[quote=Dannyboy;48447]Are you sure you're not an intolerant person? While I actually do think that the honest thing for a transgender person to do is to disclose their transgender status to any person they intend to have a relationship with, your choice is words it's simply rude to say the least. If this is the way you choose to express your ideas when you're not trying to offend anyone, I don't wanna know what words do you use when you're in fact trying to be offensive.
I agree with most of what Dannyboy has said in the above post.
I'm not saying you're super intolerant, ripper, but I agree with the others that the words you used didn't put you in the best light.
When the phrase "you people" is used, it is kind of seen as negative. Kind of like putting blame on people for being offended about a delicate subject, or stereotyping people who share one attribute. I don't think you quite meant it in either of the ways I used as examples, but still it makes your post come off in an offensive way.
And rape - that word is obvious negative for obvious reasons. The situation had nothing to do with anything close to it.
ripper, JD has rubbed some people the wrong way for a variety of things. But some people may have only thought he was wrong for the way he handled personal information of Katelynn's, and if so, that's what they feel. I am actually someone, just from watching, who thinks JD isn't completely bad/evil even though he has done and said things I was against (hey, I don't even think the "unnameable" person from last season was that bad compared to others on the same season), but he has said and done things that have struck a chord with people in a bad way. I actually thought it was kind of weird that JD went through the steps of taking Kate to dinner just to find out if she was transgender or not. The talk he had with Kate sounded nice, but I know some people thought Ryan should just stop speculating about her being transgender, but at least at first he didn't feel it was right to up and ask her upon just meeting her, whereas JD acted as if it was his right. I guess perhaps he felt that way because he was a part of the LGBT community, but I still thought it was kind of odd that he took her to dinner just to find out.
I think, just from my many years of watching RW, it's common for the audience to have moments in which they are upset or annoyed or disagree with the cast members at some point or another. And people are going to have favorites and people they dislike.
[quote=blanky667;48459]I can understand that you liked Philly alot more than this season. Probably just because it had tons of more crazy drama than brooklyn. I have to admit I love the crazy drama as well but I think its better to see a show that can entertain people greatly while teaching lessons to the viewers about different views,race,religion,etc... and Brooklyn is an example of that.[/quote]
I don't really think Philly was that crazy compared to other seasons. And they definitely dealt with race in their season, along with sexuality, stereotypes, a little with religion, different viewpoints, tough backgrounds or situations, etc.
[quote=RW561015;48480][B]I don't really think Philly was that crazy compared to other seasons. And they definitely dealt with race in their season, along with sexuality, stereotypes, a little with religion, different viewpoints, tough backgrounds or situations, etc.[/B][/quote]True but I still recommend Brooklyn, Though I respect your opinion. I've only watched a couple of episodes from philli but yeah. lol.
[QUOTE=ColiesMom;48165]Yes, she is a Jersey girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People living in the city tend to deny their roots.
It is the norm to make fun of "the bridge and tunnel crowd" ![/QUOTE]
Let's not forget those poor folk on Staten Island who are far more Jersey than NY, imho (spoken as a Manhattanite in my younger days).
[quote=V1man;48508]Let's not forget those poor folk on Staten Island who are far more Jersey than NY, imho (spoken as a Manhattanite in my younger days).[/quote]
I dont believe either state will lay claim to Staten Island.
In fact they will give it away in a boat race!
[quote=ripper9100;48438]I'm not an intolerant person I don't have a problem with you people or the gays but I just felt a little peeved by the unwarranted hate directed towards JD. I used the term "used to be a man" because I didn't want to offend anyone because I know how sensitive you people can be. [B]Once again I stress that it was wrong for you to rape that guy of his heterosexuality[/B] by not letting him know beforehand because let's face it any true heterosexual male would have issue with making out with a transgender individual such as yourself. I don't propose that you tell every Tom, **** and Harry but I believe that a secret such as yours should have been divulged to people who you are going to be living in close quarters with such as your roommates and individuals which you are going to have romantic relationships with such as the aforementioned individual.[/quote]
I will only briefly beat this dead horse.
Ripper, have you ever heard the phrase that it takes two to tango? If that guy wants to get mad that Katelynn was born a male then he shouldn't go around kissing anyone in the bar. She did not force him into that kiss...
[quote=blanky667;48484]True but I still recommend Brooklyn, Though I respect your opinion. I've only watched a couple of episodes from philli but yeah. lol.[/quote]
I like Brooklyn as well and have watched every episode, including the Aftershow and some of the Afterworlds. I would also recommend it. I wasn't the poster who was against this season and cited Philly as being better, but I wanted to state that I liked Philly as well and I could see some slight similarities, since some people didn't think much of Philly. I can understand how some people thought Philly was boring, though, as I myself took a while to catch on to it.
Ok, so I know that I should continue reading all posts before I respond; however, I do feel that I have read enough to illicit a response. Here's the thing -- that little argument that you saw was a major edit of an argument that was a good 10-15 minutes long. Not only was it edited, but they did not show the true reason for the argument. Sarah, JD, and I had an incident in which JD did something inappropriate in front of Sarah and me. When we mentioned it to him he became defensive and condescending. I think many who spoke to me on a daily basis during the show would agree that I spent much of my time in the house biting my tongue in a myriad of situations. At this point, I was fed up with a lot of things, primarily the boys picking on the more sensitive girls (Sarah being one of them). The clip that you viewed only shows a tiny part of what I believe to be JD trying to isolate Sarah and pick on her, knowing that she would cave without a someone to back her up. He has done this several times. (Now maybe the confessional with Sarah and me talking about the argument with JD makes a little more sense.) That is why I stepped in.
In regards to the "college dropout" declaration, I first would like to thank those who felt that it was an inappropriate claim to make. For those of you who disagree with me, I respect that. Here is a question: If I went to college, took multiple psych classes and passed them with flying colors, doesn't that mean that I studied that subject at the collegiate level? I never said I had a degree in the subject. I merely said that I read supporting evidence for my statements in my text books. That is all. I brought up that point because JD does not listen to anyone and I was only trying to be rational and say "Look, I didn't make this up; here is why I believe this if you don't agree. Please feel free to research it." Honestly I would value someone arguing that way with tangible proof far more than someone just saying things with out any source of evidence or support. Was I being a bit condescending? Yes. It is one of my faults -- and also one of my tactics -- when I am fed up; and, if you couldn't tell, I was so fed up with JD. Also if you review ep 4 you will see how JD spends countless hours scheming as to how he can make someone feel inferior. That is why I went off on the college dropout comment. Here's the thing. I value school, and any one that knows me knows that I greatly admire anyone that has finished with a degree; but, here is something else I know. A degree does not determine your level of success, intelligence, skill, or worth. Honestly, look how many people have thrived on a degree, and look how many people have taken the world by storm without one. My point to JD was this: yes you may have done all of that but guess what, I'm still here. I am exactly where you are right now, only difference is that I am 3 years younger. I didn't quit school because I couldn't finish (that to me is a drop out). I left school because God blessed me with the opportunity to take a step closer to my dream (RW Brooklyn). The next stepping stone to where I want to be.
So in summation, one of my weaknesses is to stand up if I feel someone is trying to attack my friends (JD cornering Sarah). I work (sometimes a little too hard) to prove my points with tangible evidence (my mom always said if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything), and I don't think that a person should be measured based upon which road they take to reach their destination. I think it is far more important to consider how determined they were to reach their destination.. and of course.. who they helped along the way.
Oh boy.. episode 7..ugh
ps. It was brought to my attention that someone could find no record of JD graduating with those degrees from U of Miami.. not to mention Katelynn noted that it would have had to have been 3 degrees in order to have expertise in Marine Biology and Psychology at that particular school.. not two degrees as JD stated.
I dunno, it seems like you and JD have the exact same gripes with each other when it comes to arguing styles, and in this case it was the BOTH of you who end up getting dirty. No one wins when it comes down to arguments like that.
As for you and Katelynn taking shots at JD's education - my advice would be not to sink to his level. JD's actions have already revealed enough to us viewers about his personality (albeit his edited one) so the both of you should just let his story and his actions play out as is. JD has few (if any) defenders here (which he might be able to change if he can share his side of the story because he has had the most horrific edit BY FAR).
Also, what did you do to get the editors pissed off at you? Next week also looks like a messy one for you.
[quote=DSsquared;48572]ps. It was brought to my attention that someone could find no record of JD graduating with those degrees from U of Miami.. not to mention Katelynn noted that it would have had to have been 3 degrees in order to have expertise in Marine Biology and Psychology at that particular school.. not two degrees as JD stated.[/quote]
I could be wrong on this one, but I am pretty sure that the only school within UM that requires an additional degree is the communication school. I believe that you would need only need two degrees for Marine Biology and Psychology (one for each, no additional).
However, you did do a great job at explaining yourself in your other post. You definitely came off as condescending in the edit of the argument and not willing to listen to JD's points, but with your explanation it does make more sense and I could see many people getting angry and wanting to defend their friend.
I do find it odd though that you bring up studying at the "collegiate level" a few times when you have decided to not complete your degree. Luckily for you (although according to what you said in one of the episodes you would disagree with this), a college degree is far from necessary for pursuing your goals as an actress. Further more, by being a cast member on Real World you do have an advantage over the other tens of thousands who want to be actresses. Although by being a RW cast member it may be a little more difficult to get the roles you want and be taken seriously. Either way I wish you the best of luck in pursuing your acting career.
[QUOTE]"... decided not to complete your degree." [/QUOTE] Are you not aware that Devyn was invited to join the cast while she was in school? The invitation was for "now," not for after she graduated in a couple of years. You ascribe a finality to her leaving school to join the Brooklyn cast that facts in evidence do not support.
[QUOTE]"...being a cast member on Real World you do have an advantage over the other tens of thousands who want to be actresses. " [/QUOTE] I've been around the TV and film business since before modern reality TV began in 1992 with Real World LA. Since that time, there has been only the very briefest window of time during which Hollywood thought reality TV veterans could become mainstream actors and actresses. I could detail countless examples of reality veterans who were told at the door to open casting calls that they need not stay to audition, (the polite version of "you're not welcome, we only want real actors"). Some reality veterans have studied with great acting coaches in NY and LA but still are not taken seriously. A large part of the Hollywood anti-reality bias comes directly from the unions. The guilds' bias is largely about economics and power in LA, since "reality" shows are non-union productions; ie, "cheap productions" that don't contribute to union coffers. It's not just a little more difficult, the reality "wall" one must climb over to be accepted as an actor is rarely worth the price of admission.
[SIZE="1"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]
[Full disclosure: I am a union member who disagrees with the union's position regarding non-union reality productions][/FONT][/SIZE]
[quote=V1man;48636]Are you not aware that Devyn was invited to join the cast while she was in school? The invitation was for "now," not for after she graduated in a couple of years. You ascribe a finality to her leaving school to join the Brooklyn cast that facts in evidence do not support. [/quote]
Really? I had the exact same reading of Devyn's post as [B]MLCB53[/B] did, which was that she was presented this opportunity, she took it, and she has decided to leave school (her own words) using this RW experience as a platform for future endeavors. Did she mention that in her post that she was planning to take a leave of absence while doing the show but had now returned to school? Not as far as I can tell.
[QUOTE=canilicula;48637]Really? I had the exact same reading of Devyn's post as [B]MLCB53[/B] did, which was that she was presented this opportunity, she took it, and she has decided to leave school (her own words) using this RW experience as a platform for future endeavors. Did she mention that in her post that she was planning to take a leave of absence while doing the show but had now returned to school? Not as far as I can tell.[/QUOTE]
Please read my comment as being further illuminating. It is not a recap of Devyn's comment, individually interpreted.
You have an explanatory PM.
[quote=V1man;48636]Are you not aware that Devyn was invited to join the cast while she was in school? The invitation was for "now," not for after she graduated in a couple of years. You ascribe a finality to her leaving school to join the Brooklyn cast that facts in evidence do not support.
I've been around the TV and film business since before modern reality TV began in 1992 with Real World LA. Since that time, there has been only the very briefest window of time during which Hollywood thought reality TV veterans could become mainstream actors and actresses. I could detail countless examples of reality veterans who were told at the door to open casting calls that they need not stay to audition, (the polite version of "you're not welcome, we only want real actors"). Some reality veterans have studied with great acting coaches in NY and LA but still are not taken seriously. A large part of the Hollywood anti-reality bias comes directly from the unions. The guilds' bias is largely about economics and power in LA, since "reality" shows are non-union productions; ie, "cheap productions" that don't contribute to union coffers. It's not just a little more difficult, the reality "wall" one must climb over to be accepted as an actor is rarely worth the price of admission.
[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]
[Full disclosure: I am a union member who disagrees with the union's position regarding non-union reality productions][/FONT][/SIZE][/quote]
Maybe I misinterpreted her post, but to me [quote]I didn't quit school because I couldn't finish (that to me is a drop out). I left school because God blessed me with the opportunity to take a step closer to my dream (RW Brooklyn). The next stepping stone to where I want to be.[/quote] sounds like she is not going back to school. I understand that your comment was not a recap of Devyn's comment, but without the information that you have, I only have a limited understanding, and by using the information that I had (Devyn's post) I came to the conclusion that she was not going back to school. I did not mean to be saying her not going back to school as bad thing. I think they're are very few people who if they were cast on RW would decide to decline it and stay in school. All I said was that I found it odd that she brings up her learning at the collegiate level a couple of times, when she has not finished school (and now I will add YET). If it was me I would have shown the information I knew, instead of telling JD that I studied at the collegiate level (although by the sounds of it, that is what she did and it was just edited to look the way it did).
I agree with you that being on Real World also puts you at a disadvantage (which I said in my post right after the part that you quoted), BUT I can find you many many independent filmmakers who would love to have the name recognition of Devyn from Real World Brooklyn. If she has talent (I'm not saying that she doesn't, but I have never seen her act other than the two minute clip of her audition for the casting director), then this is a great pathway for her to take. A great performance in a good independent film could do wonders for her (in the sense of being taken seriously as an actress and not a reality star). Either way, I guess my main point is that talent is very important (in being an a good actress, not a movie star) and if she has talent, she already has the recognition that will help her get some roles but not the roles she necessarily wants at first.
[quote=MLCB53;48650]BUT I can find you many many independent filmmakers who would love to have the name recognition of Devyn (I'm not sure of your last name). If she has talent (I'm not saying that she doesn't, but I have never seen her act other than the two minute clip of her audition for the casting director), then this is a great pathway for her to take. A great performance in a good independent film could do wonders for her (in the sense of being taken seriously as an actress and not a reality star). Either way, I guess my main point is that talent is very important (in being an a good actress, not a movie star) and if she has talent, she already has the recognition that will help her get some roles but not the roles she necessarily wants at first.[/quote]Pretty much the only people that I can think of who have really been able to parlay their reality TV appearances into mainstream television/film work independent of their RTV past have been Jacinda Barrett and Elisabeth Hasselbeck (probably a few more but those are who come to mind). I guess Colleen Haskell too when she was in [I]The Animal[/I] but that was likely the time period V1 referred to when he said there was a brief window of time when Hollywood embraced reality TV personalities. I don't doubt Devyn's talents at all but its probably naive to say that she would have barriers removed due to her RW appearance.
[quote=ssseeeaaann;48683]Pretty much the only people that I can think of who have really been able to parlay their reality TV appearances into mainstream television/film work independent of their RTV past have been Jacinda Barrett and Elisabeth Hasselbeck (probably a few more but those are who come to mind).[/quote]
That is just the thing, although I am sure many of these Hollywood hopefuls would love to make it big, many of them make it [I]good enough[/I].
You don't have to be an A-list actor to live a fulfilling life and I am sure many former reality cast members that have parlayed their onscreen experiences into a paycheck are quite content as to the level of success they have achived.
Sure, The Miz might not be a household name but I am sure he loves what he does. Trishelle might not be starring opposite Brad Pitt, but she is getting movie gigs and although Parisa and Will might not be the big stars on the BMG label - they are still getting work and living their dreams (Actually, Parisa is releasing her debut album, [I]Intelegance[/I] this summer.)
Nothing wrong with honest work.
[quote=Bacchus;48685]That is just the thing, although I am sure many of these Hollywood hopefuls would love to make it big, many of them make it [I]good enough[/I].
You don't have to be an A-list actor to live a fulfilling life and I am sure many former reality cast members that have parlayed their onscreen experiences into a paycheck are quite content as to the level of success they have achived.
Sure, The Miz might not be a household name but I am sure he loves what he does. Trishelle might not be starring opposite Brad Pitt, but she is getting movie gigs and although Parisa and Will might not be the big stars on the BMG label - they are still getting work and living their dreams (Actually, Parisa is releasing her debut album, [I]Intelegance[/I] this summer.)
Nothing wrong with honest work.[/quote]Oh yea, I don't disagree with you at all, I think its awesome for anyone who is making a living with the creative pursuits that make them happy. I was just using the examples I used to explain that it's difficult to knock down a bunch of barriers by appearing on a reality show. I didn't mean to insinuate that Elisabeth and Jacinda are the only examples of successes because of their mainstream work. Just saying their paths are a rarity.
Speaking of RW cast members going mainstream. Isn't that blond headed guy from RW Chicago on a hit daytime soap on one of those big networks. It looks like he made a name for himself.
[quote=trees12;48739]Speaking of RW cast members going mainstream. Isn't that blond headed guy from RW Chicago on a hit daytime soap on one of those big networks. It looks like he made a name for himself.[/quote]
Yeah, he was on Days of Our Lives for a few years.
[quote=tjhallow;48853]This thread was just as heated as the episode. LOL[/quote]
Interestingly, it was the [URL="http://vevmo.com/f56/real-world-hollywood-ep-6-panties-1724/"]episode 6 discussion for The Real World Hollywood[/URL] that was the most heated, commented on Real World episode discussion thread ever on Vevmo. The editors must have decided that by episode 6 it is time to start pushing viewer buttons. ;)
[quote=DSsquared;48572]ps. It was brought to my attention that someone could find no record of JD graduating with those degrees from U of Miami.. not to mention Katelynn noted that it would have had to have been 3 degrees in order to have expertise in Marine Biology and Psychology at that particular school.. not two degrees as JD stated.[/quote]
Ok in my opinion this is unnecessary - it is pure speculation, and given the fact that JD is not here to defend himself, should not even be discussed.
[quote=Bacchus;48855]Interestingly, it was the [URL="http://vevmo.com/f56/real-world-hollywood-ep-6-panties-1724/"]episode 6 discussion for The Real World Hollywood[/URL] that was the most heated, commented on Real World episode discussion thread ever on Vevmo. The editors must have decided that by episode 6 it is time to start pushing viewer buttons. ;)[/quote]
I really wish the others would come on here so we could have some of their opinions as well. I have a soft spot for Ryan & Chet.
[QUOTE=rwny4ever;48857]Ok in my opinion this is unnecessary - it is pure speculation, and given the fact that JD is not here to defend himself, should not even be discussed.[/QUOTE]
We'll just have to disagree -- and you will lose the discussion. Her comment fits fine within the Terms of Service at this site. Over 80 percent of what you and others post here is only speculation. I'm not sure why a cast member needs to be assigned a different standard than other members.
JD is perfectly aware of this site. Since December 5, 2008, he has my business card with the site address hand-written on the back. He has a choice to speak here with the same voice as any other cast member. It appears to be a choice he has declined to make.
I watched the episode again and noticed something about the car scene where JD tells Katelynn's secret - he was very reluctant to answer Ryan's question - thats why he said "you did not hear this from me." I took that to mean he didn't want to lie (because he did know) but at the same time did not want to cause trouble. Do I think he could have handled it better? Yes, he should have said "you need to ask Katelynn" but he didn't take into account that there were a few blabbermouths in the car. I have a bad habit of sticking my foot in my mouth too so I can't judge him for that. I've inadvertantly told secrets that weren't meant to be told - haven't we all.
[quote=V1man;48859]We'll just have to disagree -- and you will lose the discussion. Her comment fits fine within the Terms of Service at this site. Over 80 percent of what you and others post here is only speculation. I'm not sure why a cast member needs to be assigned a different standard than other members.
JD is perfectly aware of this site. Since December 5, 2008, he has my business card with the site address hand-written on the back. He has a choice to speak here with the same voice as any other cast member. It appears to be a choice he has declined to make.[/quote]
Man, would you open yourself up to that--join a forum where members are saying you're a "bad person" and constantly say how much they dislike you? I doubt it.
[quote=rwny4ever;48861]man would you open yourself up to that - join a forum where members are saying you're a "bad person" and constantly say how much they dislike you? I doubt it[/quote]
Well If JD was here to defend himself and speak up like the others, maybe other people would have different opinion of him. I don't dislike JD but I'm just saying.
[QUOTE=rwny4ever;48860]I watched the episode again and noticed something about the car scene where JD tells Katelynn's secret - he was very reluctant to answer Ryan's question - thats why he said "you did not hear this from me." I took that to mean he didn't want to lie (because he did know) but at the same time did not want to cause trouble. Do I think he could have handled it better? Yes, he should have said "you need to ask Katelynn" but he didn't take into account that there were a few blabbermouths in the car. I have a bad habit of sticking my foot in my mouth too so I can't judge him for that. I've inadvertantly told secrets that weren't meant to be told - haven't we all.[/QUOTE]
No. I've spent my entire life in the business of keeping secrets that people entrust me to keep. Perhaps you should set a higher standard for yourself.
[quote=rwny4ever;48861]Man, would you open yourself up to that--join a forum where members are saying you're a "bad person" and constantly say how much they dislike you? I doubt it.[/quote]
Kim was in the same position during The Real World Hollywood and midway through the season she took the initiative to join and share her side of the story. Now I get along swimmingly with her and I am always up for shooting over a message on facebook to see how things are going.
It is an individual cast member decision.
Not being here offers no defense what-so-ever. In fact, it has the opposite effect. Maybe his actions are indefensible?
What it comes down to as far as the site rules are concerned: Cast members that choose to participate in this community have a different set of standards applied to them even if we disagree with what they have to say. We afford them the same courtesy as other members at this venue - thus no personal attacks are allowed (although we enjoy strenuous debate.).
Everyone else is considered a character on a television program in the same boat as Jack Bauer from 24 and Sawyer from Lost...
It is that simple.