Real World Brooklyn: Ep. 11 - Discussion

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Real World Brooklyn: Ep. 11 - Discussion
The Brooklyn roommates get political in an all new episode of 'Real World: Brooklyn. [CENTER] [URL=""][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#000000]The Real World Fo[/COLOR][/FONT][/URL][URL=""][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#000000]r[/COLOR][/FONT][/URL][URL=""][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#000000]um[/COLOR][/FONT][/URL] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#000000][URL=""]The Official Real World Brooklyn Trailer[/URL][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#000000][URL=""]The Real World Brooklyn Speculation Thread[/URL][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#000000][URL=""]The Original Real World Brooklyn Spoiler Thread[/URL][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#000000][URL=""]The Complete Cast, including Myspace and Facebook pages[/URL][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][URL=""][COLOR=#000000]Chet[/COLOR][/URL] - [URL=""][COLOR=#000000]Baya[/COLOR][/URL] - [URL=""][COLOR=#000000]Kate[/COLOR][/URL] - [URL=""][COLOR=#000000]Devyn[/COLOR][/URL] - [URL=""][COLOR=#000000]Ryan[/COLOR][/URL] - [URL=""][COLOR=#000000]Scott [/COLOR][/URL]- [URL=""][COLOR=#000000]JD[/COLOR][/URL] - [/B][/FONT][URL=""][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#000000][B]Sarah[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/URL][/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
I thought we were getting a Halloween episode?
[quote=tjhallow;54448]I thought we were getting a Halloween episode?[/quote] Looks like they skipped it :( But i'm glad they're showing an important moment in history.
Anonymous's picture
yay at most of the house for obama and thank you devyn for stating the point on black people!
Anonymous's picture
Obama is half white though.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=jake93;54450]Looks like they skipped it :( But i'm glad they're showing an important moment in history.[/quote] I still don't get Chet's costume...LOL Yay for Obama!
Anonymous's picture
Gotta keep political discussion MINIMAL guys.
I love that Ryan is really into film making and I hope it is something he can continue in, if that's his passion. I just think it's really neat to see him taking classes while on the show.
Anonymous's picture
I think this season focused on Ryan more than anybody.
Yeah, Ryan got a lot of attention. Actually,I feel most of the roommates got a lot of attention except for poor Baya. :( Sarah and Scott didn't get as much as the others as well, I feel, but much more than Baya. I wonder if Chet was jealous that Ryan took Scott with him to the event instead of asking him (Chet)? Wow, Chet got the cardboard cutout made himself? I didn't watch all of the dailies surrounding it, but I guess I assumed someone else got it made!
Anonymous's picture
Ryan looks hilarious.
Anonymous's picture
I think Scott was trying to save face with that comment on "you still win as an American".
LMAO Ryan dancing.
Anonymous's picture
I love Ryan!
I think Chet seemed upset that the candidate he voted for didn't win and that's why I feel he made those comments.
Anonymous's picture
The girls are part of this prank? Wow
[quote=RW561015;54462]Yeah, Ryan got a lot of attention. [/quote] Alot like Julie from New Orleans and Mike and Coral from New York. I woulda thought the RW would have gotten better at focusing on the whole cast over the years.
Anonymous's picture
I wonder if we can have one episode without a prank.
I think the pranks happen too much overall and would be annoyed by them since they happen so often. I can understand Chet being annoyed by his cutout being defaced. However, he has been actively involved in pranking various times, AND he put a big cardboard cutout of himself up in the house that he shares with several other people? He is such an attention seeker. I think him doing that almost was some kind of bating for them to react to him. I would have maybe taken it off the wall or asked him to. Or maybe they could have had cutouts of themselves made that were much bigger than his and put them up. I do see his point about his property, but he has not extended the same courtesy to the others, IMO.
Anonymous's picture
That bright yellow suit looks good on Devyn.
Isn't it so fun to dress up in pretty clothes, especially dresses? It's one of the best things about being a girl, IMO. :)
Anonymous's picture
Poor Ryan. He's so upset. He thinks it's a joke :(.
Anonymous's picture
oh my goodness.
Anonymous's picture
I think thats the most serious reaction I have seen out of him all season.
That just plain sucks for Ryan :(
PLEASE someone tell me that he's not in Iraq right now, or headed back. I'm hoping he won't have to go back. Or if he did go back, he is out again. I hope he did the Afterworld to air tonight and he tells us he is done (unlikely, though, since he said he could be sent back until some time in 2010).
Anonymous's picture
Isn't the reunion being taped tomorrow? Hopefully he'll be there..
[quote=RW561015;54480]PLEASE someone tell me that he's not in Iraq right now, or headed back. I'm hoping he won't have to go back. Or if he did go back, he is out again. I hope he did the Afterworld to air tonight and he tells us he is done (unlikely, though, since he said he could be sent back until some time in 2010).[/quote] [URL][/URL] There's a thread on it there. I hope he doesn't :(
I teared up a little :cry:
The last 10 minutes were pretty damn upsetting..
So I personally think the Season's getting better. I feel bad that Ryan has to be redeployed to Iraq.
