Real World Brooklyn: Ep. 6 Discussion

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I'm going off topic here a little. Not everyone who graduates college are stupid. Not just anyone can get into a University. Although, some Universities are easier to get into than others. Whether you Graduated from college or not dosen't make you dumb. It really just depends on the person. I will be done next year with a BA in Accounting. Nonetheless, all college grads should not be put into a streotypical a bubble. In response to the convo from the other page in this thread.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;48254]Which season did you start watching from?[/QUOTE] Never watched a full season. Saw a good deal of Philly and that is about it. I thought Philly was 50 times better than this season.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=da2337;48258]Never watched a full season. Saw a good deal of Philly and that is about it. I thought Philly was 50 times better than this season.[/quote] I rest my case.
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[quote=V1man;48241]When you attack but don't fully disclose, you open yourself up for equally applied criticism. I invite vevmo readers to respond: Here is your chance to grade BMP's failure to cast da2337 for the Brooklyn season. He does not disclose in his comment that he was in competition with those who were cast. That is not to suggest he is in the least still bitter 90 days after the show finished taping. [B]Casting Grade: _?_[/B][/quote] [B]F=Fail[/B]
[QUOTE=V1man;48241]When you attack but don't fully disclose, you open yourself up for equally applied criticism. I invite vevmo readers to respond: Here is your chance to grade BMP's failure to cast da2337 for the Brooklyn season. He does not disclose in his comment that he was in competition with those who were cast. That is not to suggest he is in the least still bitter 90 days after the show finished taping. Casting Grade: _?_[/QUOTE] Hahaha. Zing. I give him a F. I'm no good for this show. I knew that and they obviously did too.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;48241]When you attack but don't fully disclose, you open yourself up for equally applied criticism. I invite vevmo readers to respond: Here is your chance to grade BMP's failure to cast da2337 for the Brooklyn season. He does not disclose in his comment that he was in competition with those who were cast. That is not to suggest he is in the least still bitter 90 days after the show finished taping. Casting Grade: _?_[/quote] LOL!
You guys have to lighten up.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=da2337;48263]You guys have to lighten up.[/quote] So do you, no reason to be bitter toward to the Brooklyn Cast. Jealousy is a sickness.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=da2337;48263]You guys have to lighten up.[/quote] We did! We're lauging....we even let your post through!! :D
[QUOTE=da2337;48258]Never watched a full season. Saw a good deal of Philly and that is about it. I thought Philly was 50 times better than this season.[/QUOTE] Philly? How did you stay awake?
[QUOTE=tjhallow;48265]So do you, no reason to be bitter toward to the Brooklyn Cast. Jealousy is a sickness.[/QUOTE] Not bitter at all. I don't think I would be all that interesting either. That is why I got cut. A few of these cast member should have joined me.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=da2337;48269]Not bitter at all. I don't think I would be all that interesting either. That is why I got cut. A few of these cast member should have joined me.[/quote] Nah, I like them all right where they are.
[quote=tjhallow;48270]Nah, I like them all right where they are.[/quote] Agreed! They all bring something unique and interesting to the table. Watching a whole season might help you to see and appreciate the depth of each cast member a little more, and the story they are willing to share with us.
Bacchus Yeah man, you're not kidding. A little humor is not looked upon lightly I guess. I'm gone, no worries.
[quote=k8mnstr;48107]...for starters there is no major as "Marine Biology" - there are specializations off of it, but not a single general Marine Bio major. [/quote] Just thought I would clarify this. Many students at UM who are part of the Marine Science program refer to their major as Marine Biology.
[quote=k8mnstr;48107][B]Oh and for people who think he is getting a bad edit, there were things purposefully left out to not make him seem as evil; production was actually doing him a favor[/B].[/quote] Thanks Katelynn that was interesting, especially the last part.
[quote=V1man;48267]Philly? How did you stay awake?[/quote]Lmaooo ahahahahahha!!! Philly has nothing on brooklyn.
[quote=da2337;48229] If this is the final product that BMP is going to produce from now on, they are f**ked. For the people I know that still watch this show, which are few, they think the Brooklyn season takes the cake, so far, as the worst season.[/quote] I've got to say - in my opinion - that you're judging based on how BMP (or whoever edits the show) edits the show, and I think you'd have a different opinion if you knew what all happened during their time in the house.
Here are my thoughts on this week's episode: JD: I REALLY do not like JD anymore. I only liked him for maybe the first episode anyway. Calling someone a "college dropout" is just rude no matter what. He only said that because he wanted a reaction. If I were Devyn, he probably would have gotten the shit slapped out of him. I'm glad she didn't stoop that low, though. Then he goes and tells everyone about Katelyn. RUDE. As a fellow LGBT person, he should know better, seriously. I think the reason he works with dolphins is because he has NO IDEA how to get along with humans. Ryan: The way he was acting when talking to Katelyn about her surgery was very immature. How would he feel if someone acted that way when he told them about the horrors of Iraq? Pretty angry, which I'm sure Katelyn and her "I'm gonna cut you!" eyes felt. Katelyn: The only reason they have a problem with her underwear is because shes transgendered. Messed up. I really didn't think the pole dancing was appropriate until she explained it and even then, honey it's smalltown USA. If you did that without all your roomies and cameras there and someone picked up that you were transgendered, you could be harmed. Sad, I know. Baya: Who? LOL JK. I want to see more of her! Chet: It doesn't really matter if everyone at the AIDS event was trying to be lighthearted. You just don't do that with a flag of such great meaning. It was childish and Kate and Sarah should have been pissed off. JD probably should have too as he is a gay man and plenty of gay men have died from AIDS. Unfortunately, he only fights for stupidass reasons instead of important ones.
Hey, I liked Philly, too! :sofa: But I do like this season. In fact, I think I connect/care more about this cast as a whole the most since the Philly season. Philly I started out watching a little on weekends when there was nothing else on. Didn't capture my attention too much at first, but when I went on winter break from college and was once again watching for lack of better things, I kind of got hooked on it, especially seeing the second half preview reel. This season I almost didn't watch, but I'm really happy I did. It's geared more towards people's personalities interacting with each other and getting to know or learning to understand to deal with people with different perspectives and personalities and experiences. The basis of the show is supposed to be that fundamentally, but some seasons are more focused on that than others. And Philly had a good amount of those elements, I felt (though they also had the hookup element and some drunkenness as well). Also, the people just got to me - just struck a chord with me. I ended up caring about everyone a lot no matter if they annoyed me at some point or another or if I disagreed with them.
CTFU... Devyn layed the smackdown on JD :laugh1: I loved every minute of it. Yeah, I officially like Devyn now. Very intelligent and articulate. JD is so fake and phony and not to be trusted. Very grimey! I respect Ryan for going to Katelynn and initiating the convo with her so he could get a better understanding about the whole transy thing even though how he acted when they were talking was very child like. I hate how Chet flipped it on Sarah and made her feel like she was wrong when she wasnt. We understand you wanna have fun and play around but theres a time and place for everything.
Does JD have an account here? I'd really like for him to come tell his side of things.
[QUOTE=Shawn;48321]Does JD have an account here? I'd really like for him to come tell his side of things.[/QUOTE] He does not, and the "open enrollment period" for the current cast doesn't last forever.
[quote]I think the reason he works with dolphins is because he has NO IDEA how to get along with humans.[/quote] [b]Charlie[/b], welcome to Vevmo and thanks for the insight. That's definitely an interesting view on it. This guy comes from a life of abuse, and he probably never learned to really trust and get along with people, so he takes on this instigating backstabber role. It would make sense that he can get along with animals more than people.
[QUOTE=realitywedding;48326][b]Charlie[/b], welcome to Vevmo and thanks for the insight. That's definitely an interesting view on it. This guy comes from a life of abuse, and he probably never learned to really trust and get along with people, so he takes on this instigating backstabber role. It would make sense that he can get along with animals more than people.[/QUOTE] If (and it's not an established fact) JD's background is fully responsible to how he reacts to people around him, do we then measure his progress in overcoming that background as he interacts with seven others in the Brooklyn house, or does he get a pass to the end of the show and never be expected to grow? While I'm in the "we're all accountable for our actions" camp, I am curious about how people feel about this concept of "environmental conditioning."
Anonymous's picture
Do Ryan and Chet have accounts here? :)
[quote=tjhallow;48342]Do Ryan and Chet have accounts here? [/quote] Neither does at present, unless Bacchus is aware of something I'm not (which is nearly always the case). :)
[quote=tjhallow;48342]Do Ryan and Chet have accounts here? [/quote] As I stated a few pages back, the members this season that have joined and posted are: Sarah, Scott, Katelynn, Baya and Devyn. I've reached out to the others, but have either not received a reply or was offered an indifferent one.
[quote=V1man;48341]If (and it's not an established fact) JD's background is fully responsible to how he reacts to people around him, do we then measure his progress in overcoming that background as he interacts with seven others in the Brooklyn house, or does he get a pass to the end of the show and never be expected to grow? While I'm in the "we're all accountable for our actions" camp, I am curious about how people feel about this concept of "environmental conditioning."[/quote] I'm not excusing JD's behavior in anyway (he's shady as hell), but Charlie's view did make sense to me.
