Real World Brooklyn: Ep. 6 Discussion

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[quote=Bacchus;48871]Kim was in the same position during The Real World Hollywood and midway through the season she took the initiative to join and share her side of the story. Now I get along swimmingly with her and I am always up for shooting over a message on facebook to see how things are going. [/quote] Exactly! Everyone had different ideas about Kim and what we were edited to see, then she shows up and is funny as heck and we had a great time with her here!
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;48876]Exactly! Everyone had different ideas about Kim and what we were edited to see, then she shows up and is funny as heck and we had a great time with her here![/quote] It is also very possible that he will come here and take over the actions and persona of he who must not be named which is common from people whom have no way to defend/substantiate their actions. If JD were to come to vevmo to post his side of the story then he would become an official vevmo member and no one will be permitted to insult him. The fact that he chooses not to become a member is what gives everyone leeway to express their feeling on his actions.
[quote=V1man;48859]We'll just have to disagree -- and you will lose the discussion. Her comment fits fine within the Terms of Service at this site. Over 80 percent of what you and others post here is only speculation. I'm not sure why a cast member needs to be assigned a different standard than other members.[/quote] I haven't been here for a long time, but in the little I've been here I've noticed how when people choose to speculate or jump into conclusions based on what they have seen on the show they are usually called out on it by some of the mods (who naturally have additional information to reach their conclusions than we regular viewers do). I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this but if there wasn't a different standard for cast members they wouldn't get away with speculation and not only they do but they're deffended for doing so. Don't get me wrong, I can see why they should be given a little more respect than the regular guest on here as their insight and what they have to say should mean a little more but to even suggest that they are not being assigned a different standard is not completely true. Just saying.
I, myself, was a "reader" when hollywood was airing and i didnt join vevmo at the time, But I enjoyed reading Kim's posts. I actually prefer that all castmembers, If they can, come to Vevmo and just give their own side of the story. But, as stated above it is the castmember's individual decision.
Oh and by the way, I tried re-watching this episode at and it seems that they took off the clip of when JD and Devyn had the heated confrontation. Must have been an error?
[QUOTE=blanky667;48961]Oh and by the way, I tried re-watching this episode at and it seems that they took off the clip of when JD and Devyn had the heated confrontation. Must have been an error?[/QUOTE] Maybe they read vevmo and realized the truth was getting out about their edit.
[QUOTE=MLCB53;48620]I could be wrong on this one, but I am pretty sure that the only school within UM that requires an additional degree is the communication school. I believe that you would need only need two degrees for Marine Biology and Psychology (one for each, no additional).[/QUOTE] There is no Marine Biology major at the University of Miami, you would have to double major in Marine Sciences and Biology. So for JD to say that he double majored in Marine Biology and Psychology throws up a huge red flag for me, personally knowing individuals who graduated from UM with that specific career path. [B]**EDIT**[/B] But don't take my word for it, check out the UM website... [URL=",1770,29532-1;29671-2;29559-2,00.html"]Majors A - Z, University of Miami[/URL] I'm not attacking his education per se, but it's not exactly slander when you are dealing with facts... I also don't think that any cast members should be treated differently because of their presence, or lack thereof, on the forums. Ideally we should all be respectful of one another out of civility and common courtesy. My issues with JD stem from his actions during our time in Brooklyn and after we wrapped production in December. If you notice, even on the second Aftershow, he has never apologized. Not to Devyn, not to me, not to Sarah or Baya. I take that to mean he doesn't believe he has done anything wrong, which just adds insult to injury. That being said, I still try and maintain a basic level of civility and respect, though I severely limit our interactions together. In the future I'll try and keep that same level of decency when I provide insight and perspective to the episodes.
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;48967]... In the future I'll try and keep that same level of decency when I provide insight and perspective to the episodes.[/QUOTE] That is a lofty ideal, but I hope it doesn't get in the way of your candor which is immensely refreshing and unpretentious. :biggrin:
[quote=k8mnstr;48967]There is no Marine Biology major at the University of Miami, you would have to double major in Marine Sciences and Biology. So for JD to say that he double majored in Marine Biology and Psychology throws up a huge red flag for me, personally knowing individuals who graduated from UM with that specific career path. [B]**EDIT**[/B] But don't take my word for it, check out the UM website... [URL=",1770,29532-1;29671-2;29559-2,00.html"]Majors A - Z, University of Miami[/URL] I'm not attacking his education per se, but it's not exactly slander when you are dealing with facts... I also don't think that any cast members should be treated differently because of their presence, or lack thereof, on the forums. Ideally we should all be respectful of one another out of civility and common courtesy. My issues with JD stem from his actions during our time in Brooklyn and after we wrapped production in December. If you notice, even on the second Aftershow, he has never apologized. Not to Devyn, not to me, not to Sarah or Baya. I take that to mean he doesn't believe he has done anything wrong, which just adds insult to injury. That being said, I still try and maintain a basic level of civility and respect, though I severely limit our interactions together. In the future I'll try and keep that same level of decency when I provide insight and perspective to the episodes.[/quote]Katelynn, are you and JD still friends? :)
[quote=blanky667;48976]Katelynn, are you and JD still friends? [/quote] I think it is quite clear from the context of her recent posts where she stands on that issue.
[quote=Bacchus;48977]I think it is quite clear from the context of her recent posts where she stands on that issue.[/quote]Yeah I figured that too, just wanted to make sure. :D
[quote=k8mnstr;48967]In the future I'll try and keep that same level of decency when I provide insight and perspective to the episodes.[/quote] Kate I for one don't want you to think I'm on "team JD" or anything as I think you have some very valid feelings on the situation. I regret things are this way because I like both of you...don't worry I would defend you too if someone started talking crap about you. Anyways thanks for taking the time to interact with us - you are fast becoming one of my fav real worlders ever for this reason - I admire you a great deal. P/S - interested in doing Challenges in the future? I hope this season is not the last we see of ya! Take care
[QUOTE=rwny4ever;49028] P/S - interested in doing Challenges in the future? I hope this season is not the last we see of ya! Take care[/QUOTE] Katelynn has previous mentioned at vevmo that she is interested in doing a challenge. I've heard that elsewhere she has even talked a little smack about someone she wants to face in a challenge, and that person is aware of what Katelynn reportedly said. (I'm not going to name the person, since I'm sure Katelynn didn't intend the info to become public.)
[QUOTE=V1man;49037]Katelynn has previous mentioned at vevmo that she is interested in doing a challenge. I've heard that elsewhere she has even talked a little smack about someone she wants to face in a challenge, and that person is aware of what Katelynn reportedly said. (I'm not going to name the person, since I'm sure Katelynn didn't intend the info to become public.)[/QUOTE] Oooohhhh, I love it when smack talk is involved...Katelynn I SOOOO hope that you will be cast on the next challenge!!
I'd like to see Katelynn, Scott, JD, and Devyn on the next challenge. I'd like to see them all appear eventually, but the 4 of them should go first.
The last part could be interpreted in more than one way. Anyway, didn't Devyn or Katelynn say there was another "this season on the real world" clip coming up this episode? If so, maybe after tonight they are taken a 2 week break. Just a thought.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;49037]Katelynn has previous mentioned at vevmo that she is interested in doing a challenge. I've heard that elsewhere she has even talked a little smack about someone she wants to face in a challenge, and that person is aware of what Katelynn reportedly said. (I'm not going to name the person, since I'm sure Katelynn didn't intend the info to become public.)[/quote] I hope its Paula.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;49075]I hope its Paula.[/QUOTE] No one, least of all Katelynn, would need to talk smack about Paula. Paula is just too pathetic. Try to guess on your own if you must, but [B]any additional names posted here will mysteriously change.[/B]
[QUOTE=V1man;49078]No one, least of all Katelynn, would need to talk smack about Paula. Paula is just too pathetic. Try to guess on your own if you must, but any addition names posted here will mysteriously change.[/QUOTE] Hehe the mysterious powers of teh intarwebs eh? Gotta love it. I figured it would get back to them eventually, and it's all in good sport =) We just have two extremely strong personalities and I think it would be a damn good throw down. I may pole dance like a lover, but at my core I will always be a fighter. :new_russian:
[quote=k8mnstr;49087]Hehe the mysterious powers of teh intarwebs eh? Gotta love it. I figured it would get back to them eventually, and it's all in good sport =) We just have two extremely strong personalities and I think it would be a damn good throw down. I may pole dance like a lover, but at my core I will always be a fighter.[/quote] Actually, in this case, it was the power of the telephone... One strong personality, yes, and admirably so. I disagree regarding the other person. You two would be better allies than opponents.; buying into her challenge edit would be a mistake.
[quote=k8mnstr;49087]Hehe the mysterious powers of teh intarwebs eh? Gotta love it. I figured it would get back to them eventually, and it's all in good sport =) We just have two extremely strong personalities and I think it would be a damn good throw down. I may pole dance like a lover, but at my core I will always be a fighter. :new_russian:[/quote] hmmm two extremely strong personalities? gotta be either Rose or Carnation
[quote=rwny4ever;49125]hmmm two extremely strong personalities? gotta be either Rose or Carnation[/quote] Who? I was thinking Sunflower myself...
I'm thinking Daffodil!! What? :mosking:
Haha ok I just reread this and was like "Wait a second! I didn't say that!" Then I remembered that my names would be reworded... If I had to pick flowers or plants, I probably would have gone with Cactus. Ka-pow!
[QUOTE=molds13;49146]Haha ok I just reread this and was like "Wait a second! I didn't say that!" Then I remembered that my names would be reworded... If I had to pick flowers or plants, I probably would have gone with Cactus. Ka-pow![/QUOTE] Prickly thing, isn't it.
Anonymous's picture
I'm soooo lost. Anyways does the Duel 2 have to do good in ratings in order for the summer challenge to air or is the summer challenge already scheduled?
hahahaha this is too funny
[QUOTE=tjhallow;49149]I'm soooo lost. Anyways does the Duel 2 have to do good in ratings in order for the summer challenge to air or is the summer challenge already scheduled?[/QUOTE] Wrong forum. Please ask in the Duel 2 thread.
[QUOTE=V1man;48267]Philly? How did you stay awake?[/QUOTE] Philly was terrrribleeee. Brooklyn destroys Philly (even though Brooklyn is slowing down a bit for me)
People have pretty much said everything I would have said I just wanted to add that the funniest parts of the episode were the girls tossing Ryan's alarm clock and Chet's purple rain boots.
