Diem announces her departure from the challenges

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Diem announces her departure from the challenges
In Diem's People magazine blog today, she announces her departure from The Challenge. [URL="http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20736557,00.html"]http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20736557,00.html[/URL] I'd summarize the blog, but it's too good a read to even deprive anyone of the three minutes of your time. Diem told me yesterday that she will be more detailed about some matters in her pending answers to our interview questions.
Omg I cant believe some one would go as far as look up her address and tell her how they plan on murdering her. Obviously that person is psychotic, I have no idea how ppl can take a tv show that seriously. It was shocking when she said she looked for some pills...wtf obviously that saying they want to kill her cant be taken seriously so I cant believe she was that affected by it. Sad to hear Diem is quitting the challenges but I expect a lot of them will be leaving too since they cant do this forever.
[QUOTE=Blue123;367895]Omg I cant believe some one would go as far as look up her address and tell her how they plan on murdering her. Obviously that person is psychotic, I have no idea how ppl can take a tv show that seriously. It was shocking when she said she looked for some pills...wtf obviously that saying they want to kill her cant be taken seriously so I cant believe she was that affected by it. Sad to hear Diem is quitting the challenges but I expect a lot of them will be leaving too since they cant do this forever.[/QUOTE] People will take anything serious
[QUOTE=Blue123;367895]Omg I cant believe some one would go as far as look up her address and tell her how they plan on murdering her. Obviously that person is psychotic, I have no idea how ppl can take a tv show that seriously. It was shocking when she said she looked for some pills...wtf obviously that saying they want to kill her cant be taken seriously so I cant believe she was that affected by it. Sad to hear Diem is quitting the challenges but I expect a lot of them will be leaving too since they cant do this forever.[/QUOTE] Another person wrote that he wished someone would inject her with live cancer cells. It's a sick world in which we live.
[QUOTE=V1man;367897]Another person wrote that he wished someone would inject her with live cancer cells. It's a sick world in which we live.[/QUOTE] Obviously some people dont really realize what theyre saying, the people on twitter can also be a bit ridiculous some one was tweeting Heather Marter saying they wish she gets aids and dies and people were comparing Wes to Casey Anthony, like wtf. But to say they want to murder someone?? I have no doubt that people like that have serious mental issues. I personally could not take something that ridiculous seriously but I assume hearing it over and over on twitter can take a toll on someone. Diem should get a restraining order or contact the police though crazy **** like that has happened
I've always liked Diem. Not only is she incredibly brave to put herself and her story out there so candidly on national TV but she just seems super smart and self aware. It's ****ed up what the producers did to her story and portraying her that way they did in "true colors" but it's not surprising. Like she said, ultimately this is a business and they do whatever they have to keep people entertained even if that means throwing people under the bus. That's disgusting about the person who tracked down her address. I'm glad she's going out on top though, unlike a lot of these losers who literally all they have going for themselves is being cast on The Challenge, it's pathetic so I'm proud of Diem and hope everything works out for her.
Reading that was really difficult. A lot of people (namely production and the crazed psychos threatening Diem's life) really should be ashamed of themselves.
I hope Diem contacts the authorities. Those things always seem like empty threats but people have done crazier. It's so disappointing that MTV/BMP neglected to tell the audience that Diem was heavily medicated almost her entire time there. It would have gave the regular audience some perspective on her behavior.I love Diem and I wish her success with her new journey in life. She's been remarkable addition to the show.
I had no words after reading that. I didn't even know what to say. Made me sad. I think she is making the right decision for herself though.
I'm torn between my feelings towards Diem officially Retiring from the Challenge because as a fan I want to see her come back and win but on the other hand I completely understand why she's done she obviously has a more complicated personal life outside the shows than most of the people on these shows she can't keep going back with her health at risk. Hopefully she's not going to completely cut the Challenge from her life I would like to see her come back occasionally as a After show and/or Reunion host.
Although I understand her position, I'm still saddened to see Diem leave. She's been such an inspiration to watch on these challenges. It's sad that there are haters that still gave her such a hard time this season when she's already been through so much.
I watch these shows mostly for the competition. Sure, some of the drama and portrayals can be amusing at times, but I take how these people are portrayed with a grain of salt. I know there is a lot of editing that goes on, and that many of these people are reportedly a far cry from how they appear in the Challenge situation. That said, I feel as though production missed a golden opportunity to tell a truly compelling story about someone fighting a life threatening illness. Many understand the disease itself, but the process is usually glossed over. Chemotherapy essentially involves pumping your body with a cocktail of powerful drugs that combat the cancer. Those powerful drugs have powerful side effects that people might not necessarily be aware of. There could have been a story this season about how Diem was coping with the side effects of these drugs in addition to the adversity that comes with competing on a challenge. Instead, production decided to go with your standard issue "crazy person" story. I didn't buy it, because the effects of these drugs were always in the back of my mind. Unfortunately, the effects of these drugs were not cited as a possible influence over her mood and behavior, and then you have a few idiot fans of the show threatening a girl because they perceive her as someone she is not. Production missed a great chance to give their audience some perspective. But given what I've heard about the production team on the Challenge, I can't say I'm surprised they decided to take the predictable route of editing their employees in an antagonistic way. Damn shame.
I love Diem! That blog made me really really sad for her. She's too nice of a person to be put through these things. I hope she knows that she has inspired tons of people and I'm thankful for her sharing her story.
[QUOTE=Blue123;367895]Omg I cant believe some one would go as far as look up her address and tell her how they plan on murdering her. Obviously that person is psychotic, I have no idea how ppl can take a tv show that seriously. It was shocking when she said she looked for some pills...wtf obviously that saying they want to kill her cant be taken seriously so I cant believe she was that affected by it. Sad to hear Diem is quitting the challenges but I expect a lot of them will be leaving too since they cant do this forever.[/QUOTE] CT said on Watch What Happens Live that he wants to be the next Mark Long. He wants to keep doing Challenges with or without a walker.
After watching this season, All I can say is: GOOD FOR HER. I just don't get why BMP flipped the switch on her so violently this season. I know some of ya'll actually work in TV: Do you get why a show would turn its most popular character/cast member into the main antagonist? That sort of inconsistent manipulation of the narrative explains why the show isn't as much fun to watch anymore and is much less popular. Diem would be perfect as a member of one of those panelist talk shows and hopefully she will move onto something like that. Also, I just don't like the current Challenge crew anymore. MTV/BMP has been picking walking bags of trash since Cancun/FM 2 (with a handful of exceptions) and while the majority are too dumb to actually ever win, they continue to be a larger and larger presence as the intelligent, likable and funny people move on to experiences where they don't have to deal with this kind of stuff
[QUOTE=Rockstar;367942]After watching this season, All I can say is: GOOD FOR HER. I just don't get why BMP flipped the switch on her so violently this season. I know some of ya'll actually work in TV: Do you get why a show would turn its most popular character/cast member into the main antagonist?[/QUOTE] In what universe is Diem the most popular cast member on the Challenge? She's not even top 10.
[QUOTE=Trigger7672;367948]In what universe is Diem the most popular cast member on the Challenge? She's not even top 10.[/QUOTE] A People Magazine blog isn't popular? I forgot, you're only popular if you host some party at some ****ty bar for 700 dollars.
So sad...she's one I look forward to seeing every few seasons. Originally, it was because of being on a team with Derrick, but now it's because she seems a little bit more thoughtful than most on the challenges. While I won't miss her thing with CT, I will miss her and wish her the best in her challenge retirement.
[QUOTE=Trigger7672;367948]In what universe is Diem the most popular cast member on the Challenge? She's not even top 10.[/QUOTE] Here are the twitterverse counts (in thousands), I think these serve as a good idea of popularity/public interest in these people. Diem is #1. 1. Diem: 147 2. CT: 125 3. Camila: 120 4. Johnny: 116 5. Nany: 113 6. Zach: 79 7. Leroy: 67 8. Paula: 65 9. Cara Maria:59 10. Jonna: 53 11. Jemmye: 50 12. Wes: 50 13. Sarah: 49 14. Frank: 47 15. Emily: 46 16. Robb: 41 17. Knight: 40 18. Aneesa: 39 19. Trey: 37 20. Trishelle: 34 21. Jasmine: 28 22. Jordan: 22 23. Marlon: 20 24. Dunbar: 18 25. Anastasia: 18 26. Cooke: 17 27. Jessica: 17 28. Derek: 14 29. Preston: 9 30. Theresa: 8 31. Tyrie: 7 32. Ty: doesn't have twitter
[QUOTE=Trigger7672;367948]In what universe is Diem the most popular cast member on the Challenge? She's not even top 10.[/QUOTE] You know not of which you speak. Do not go by the commentary on here.
[QUOTE=nmanderson;367961]You know not of which you speak. Do not go by the commentary on here.[/QUOTE] Well, he does have a point. Not just on here but in RL even people find her to be absolutely annoying.
[QUOTE=Blue123;367895]Omg I cant believe some one would go as far as look up her address and tell her how they plan on murdering her. Obviously that person is psychotic, I have no idea how ppl can take a tv show that seriously. It was shocking when she said she looked for some pills...wtf obviously that saying they want to kill her cant be taken seriously so I cant believe she was that affected by it. Sad to hear Diem is quitting the challenges but I expect a lot of them will be leaving too since they cant do this forever.[/QUOTE] OMG, That is definitely some scary *** ****. And you last sentence is on point, Blue. Its not going to be good if Frank and Johnny carry the series from here.
[QUOTE=alaskak94;367910]Although I understand her position, I'm still saddened to see Diem leave. She's been such an inspiration to watch on these challenges. It's sad that there are haters that still gave her such a hard time this season when she's already been through so much.[/QUOTE] Just saying, but just because she's been through so much doesn't exclude critique.
[QUOTE=AyeOhKay;367950]A People Magazine blog isn't popular? I forgot, you're only popular if you host some party at some ****ty bar for 700 dollars.[/QUOTE] Truth be told, it's true. People also has a habit of nominating only white males as sexiest men alive, so yeah. Let's not even get into the Nielsen Ratings.
It's sick how someone would track down her and send her awful messages, but I'm glad she's leaving the challenge. It was just annoying to watch her claim she was the best and "deserve" it more than anyone (hilarious). I saw a different side from her this challenge and never once despised her or was glad to see her lose in any other challenge till now.
[QUOTE=Trigger7672;367948]In what universe is Diem the most popular cast member on the Challenge? She's not even top 10.[/QUOTE] In the REAL WORLD, Diem's Q rating is 2nd only to Diem, so that would be the appropriate universe. Back in the day, the old schoolers used to pull in $2500 a night for bar gigs. The days of that king of popularity are long, long past.
[QUOTE=V1man;367976]In the REAL WORLD, Diem's Q rating is 2nd only to Diem, so that would be the appropriate universe. Back in the day, the old schoolers used to pull in $2500 a night for bar gigs. The days of that king of popularity are long, long past.[/QUOTE] I'm surprised at the Twitter numbers and to hear this. I'm guessing it has a lot to do with her battle with cancer? I don't know but I have always found her to be a bit annoying and grating. I can't argue with the facts though.
Anonymous's picture
I thought ct had highest q rating but maybe that is for actual real worlders
Anonymous's picture
But diem has bigger things goin on than the challenge i didnt expect her to do it this long homestly i think she only did to spread the word about medgift on exes than after her second battle she said why she came back on her blog so she came back for one more go She should have two wins g3 and exes
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;367965]Well, he does have a point. Not just on here but in RL even people find her to be absolutely annoying.[/QUOTE] I guess people find her annoying, She is annoying to me at times as well. But a lot of the challenge personalities are annoying or have annoying moments. That's just people in general. But anyways. I feel bad for her. It's one thing to call someone annoying. It's a whole different thing to wish death on someone. That's just pure evil....It makes me sad that people use the fact that she had/has cancer against her. People seem to think that she uses that as an excuse to get a free pass. Or they are tired of hearing about it. I don't get it. The woman has had cancer twice before even entering her thirties and has continued to live her life as if it has not affected her at all. That's impressive and down right inspiring That just shows how immature and petty some of the challengers are. No matter what she does, people will think she is getting a free ride because of her battle(s) with cancer and that's not fair. I was disgusted with things I heard read from castmembers about this, I was disgusted with the comments on the people blog and twitter, and I was disgusted by the Afterbuzz TV personalities. I wish people would really try to put themselves in her position but I we live in a world of close minded, self righteous individuals. I have never been the biggest Diem fan, but I will back her on that. People should not judge her based on something she can not change or has no control over. It would have been nice to see her give one more go but....


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