The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

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The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

Hey guys!

So I’ve been sick and home from work the past few days and my boredom got the best of so I compiled a list of every challenge cast member in order of their impact to the show. I thought it would be fun to do a countdown and put up a writeup of each ranking each day from the bottom to the top/best.

Now, even though only I compiled this list, I made sure to be as unbiased as I can be. Even if a really important cast member is somebody I can’t stand, I didn’t let that cloud my judgement. Anyways, I know this is random and I hope nobody cares that I’m doing this but I thought it would make for a fun (and preferably CIVIL!) discussion. But please, share your opinions! I want to hear them and we can discuss! I think I will post 5 guys and 5 girls a day but for the first entry, I am going to get each group down to 100 and then go from there from here on out. I’ll also post a picture and write-up explaining my ranking. NOTE: I have never seen RR All Stars or the very first challenge so I did not include anybody who has ONLY appeared on those because it didn’t seem fair.

Please keep in mind this is meant in good fun too. I'm not gonna be skewering cast members or anything.

So let’s start!

113. JJ (Battle of the Exes 2)

Okay, can we all agree that putting people from AYTO on the Challenge was a complete bust? This guy and his partner are a perfect example of how terrible it was. He was harmless enough and kind of funny but he was useless. He didn’t even try! Plus, he allowed Bananas to beat him in the Exile and that’s enough to rank him last.

112. Jeff (Fresh Meat 2)

Real talk: I remember NOTHING about this guy except he was Paula’s partner, and I think he lost it for them?

111. Jesse (Fresh Meat)

See Jeff, but replace Paula with Johanna. (Also, can we talk about his pose here?)

110. Alex (Gauntlet 3)

Again, he didn’t even try. I was disappointed because I bet he could have been decent. He was unlucky that he was on a team destined for failure (well, I guess not in the end…)

109. Dave M (The Island)

Look, I don’t hate quitters the same way TJ does and the Island didn’t look fun, but come on. Have some self-respect and try a little. I still wish he did a real challenge

108. Nick B (Duel 2, Ruins)

LOL sorry he did two seasons and two episodes worth of nothing. But he did give us “Nick Brown: It’s a Movement!”

107. Nick H (Battle of the Sexes 2)

Don’t remember him doing much this season. He’s just kind of a boring cast member. Nice guy though.

106. Eric J (Battle of the Sexes)

I had high challenge hopes for Eric J after his season of Road Rules but they didn’t really pan out. He didn’t seem to like the older guys, but hit the road pretty early.

105. Thomas (Battle of the Exes 2)

Thomas didn’t really set the world on fire. He tried to play the game a little bit for his brief time, but couldn’t hang overall. I get the feeling he’ll be back a few times though and improve.

104. Jacquese (Battle of the Sexes 2)

JA! I love Jacquese, really I do. But he made it one episode. Even still, he was his funny, charming self, so he gets a higher ranking than those others

103. Nate (Battle of the Exes)

Okay okay, so Nate was TERRIBLE. Like, AWFUL at the Challenge but come on it was hilarious watching him struggle. For that alone he gets a higher ranking than some others who made it further.

102. Mike J (Battle of the Seasons)

He was Sharon’s partner and Sharon’s awesome so he’s awesome by association, but other than that not much to say. I think it was his idea to split the RW money though which was great.

101. Chris M (Battle of the Seasons)

Otherwise known as: Belou’s partner. Belou is in a league of her own and he was just her calm-headed partner. Not much else to say really.


Okay the girls will be up in about 15 minutes in the next post! Now please, feel free to discuss! And again, mods I hope it's cool that I do this. I think it could be fun!

Aww. Nick should be Higher.

Adam(AYTO) should be there too.

Camilla/Cara Maria be on the next update please.

I did something like this on another forum where we rank all the challengers except you take all their appearances as separate entries. Agreed with all those picks though and I'm glad you're gonna remain unbiased (makes for a much more legit list).

I love Eric J

Nick should be dead last the guys never seen a win in anything at all. At least JJ from AYTO won an exile haha even if it was by default I think ?. Either way he was way more noticeable than Nick from Hollywood. 


120. Simone (Battle of the Exes 2)

Another example why there was no point to adding AYTO people. I kind of liked Simone, she was a firecracker. But overall, she didn't add anything to the show than another (actual RW/RR/Challenge) cast member could have provided. Maybe it's harsh to put her dead last, but it doesn't feel right putting her above anyone else.

119. Priscilla (Battle of the Exes)

So, I actually like Priscilla and I think she showed a teeny bit of promise socially in her one episode, but the fact is she didn't even compete in a mission since her partner failed so hard. She did pretty well in her elimination though, at least if memory serves.

118. Sydney (Fresh Meat 2)

Okay, this might be unfair because I don't remember much about Sydney except that she was CJ's partner. With that said, she seemed pretty cool and way too level-headed for the challenge. But it's possible I'm forgetting some sort of freakout? If so, than maybe she deserves a higher ranking.

117. Angel (Gauntlet 3)

Angel actually did surprisingly well against Jillian in her elimination and she even had a little 1 episode showmance with Nehemiah but that's not enough in this sea of people. Plus, she's on my permanent shit list for calling Kina a "freaking transvestite" (what? I can't be unbiased the WHOLE time)

116. Flora (Battle of the Seasons)

If this were a list of the best Real Worlders, Flora would be closer to the top; but as it stands, she (intentionally) made no splash on her only challenge season.

115. Sandy (Fresh Meat 2)

Okay, Sandy was annoying right? Like, she had potential but was kind of terrible at missions and annoying right? Plus, I mostly just remember her because she was Danny's partner and Danny and Sandy reminded me of Grease.

114. Laura (Battle of the Seasons 2)

I'm convinced that Laura is untapped potential. Sure she's mostly boring, but I think she's probably competitive and better at missions than this season allowed her to be. Plus, she was attached to Trey this whole season since they were fresh off their RW season where she was effectively his doormat. I'd like to see solo Laura because I think she could show us something. However, she really didn't make a splash. In her defense, it's hard to look entertaining when the other female on your team is Marie.

113. Lacey (Battle of the Seasons 2)

Okay, yes Lacey was on like 5 less episodes than Laura but she made it count. She was killing it with the one-liners ("I think they've kissed *******") and her relationship with Wes was adorable. Plus, who wasn't happy when she pulled through in the mission? Come back Lacey!

112. Brianna (Ruins)

Brianna! Like Flora, if this was a list of best RW cast members, she'd be higher, but she didn't do so hot. She got robbed! They kept ******* Casey over her and it really screwed her team. So at least there's that.

111. McKenzie (Battle of the Seasons 2)

Look, I unabashedly love McKenzie. I would love for her to come back always because I still maintain she was underrated and never got a chance to really shine. The missions kind of sucked that season but I still think Knight and Jemmye overstated how bad McKenzie was because she never really did that poorly. Please come back I love you. But I can't rank her any higher than this.

110. Hailey (Battle of the Exes 2)

Okay, now I keep saying this but I truly believe Hailey is a better competitor than we've been able to see so far. She killed it in her first mission and was one of the best girls for that mission. It's a shame they did so poorly in the followup mission because I think she has real potential. Look forward to hopefully seeing her again.

109. Chanda (Fresh Meat)

Alright, Chanda was kind of a beast of a competitor but there wasn't much else there. In general, she was pretty boring.

108. Gladys (Battle of the Sexes)

Gladys didn't make it very far on her only but so what, she was PREGNANT. ON A CHALLENGE. Like, what?? That would never fly today. Plus, she was pregnant and they still voted Beth off before her. Classic.

107. Ashli (The Island)

Anybody else think TJ's rant against Ashli was mostly unwarranted? Like, she didn't completely quit. She was injured. I don't know, it felt weirdly unjustified and it's one of the times I remember thinking **** TJ, so I was happy Ashli gave him a little tude back. It's too bad Sydney got booted from Battle of the Seasons because I bet this firecracker would be entertaining.

106. Naomi (Battle of the Exes, Rivals 2)

Naomi proved on her season that she's a hilarious little firecracker who is absolutely, unashamedly, unathletic. She confirmed that on her Challenge seasons, specifically her first one. She spent most of the time nagging Leroy and giving hilarious commentary and side-eye. Unfortunately she had to leave her second season for a family emergency, but she's a fun one.

105. Carley (Fresh Meat 2)

Carley WON her season, and I remember nothing about her other than that Landon literally carried her up a mountain. She hasn't been back, so I feel fine ranking her this low.

104. Aviv (Fresh Meat)

See Carley, minus being carried up a mountain.

103. Emilee (Cutthroat, Free Agents)

Emilee has been on two challenges and 3 total episodes. She kinda sorta made out with Dustin and ran like a weirdo. That's pretty much all you have to know. Oh, also Nany called her a **** (which, LOL, okay Nany)

102. Ayiiia (Cutthroat)

Ayiiia is incredibly entertaining, as displayed by her RW season. This did not come through in her one and only challenge appearance. She made out with some chicks in a hottub and got into an argument over Cara Maria (and wasn't wrong), but didn't make it far enough to make much of an impression. Oh, she also completed in the show's most absurd elimination challenge ever, which says a lot with this show.

101. Heather M (Battle of the Exes)

Look, Heather showed true potential both socially and physically. Dustin ruined everything by slipping by the pool. And now, she'll probably never be back because of her ex-relationship with Dustin. So basically, Dustin is a life-ruiner. He ruins lives.

Guys and Girls 100-96 coming either tomorrow or Friday! Feel free to take some guesses (if anybody even reads this haha)

Great idea!  I'll be waiting for the next update.

LOL at Nick Brown.  Dude can't catch a break.

Definitely reading this!! Love it!!!

Lol @ Dustin being a life ruiner. He ruins lives!!! XD

Completely agree with you about Ashli! TJ needed to ****! 

Ashli did quit, for everyone saying " oh poor her her foot was so bad she couldn't go on" what happenes if she won the face off? Would her foot still be too bad to compete?

Lol where is brittany

Lol @ Dustin being a life ruiner. He ruins lives!!! XD

that made me laugh

Great idea!  I'll be waiting for the next update.

LOL at Nick Brown.  Dude can't catch a break.

Nick Brown

it's a movement !

What's even funnier is Nick Brown still has The Duel II and Ruins on his Twitter bio. Like if anyone outside of older crop of challenge fans even know what those shows are or when they happen. Not to mention he didn't even last long on either show haha!.

Lacey should be higher imo, only there for an episode, but she was great for just that one episode.

Lacey should be higher imo, only there for an episode, but she was great for just that one episode.

***** FM!!!! I agree though!!!

WOOO my Shauvy shauvy shauvon hasn't made your list yet lolol

WOOO my Shauvy shauvy shauvon hasn't made your list yet lolol

She had a huge impact on the show when she almost busted her implant!!!

WOOO my Shauvy shauvy shauvon hasn't made your list yet lolol

Shauvon is ******* hilarious so I'm glad. When she was waiting for people to say bye to her after Aneesa destroyed her <3 her performance in the second Ruins missions <3 her vs. Laurel <3

Shauvon was hilarious! I miss her. She was great on all of her challenges. I wish they would bring her back so she can pull a Devyn/Jenna and make it to the end hahaha I wouldn't mind. Super unpopular opinion lol

I argree that Laura has potential to add something to the show. During her season when she wasn't up Trey's *** she showed a fun and spunky side of her and I think that would come through if she were to do another challene minus Trey.

Completely agree with you about Ashli! TJ needed to ****! 

Exactly. Ashili toughed it out and competed anyways. It's not like she said "**** it I quit" like Dave did. I would think TJ would respect that given how he hates quitters and feels to need to unecsessarily say something when someone does quit.

DA's shit list:

  • TJ
  • Cara Maria
  • Camila
  • (please add)

DA's shit list:

  • TJ
  • Cara Maria
  • Camila
  • (please add)

You can Add Backpack and anyone from AYTO as well.

DA's shit list:

  • TJ
  • Cara Maria
  • Camila
  • (please add)

You can Add Backpack and anyone from AYTO as well.

Evan and Kenny ***** 

DA's shit list:

  • TJ
  • Cara Maria
  • Camila
  • (please add)

You can Add Backpack and anyone from AYTO as well.

Evan and Kenny ***** 

Oh yeah.. Them too.

Could probably add Paula and Jenn

DA's shit list updated:

  • TJ
  • Cara Maria
  • Camila
  • King Bananas
  • Evan
  • Kenny
  • AYTO

Completely agree with you about Ashli! TJ needed to ****! 

Exactly. Ashili toughed it out and competed anyways. It's not like she said "**** it I quit" like Dave did. I would think TJ would respect that given how he hates quitters and feels to need to unecsessarily say something when someone does quit.

She took a spot from another girl, just to throw it away.
Do you honestly believe if she won she would have quit?



100. Josh (Battle of the Seasons)

Josh was a pretty fun and funny presence on this season, and he made it pretty far, but ultimately his team didn’t make it into the top 6 and he wasn’t around long enough to make more of an impression.

100. Cameran (Battle of the Sexes 2, Gauntlet 2)

I love Cameran. She’s hilarious, she’s silly, and she’s hot. With that said, she was never around long on her challenges and she basically quit both of them so it’s unfair to rank her higher. Still, she made a bit of a splash on her first challenge (literally, she and Angela were splashing each other in the water while their team competed) and she taught us a new way to say succumb (“I circum to the gods of the Gauntlet!!”) Plus, her quitting led us to the epic Aneesa vs. Cara fight.

99. Zach M (Gauntlet 3)

Poor Zach. He was just way too nice for these games. I bet he’d be a good competitor if he ever showed up again. But, he does have the distinction of having one of the few recorded haircuts on the Challenge!

99. Anastasia (Rivals 2)

Anastasia hooked up with and then slapped CT. Then she lost an episode later. But still, she gets point for that alone. Did she have a mental breakdown this challenge too? Because she's prone to those.

98. Shawn (Battle of the Sexes 2)

Like a lot of the other guys ranked this low, Shawn was just way too normal for these shows. But he was a cool, peaceful presence.

98. Rebecca (Extreme Challenge)

Full disclosure: I don’t remember much about this Challenge, just bits and pieces. With that said, basically none of my memory includes Rebecca. She was nice and started a relationship with James which if anything, just shows she has terrible taste. But she won! First Real World team to win (and they DOMINATED).

97. Chris G (Battle of the Sexes 2)

Again, this guy was just way too normal and rational to ever make much of an impression. But he was really cool and I liked how he cared for Derrick. Plus, he left the Challenge to get married and still got to come back! He was like the anti-Puck.

97. Brittany (Battle of the Exes 2)

Look, Brittany talked the biggest of all games, and she did win a couple eliminations but I’m sorry, nothing her or Adam did was all that impression. She just nagged and lucked her way through to be honest.

96. JD (Cutthroat, Battle of the Seasons 2)

Okay, JD was kind of entertaining on his season (remember when he smashed that glass table and like nobody batted an eyelash? Everyone was like "Oh he's just being Miley". Weird.) but he was the definition of boring on his challenges. He made it to the end of BOTSeasons 2 and still didn’t impress. He had like 3 confessionals in 10 episodes. Poor guy.

96. Michelle (Extreme Challenge)

I don’t remember much about Michelle other than the fact that she was a sweetheart and was pretty solid in the missions if I recall. So for that, I don’t feel right ranking her higher. I also don’t feel right ranking her lower. Rest in peace.

Thanks for the comments so far! Glad you like it. 95-90 coming soon!!
