Real World Brooklyn: Ep. 6 Discussion

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[quote=Eagle;47906]You guys really don't think the fact that she's transgendered plays a part into why the guys were acting the way they were?[/quote] The way you said it, it came out in a rude way.
[quote=Bacchus;47905]JD is a level 1 a***ole. I'm done with my middle ground stance....[/quote] Yeah he is. He's been in so much conflict already.
Anonymous's picture
Such a highly akward episode
[quote=Bacchus;47905]JD is a level 1 a***ole. I'm done with my middle ground stance....[/quote] I do agree that JD is an *** in multiple ways, but after seeing one of the dailies videos with him talking about how Devyn argues and watching their argument today, I could easily see how their argument escalated to the degree that it did. I think we all have met someone who acts like Devyn does in arguments, someone who is very authoritative in what they say despite not being factually correct. The one thing that tipped the scales toward JD (in my opinion) was when she kept emphasizing over and over that she had studied psychology in college and in high school "at the collegiate level". It was not only arrogant but also condescending and no doubt frustrating to someone like JD, who actually double majored in marine bio and psychology. Now, did JD have to drop it on her in the way that he did? No, he definitely could have taken the higher ground. But I can see how getting into arguments with a person like Devyn could be frustrating, especially when she acts like she is the experts on a particular subject that she actually has limited training in, despite how hard she tries to exaggerate her gifts. But, regardless, JD is an ***, no doubts about that, especially by revealing Katelynn's status. Trifling.
I know Scott posts here and reads here, but I've gotta vent about how offended I am with what's been coming out of his mouth. How can he interview that he wants Katelynn to open up to him about being transgendered but in the house make such crass jokes about it? What the hell?! And yes, there's no doubt that JD is a punk now. Condescending, arrogant and full of himself.
Anonymous's picture
So is this how the rest of the season plays out? Boys vs. girls?
Baya just said her first words in this episode. 57 minutes in
[quote=canilicula;47915]But I can see how getting into arguments with a person like Devyn could be frustrating, especially when they act like they are the experts on a particular subject that they actually have limited training in, despite how hard they try to exaggerate their gifts.[/quote] I didn't fully base my "outburst" on that one conversation. You make fully valid points and I want to be clear that I feel a culmination of events has lead me to that single phrase characterization. Also, JD is a roommate I have yet to speak to - thus I do not have any external criteria to base a true depiction. Still, my gut is telling me something.
Anonymous's picture
Even before JD told them in the beginning, didn't Ryan already suspect it?
[quote=tjhallow;47917]So is this how the rest of the season plays out? Boys vs. girls?[/quote] Its looking like it will be battle of the sexes for the rest of the season.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Eagle;47919]Baya just said her first words in this episode. 57 minutes in[/QUOTE] thanks for that, my life is complete now because of your recap.
[quote=Eagle;47919]Baya just said her first words in this episode. 57 minutes in[/quote] Oh wow...I caught it! Like the Observer in Fringe. You really need to pay attention! [SIZE=1]Baya, you know I am playing light with the edit ;)[/SIZE]
I totally get what Devyn said about not calling her a college dropout. It makes it sound like she was failing and just couldn't do well at the college level. So yeah, I agree it has a negative connotation. However, I think JD was so fed up with what he and the other guys perceived to be Devyn being a know-it-all that he wanted to triumph over her. I think he was trying to say that she didn't finish her education so she can't know everything. But Devyn has taken classes and her knowledge has grown from what she's learned. She is enriched from the education she did receive. She has completed classes.
i can't wait till next week. "oh my god. stop! stop!"
OMG SO EXCITED for next week! Devyn is down with the swirl! That guy was hot, why are you looking at Scott girl?
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Zachary;47926]i can't wait till next week. "oh my god. stop! stop!"[/quote] Was that on the preview?
Anonymous's picture
season preview, yes
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tjhallow;47929]Paula has a crush on Ryan? RYAN STAY AWAYYYYYYYY. FAR AWAAYYYYYYYY.[/QUOTE] lol
Anonymous's picture
No more paula.
Anonymous's picture
In the beginning were talking about girls walking around naked on the challenges? They are always getting that last bit on there about the challenges LOL.
[QUOTE=canilicula;47915]I do agree that JD is an *** in multiple ways, but after seeing one of the dailies videos with him talking about how Devyn argues and watching their argument today, I could easily see how their argument escalated to the degree that it did. I think we all have met someone who acts like Devyn does in arguments, someone who is very authoritative in what they say despite not being factually correct. The one thing that tipped the scales toward JD (in my opinion) was when she kept emphasizing over and over that she had studied psychology in college and in high school "at the collegiate level". It was not only arrogant but also condescending and no doubt frustrating to someone like JD, who actually double majored in marine bio and psychology. Now, did JD have to drop it on her in the way that he did? No, he definitely could have taken the higher ground. But I can see how getting into arguments with a person like Devyn could be frustrating, especially when she acts like she is the experts on a particular subject that she actually has limited training in, despite how hard she tries to exaggerate her gifts. But, regardless, JD is an ***, no doubts about that, especially by revealing Katelynn's status. Trifling.[/QUOTE] I haven't even read all of the responses yet....I had to stop and quote here to say WORD! Devyn's ego h***eriously been getting on my nerves lately, which is quite sad, because in the beginning I thought she w***o sweet. I'm glad JD called her out on stopping school(and I'm not JDs biggest fan by any means). Good to know not finishing school is equivalent to "college educated" though. Sucks I'm throwing away all this money when I can just go to an interview and tell the boss, "Well, I didn't actually get a degree...but don't worry! I'm edumacated!" Insert eyerolling emoticon. Regarding girl v boy psyche....I think the point that JD was trying to make was that boys are just as affected by things as girls. Devyn needs to read "The War Against Boys". I'm sure she can, seeing as how she's been educated at the collegiate level and all. ANYWAY.....things that made me laugh: the guys in the car "they're off trimming their ****** hair". I have no idea why I found that so funny. I'm a girl, btw. Ryan saying he's not immature and then the camera cutting off to him wearing a huge hat. The guys were out of line at Braking the Cycle. I agreed with Sarah, they should have chilled out. When I saw Sarah cry I felt so bad. That's all!
Anonymous's picture
This is making me want a battle of the sexes 3 lol. Wonder if thats the summer challenge?
Anonymous's picture
Ehh, I still love all the roomates. Not quite sure about JD though.
[quote=tjhallow;47921]Even before JD told them in the beginning, didn't Ryan already suspect it?[/quote] Yes, he did. In fact, I believe Ryan was the first person shown on the show to talk about it. Though of course that doesn't surely mean he was the first person to talk about it in the house. That issue makes me wonder. Did Katelynn know they were talking about possibly being born a man before her and Ryan had that talk? If not, then you can see how she can be so mad at JD for talking. I am leaning towards she didn't know, because she said in the show she thought she was passing without people questioning if she had been a man or not. I do wonder if Katelynn feels a little different about JD confirming to the guys that she is transgendered now that she has seen the show? There is still the issue of JD telling something that was very personal to everyone. But I wonder if she can understand a little why JD was talking so freely with the other guys about her being transgendered. They had a conversation on one of the first days and were questioning, and JD pretty much let Ryan and Chet know he was going to find out. Regardless, I think she had a right to be upset. Especially if she didn't know that there was speculation anyway.
A couple questions about tonights episode: where was Bella (Ryan's GF) when they went to Gettysburg and why did we never see the actual bike ride? Other things about tonights episode: why did Katelynn get pissed off at the guys for joking around during the bike race kickoff but just the night before was dancing on a support beam at a local restaurant in Gettysburg, PA of all places!!!
[QUOTE=jrmdawgs;47946]A couple questions about tonights episode: where was Bella (Ryan's GF) when they went to Gettysburg and why did we never see the actual bike ride? [/QUOTE] I wondered the same thing.
Anonymous's picture
Wheres V tonight? Its not the same without his commentary.
[quote=jrmdawgs;47946]A couple questions about tonights episode: where was Bella (Ryan's GF) when they went to Gettysburg and why did we never see the actual bike ride? Other things about tonights episode: why did Katelynn get pissed off at the guys for joking around during the bike race kickoff but just the night before was dancing on a support beam at a local restaurant in Gettysburg, PA of all places!!![/quote] Maybe Kate will answer you. But I think she was upset because they were at an event in which they were commemorating people who died from a deadly disease with no cure. There is a difference in mood and atmosphere. I could see why the roommates thought she was being inappropriate since it wasn't a stripper pole or that kind of place. But she had a right to be upset at the guys goofing around when there was a very serious issue at hand as opposed to just hanging out. Plus, you could flip it around and wonder why Chet was so upset that the girls were annoyed with him and the guys for goofing around, yet he gets to be annoyed with Kate or the other girls for doing things that he was annoyed by.
[quote=RW561015;47959]Maybe Kate will answer you. But I think she was upset because they were at an event in which they were commemorating people who died from a deadly disease with no cure. There is a difference in mood and atmosphere. I could see why the roommates thought she was being inappropriate since it wasn't a stripper pole or that kind of place. But she had a right to be upset at the guys goofing around when there was a very serious issue at hand as opposed to just hanging out. Plus, you could flip it around and wonder why Chet was so upset that the girls were annoyed with him and the guys for goofing around, yet he gets to be annoyed with Kate or the other girls for doing things that he was annoyed by.[/quote] Good points! But like the guys explained tonight on the Aftershow that many of the stories being told were done light heartedly to show love but remember the good times.
