Real World Brooklyn: Ep. 11 - Discussion

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[quote=RMD1;54702]I noticed on the tv guide that the finale is 2 hours!! I'm thinking this is a 1 hour finale and the 1 hour reunion??[/quote]I've never seen a show with a 2 hour finale but it would be very cool if the finale was 2 hours ... But isn't the finale 2 weeks away since next week is the second-to-last episode?
[quote=blanky667;54704]I've never seen a show with a 2 hour finale but it would be very cool if the finale was 2 hours ... But isn't the finale 2 weeks away since next week is the second-to-last episode?[/quote] yeah!!
[quote=RMD1;54705]yeah!![/quote]Oh wow, my TV guide only lets me see whats coming up in between now and 4 days. Your lucky :(
[quote=blanky667;54706]Oh wow, my TV guide only lets me see whats coming up in between now and 4 days. Your lucky :([/quote] I think its because I have a DVR. Because in my room I can only see it for 4 days as well.
[quote=tjhallow;54642]Katelynn, Devyn, Sarah, Scott, and Baya. Mostly Katelynn and Devyn though.[/quote] Damn that's half of the cast.
[quote=Debut Album;54710]Damn that's half of the cast.[/quote] More than half ;)
So.... did you miss me? :yes3: You have no idea how difficult it has been to stay away from Vevmo even in spite of filming the reunion. I'm an addict, and you glorious people are my own special brand of heroine. Ah. Oh and don't bother PMing me or asking any questions about the reunion, you'll just have to wait and see for yourselves... [QUOTE=joey v;54575]Most of the episode was annoying. [B]I don't know if any of the roommates actually had any idea what issues their candidate stood for because all that was shown was "i hate mccain, i hate palin, mccain is bush jr, first black president, blah blah blah." None of those are political statements...[/B] they're cheap shots used by people who care more about their "team" than who they're actually voting for. Notice that Chet and Scott never sunk to cheap shots (or if they did, they weren't shown... I suppose it is believable that MTV wanted to focus on the mccain-bashing). Oh and props to Chet for mentioning that romney would have been a good president for his economic expertise.[/QUOTE] There was PLENTY of in-depth discussion on partisan politics this season, unfortunately the primary demographic doesn't know how to spell partisan and thinks that politics extends as far as Student Class President. I know that's an unfair generalization, but MTV does cater to the teeny-boppers who aren't going to care about tribal sovereignty or the ramifications of our current economic recession. Believe me, these were all things discussed in great length during the week of and for months prior to the election. I don't know who said that because Ryan is getting redeployed that there should be a whole episode dedicated to him, but I for one am tired of playing a bit part on [I]The Real World: [B]Ryan Conklin[/B][/I]. Why the hell does he have a major story line in EVERY.SINGLE.EPISODE?! I'm over it. Ryan is an amazing guy and I have so much adoration and respect for him, but how can you justify dedicating yet another episode to him when Scott's water bottle has seen more airtime than Baya? When every episode has revolved around what Ryan and Chet think? There were 8 strangers in the house, 8 unique multifaceted individuals who are only shown from a single angle. Ryan has had Veteran's Day, 9/11, and now re-deployment. Yes, we get it, he's in the Army. Yes, he's going back. Yes, it sucks. ... and? And I'm not biased because I don't believe every episode should deal with Gay & Lesbian or Trans issues either. I wanted to see so much more of Sarah, Baya, Devyn, and Scott's storylines. The [I]last[/I] thing we need is another "Ryan the Golden Child" episode. That's not meant to minimalize his experience, it's just the truth. And no, Brooklyn the dog doesn't get more airtime than Ryan, though he does get more airtime than Baya. What a shocker... :hysteric: Oh and thank you to everyone who said I looked pretty in the dress for the IAVA event! I felt like such a princess n_nx;
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;54719]So.... did you miss me? :yes3: You have no idea how difficult it has been to stay away from Vevmo even in spite of filming the reunion. I'm an addict, and you glorious people are my own special brand of heroine. Ah. Oh and don't bother PMing me or asking any questions about the reunion, you'll just have to wait and see for yourselves... There was PLENTY of in-depth discussion on partisan politics this season, unfortunately the primary demographic doesn't know how to spell partisan and thinks that politics extends as far as Student Class President. I know that's an unfair generalization, but MTV does cater to the teeny-boppers who aren't going to care about tribal sovereignty or the ramifications of our current economic recession. Believe me, these were all things discussed in great length during the week of and for months prior to the election. I don't know who said that because Ryan is getting redeployed that there should be a whole episode dedicated to him, but I for one am tired of playing a bit part on [I]The Real World: [B]Ryan Conklin[/B][/I]. Why the hell does he have a major story line in EVERY.SINGLE.EPISODE?! I'm over it. Ryan is an amazing guy and I have so much adoration and respect for him, but how can you justify dedicating yet another episode to him when Scott's water bottle has seen more airtime than Baya? When every episode has revolved around what Ryan and Chet think? There were 8 strangers in the house, 8 unique multifaceted individuals who are only shown from a single angle. Ryan has had Veteran's Day, 9/11, and now re-deployment. Yes, we get it, he's in the Army. Yes, he's going back. Yes, it sucks. ... and? And I'm not biased because I don't believe every episode should deal with Gay & Lesbian or Trans issues either. I wanted to see so much more of Sarah, Baya, Devyn, and Scott's storylines. The [I]last[/I] thing we need is another "Ryan the Golden Child" episode. That's not meant to minimalize his experience, it's just the truth. And no, Brooklyn the dog doesn't get more airtime than Ryan, though he does get more airtime than Baya. What a shocker... :hysteric: Oh and thank you to everyone who said I looked pretty in the dress for the IAVA event! I felt like such a princess n_nx;[/QUOTE] Welcome back from the reunion! We were waiting for some comments =) I hear ya on the Ryan thing. Although I really enjoyed the episode, and thought it was really well done, the season has been ULTRA Ryan-centric. Maybe if they cut down some of his edits on past episodes, and left this one as is it would've been a little easier to swallow. We've really seen NOTHING on Baya, and that sucks. I can't remember a cast member in recent history that got as shitty an edit. Sucks man.
[quote=k8mnstr;54719]So.... did you miss me? :yes3: You have no idea how difficult it has been to stay away from Vevmo even in spite of filming the reunion. I'm an addict, and you glorious people are my own special brand of heroine. Ah. Oh and don't bother PMing me or asking any questions about the reunion, you'll just have to wait and see for yourselves... There was PLENTY of in-depth discussion on partisan politics this season, unfortunately the primary demographic doesn't know how to spell partisan and thinks that politics extends as far as Student Class President. I know that's an unfair generalization, but MTV does cater to the teeny-boppers who aren't going to care about tribal sovereignty or the ramifications of our current economic recession. Believe me, these were all things discussed in great length during the week of and for months prior to the election. I don't know who said that because Ryan is getting redeployed that there should be a whole episode dedicated to him, but I for one am tired of playing a bit part on [I]The Real World: [B]Ryan Conklin[/B][/I]. Why the hell does he have a major story line in EVERY.SINGLE.EPISODE?! I'm over it. Ryan is an amazing guy and I have so much adoration and respect for him, but how can you justify dedicating yet another episode to him when Scott's water bottle has seen more airtime than Baya? When every episode has revolved around what Ryan and Chet think? There were 8 strangers in the house, 8 unique multifaceted individuals who are only shown from a single angle. Ryan has had Veteran's Day, 9/11, and now re-deployment. Yes, we get it, he's in the Army. Yes, he's going back. Yes, it sucks. ... and? And I'm not biased because I don't believe every episode should deal with Gay & Lesbian or Trans issues either. I wanted to see so much more of Sarah, Baya, Devyn, and Scott's storylines. The [I]last[/I] thing we need is another "Ryan the Golden Child" episode. That's not meant to minimalize his experience, it's just the truth. And no, Brooklyn the dog doesn't get more airtime than Ryan, though he does get more airtime than Baya. What a shocker... :hysteric: [B]Oh and thank you to everyone who said I looked pretty in the dress for the IAVA event! I felt like such a princess n_nx;[/quote][/B] Pretty is an understatement. You were HOT! :man_in_love: And yes I did miss you!! I hope to see your name around the duel 2 episode thread when it begins?
I forgot to point this out but this is somthing I've always thought about and never posted about in the open but... What is up with castmembers and SUBWAY?!?!?!? All they eat is subway. I'm watching BOTS2 and during every single mission all they eat is subway. I mean wow idk why it bothers me so much lol. Oh well, but really they eat subway alot... But it tastes good and its good for you so why not eat it all the time? :D
[quote=RockSteadyVybes]Welcome back from the reunion! We were waiting for some comments =)[/quote] The reunion is the one episode I can't wait to see! It just sucks that the cast can't really comment on it because they have to see what makes the edit first. I'm sure K8lynn is gonna have beaucoup to say once the reunion airs.
[quote=blanky667;54726]I forgot to point this out but this is somthing I've always thought about and never posted about in the open but... What is up with castmembers and SUBWAY?!?!?!? All they eat is subway. I'm watching BOTS2 and during every single mission all they eat is subway. I mean wow idk why it bothers me so much lol. Oh well, but really they eat subway alot... But it tastes good and its good for you so why not eat it all the time? :D[/quote] subway is a sponsor... they pay MTV and MTV shows teh cast members eating their food. I'm waiting for them to bring in the famous Jared as a special guest in some of the shows, lol
[quote=k8mnstr;54719]So.... did you miss me? :yes3: Oh and thank you to everyone who said I looked pretty in the dress for the IAVA event! I felt like such a princess n_nx;[/quote] Girl thats because you are a princess - our princess! Next to Parisa you are Vevmo's pride and joy!
[quote=blanky667;54726]I forgot to point this out but this is somthing I've always thought about and never posted about in the open but... What is up with castmembers and SUBWAY?!?!?!? All they eat is subway. I'm watching BOTS2 and during every single mission all they eat is subway. I mean wow idk why it bothers me so much lol. Oh well, but really they eat subway alot... But it tastes good and its good for you so why not eat it all the time? :D[/quote] wait how in the world are you watching BOTS2??? That was years ago!
it isn't really a bad thing that Baya hasn't been shown. When the real world doesn't show you has much it basically means that you aren't a jerk or hooking up with someone every show. This isn't the first time they have done this. Mtv pick people who have interesting stories. They show the stories that are interesting to the viewers. Mtv has never had a cast member who got news that he was going back to Iraq. That is a dramatic event. Oh and by the way if i am not mistaken the Real world did an entire episode about Danny when his mother died.
[quote=TDMEL52;54743]it isn't really a bad thing that Baya hasn't been shown. When the real world doesn't show you has much it basically means that you aren't a jerk or hooking up with someone every show. This isn't the first time they have done this. Mtv pick people who have interesting stories. They show the stories that are interesting to the viewers. Mtv has never had a cast member who got news that he was going back to Iraq. That is a dramatic event. Oh and by the way if i am not mistaken the Real world did an entire episode about Danny when his mother died.[/quote] That's not the point Katelynn was trying to make. It's fine to concentrate on the war and veterans, and it's fine to concentrate on transgenders --- some of the episodes. But after about five episodes focused on Ryan, it's hard to not wonder why there hasn't even really been ONE that has focused on Baya. It's pathetic. I know two things about Baya after this season --- she's a sweetheart and she likes to dance. I wish I knew more.
Is it possible that Baya didn't pursue her dancing and/or go on auditions as much as everyone thought she was going to and that's why she didn't get more screen time?
[quote=Buck05;54744]But after about five episodes focused on Ryan, it's hard to not wonder why there hasn't even really been ONE that has focused on Baya. It's pathetic. [/quote] Wasn't there one near the beginning that focused heavily on her dancing audition and ended with her deciding not to pursue it? Like TDMEL52 said, if she's not directly involved in drama and isn't pursuing the avenues the producers expected, of course they're not going to go out of their way to show her not being involved.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=TDMEL52;54743]it isn't really a bad thing that Baya hasn't been shown. When the real world doesn't show you has much it basically means that you aren't a jerk or hooking up with someone every show. This isn't the first time they have done this. Mtv pick people who have interesting stories. They show the stories that are interesting to the viewers. Mtv has never had a cast member who got news that he was going back to Iraq. That is a dramatic event. Oh and by the way if i am not mistaken the Real world did an entire episode about Danny when his mother died.[/quote] I like Ryan but they have focused on him more than anyone.
[quote=joey v;54746]Wasn't there one near the beginning that focused heavily on her dancing audition and ended with her deciding not to pursue it? Like TDMEL52 said, if she's not directly involved in drama and isn't pursuing the avenues the producers expected, of course they're not going to go out of their way to show her not being involved.[/quote] I do see your point, but I'm sure Baya did more than just dance and stand in the background while living in Brooklyn for four months. I mean, out of thousands who auditioned for the show, they chose eight. There's SOMETHING about Baya besides the fact that she was interested in dance that the show found interesting. I would like to see it. Baya has said herself that she danced all the time while there with that Broadway group or whatever it was. She didn't decide to "not pursue dance anymore." She still very much pursued dance, just not at the academy she tried for in Episode 2. Like I said, I'm sure Baya did SOMETHING worth watching while she was there. And I wish they'd show it.
But I love Baya, and do you know what it actually is a good thing they didn't show her. Before you kill me listen to my point. They would of showed more of her is she was **** (which she wasn't). Or something stupid, sometimes I believe that if you aren't showed more it seems that what you are doing wouldn't cause any drama in the house, or would increase ratings. Lets look at this season rating wise. They have a transgender roomate. Rating boost. They have a guy who was in Iraq and now is going to be redeployed. Ratings boost. In the end it is all about ratings on these shows. Ps. Once again no offense to Baya (I love you) or any other cast member on the show. [RIGHT] [/RIGHT]
Anonymous's picture
[quote=TDMEL52;54752]But I love Baya, and do you know what it actually is a good thing they didn't show her. Before you kill me listen to my point. [B]They would of showed more of her is she was slut[/B] (which she wasn't). Ps. Once again no offense to Baya (I love you) or any other cast member on the show. [/quote] ? I know you say "no offense", but that's quite a harsh assumption don't you think?
Maybe but I am trying to say if you are a good person 85 percent of the time you are not going to be shown a lot on the real world. Boston season Sean. How much tv time did he get. A good person. Lindsey Seatle good person. Other than how she acted when her friend died but still. Finally Kelly from New Orleans. She even said that she was never shown because she didn't do the things that were interesting to the show. But in conclusion Baya not being on the show a lot is kind of a good thing. At least if she has kids she won't be embarressed to see it.
go on listen to Bs report at 62 minute mark. Talk about real world. Host talks about Ryan. Bill Simmons is hilarous. They want to try to get Ryan on this podcast before he goest to Iraq. Great listen and if anyone can get Ryan to do this show it would be great not only for him but for Real world watchers as well.
[QUOTE=Shawn;54745]Is it possible that Baya didn't pursue her dancing and/or go on auditions as much as everyone thought she was going to and that's why she didn't get more screen time?[/QUOTE] Baya has had some issues with anxiety in the past and one of her "story arcs" that was boarded had her going through an emotional [I]omgwtfbbqhax[/I] meltdown and then learning to deal with her anxiety. Because Baya was smart and kept any issues to herself instead of allowing a certain production company to rape and ravage her soul, she was edited out. That's the name of the game: don't fulfill our expectations and we'll edit you out or butcher the time-space continuum in order to make your character conform to our expectations. In that way BMP is much like an overbearing parent that doesn't really care about ***** up their child's lives. Baya never gave up on dancing. She danced every day, six times a week, every week we were out there in Brooklyn. She always DJ'd Tuesday nights, every Tuesday, for 3 months. Baya was one of the few people in the house who actively pursued her dreams, even when she wasn't sure what those dreams were. There is a lot they could have done with Baya and didn't, and it had nothing to do with one dance conservatory.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=k8mnstr;54762]Baya has had some issues with anxiety in the past and one of her "story arcs" that was boarded had her going through an emotional [I]omgwtfbbqhax[/I] meltdown and then learning to deal with her anxiety. Because Baya was smart and kept any issues to herself instead of allowing a certain production company to rape and ravage her soul, she was edited out. [/quote] Good for her! Don't let the man get ya down ;)
[quote=k8mnstr;54762]Baya has had some issues with anxiety in the past and one of her "story arcs" that was boarded had her going through an emotional [I]omgwtfbbqhax[/I] meltdown and then learning to deal with her anxiety. [/quote] good to hear she's working (has worked?) through her probs
[quote=TDMEL52;54758]Maybe but I am trying to say if you are a good person 85 percent of the time you are not going to be shown a lot on the real world. Boston season Sean. How much tv time did he get. A good person. Lindsey Seatle good person. Other than how she acted when her friend died but still. Finally Kelly from New Orleans. She even said that she was never shown because she didn't do the things that were interesting to the show. But in conclusion Baya not being on the show a lot is kind of a good thing. At least if she has kids she won't be embarressed to see it.[/quote] I think I remember seeing Kelley from New Orleans say the reason she wasn't shown was because she rarely was at the house. She was always with her doctor boyfriend Peter. She didn't interact with the cast all the time. Now for people like Baya, who seems to always be there interacting with the other seven cast members, there is no reason why BMP couldn't put her on the show more. It reminds me a lot of Brynn from Las Vegas.
No one is more frustrated about the lack of airtime than Baya. Every single cast member agrees that Baya should have been a much greater part of the season. I don't doubt that she will make a significant impact somewhere down the road. Shame on you, Jim Johnson!
meh... i hate to sound like a jerk, but anxiety attacks and her dancing aren't really that dramatic. not nearly as dramatic as the boys vs girls fights (which baya doesn't seem to play that big of a role in) or ryan going back to iraq. again, i like baya. i didn't after the first episode, but i grew to like her. still, i haven't heard anything that sounds like something i'd really enjoy watching concerning her.
