I would assume a large portion don't watch MTV because of the values it shares (i.e. alternate lifestyle couples, interracial dating, premarital sex, drug use, et al.)
I am guessing if you took a sample of[B] MTV viewers[/B] who voted for Obama, it would be 85% plus.
Lets be honest, if you are someone who voted for another candidate, there probably isn't much on MTV these days that you would agree with or watch being it would go against everything you believe.
Obviously there are exceptions to the rule, but as a whole I'd say that is a fair assessment.
TBN rocks anyway. All sorts of great stuff. :D
Did anyone else find it ironic that JD cried tears of joy when Obama got elected? Considering both:
a) his rant about the cashier who couldn't speak english from a previosu episode
b) that Obama doesn't support gay marriage
[quote=Bacchus;54585]But it is not even 32% as that is[I] all[/I] youth. Out of that 32% I would assume a large portion don't watch MTV because of the values it shares (i.e. alternate lifestyle couples, interracial dating, premarital sex, drug use, et al.)
I am guessing if you took a sample of[B] MTV viewers[/B] who voted for Obama, it would be 85% plus.
Lets be honest, if you are someone who voted for another candidate, there probably isn't much on MTV these days that you would agree with or watch being it would go against everything you believe.
Obviously there are exceptions to the rule, but as a whole I'd say that is a fair assessment.
TBN rocks anyway. All sorts of great stuff. :D[/quote]
For a scripted show, I'd agree... but the point of the real world (as I undestand it) is to present an unbiased look at different walks-of-life, opinions, social circles, etc. If you're gonna fall back on the "it's not what our viewers want to see" excuse, you're not really doing the job you claim to be.
[quote=joey v;54586]that Obama doesn't support gay marriage[/quote]
I'd say there are plenty of reasons for the LGBT to be happy about Obama's election being we as a society are moving from what could be considered the dark ages of sexual orientation civil rights to a new age of enlightenment. The key is that you can only move so far in a given period of time and it looks like Obama plans to take the right steps.
From the Whitehouse website:
[INDENT][I]President Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples. Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions. These rights and benefits include the right to assist a loved one in times of emergency, the right to equal health insurance and other employment benefits, and property rights.[/I]
[I]President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity.
[/I][I]President Obama agrees with former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Shalikashvili and other military experts that we need to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
President Obama believes that we must ensure adoption rights for all couples and individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.[/I]
[I]President Obama and Vice President Biden will strengthen federal hate crimes legislation, expand hate crimes protection by passing the Matthew Shepard Act, and reinvigorate enforcement at the Department of Justice's Criminal Section.[/I]
[quote=joey v;54586]Did anyone else find it ironic that JD cried tears of joy when Obama got elected? Considering both:
a) his rant about the cashier who couldn't speak english from a previosu episode
What do mean by this?
[quote=joey v;54586]present an unbiased look at different walks-of-life, opinions, social circles, etc. [/quote]
Sounds like a great show idea. What channel is this on?
Eh, if two of the eight people on this season are supporting someone other than Obama, the least BMP/MTV could have done was show something a little more substantial than a conversation in Subway.
Also, why didn't they show anything from Halloween? :ohwell:
[quote=Zereaux;54590]Eh, if two of the eight people on this season are supporting someone other than Obama, the least BMP/MTV could have done was show something a little more substantial than a conversation in Subway.[/quote]
BMP is not a news organization and is not bound by any sort of equal time clause for political parties when producing its content. Nor is MTV. Actually, they are both very biased entities and they are proud of that fact.
If the vast majority of your viewers are for a given candidate, you bet that will be what is shown. They are not out there to teach or educate. They only care about ratings. Thus, they serve the red meat.
I think you should call it good that the other candidates were even brought up...
Just wait until the DC season. Then you'll be able to whine about bias, lol.
[quote=Bacchus;54591]I think you should call it good that the other candidates were even brought up...[/quote]
True enough, but they could have at least shown a small clip or two that did not mention Mitt Romney or take place while Scott and Chet were waiting for their sandwiches to be made.
I suppose I'm expecting a little too much from the network that has aired gems like [I]A Shot and Love[/I] and [I]Paris Hilton's My New BFF[/I]. Oh well!
[quote=Eagle;54588]What do mean by this?[/quote]
It struck me as the rant of a right-wing thinker
[quote=Bacchus;54589]Sounds like a great show idea. What channel is this on?[/quote]
[quote=Bacchus;54579]I get the strange feeling Chet had other motivations for supporting Romney besides his economic resume...[/quote]
Well yeah...Mitt Romney is [I]sexxxxy[/I]. I think it's because of what state he's originally from...
I was looking over at the guide for next week episode and I noteced that Mtv has the balls to have the episode be something other than Ryan. No offense to Deyon and her dog. But who gives a shit about her dog when a person just heard that they are being redeployed. That should be an entire episode. Mtv has had full episodes about stupid things about hookups and random stuff but when something is actually important we get to see what happens with Devyon's dog for shame Mtv shame. (Ps no offense to dog lovers or to Devyon.)
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;54692]I was looking over at the guide for next week episode and I noteced that Mtv has the balls to have the episode be something other than Ryan. No offense to Deyon and her dog. But who gives a shit about her dog when a person just heard that they are being redeployed. That should be an entire episode. Mtv has had full episodes about stupid things about hookups and random stuff but when something is actually important we get to see what happens with Devyon's dog for shame Mtv shame. (Ps no offense to dog lovers or to Devyon.)[/QUOTE]
Perhaps you should not assume that to be all 40 minutes of the episode. It isn't. (But, of course MTV doesn't produce the show anyway. The buy it from Bunim Murray Productions in Van Nuys, CA.)
[quote=TDMEL52;54692]I was looking over at the guide for next week episode and I noteced that Mtv has the balls to have the episode be something other than Ryan. No offense to Devyn and her dog. But who gives a shit about her dog when a person just heard that they are being redeployed. That should be an entire episode. Mtv has had full episodes about stupid things about hookups and random stuff but when something is actually important we get to see what happens with Devyn's dog for shame Mtv shame. (Ps no offense to dog lovers or to Devyn.)[/quote]
They did show more of Ryan dealing with this in the "Next time..." preview clips, so I don't think they're going to drop the story altogether. Devyn and the pup will probably be the B-story.
But you what it is the principal of it. When Ruthie was drunk they spent the entire episode about that. They spend time on other things that are important for an entire episode. PS I think we all at Vevmo should just have a moment a silence for all the war veterans, past and present at this time. And if Ryan gets deployed lets hope for a safe return for him and his family.
[quote=TDMEL52;54696]But you what it is the principal of it. When Ruthie was drunk they spent the entire episode about that. They spend time on other things that are important for an entire episode. PS I think we all at Vevmo should just have a moment a silence for all the war veterans, past and present at this time. And if Ryan gets deployed lets hope for a safe return for him and his family.[/quote]Yeah but there is less time and episodes to show an entire episode about it(Even though they are an hour long, its just what I think). I get what your saying though.