* As for the whole "college dropout" argument with Devyn and JD. Devyn never said she was "never going back to school". She was in school up until the time we filmed the show; she took time away from school [B][I]for the show[/I][/B]. Is everyone who takes a summer semester off a college dropout? And as for people feeling "offended" by her calling herself college educated, does a lack of a piece of paper negate the knowledge or information she gained during her time there? [/QUOTE]
Good to know that she was just taking a break from school. When we saw her meet up with her aunt in a previous episode, her aunt said, "Are you glad to be done with school?" so I assumed that that meant she had graduated (which was wrong). However, that is why it was so surprising to me that JD said that she left school and did not plan on going back.
To answer the rest of your questions though. No, I definitely don't think that taking a summer off qualifies as a drop out, and I absolutely don't think that a lack of piece of paper negates the knowledge or information that she gained during her time there.....
HOWEVER by the way she argues, "I studied it at the collegiate level!" she comes across as someone who DOES believe that the collegiate level is superior to others. Or else why bring it up every time? It comes across as condescending. My husband does not have a college education (though he makes more than I will ever hope to). When we argue I don't claim that I'm right and he is not based on the fact that I took a couple of classes. You know?
Hope this post doesn't sound snarky in any way, cause I'm trying to play devil's advocate here.
As for JD and his education, or lack thereof, doesn't MTV do any type of background check? hmm In any case, it is clear that you're holding a lot of anger. I can see why!
Finally got to see the episode.
JD is really bothering me this season. It's like he is doing these awful things thinking he can get away with it if he acts cute around the girls afterwords. The "Drop out" comment was completely unnecessary.
I'm not quite sure how to take Ryan, I don't like the jokes he and the other guys made (as well as Baya's) about Kate, but I appreciate that he asked her about it and tried to understand it all. On the other hand, he is so hypocritical when it comes to pranks. Sure they had somewhere to be, but there are other ways to wake sleeping people.
Having read Kate's post, I'm pretty disappointed in the editing this season.
About the Aftershow, Colie was looking beautiful! She has def. def. grown up since her season. I was surprised to see Svetlana.. and well there was Paula.
[QUOTE=luckystar112;48117]HOWEVER by the way she argues, "I studied it at the collegiate level!" she comes across as someone who DOES believe that the collegiate level is superior to others. Or else why bring it up every time? It comes across as condescending. My husband does not have a college education (though he makes more than I will ever hope to). When we argue I don't claim that I'm right and he is not based on the fact that I took a couple of classes. You know?[/QUOTE]
If you notice, the only person she ever does that with is JD. It's because of the way he flaunts his degree.
Also, for the Aftershow I would have loved to do it, but production chose to not have any of the girls there. More of the sexist editing. We're hoping it will all come out in the Reunion Show, but that too gets edited down...
[quote=k8mnstr;48123]If you notice, the only person she ever does that with is JD. It's because of the way he flaunts his degree.[/quote]
Got to tell you I am falling in love with you Kate! In a motherly sort of way.
[QUOTE=k8mnstr;48107] "lets not vilify JD". [/QUOTE]
I'm not sure which of these two images would be an appropriate avatar for JD, but I could live with either one having read your behind-the-scenes info, Katelynn.
* The argument that spawned the whole debate between Diva and ADHJD was from the previous week where our neighbors threw a BBQ on the pier and invited us to it. One of the neighbor's daughter, aged maybe 4, came up to Sarah and JD asked her "hey little girl, want to come see the house?" The child got embarrassed and ran away. Sarah said that JD should be careful because little girls are far more sensitive than little boys, and JD whipped out his double major to prove that Sarah was wrong. Sarah too has a college education, btw, and even studied at Oxford. But JD knows better, because he's a double major.[/quote]Thanks for that background info, I was watching that argument thinking "WTF?" the whole time. I thought I missed something as to why there was a debate between the psyches of the genders at a young age.
Kate & Scott thank you for telling us your sides of the story.
I know a lot of you guys think Ryan & Chet are immature but I feel like because this isn't like past seasons where everyone parties and what not, Chet and Ryan are there to lighten the mood. I think they are freakin hilarious. I don't agree with everything they say but they bring a sense of humor to the show.
I'm still waiting to hear what Devyn thinks about the Eddie Murphy comment on the dailies...
* As for the whole "college dropout" argument with Devyn and JD. Devyn never said she was "never going back to school". She was in school up until the time we filmed the show; she took time away from school [B][I]for the show[/I][/B]. Is everyone who takes a summer semester off a college dropout? And as for people feeling "offended" by her calling herself college educated, does a lack of a piece of paper negate the knowledge or information she gained during her time there? And I'm calling shenanigans on JD's degree. Mike's sister worked with JD at Seaworld in Miami, and for starters there is no major as "Marine Biology" - there are specializations off of it, but not a single general Marine Bio major. Second, I was unable to find him on UM's alumni list. I'm not calling him a liar, but he puts far more weight behind his degree than is actually there. "I'm a double major, so I'm obviously right and you're obviously wrong". As an autodidact I take extreme offense to that mentality.[/quote]
Thanks for your giving us your insight Kate. I personally had no idea that she was just taking a break from school, in which case she obviously wouldn't be a college dropout. Now, although I don't think that the lack of a diploma negates the knowledge someone gains by studying in college, I do think that the lack of such diploma undermines the claim that one can make of being more versed about a particular subject because of such education. If the basis for such claim is the college education, not having finished such education, in my opinion means that such knowledge was not fully and completely attained. I guess what I'm trying to say is that between someone who hasn't graduated from college and someone who has, the person with the actual degree wins the "I studied at the collegiate level" argument any day. For someone who doesn't have a degree Devyn seems to want to bring up her collegiate level education more often than people who have actually graduated do and who in my opinion would be better in a better position for doing so. Maybe it's because once one graduates from college and gets over the natural initial excitement one realizes that its not really a big deal? Who knows but at least that's how I feel.
[quote=V1man;48110]Traitor !!! ;)
We would much rather have them post in the friendly environment of vevmo.[/quote]
LOL! I love them being here and want them to remain, trust me. Please stay everyone! :girl_smile:
But I think if some of them feel they are getting very misunderstood on everything, a blog [U][I]in addition[/I][/U] to Vevmo posting would help them to completely explain things in their own view without it getting lost in the posts, and they can reach extra people. I was just thinking about the rest of them blogging since Katelynn has a blog. But message board interaction is key as well. More direct contact. I love interacting with them. How about this - if you have a lot more to say about the RW experience in general that doesn't have to do with the episodes, please share with us in the [U][B]Vevmo[/B][/U] thread for you.
Interesting that Mike's sister worked with JD! And I thought it might be possible that Devyn was not doing school because of the show. The only person I remember doing schooling during The Real World was Joe in season five, Miami. Perhaps there could have been a few more cast members from earlier on doing school that I didn't know about, but school is almost always put on hold for the people doing the show if they have not graduated already. So it was sad of him to call her a dropout. He could have just stated that he's studied deeper into psychology, if he was trying to state he knew more than Devyn if he felt Devyn was trying to do the same to him. But I don't agree with him being the expert on everything to do with psychology just because he has a degree in it. And Devyn has studied psychology so it's not like she has no knowledge about it at all.
Hey everyone.. just wanted to show some love after episode 6. Hope you all enjoyed it! You can find me creepy lurker style (again) in the background... in case you were wondering. Yeah.. I'm the one in the BRIGHT blue sweatpants, ha.
[quote=BayaVoce;48158]Hey everyone.. just wanted to show some love after episode 6. Hope you all enjoyed it! You can find me creepy lurker style (again) in the background... in case you were wondering. Yeah.. I'm the one in the BRIGHT blue sweatpants, ha.[/quote]
I'm going to start a drinking game for you Baya! Everytime I see you I'll take a shot (well, make that 5 shots since we hardly ever get to see ya girl!) And if I hear you speak, BONUS! ;)
Baya I absolutely adore you and wish they would show more of you. Are you single, and if so would you like my phone number? I'm in love with Scott too but I'm Bi so I chill with either of you! lol just kidding
Kate, I'm not saying that what JD did was right, I hate what he did but I'm not ready to write him off just yet. It just saddens me that there is such animosity between the two of you, because our GLBT community really needs unity in this biased country.
Nevertheless I admire and respect you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your story with us.
Hi Baya!
I think some of us would love to hear more about all you experienced up until this point in the show, since we aren't getting to see it on TV.
Where exactly did you fit at in all of this guys vs. girls stuff? Did you have any specific issues with them or did they have any specific issues with you? I did see one daily in which you were talking to the guys while riding in the car. Thought you might get some screen time because of it, but I was wrong.
care to elaborate?
[quote=EastNY;48162]Can I just say that I am absolutely loving the new posters and their totally unbiased opinions!
[quote=paskel;48152]Why was Colie making fun of Brooklyn as a "Manhattanite" ?
Isn't she from New Jersey?
OY ![/quote]
Yes, she is a Jersey girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People living in the city tend to deny their roots.
It is the norm to make fun of "the bridge and tunnel crowd" !
[quote=EastNY;48162]Can I just say that I am absolutely loving the new posters and their totally unbiased opinions!
I fail to see the relationship between being a new poster and being biased or how being an "old" poster makes that person subjectivity proof.
[QUOTE=Dannyboy;48156][B]I guess what I'm trying to say is that between someone who hasn't graduated from college and someone who has, the person with the actual degree wins the "I studied at the collegiate level" argument any day[/B]. [/QUOTE]
I'll posit an alternative view for the sake of discussion:
Person A completes all the requirements for a major in 2 1/2 yrs at Harvard, but takes a year off to wander the rain forests of the Amazon. He encounters person B, a four year/double major graduate of Oral Roberts University who has become lost from his or her missionary tour group. Which one wins the agrument?
I'll posit an alternative view for the sake of discussion:
Person A completes all the requirements for a major in 2 1/2 yrs at Harvard, but takes a year off to wander the rain forests of the Amazon. He encounters person B, a four year/double major graduate of Oral Roberts University who has become lost from his or her missionary tour group. Which one wins the agrument?[/quote]
The person that stayed at the 5 star hotel!
[quote=blanky667;48172]I think this is my favorite episode so far. It was really entertaining![/quote]
I am going to have to agree with you on that one.
[quote=tjhallow;48183]I am going to have to agree with you on that one.[/quote]Oh yes and I am the only one taht likes this intro alot!!!!!!!!! This episode had so much fights in it.
I'll posit an alternative view for the sake of discussion:
Person A completes all the requirements for a major in 2 1/2 yrs at Harvard, but takes a year off to wander the rain forests of the Amazon. He encounters person B, a four year/double major graduate of Oral Roberts University who has become lost from his or her missionary tour group. Which one wins the agrument?[/quote]
I would need more context to be able to answer. What are they arguing about? If its about how the Harvard student is able to guide the ORU grad, the basis for the Harvard student knowledge I believe would be the year he took off to wander the rain forest and not necesarilly his college education.
In any case, in the situation I mentioned, and when I talked about someone who does not have a diploma, I wasn't talking about the not so common case of someone who has completed all the requirements for graduation and chooses not to get their diploma. In that case definitely the diploma would be a mere formality.
In any case following my original example the ORU grad would be in a better position to claim that education as the basis for having superior knowledge on areas related to their [U][B]major[/B][/U] than the person who attended Harvard and did not finish (this not including having completed all the requirements.)
and the winner is ... Dannyboy by a KO!
[quote=Dannyboy;48187]I would need more context to be able to answer. What are they arguing about? If its about how the Harvard student is able to guide the ORU grad, the basis for the Harvard student knowledge I believe would be the year he took off to wander the rain forest and not necesarilly his college education.
In any case, in the situation I mentioned, and when I talked about someone who does not have a diploma, I wasn't talking about the not so common case of someone who has completed all the requirements for graduation and chooses not to get their diploma. In that case definitely the diploma would be a mere formality.
In any case following my original example the ORU grad would be in a better position to claim that education as the basis for having superior knowledge on areas related to their [U][B]major[/B][/U] than the person who attended Harvard and did not finish (this not including having completed all the requirements.)[/quote]
In any case following my original example the ORU grad would be in a better position to claim that education as the basis for having superior knowledge on areas related to their [U][B]major[/B][/U] than the person who attended Harvard and did not finish (this not including having completed all the requirements.)[/quote]
You guys are so far off track on this, it is laughable.
[U]Test case 1[/U]
Guy who gets degree in computer science from Mesa Community College and additionally is an MCSE vs. Harvard dropout Bill Gates.
Subject of debate: Microsoft Windows.
Who do you think is more knowledgeable about the given subject? The person who studied it at the "collegiate level" or the dropout?
The sad reality is, college these days is akin to high school 30 years ago. If you don't drink yourself to death and stay the course, you'll get a degree. It in no way means you are qualified to do shit or are in any way intelligent.