Real World Brooklyn: Ep. 11 - Discussion

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Anonymous's picture
I am really ticked off on how this war has ruined everyone's lives, the way vets are treated by the government when they come back just upsets me to no end. They do not care about any of these kids. Sorry I had to vent.
Anonymous's picture
Has MTV always played this many Army/ Marine commercials?
I really didn't like the the election crap because I really didn't care about it. And I love how Chet gets upset about the cardboard cut-out. Didn't he prank people aswell? I'm starting to think that he's an attention *****(well he did say he likes attention so maybe this was just another way of gettting it). And I hope to god that Ryan doesn't have to go back. It would really suck if he did.
[quote=Debut Album;54489]I really didn't like the the election crap because I really didn't care about it. And I love how Chet gets upset about the cardboard cut-out. Didn't he prank people aswell? [B]I'm starting to think that he's an attention *****([/B]well he did say he likes attentiin so maybe this was just another way of gettting it). And I hope to god that Ryan doesn't have to go back. It would really suck if he did.[/quote] Well if I recall, didn't he come from a big family?
So sad =( Poor Ryan. Those were a heavy 10 minutes, man. I felt terrible.
Anonymous's picture
Have an announcement for everyone. Vevmo sources report that Ryan will [B]not[/B] be present at the cast reunion taping tomorrow. This is NOT because he has yet redeployed. Just a heads up to all. Congrats to all Vevmo members that may be there!! :)
[quote=jake93;54491]Well if I recall, didn't he come from a big family?[/quote] Yes, he does, so maybe that's why is always trying to get attention. Maybe he feels he needs to stand out and get noticed.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;54506]Have an announcement for everyone. Vevmo sources report that Ryan will not be present at the cast reunion taping tomorrow. This is NOT because has yet redeployed. Just a heads up to all. Congrats to all Vevmo members that may be there!! :)[/QUOTE] I tried for tix but didn't get them. I'm not sure if I would've trekked that far anyways.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;54506]Have an announcement for everyone. Vevmo sources report that Ryan will not be present at the cast reunion taping tomorrow. This is NOT because he has yet redeployed. Just a heads up to all. Congrats to all Vevmo members that may be there!! :)[/quote] I'm sad.
[quote=RW561015;54509]Yes, he does, so maybe that's why is always trying to get attention. Maybe he feels he needs to stand out and get noticed.[/quote] This.
WOW!! I have Don't think I have ever been this emotional with the real world before. One of the first word's out of Ryan's mouth was "Bella is going to be mad." That shows a lot about how much he loves her. And then again he said "I don't want to put my parents through this again." He is a real man and puts other peoples needs in front of his own. I really respect Ryan a lot and wish him all the luck in his future!!
While I may not like every aspect of Ryan's personality (mostly the pranking but other things as well) I do respect the guy and felt really really bad for him tonight. Wherever he is I hope he is safe and stays that way. On a lighter note everyone, did you all notice how incredibly HOT Katelynn looked in that dress???? I kid you not my eyes were like buggin out. She looked absolutely beautiful.
One more thing: Chet - grow the hell up! Gah he is starting to get on my last nerve with his incessant whining!
Katelyn, you did look very beautiful in your dress.... When Ryan cried, I cried.
[QUOTE=RMD1;54520]WOW!! I have Don't think I have ever been this emotional with the real world before. One of the first word's out of Ryan's mouth was "Bella is going to be mad." That shows a lot about how much he loves her. And then again he said "I don't want to put my parents through this again." He is a real man and puts other peoples needs in front of his own. I really respect Ryan a lot and wish him all the luck in his future!![/QUOTE] Ditto everything.
[quote=luckystar112;54524]Katelyn, you did look very beautiful in your dress.... When Ryan cried, I cried.[/quote] I teared up also. I really feel for Ryan and all veterans of war.
Katelynn, this is one of the episodes you cited as having issues with, wasn't it? If so, what was it that bothered you? Or was the actual show that aired on TV different from what you were given?
[quote=RW561015;54529]Katelynn, this is one of the episodes you cited as having issues with, wasn't it? If so, what was it that bothered you? Or was the actual show that aired on TV different from what you were given?[/quote] I think she said it was the next one (Episode 12) that bothered her, if I'm not mistaken.
[quote=rwny4ever;54532]I think she said it was the next one (Episode 12) that bothered her, if I'm not mistaken.[/quote] They only showed clips for the upcoming episode regarding more of Ryan dealing with the deployment, so we've gotta wait for Dailies or the actual episode to air to see what Katelynn's talking about.
[quote=realitywedding;54534]They only showed clips for the upcoming episode regarding more of Ryan dealing with the deployment, so we've gotta wait for Dailies or the actual episode to air to see what Katelynn's talking about.[/quote] Well correct me if I'm wrong - but after next week is the final show? The Duel 2 starts on April 8 - so that leaves room for one more episode plus the final - and I'm guessing the Reunion will be immediately after the final?
[quote=rwny4ever;54538]Well correct me if I'm wrong - but after next week is the final show? The Duel 2 starts on April 8 - so that leaves room for one more episode plus the final - and I'm guessing the Reunion will be immediately after the final?[/quote] MTV may air it on the weekend like they did for RW Hollywood.
I really felt for Ryan in this episode, I haven't teared up over a Real world episode in awhile, but this one made me a bit. Katelyn, I agree, you looked really pretty in that dress tonight.
[quote=RMD1;54543]MTV may air it on the weekend like they did for RW Hollywood.[/quote] No they won't. The last one flopped and people were supposedly fired.
I thought this was a really good episode, possibly one of the best this season. I have to admit, wasn't that excited about seeing a another Ryan-centric episode since I feel like they've shown too much of him already however this episode there was another side to him that we got to see and it made me like (or at least understand) him a little more. I'm pretty left leaning (Keith Olbermann cult member as a matter of fact) and I hail from Obamaland, but even I could see MTV had a clear agenda with the political message they were trying to send. However, I liked how they intercut information about the IAVA and was happy about the tribute they payed to the vets of this country, and the issues they face coming home. It really hit close to home because my brother is a Desert Storm vet and dealt/deals with alot of the issues that were touched on in this episode. I think this can be appreciated by people on all sides of the issue. Ryan's film was more intense than I thought it was going to be when he was filming it, to my amateur eye it seemed fairly well done. I don't know if Ryan himself feels that he has PSTD but it seemed to be what MTV would like us to think based on this episode and the fact that they slipped in the clip where he flipped out over the prank JD pulled even though (if I'm not mistaken) he himself said that his reaction was not related. Really enjoyed that the gender wars got put on hold for this epsiode, it was nice to see the girls showing support for Ryan, especially Sarah since thus far they've only shown a contemptuous relationship between the two of them. Katelynn and Devyn looked beautiful in their dresses on a totally superficial note. We saw a lot more of Baya than usual which was nice. JD wasn't completely annoying for the second straight episode which may be a record for me. And then there was the Chet. Who the HELL gets a cardboard lifesized cut out of themselves and thinks that every one wants to see it in their communal space? I could understand his anger if he had it in his room and they went in there and defaced it but I just thought that the very act of putting in the living room was so obnoxious and *********** he was practically begging for a reaction. I don't know if he's going for irony or if he really is that self absorbed, I hope that question is answered during the reunion or by one of the RWers who come on here. Side note, how come Chet and Scott's Subway sandwiches looked so fresh? Mine never looks that tasty.
Very good episode. I feel for Ryan. I did get rather annoyed with the "All Praise Obama" storyline. I am not going to get too political, but clearly I didn't vote for him, and felt it was jammed down my throat once again. I wish they would have shown more of what Chet and Scott had to say. Yes, I know they showed a little bit, but not much. Chet, if you get a cardboard cut out of yourself, it's going to get messed with. Now what did we learn?
[quote=Buck05;54564]Very good episode. I feel for Ryan. I did get rather annoyed with the "All Praise Obama" storyline. I am not going to get too political, but clearly I didn't vote for him, and felt it was jammed down my throat once again. I wish they would have shown more of what Chet and Scott had to say. Yes, I know they showed a little bit, but not much.[/quote] +1 Most of the episode was annoying. I don't know if any of the roommates actually had any idea what issues their candidate stood for because all that was shown was "i hate mccain, i hate palin, mccain is bush jr, first black president, blah blah blah." None of those are political statements... they're cheap shots used by people who care more about their "team" than who they're actually voting for. Notice that Chet and Scott never sunk to cheap shots (or if they did, they weren't shown... I suppose it is believable that MTV wanted to focus on the mccain-bashing). Oh and props to Chet for mentioning that romney would have been a good president for his economic expertise.
I thought this was a really good episode. I really felt for Ryan and the last few minutes were tough to watch seeing him so upset. I liked seeing the more serious side of him, because up until now it seems like all we've seen was the fun, goofy Ryan. Chet overreacted about the cardboard cut out. He put it up on display for everyone to see, he should've expected that someone was going to mess with it.
[quote]Oh and props to Chet for mentioning that romney would have been a good president for his economic expertise.[/quote]I get the strange feeling Chet had other motivations for supporting Romney besides his economic resume...
[quote=joey v;54575]None of those are political statements... they're cheap shots used by people who care more about their "team" than who they're actually voting for. Notice that Chet and Scott never sunk to cheap shots (or if they did, they weren't shown...[/quote] I agree. This episode is precisely why I hate talking about politics -- someone [I]always[/I] resorts to using childish insults. Some of the things said in the dailies were even more juvenile than what was shown on TV. I think the election was an important milestone, but MTV clearly had an agenda by marginalizing the other candidates (McCain, Nader, etc). I probably would have preferred it if they focused the episode on Halloween and the military stuff instead.
[quote=Zereaux;54580] I think the election was an important milestone, but MTV clearly had an agenda by marginalizing the other candidates (McCain, Nader, etc).[/quote] I think it was less of an agenda and more of a realistic depiction from the standpoint of the demographic involved (i.e. 68% of those aged 18-29 voted for Obama.) The edit reflected the constituency.
