The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans - Season 3

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It was very subdued the whole season with Julie in the background trying to ignite the fire and everyone not really feeding in that much. This could've been three episodes wrapped up but they stretched it for more content. Melissa & surprisingly Jamie were shining points in this HC and I wanna see them back in some place. 

overall I'll give the season a C- cause it was alot I feel condensed down however still nothing happened and it would've been cute if it was shorter. 

I agree about Melissa and Jamie being the shining points. I'm so glad Battle of the Sexes gave me the chance to know them better because I didn't care for anyone from this cast after it aired. Those two continued to be awesome this Homecoming and were the only ones who didn't frustrate me. 

That info on Kelley is interesting.. I didn't realize she only did the show so she could help Danny get paid.. lol thats interesting did she say this somewhere cause that's both noble but also crazy to say out loud if she did cause Danny does look like he needs a coin or two.. hopefully all is well with that. 

That info on Kelley is interesting.. I didn't realize she only did the show so she could help Danny get paid.. lol thats interesting did she say this somewhere cause that's both noble but also crazy to say out loud if she did cause Danny does look like he needs a coin or two.. hopefully all is well with that. 

I mean, most people could use that amount of money so it's not really a shot at Danny.  I'm sure David's life in infinitely better now too.  

Anonymous's picture

Did Melissa, Kelley, Tokyo, and Danny have to sit with Julie at the awards?

We need a reunion episode for this amazing season

Did Melissa, Kelley, Tokyo, and Danny have to sit with Julie at the awards?

were they at the critics choice awards?

We need a reunion episode for this amazing season

we do. It's a shame that paramount plus 'doesn't do those' according to Pink

I don't see the need for a reunion show for a reunion--JMO

Anonymous's picture


Did Melissa, Kelley, Tokyo, and Danny have to sit with Julie at the awards?

were they at the critics choice awards?



Anonymous's picture

Homecoming producers on the red carpet with Julie

Melissa Kelley Tokyo Danny:

I don't see the need for a reunion show for a reunion--JMO

I see the need for them to talk about the aftermath of their experience being that there are still unresolved issues and things worth 'clarifying' for some cast members-- JMO


I don't see the need for a reunion show for a reunion--JMO

I see the need for them to talk about the aftermath of their experience being that there are still unresolved issues and things worth 'clarifying' for some cast members-- JMO

Not needed. They'll just dance around the questions and not answer them. This cast is notorious for that. 

Homecoming producers on the red carpet with Julie

Melissa Kelley Tokyo Danny:

Very telling that Julie walked with the producers and not the cast- LOL

Not typically one to comment on looks but besides Melissa nobody looks that great...


I don't see the need for a reunion show for a reunion--JMO

I see the need for them to talk about the aftermath of their experience being that there are still unresolved issues and things worth 'clarifying' for some cast members-- JMO

On a homecoming?  I feel like that's the entire show. Like what are you hoping gets answered that they'd actually answer?  

Melissa didn't tag Julie at all in her posts from award show. What is the beef now that Melissa referred to in her goodbye post? Or do they just not like her still because she was being fake on the show? (Which is valid) 

We need a season 2

Jamie look old

They just need to end this 3 seasons was enough 

If they do a season 4 i'd say just mash-up multiple seasons make it 12 episodes with each season getting 3 eps. These people aren't providing enough content for a season.

If they do a season 4 i'd say just mash-up multiple seasons make it 12 episodes with each season getting 3 eps. These people aren't providing enough content for a season.

This will increase the cost paying 7 cast members isnt the same as paying to 28 

Just catching up with the final, phew Kelly is TERRIBLE. The. Worst.

Kelly was making a big stink about having uncomfortable conversations yet none of those convos involved her. Whats funny is that she had ONE moment of being vulnerable and it was actually relatable. Her talking about being bullied made her seem much less robotic. Then she was like okay, im gone. Made no sense to me.

David is weird. Why is having kids so secretive? Maybe they edited out his "coming out". 

The vibes were so much better on all the scenes Kelly was gone. She was the problem and notice they were all cool with Julie till she forced them to hate her again. 

If they do a season 4 i'd say just mash-up multiple seasons make it 12 episodes with each season getting 3 eps. These people aren't providing enough content for a season.

I feel New York provided enough content. Los Angeles definitely provided enough content. More than enough. New Orleans is where we hit a wall. With Kelley acting stuck up and not wanting to be there, David being weird about everything, Matt not participating yea they definitely did not provide enough content.  

David is weird. Why is having kids so secretive? Maybe they edited out his "coming out". 

Wait what? Too bad its 22 years too late or I definitely would've given him a pounding 

Yea I was wondering if that got any mention on the show since I didn't see anybody talking about it anywhere 

Yeah that and the 9/11 incident should have been discussed.

Yeah, I was also surprised it wasn't mentioned especially given Pedro's story.  The article states there were concerns over legal issues about the partner that gave him HIV.  There could be validity behind that depending on what was discussed but editing should have been able to include it to some level.
