Real World Brooklyn: Ep. 6 Discussion

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I'm really looking forward to hear from some cast members regarding this episode. For me, it seemed heavily edited and it really played up the boys vs. girls tension. Being 'college educated' myself, I personally find the term 'college dropout' to be highly offense and I don't blame Devyn for going off on JD. Having a college diploma or university degree does not diminish a person in anyway and it does not determine who they are or who they are going to be. However, it doesn't seem that Devyn is an ineffective listener when she's in the zone, lol. I think JD made a lot of valid points to argue, or try to argue, his side of the issue, but Devyn was just not letting the man speak. In that part of the episode I felt bad for Sarah because she was trying to have a conversation with JD about her picking on the negative all the time and Devyn totally hijacked the discussion. As usual, I found Ryan annoying and immature about almost everything in this episode. I understand it is his particular process to digest that Katelynn is transgendered. But it is so not cool to be making fun of her with the boys behind her back. Having said that, I do think that Ryan was genuine and respectful with his conversation with Katelynn. Now that it is all out in the open, I'm glad that Katelynn can be free with her thoughts and feelings about who she is, around all of her roommates. Chet's anger about being called out about his behavior and actions at the AIDS/HIV bike event, is very immature. And it is like a kid getting mad at his parents because he got caught doing something naughty. Chet and Scott were acting inappropriately, and I don't think they should have been so upset that Katelynn and Sarah called them out on it. But to play devil's advocate it would tick me off too, if a fellow adult decided to hit me because of it. There are other ways of going about it. As for JD, I don't like him and he is smarmy. Laughing behind Katelynn's back and divulging her secret and then telling Katelynn he had nothing to do with them knowing. Please! I'm so glad that Katelynn is not fooled by him. Katelynn, I do have one request, can you give us some insights about what was going on with you in that bar? You seemed very ill at ease at the dinner.
[quote=jrmdawgs;47967]Good points! But like the guys explained tonight on the Aftershow that many of the stories being told were done light heartedly to show love but remember the good times.[/quote] Yes, I heard Chet's Aftershow explanation. However, it seemed like at that point they showed in the episode (when Katelynn and Sarah were admonishing them), things were more serious. I just don't understand why Chet thought they were being immature about trying to shush them. Chet & co. were making jokes, laughing, and playing around when someone was speaking. If anyone was immature there, I'd say it was the guys at that point. I think Chet just didn't get it. And I think he was so hurt that they thought he was in the wrong, because he always goes on and on about the girls and how he feels they are so wrong or how he feels they think they are so great and smart about everything. I think it was a buildup of things and I think he was bothered that they thought he was acting inappropriately. I wonder if, say, Ryan was standing with the girls and he thought Chet was being inappropriate and hit him, would Chet have such a problem? I think it bothered him because it came from Sarah and Katelynn - two people in the house who have discussions about a lot of things and try to broaden the minds of other people. I do wonder how hard they hit them, though, because of the way he was going on about it. I wouldn't think it was seriously hurtful, but I don't know. I am also curious to hear from the cast about this episode. I wish they had one of the girls on the Aftershow this week to speak from the side of the girls. Baya is the only one now who has not been on the show. But she seemed to be the one the guys had the least problems with, just going by what is show on the dailies and the show.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;47950]Wheres V tonight? Its not the same without his commentary.[/QUOTE] I thought I'd let you all have at it on your own without any additions from me. Here are a few random thoughts: - The best part of the evening for me was seeing and hearing Colie on the After Show. She really has grown up very nicely since the Denver season. - BMP never disappoints me in their edit because I've learned to be disappointed With all the video they have to work with, this is the best they could do? Seriously, Jon, your story editor didn't get your memo about this being the "serious" season. - I've mentioned this to Devyn already, but I think it's time to say it publicly. I find BMP's edit of her to be almost ridiculous. I think one could make a cogent argument that BMP doesn't know how to edit her because there are too few role models of intelligent and strong Black women on TV. God knows you won't find many on MTV or VH1. - Baya, congrats on actually being in tonight's episode and saying something! Amazing. I guess we'll have the same situation for the next two episodes at least. I think I've figured out why -- you are the only one who gets along with everyone in the house. When you are on your first challenge, I strongly recommend you streak, engage in tantric sex and get shit-faced and say something offensive or highly inappropriate -- on camera. - Scott, Ryan and Chet can opine to their heart's content on the After Show, but without Katelynn there to provide some counterpoint to the PR fluff we were given tonight. The panel filled the void admirably, but it's not the same as having Katelynn there.
[QUOTE=Kathleen;47970] Being 'college educated' myself, I personally find the term 'college dropout' to be highly offense and I don't blame Devyn for going off on JD. Having a college diploma or university degree does not diminish a person in anyway and it does not determine who they are or who they are going to be. [/QUOTE] Just to clarify my position someone who is determined to finish school, it bothers me to hear her constantly referring to her college education when she hasn't finished (and JD has). That is not to say that I don't think she is bright, because she absolutely comes off as intelligent. But she is also coming off as someone who is not willing to entertain the fact that she might be wrong in certain situations. I also feel that by constantly bringing up all of her "accomplishments" (I don't consider her college education an accomplishment since she did not finish--that is my opinion) that she is doing it in a way to make the other person feel inferior. That is what bothers me. As V1 said, it is probably the edit and MTV just trying to create that stereotype again...but who knows.
It sucks that Baya's getting the editing shaft. I like her (at least from what I've seen and her posts). Why are they giving her the invisible edit? Hold on, I thought in past episodes Devyn said she had her degree. But if she's no longer in school why did she say she had her degree? Or am I remembering wrong?
I agree. They needed a female cast member on the Aftershow, and Katelynn would have been the ideal one since she was featured the most. I agree that MTV and VH1 don't show black women in the best light. I think there have actually been several black female members who have been multifaceted - some that don't fit the stereotype at all, in fact - but they seem to love to resort to the stereotypes or cast people who are part stereotypical (so they can edit them as mostly the stereotype). Or if they don't fall in either of those categories, they don't give them a lot of screen time. I forgot what question Colie asked, but I know I thought she asked a good one or brought up a good point. You would probably be proud, Colie's Mom!
Hello everyone, Tonight's episode was a little painful to watch for all of us. At this point we were all getting on each others nerves and the divide of boys verses girls began. As far as the HIV/AIDs event. The girls came about 25minutes late and we didn't leave without them. We woke them up as soon as we woke up. What the girls missed was ALL the speeches that were given by riders and people who had families die of this deadly disease. Even the speakers who were crying were trying to make light of the situation and tell jokes in their stories. The riders were about to embark on a 300 mile journey. I am sure they do not want to leave in tears. If the girls had been so concerned about the event they would not have arrived late. However they did, and only saw the last couple people talk and well you saw the rest of the episode. As far as the issue with Kaitlynn wearing pants.. watch the aftershow on But, that stuff is in the past and we are all friends now. Remember, this is a learning experiance for all of us and I can proudly say we have all learned from our mistakes and grown as individuals.
I'd really like to add on to that. For starters, all the girls think that the editing done in episodes 6, 7, and 8 are sexist, biased, and represent an extremely skewed viewpoint of things. The girls being late to Gettysburg? Yeah, funny how they leave out how the girls were actually an hour ahead of the boys, but production called us back to Brooklyn to rejoin the caravan. After 45 minutes of waiting around production finally said "oh nevermind, the boys are already on the highway, so it's a moot point now". As to us arriving late for Breaking the Cycle, it must be awfully convenient to have someone from the home town direct you to the location. Saying "we're starting on a battlefield in Gettysburg" is like saying "we're starting on a beach in Florida". [****** vague.[/I] Say what you want to, however I think if it were any of the other girls from the house or any other girls from any other season, Ryan and Chet wouldn't have given a crap about them walking around the house like that. It's one of many doublestandards this season. Like Ryan flipping the hell out at JD for waking up him, but not having any qualms with slamming pots and pans next to someone's face as they are trying to sleep. Speaking of JD, he might as well of ruined this whole experience for me. That sounds harsh at first, but please allow me to explain. In the beginning yes, Ryan definitely had his qualms, but every other housemate was telling him "no Ryan, you're overreacting" or "haven't you seen a Tomboy before?". But JD felt the need to go out of his way, for the first 6 weeks and talk about how I'm "definitely" transgender, because ya know, he has transgender friends. "Oh my God, you're totally Jewish because, ya know, I have Jewish friends and that's how they are". I'll never get to know how the rest of the house would have reacted to me for the basis of being [I]me[/I]. Everything from the jump was "is she or isn't she" and it tainted initial reactions. That being said the boys were amazing, Chet, Scott, and even later to an extent, Ryan. What ****** me off though is in episode 1 when Chet tells Scott that JD is gay, JD flipped the hell out going off about how that isn't Chet's story to tell, that it's his story and no one has the right to take that away from him. But I guess my story doesn't get that same respect... Speaking of respect, that whole convo with Ryan ****** me off. You can catch my blog on the dailies site to read why, I've written a whole novel here already. Oh and as for my actions in G-Burg. G-Burg is a boring *** city. Maybe the Pike wasn't the right place for it, but it's a bar. Baya was called out there unexpectedly to DJ and she was nervous about it, I figure I'd lighten the mood. It was never for anyone else, just making an *** of myself so my friend wouldn't feel like all eyes were on her.
I wish editing showed a better resolve to when Sarah was crying. It led to Devyn/JD but nothing substantial about Sarah herself
Katelynn and Scott, thank you for giving us your perspectives. I hope the other cast will offer similar reactions and insights. It is always sad to learn that fiction was made from fact, especially when the fiction that is created is used to support sexist or racist stereotypes. The greatest single disappointment for me this season is the story editor's inability to tell a believable story. There was a new editor assigned to The Real World for the Hollywood season and that season clearly suffered for it. We seem to be on the same path again. Does anyone at BMP remember that they cast Baya for this series? I can't imagine that Jon Murray is proud of last night's episode. Katelynn, if I may ask, did BMP approach you about doing last night's After Show?
[quote=V1man;48016]Katelynn and Scott, thank you for giving us your perspectives.[/quote] I agree. It actually makes me want to watch the episode again with the added context. [quote]Katelynn, if I may ask, did BMP approach you about doing last night's After Show?[/quote] I was wondering the same thing being it was a Katelynn centric episode. It would have made sense to have you there.
I wonder if Chet & Scott would have been yelling and playing w flags if it were a ceremony for Iraq Vets? I doubt it. The homophobia among the "boys" is insane. Chet really came off bad and immature beyond his usual immature self. Scott is really cool (when talking about Katelynn), but I could have done without him yelling "spandex" or saying he wanted to punch Kate in the face. Devyn - I'll bite my tongue.
[QUOTE=jrmdawgs;47946]A couple questions about tonights episode: where was Bella (Ryan's GF) when they went to Gettysburg and why did we never see the actual bike ride? [/QUOTE] I don't know this for a fact, but I got the impression that she is away at college or something. On anthoer note...there isn't much I can add to what has already been said about this episode...except that if Ryan were to bang pots and pans by my head while I was sleeping he would have been the first casualty of Real World.
Thank Scott and Katelynn for taking the time to tell the whole story, we greatly appreciate your commentary on this board! I personally love this season, they deal with real issues rather than who is the drunkest, and sloppiest in the house. I hope that this genre is fairing well with the ratings because I love the direction they have gone. BMP please give Devyn a better edit, she is a strong, beautiful, smart, no nonsense type of girl that a lot of people could learn from. And I really do not think that you have to go to college to be smart, there are also a lot of different ways to be smart. JD unfortunately is lacking in most of these ways. I know Ryan is catching alot of flack, but seriously he comes from a small town where the biggest thing that happened there was the civil war. He has been sheltered from so much out there that he is like a child learning and discovering new thing's everyday. I believe I would feel much like him in this situation, coming from a small town, made up of 99.9% of Caucasian people. My learning in the big cities has came only from what I have seen on TV, and the biggest city closest to me is Salem OR. Not very groundbreaking or retro for that matter. I find Ryan to be sooo frickin funny, I loved the whole I am not immature, cut to Ryan in a big fake cowboy hat, he is just hilarious. I see that they are setting Sarah up for the smashing of the table with JD, interesting to see this back story happening. I want to see more of Scott and Baya!!!!!
[QUOTE]I want to see more of Scott and Baya!!!!![/QUOTE] [B]definitely!![/B]
I missed half of the episode (grrr) but what I did watch caused me to change my perspective about some people, and reinforced my opinion of others ... Ryan - what a punk! I thought he was being very disrespectful when Katelynn was telling him her story. All of those noises and facial expressions he made were NOT necessary. I'm still half and half on him - I don't completely dislike him but he really needs to grow up and I hope he has. Chet - I really admired him for accepting Katelynn and saying how GLBT people are human beings too and shouldn't be judged for who they are. I must say he surprised me. Scott - total sweetheart, I honestly don't think he was being malicious with any of the jokes - as he said Katelynn himself would joke around about things too. But he showed me that he has a great personality and I hope we get to learn more about him in upcoming episodes. Scott if you reading this - I think you are a great guy - and should you happen to turn gay call me!!! haha j/k JD - I really wish you people who show him the same respect you show everyone else and stop calling him names (Bacchus) because he really does not seem to be a bad guy. Sure he acted inappropriately at times, but so did your darling Chet. Like Ryan said everyone knew or suspected that Katelynn was transgendered - what was JD supposed to do, lie and say he didn't know when he did? People talk about other people - that is a way of life and everyone does it to a certain extent. Can we stop painting him as the villain of the season - he is a character with flaws just like the rest of them. Katelynn - nice moves on the pole girl! you looked hot! You are so strong and so beautiful - I admire you greatly. Devyn - you stopped going to college before you finished your degree - that is a college dropout, I'm sorry. As someone who busted my butt to earn an Associates and Bachelors degree it offends me when I hear people say they are "college educated" when they only took a few classes for a few semesters. mmmk I'm done ranting lol
[quote=paskel;48035] Devyn - I'll bite my tongue.[/quote] i agree, shes getting worse as the season goes on. i love how she thinks she knows it all.
[quote=rwny4ever;48060] JD - I really wish you people who show him the same respect you show everyone else and stop calling him names (Bacchus) because he really does not seem to be a bad guy. Sure he acted inappropriately at times, but so did your darling Chet.[/quote] I never said I was a fan of Chet. Actually, I have not offered much of an opinion on him as of yet. As for JD, like I said previously - my only "contact" with him has been through the show and that has been a cavalcade of negativity from blasting immigrants and attempting to show up friends to betraying the trust of others. He is a hard guy to like from what I have seen. Maybe my opinion will change as we move forward. I am open to another side of him, if in fact there is one. That being said, I apologize for my harsh language concerning JD. In the future I will try to be more eloquent with my slights.
[QUOTE=rwny4ever;48060]I missed half of the episode (grrr) but what I did watch caused me to change my perspective about some people, and reinforced my opinion of others ... Ryan - what a punk! I thought he was being very disrespectful when Katelynn was telling him her story. All of those noises and facial expressions he made were NOT necessary. I'm still half and half on him - I don't completely dislike him but he really needs to grow up and I hope he has. Chet - I really admired him for accepting Katelynn and saying how GLBT people are human beings too and shouldn't be judged for who they are. I must say he surprised me. Scott - total sweetheart, I honestly don't think he was being malicious with any of the jokes - as he said Katelynn himself would joke around about things too. But he showed me that he has a great personality and I hope we get to learn more about him in upcoming episodes. Scott if you reading this - I think you are a great guy - and should you happen to turn gay call me!!! haha j/k [B]JD - I really wish you people who show him the same respect you show everyone else and stop calling him names (Bacchus) because he really does not seem to be a bad guy. Sure he acted inappropriately at times, but so did your darling Chet. Like Ryan said everyone knew or suspected that Katelynn was transgendered - what was JD supposed to do, lie and say he didn't know when he did? People talk about other people - that is a way of life and everyone does it to a certain extent. Can we stop painting him as the villain of the season - he is a character with flaws just like the rest of them.[/B] Katelynn - nice moves on the pole girl! you looked hot! You are so strong and so beautiful - I admire you greatly. Devyn - you stopped going to college before you finished your degree - that is a college dropout, I'm sorry. As someone who busted my butt to earn an Associates and Bachelors degree it offends me when I hear people say they are "college educated" when they only took a few classes for a few semesters. mmmk I'm done ranting lol[/QUOTE] First, I'd love to say that I only read half of your comment before deciding what I think of you. Seems fair to me if I play by your rules... And speaking of for your comment in bold above, you might think about being a little more respectful to the person whose guest you are on this board. It's just my opinion, but doesn't it seem a little disingenuous for JD to have made a promise to Katelynn on camera not to tell the others, yet with a smile on his face he happily outs her from the back seat of the car using the classic "you didn't hear it from me," as though that excused his failure to keep his word to Katelynn? JD is perfectly free to come here an explain himself.
I almost get the impression that JD is trying to find his place in the house, and that is why he has been so untrustworthy. Sort of like, "If I tell Kate that I'm gay, we'll have that bond and be friends" then "If I tell Chet and Ryan her secret, they'll see that I'm on their side and I can be one of the guys". Know what I'm saying? It's like the middle schooler's way of making friends. By getting to know JD through the episodes I have no idea what he and Anderson Cooper ever had in common. haha (Has it been confirmed if that rumor is true or not?). In any case, I'm sure if/when JD ever posts here, all criticisms will simmer down.
[quote=rwny4ever;48060] Ryan - what a punk! I thought he was being very disrespectful when Katelynn was telling him her story. All of those noises and facial expressions he made were NOT necessary. I'm still half and half on him - I don't completely dislike him but he really needs to grow up and I hope he has. Scott - total sweetheart, I honestly don't think he was being malicious with any of the jokes - as he said Katelynn himself would joke around about things too. But he showed me that he has a great personality and I hope we get to learn more about him in upcoming episodes. Scott if you reading this - I think you are a great guy - and should you happen to turn gay call me!!! haha j/k [/quote] Ok first off you did not catch the first half of the episode so you did not see the jokes Scott was making at Katelynn's expense in the car. But you did catch Ryan coming straight out and asking her to her face if she was transgendered. I understand he made some faces, but I think that is who he is, I suppose if you'd like to fault his honesty you could. To fault Ryan for the same thing that Scott did than say that Scott is a sweetheart, is completely and utterly hypocritical! Then to say lay off JD, when he was the most hurtful to Katelynn and two faced IMO! He straight up told all of those guys that she went to Thailand and had her operation.
Thank you Katelynn and Scott for your insight. I really appreciate it. :) I would not have known that you were upset during your conversation with Ryan, Katelynn, had you not stated it here. You did a good job of handling yourself, because you didn't seem upset at all to me on the show, really. I will have to read your blog to learn more about it. For anyone on the cast who is having a lot of issues with what's being shown or how a situation is edited, I'd suggest doing a blog somewhere as well - on Myspace or Facebook, aa personal website, or even on if you use it. The blogs of cast mates for these shows have been quite informative and helpful over the years. Wow, that was kind of shady of production to make it look like the guys got to Gettysburg before the girls. Guess they used it to do the typical "Girls are [I]always [/I]late" theme. :( I do think the reaction would have been somewhat different if there was a female cast member that the guys were attracted to was walking around with underwear on. But if they ended up having more of a brotherly-sisterly vibe with her over time, then I could see how they might have a similar reaction. But yes, I do think part of their reaction was because you're transgender. Chet - I could see him being uncomfortable with any girl doing that because of the way he carries himself or his inexperience as well. As for the Breaking the Cycle event, perhaps a lot was edited out. I will take your word that there were some light hearted moments. But it did seem like they were being serious at that point for the most part, and Chet was playing around with a flag that had a deceased person's name on it. Plus I just don't understand why Chet couldn't see that they thought the situation was serious and that's why they were upset. I can understand him explaining that there were light-hearted moments before the girls showed up and that's why he and the other guys felt so comfortable to goof around, but he was just acting so hurt that the girls felt he was being inappropriate. I would think he could see why they thought it was inappropriate, at least since he pointed out that they weren't there earlier. Chet's made comments about the girls and been upset with them, but they can't be upset with him?
I continue to find this season interesting. A few comments on last night's episode: [LIST] [*][LEFT]Last time I wrote on here I expressed not being happy with some comments JD had made and after having watched last night's episode I think it's clear he's the as*h**e in this season. To me the fact that even though he's gay he couldn't be more empatic towards Kate says a lot about him. He's a latino and apparently cannot be empatic towards inmigrants either. I guess people can still blame the fact that he comes off as an as*h**e on editing but honestly even if that was the case I guess he made it way easier for them to portrait him like that.[/LEFT] [/LIST][LEFT] [/LEFT] [LIST] [*]Suprinsingly though, when it comes to JD and Devyn's argument I might agree with JD on something. Don't get me wrong, I dont think it was ok for him to call her a "college dropout", and on the merits of the argument I think he was wrong, but Devyn did seem to be taking credit for something that in my opinion she shouldn't take credit for. Yes she went to college but I doubt that w/o a degree she could land a job for which such degree is needed by simply saying "I studied the subject at the collegiate level". I personally have 7 years of higher education and 2 college degrees and don't ever bring this up in order to try to win an argument but I guess to each their own. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]JD going to Kate and denying have outed her to the guys was not only offensive but pretty dumb in my honest opinion. He obviously knew he had been caught on tape saying that to them. Leaving out the honesty aspect of the situation, it was dumb for him to deny something that months after she was going to see on national tv anyways. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Guys vs girls. Simply put: guys were being boys and girls were being girls. Although I guess it made for good tv I didn't really see anything that I can say I was really surprised about. The only thing was probably that I wouldn't have expected Chet to react the way he did and that even last night on the after show he was still trying to justify his clearly immature behavior that day. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]I felt bad for Kate when she was upset that everyone in the house was able to identify her as transgender right away. Like she said though, I guess that's something she's going to have to deal with and probably even more now that her situation has been exposed on national tv and some people will recognize her. [/LIST]
First off I was in no way disrespectful to Bacchus - I actually like him. All I'm saying is its not right for someone (even the owner) to call someone a name when I would get banned for calling you that same name - even though that is really what I think of you. All I'm saying is we should not be villifying (sp?) one person for talking about other people behind their backs when most of the others do it too. I'm not saying its right but it is inevitable. I feel I'm in the minority here because I am one of the few who defends JD. But if I had said half the stuff you say about him and when talking about Chet or Katelynn or Baya then you guys would be all over me. [quote=V1man;48067]First, I'd love to say that I only read half of your comment before deciding what I think of you. Seems fair to me if I play by your rules... And speaking of for your comment in bold above, you might think about being a little more respectful to the person whose guest you are on this board.[/quote]
[quote] Katelynn - nice moves on the pole girl! you looked hot! You are so strong and so beautiful - I admire you greatly.[/quote] Yes, I thought so too. Impressive! I wanted to try that, but I'd be afraid of falling and getting hurt. How do you manage to keep yourself spinning on it for so long?
[quote]I feel I'm in the minority here because I am one of the few who defends JD. But if I had said half the stuff you say about him and when talking about Chet or Katelynn or Baya then you guys would be all over me.[/quote]First of all: [B]JD[/B], [B]Ryan[/B] and [B]Chet[/B] have chosen not to avail themselves to us. Thus the rules are slightly more flexible concerning comments about their behavior. That being said, I do think that a modicum of decorum is required none the less and have already apologized for my over the top statement about JD. Secondly, you are correct concerning the tone toward those cast members that are registrants of Vevmo. We need to extend to them the type of conduct that would be consistent with any other forum member. I understand this is challenging at times, but is something that I require. Feel free to call them out on their actions, but at the same time understand that they are participants here and that makes them a bit more than just characters on a television show. You need to talk about them with their presence in mind and use the type of language that would be appropriate in any debate (contentious or otherwise) which is bound by civility. I think as a whole, this base ideology has been respected and will continue to be followed. This framework offers an incentive for cast members to join and share their thoughts while at the same time offering the flexibility for regular forum members to offer a critical accounting of the episodes we share in viewing. Please, feel free to offer your thoughts on any of the cast members as long as you respect the rules laid forth.
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[quote=realitywedding;48100]Yes, I thought so too. Impressive! I wanted to try that, but I'd be afraid of falling and getting hurt. How do you manage to keep yourself spinning on it for so long?[/quote] I agree! Regardless of the place the girl had some skills!
I guess I need to clear up a few (more) things here that I may have left out earlier. * Belle wasn't there when we went to Gettysburg because of school. She does come to visit us in the house, which I believe is next week's episode. * As for the whole "college dropout" argument with Devyn and JD. Devyn never said she was "never going back to school". She was in school up until the time we filmed the show; she took time away from school [B][I]for the show[/I][/B]. Is everyone who takes a summer semester off a college dropout? And as for people feeling "offended" by her calling herself college educated, does a lack of a piece of paper negate the knowledge or information she gained during her time there? And I'm calling shenanigans on JD's degree. Mike's sister worked with JD at Seaworld in Miami, and for starters there is no major as "Marine Biology" - there are specializations off of it, but not a single general Marine Bio major. Second, I was unable to find him on UM's alumni list. I'm not calling him a liar, but he puts far more weight behind his degree than is actually there. "I'm a double major, so I'm obviously right and you're obviously wrong". As an autodidact I take extreme offense to that mentality. * The argument that spawned the whole debate between Diva and ADHJD was from the previous week where our neighbors threw a BBQ on the pier and invited us to it. One of the neighbor's daughter, aged maybe 4, came up to Sarah and JD asked her "hey little girl, want to come see the house?" The child got embarrassed and ran away. Sarah said that JD should be careful because little girls are far more sensitive than little boys, and JD whipped out his double major to prove that Sarah was wrong. Sarah too has a college education, btw, and even studied at Oxford. But JD knows better, because he's a double major. * I did do a pretty good job of hiding my frustration when Ryan talked with me, but look in my eyes, they totally say "I'm going to cut you". * Last, [B]no one else[/B] knew until JD went around informing people as such. Devyn, Sarah, Baya, Scott, and even Chet all said that they had no idea. Ryan would bring it up, they would shoot it down, and if JD wasn't carrying his gossipy little flame throughout the house I would have been allowed to tell my story the way it was supposed to have been told. But "lets not vilify JD". Oh and for people who think he is getting a bad edit, there were things purposefully left out to not make him seem as evil; production was actually doing him a favor.
[QUOTE=RW561015;48083]For anyone on the cast who is having a lot of issues with what's being shown or how a situation is edited, I'd suggest doing a blog somewhere as well - on Myspace or Facebook, a personal website, or even on if you use it. [/QUOTE] Traitor !!! ;) We would much rather have them post in the friendly environment of vevmo.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=k8mnstr;48107] * The argument that spawned the whole debate between Diva and [B]ADHJD[/B]...[/quote] Hee. That's brilliant. I may have to use that. [quote=k8mnstr;48107] * I did do a pretty good job of hiding my frustration when Ryan talked with me, but look in my eyes, they totally say [B]"I'm going to cut you"[/B]. [/quote] LoL I saw that look!! *On another note, I thought it was pretty cute in the car when you told Devyn about your situation and she was all "Is that why you wear Spanx all the time, cause you like to show it off"? or something along those lines....that was cracking me up. *Also, from what you were telling Ryan, I learned a lot! I didn't know the tactics (perhaps the wrong word) they used in making everything match up down there. So I actually thought it was neat info.
