[quote=joey v;54774]meh... i hate to sound like a jerk, but anxiety attacks and her dancing aren't really that dramatic. not nearly as dramatic as the boys vs girls fights (which baya doesn't seem to play that big of a role in) or ryan going back to iraq.
again, i like baya. i didn't after the first episode, but i grew to like her. still, i haven't heard anything that sounds like something i'd really enjoy watching concerning her.[/quote]
Well gosh Joey what could Baya do to make [I]YOU [/I]happy? I'm sure she'd like to know...
[QUOTE=joey v;54774]meh... i hate to sound like a jerk, but anxiety attacks and her dancing aren't really that dramatic. not nearly as dramatic as the boys vs girls fights (which baya doesn't seem to play that big of a role in) or ryan going back to iraq.
again, i like baya. i didn't after the first episode, but i grew to like her. still, i haven't heard anything that sounds like something i'd really enjoy watching concerning her.[/QUOTE]
Joey, writing as one who has produced and directed TV programming for a very long time, and as one who has spent time with Baya, I know I could make good TV with her. From my conversations with the other cast members, they agree with me.
And, BTW, if you have to write "I hate to sound like a jerk," then you've just engraved the personal invitations to readers...
That's the name of the game: don't fulfill our expectations and we'll edit you out or butcher the time-space continuum in order to make your character conform to our expectations. In that way BMP is much like an overbearing parent that doesn't really care about ***** up their child's lives.[/quote]
Tell me about it!!!
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;54775]Well gosh Joey what could Baya do to make [I]YOU [/I]happy? I'm sure she'd like to know...[/quote]
I'm not suggesting she goes out of her way for the cameras.... I'm just saying she's on a reality show. if she's not controversial/loud/obnoxious/opinionated/etc, she shouldn't be surprised when she's not featured. The producers aren't out to make sure everything is fair, they're out to get ratings. If i represent the typical viewer, MTV wouldn't get ratings with the "issues" I've heard that she had so far.
[quote=V1man;54776]Joey, writing as one who has produced and directed TV programming for a very long time, and as one who has spent time with Baya, I know I could make good TV with her. From my conversations with the other cast members, they agree with me. [/quote]
Yeah you could squeeze something out of it, but the raw material was better with teh rest of the cast, no? That's the main point... the goal is ratings, not fairness.
[quote=V1man;54776]And, BTW, if you have to write "I hate to sound like a jerk," then you've just engraved the personal invitations to readers...[/quote]
I stand by it. I'd rather throw it out there and have people hold it against me than not say anything and have people take my posts out of context
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;54762] Because Baya was smart and kept any issues to herself instead of allowing a certain production company to rape and ravage her soul, she was edited out.
That's the name of the game: don't fulfill our expectations and we'll edit you out or butcher the time-space continuum in order to make your character conform to our expectations. In that way BMP is much like an overbearing parent that doesn't really care about ***** up their child's lives.
K8, I've noticed that you appear pretty angry with BMP. How did you expect the experience to be? By reading your posts you seem extremely smart and like someone who usually does their research before jumping into anything. Were you unaware of the show and how it was edited before you signed up? Were you under the impression that there would be a more realistic representation of cast members' personalities and what went on in the house? I am genuinely interested, because it is almost as if you are surprised, and I'm trying to figure out why. It's hard to ask that question without it coming across as if I'm saying, "What did you expect, idiot!" But I'm asking because I'm genuinely interested on what the expectations are before the show, and how BMP effs that up down the road.
[quote=joey v;54774]meh... i hate to sound like a jerk, but anxiety attacks and her dancing aren't really that dramatic. not nearly as dramatic as the boys vs girls fights (which baya doesn't seem to play that big of a role in) or ryan going back to iraq.
again, i like baya. i didn't after the first episode, but i grew to like her. still, i haven't heard anything that sounds like something i'd really enjoy watching concerning her.[/quote]
Have you ever had an anxiety attack before?
[quote=tjhallow;54783]Have you ever had an anxiety attack before?[/quote]
No I haven't... I'm not suggesting it's not serious, I'm sure it is very serious. my point was that it wouldn't be perceived as dramatic to the general audience of MTV. what is serious and what is perceived as serious are two (often times very) different things. I have no idea what a panic attack feels like, so if i saw someone on tv having one... it wouldn't come off as that serious to me because I have nothing to relate it to. If i saw someone getting ready to deploy to Iraq.... well, I've seen enough news coverage to know how serious that is.
Again, not downplaying Baya's issues... just saying they aren't exactly conducive to what yields ratings. and again, this is only based upon what I've seen and the issue that has been mentioned by Katelynn.
I know that every cast member has their own issues (as do I)... and I hope every one of them is able to work through them.
As someone who suffers from General Anxiety Disorder, I know that I would be very interested in seeing how Baya deals with her panic attacks. They SUCK.
I don't want to jinx myself, but I've gotten a good handle on them simply by removing caffeine from my diet. I still get them every once in a while, usually when driving. I saw that MTV did a "True Life" episode on anxiety a while back, but it was severely lacking when it came to explaining what the triggers are and how to control them. One girl was smoking cig after cig during an attack and I wanted to scream at the TV. Nicotine is a trigger.
Sorry, got a little off topic there, but my point is that I'm sure a LOT of people could relate to anxiety problems.
[quote=joey v;54778]I'm not suggesting she goes out of her way for the cameras.... I'm just saying she's on a reality show. if she's not controversial/loud/obnoxious/opinionated/etc, she shouldn't be surprised when she's not featured. The producers aren't out to make sure everything is fair, they're out to get ratings. If I represent the typical viewer, MTV wouldn't get ratings with the "issues" I've heard that she had so far.
Yeah you could squeeze something out of it, but the raw material was better with teh rest of the cast, no? That's the main point... the goal is ratings, not fairness.
I stand by it. I'd rather throw it out there and have people hold it against me than not say anything and have people take my posts out of context[/quote]
Joey, frankly, you are not someone for whom I ever make television programming. You are not my "Prime Demographic." If you are comfortable with how corrupt BMP has become in their "truth-telling" then I feel more than a little sorry for you. It sounds to me like you want TRW to embrace the apparent VH-1 philosophy.
[quote=EastNY;54806]So I guess foaming at the mouth or irregular breathing does not make a tv show get ratings? WUT[/quote]
Apparently ENY, I would think this would be another issue that would be great for MTV to cover. There are more people out there than realized suffering from panic attacks, some might not even know what they are. It would be nice for them to at least get some more information out there.
[QUOTE=luckystar112;54779]K8, I've noticed that you appear pretty angry with BMP. How did you expect the experience to be? By reading your posts you seem extremely smart and like someone who usually does their research before jumping into anything. Were you unaware of the show and how it was edited before you signed up? Were you under the impression that there would be a more realistic representation of cast members' personalities and what went on in the house? I am genuinely interested, because it is almost as if you are surprised, and I'm trying to figure out why. It's hard to ask that question without it coming across as if I'm saying, "What did you expect, idiot!" But I'm asking because I'm genuinely interested on what the expectations are before the show, and how BMP effs that up down the road.[/QUOTE]
You have to understand that, aside from Hawaii (which aired when I was just about to leave middle school), I haven't watched TRW. Hell, once they stopped showing Aeon Flux I stopped watching Empty V entirely. While most kids from my generation were watching Top 40 videos (and having the audacity to call it 'Music') I was spending time in the bowels of Freenode seeing how tightly I could lock down my OpenBSD box.
When I was cast to be on the show I went back and watched a few previous seasons like Sydney and Denver. I read some info online about the editing, but hadn't as of yet discovered Vevmo. When Jim Johnson, who has more Charmisa than a halfling Bard btw, said that this season was different, more intelligent and politically minded, I bought it; hook, line, and sinker. For anyone of a younger generation, Jim Johnson engenders himself as a very caring and sincere father figure, and I still perceive him that way.
So forgive my naiveté, but I honestly expected that when presented with the opportunities that the cast gave them (and with my story especially) they would step up to the plate and handle business. They didn't, and all because some fanboy editor had a ****** for Ryan.
Am I upset and a bit angry? Yes. But it's passing, especially with each day that I try and break away from the MTV and Reality TV family.
[quote=k8mnstr;54808]You have to understand that, aside from Hawaii (which aired when I was just about to leave middle school), I haven't watched TRW. Hell, once they stopped showing Aeon Flux I stopped watching Empty V entirely. While most kids from my generation were watching Top 40 videos (and having the audacity to call it 'Music') I was spending time in the bowels of Freenode seeing how tightly I could lock down my OpenBSD box.
When I was cast to be on the show I went back and watched a few previous seasons like Sydney and Denver. I read some info online about the editing, but hadn't as of yet discovered Vevmo. When Jim Johnson, who has more Charmisa than a halfling Bard btw, said that this season was different, more intelligent and politically minded, I bought it; hook, line, and sinker. For anyone of a younger generation, Jim Johnson engenders himself as a very caring and sincere father figure, and I still perceive him that way.
So forgive my naiveté, but I honestly expected that when presented with the opportunities that the cast gave them (and with my story especially) they would step up to the plate and handle business. They didn't, and all because some fanboy editor had a ****** for Ryan.
Am I upset and a bit angry? Yes. But it's passing, especially with each day that I try and break away from the MTV and Reality TV family.[/quote]I agree 100%. They passed up on so many stories that could've been told, like Baya with her anxiety (As stated above) and so much more but the episode that I REALLY disliked was Episode 7. It was only focused on a rat prank. It was basically a waste of air time, in my opinion.
What's really sad is that the 9th cast member - the pool table - got twice maybe three times as much camera time as Baya. Poor girl - I still adore her though!!
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;54808]You have to understand that, aside from Hawaii (which aired when I was just about to leave middle school), I haven't watched TRW. Hell, once they stopped showing Aeon Flux I stopped watching Empty V entirely. While most kids from my generation were watching Top 40 videos (and having the audacity to call it 'Music') I was spending time in the bowels of Freenode seeing how tightly I could lock down my OpenBSD box.
When I was cast to be on the show I went back and watched a few previous seasons like Sydney and Denver. I read some info online about the editing, but hadn't as of yet discovered Vevmo. When Jim Johnson, who has more Charmisa than a halfling Bard btw, said that this season was different, more intelligent and politically minded, I bought it; hook, line, and sinker. For anyone of a younger generation, Jim Johnson engenders himself as a very caring and sincere father figure, and I still perceive him that way.
So forgive my naiveté, but I honestly expected that when presented with the opportunities that the cast gave them (and with my story especially) they would step up to the plate and handle business. They didn't, and all because some fanboy editor had a ****** for Ryan.
Am I upset and a bit angry? Yes. But it's passing, especially with each day that I try and break away from the MTV and Reality TV family.[/QUOTE]
I fully understand your frustration towards BMP for focusing on Ryan, but can you really blame Ryan for this. I doubt he ever went to BMP begging them to be the focus of the show. I assume you do not have any hate towards Ryan for this, but the way many of the posts (not just you) have sounded, it seems like people are hating Ryan and not BMP for the problem.
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;54762]Baya has had some issues with anxiety in the past and one of her "story arcs" that was boarded had her going through an emotional [I]omgwtfbbqhax[/I] meltdown and then learning to deal with her anxiety. Because Baya was smart and kept any issues to herself instead of allowing a certain production company to rape and ravage her soul, she was edited out.
That's the name of the game: don't fulfill our expectations and we'll edit you out or butcher the time-space continuum in order to make your character conform to our expectations. In that way BMP is much like an overbearing parent that doesn't really care about ***** up their child's lives.
Baya never gave up on dancing. She danced every day, six times a week, every week we were out there in Brooklyn. She always DJ'd Tuesday nights, every Tuesday, for 3 months. Baya was one of the few people in the house who actively pursued her dreams, even when she wasn't sure what those dreams were. There is a lot they could have done with Baya and didn't, and it had nothing to do with one dance conservatory.[/QUOTE]
Well, Damn the Man!
[QUOTE=hpkhg45;54813]I fully understand your frustration towards BMP for focusing on Ryan, but can you really blame Ryan for this. I doubt he ever went to BMP begging them to be the focus of the show. I assume you do not have any hate towards Ryan for this, but the way many of the posts (not just you) have sounded, it seems like people are hating Ryan and not BMP for the problem.[/QUOTE]
I disagree. No one is blaming Ryan for having more airtime or getting attention, the frustrations are directed solely at editing and production. If my posts come across that way then I apologize, because that is not at all my intent.
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;54808]You have to understand that, aside from Hawaii (which aired when I was just about to leave middle school), I haven't watched TRW. Hell, once they stopped showing Aeon Flux I stopped watching Empty V entirely. While most kids from my generation were watching Top 40 videos (and having the audacity to call it 'Music') I was spending time in the bowels of Freenode seeing how tightly I could lock down my OpenBSD box.
When I was cast to be on the show I went back and watched a few previous seasons like Sydney and Denver. I read some info online about the editing, but hadn't as of yet discovered Vevmo. When Jim Johnson, who has more Charmisa than a halfling Bard btw, said that this season was different, more intelligent and politically minded, I bought it; hook, line, and sinker. For anyone of a younger generation, Jim Johnson engenders himself as a very caring and sincere father figure, and I still perceive him that way.
So forgive my naiveté, but I honestly expected that when presented with the opportunities that the cast gave them (and with my story especially) they would step up to the plate and handle business. They didn't, and all because some fanboy editor had a ****** for Ryan.
Am I upset and a bit angry? Yes. But it's passing, especially with each day that I try and break away from the MTV and Reality TV family.[/QUOTE]
Aeon Flux! haha
Do you remember the show The Head? It was about a guy with a large head...and an alien lived inside it? That show was THE BESTTTT.
MTV used to be cool. It's so sad and pathetic now (or maybe I'm the one whose pathetic since I still watch it occasionally... haha)
Thanks for the explanation Katelyn.
Aeon Flux was the best. Wasn't it just a small part of a larger show? I can't remember if they made it into its own show eventually.
I agree MTV sucks now.
So forgive my naiveté, but I honestly expected that when presented with the opportunities that the cast gave them (and with my story especially) they would step up to the plate and handle business. They didn't, and all because some fanboy editor had a ****** for Ryan.
Perfectly reasonable thing to have !!!!!
[quote=V1man;54798]Joey, frankly, you are not someone for whom I ever make television programming. You are not my "Prime Demographic." If you are comfortable with how corrupt BMP has become in their "truth-telling" then I feel more than a little sorry for you. It sounds to me like you want TRW to embrace the apparent VH-1 philosophy.[/quote]
I'm sorry you feel that way... i consider myself a pretty successful person, but of course it always concerns me when someone feels sorry for me.
like i've said so many times before - whether or not i agree/respect the direction that mtv has gone with the show is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that i understand their reasoning behind why they show what they show. refer to my other posts where i think they haven't represented a certain demographic accurately.
but if you have some kind of grudge against whoever TRW or BMP is (i have no idea what those acronyms represent), fine... find your own reasons to hate them. but don't hold it against the editors that they don't show the life of someone who the viewers wouldn't really find appealing anyway.
Katelyn I concur with you, more of your stories should have been told. I really think it was stupid of BMP to make it a season with only 13 episodes. The season should have had at least 24 1 hour epiodes. That way they way we wouldt possibly get to see more people's storylines.
[quote]But if you have some kind of grudge against whoever TRW or BMP is (i have no idea what those acronyms represent)...[/quote]
BMP is Bunim-Murray Productions, who's been producing TRW, aka "The Real World," aka the show you've been watching and this thread's been about...
[QUOTE=trees12;54825]Katelyn I concur with you, more of your stories should have been told. I really think it was stupid of BMP to make it a season with only 13 episodes. The season should have had at least 24 1 hour epiodes. That way they way we wouldt possibly get to see more people's storylines.[/QUOTE]
I would not mind 24 one hour episodes, but honestly, I much prefer 13 1 hour episodes to many more half hour episodes, which is what the show has been for awhile. An hour is much more enjoyable to watch, more.. filling if that makes sense. What was before, the half hour snippets, less with commercials, made one feel starved.
But even IF the season is shorter in real time, having similar air time do to longer cuts is something I prefer. And if that means less story arcs, so be it. All I can say is that I am enjoying this season far more than many recent seasons. It seems more season 3 esque. I wish they did show more political fighting between house mates, but oh well. (This is what would be FANTASTIC to show online as extended coverage of what went on during a certain time. But again, oh well.
[QUOTE=ColiesMom;54777]Tell me about it!!![/QUOTE]
Ah, pooping into an envelope while riding in an SUV...how could I forget such a classic RW moment? LOL.
Katelyn I understand your reasoning for the more air time of Ryan.
A little off topic but I have a question Chet is not gay but did anyone notice that he has a sign that says I love *******. Then did you see the shirt that he is wearing in the preview he is so gay.