Tony & Madison: A Jerry Springer Story

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MTV really ****** up not giving these 2 their own show 

MTV really ****** up not giving these 2 their own show 

Madison is/was already unstable enough.. I'm not sure a reality show (like Cory/Chey on Teen Mom) would help the situation.

Did you see that her mom posted online she didn’t sign over rights or custody Madison signed over power of attorney in case Madison can’t speak for Harper . 

thats wild and still not right, it’s tonys daughter but her grandparents have a say in her well being before the father does? Tony and Alyssa are being more than cordial and polite in this situation given Madison’s known drug use, and as PR pointed out why are you show a 4/5? Year old an Instagram live. Harper wouldn’t see it if you didn’t show it to her. And unless Tony says something untrue madison has made all her own choices if her daughter looks at her differently one day I can promise it’ll be because of what Madison has actually done not what Tony “has said”

Glad Harper is this young. It is a mess going through this for a child to go through.

Madis mom is full of shit. She said the custody was so she could get a passport for Harper but now in the comments of her most recent post the actual truth according to her is madi is also going on that vacation so why would there need to be anything signed over when madi the mother of Harper is going. And she is posting classic happy child look at me doing all this great stuff with my grandparents photos to look better at court. People are so shady

mhenski wrote:

MTV really ****** up not giving these 2 their own show 

Madison is/was already unstable enough.. I'm not sure a reality show (like Cory/Chey on Teen Mom) would help the situation.

mhenski wrote:

MTV really ****** up not giving these 2 their own show 

Madison is/was already unstable enough.. I'm not sure a reality show (like Cory/Chey on Teen Mom) would help the situation.

It wouldn't. But with MTV it wouldn't be about helping the situation, it's about exploiting it.

Madis mom is full of shit. She said the custody was so she could get a passport for Harper but now in the comments of her most recent post the actual truth according to her is madi is also going on that vacation so why would there need to be anything signed over when madi the mother of Harper is going. And she is posting classic happy child look at me doing all this great stuff with my grandparents photos to look better at court. People are so shady

Tony only gets 2 30 minutes FaceTimes with Harper a month??? He should be able to FaceTime his daughter whenever 

Then Madison mom is mad about how he posts her on social media... umm that’s his daughter who he is a good father too. They’re nuts

It should be at least twice a week, even 15 min since well what can you talk to a 3 year old about for an hour a week

It says at least two FaceTime a month . He could do more but that’s great because he probably was doing that now anyway .

Honestly this is just in writing what they are most likely doing anyway just holding everyone accountable and no excuses on either end

Tony will get a weekend a month which if you see online that’s probably the most he has done HARPERS WHOLE LIFE. He goes from not seeing her months at a time so that’s a good thing for both tony and Harper now it’s mandated .

Tony dad and Madison dad will exchange the baby

Tony has to pay child support which is also great may not be much but it’s all income based and Madison parents have money

If Madison relapses she HAS to go to rehab.

Also kinda is bullshit has tony in past has used Harper for ads when he legit sees her every couple months it’s no lie that he paints a pretty picture of being a involved dad using old pictures on social media when he’s not. So this court agreement will finally hold him accountable

It says at least . It’s enforcing he has to at least do it twice a month

I don’t think she’s mad he post on social media I think she snore mad he posts on social media like he’s with her all the time and for ads when he’s not .

One thing if it’s labeled as a “throwback” but sometimes both his and Alyssa pictures aren’t .

I would be mad as hell too if my ex was acting like he’s a involved dad on social media all the time when he only sees my kids once every two three months

That girl is gonna grow up with some serious abandonment issues. If Real World is alive and well, she def needs to be on a season.

I hope y'all tuning in to tonight drama on Harpers IG. ☕️

I hope y'all tuning in to tonight drama on Harpers IG. ☕️

on the child's Instagram? Woo the trailer park 

What’s happening 

u follow a small child's instagram?

What’s happening 

tony/Alyssa I don’t know who lots of debate, posted a video on harpers account asking her if she wanted to live with daddy. Needless to say it pissed off Madison's parents, deleted it, Tony/Alyssa reposted, deleted again, then Tony/Alyssa posted that.  

alyssa made a fake account saying it's been forever since Madison has even seen her kid. And they are fighting in the comments.


What’s happening 

tony/Alyssa I don’t know who lots of debate, posted a video on harpers account asking her if she wanted to live with daddy. Needless to say it pissed off Madison's parents, deleted it, Tony/Alyssa reposted, deleted again, then Tony/Alyssa posted that.  

alyssa made a fake account saying it's been forever since Madison has even seen her kid. And they are fighting in the comments.


madison posts like she’s with Harper all the time wow



What’s happening 

tony/Alyssa I don’t know who lots of debate, posted a video on harpers account asking her if she wanted to live with daddy. Needless to say it pissed off Madison's parents, deleted it, Tony/Alyssa reposted, deleted again, then Tony/Alyssa posted that.  

alyssa made a fake account saying it's been forever since Madison has even seen her kid. And they are fighting in the comments.


madison posts like she’s with Harper all the time wow

the thing is social media only shower people what the user wants to show. If you go to google you will see Madison can't even be unsupervised with Harper 




What’s happening 

tony/Alyssa I don’t know who lots of debate, posted a video on harpers account asking her if she wanted to live with daddy. Needless to say it pissed off Madison's parents, deleted it, Tony/Alyssa reposted, deleted again, then Tony/Alyssa posted that.  

alyssa made a fake account saying it's been forever since Madison has even seen her kid. And they are fighting in the comments.


madison posts like she’s with Harper all the time wow

the thing is social media only shower people what the user wants to show. If you go to google you will see Madison can't even be unsupervised with Harper 

I think Madison's parents are trying to do the best to protect the little girl, but I can see Tony's frustration. Why not give him joint custody instead of just visitation?





What’s happening 

tony/Alyssa I don’t know who lots of debate, posted a video on harpers account asking her if she wanted to live with daddy. Needless to say it pissed off Madison's parents, deleted it, Tony/Alyssa reposted, deleted again, then Tony/Alyssa posted that.  

alyssa made a fake account saying it's been forever since Madison has even seen her kid. And they are fighting in the comments.


madison posts like she’s with Harper all the time wow

the thing is social media only shower people what the user wants to show. If you go to google you will see Madison can't even be unsupervised with Harper 

I think Madison's parents are trying to do the best to protect the little girl, but I can see Tony's frustration. Why not give him joint custody instead of just visitation?

joint custody is hard when the parents/guardians live 6 hours from each other  in different states 

Why is harper going to school by Tony? Alyssa just posted it's there first day at school together 

Why is harper going to school by Tony? Alyssa just posted it's there first day at school together 


i don't follow either of them but perhaps it's in the agreement that tony gets her for the summer and they're in some sort of summer program together 
