The Challenge: War of The Worlds II - Joss Mooney

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Sometimes I wonder if Joss is the male Jenna. Albeit a stronger competitor. Otherwise useless and boring eyecandy. 









Take him being a bore out of the equation. Joss not wanting to vote for Theo was *******it

Never seen someone cause so little problems and have y’all all in a fuss about him being there. He’s wallpaper, but he’s an amazing competitor AND HE'S HOT. Why do y’all care so much lol there’s already too many big personalities and too many people trying too hard for screentime. He’s harmless. 

Repeat that again for those in the back. 

But is he an Amazing competitor and Hot tho? Better competitors and hotter people are debuting. They're gonna lose his number and none of y'all will remember him. The cap is at an all time high lol 

But is he an Amazing competitor and Hot tho? Better competitors and hotter people are debuting. They're gonna lose his number and none of y'all will remember him. The cap is at an all time high lol 

But is he an Amazing competitor and Hot tho? Better competitors and hotter people are debuting. They're gonna lose his number and none of y'all will remember him. The cap is at an all time high lol 

My post didn't post properly. Imagine that I bolded that he was hot. That is all. LOL

But is he an Amazing competitor and Hot tho? Better competitors and hotter people are debuting. They're gonna lose his number and none of y'all will remember him. The cap is at an all time high lol 

if there was an individual challenge that was purely endurance and strength challenges and eliminations, my money would be on him yes. If you’ve seen his workouts and such you’d understand he’s a very high caliber athlete compared to most and I think on an individual challenge he’d likely win.

Im not arguing he’s anything but wallpaper in the entertainment department. And he’s objectively a great looking guy. Personality is lacking for sure though. 


But is he an Amazing competitor and Hot tho? Better competitors and hotter people are debuting. They're gonna lose his number and none of y'all will remember him. The cap is at an all time high lol 

My post didn't post properly. Imagine that I bolded that he was hot. That is all. LOL

oh he's cute. A little cookie cutter but he's cute. The blonde was the wrong choice by far tho 

Umm, please tell me who has the combined strength & good looks in Joss' league?  I'll save you some time, no one.  He may not be bringing drama, but he more than serves a purpose.

Umm, please tell me who has the combined strength & good looks in Joss' league?  I'll save you some time, no one.  He may not be bringing drama, but he more than serves a purpose.

Theo...but we'd just be splitting hairs on our types 



But is he an Amazing competitor and Hot tho? Better competitors and hotter people are debuting. They're gonna lose his number and none of y'all will remember him. The cap is at an all time high lol 

My post didn't post properly. Imagine that I bolded that he was hot. That is all. LOL

oh he's cute. A little cookie cutter but he's cute. The blonde was the wrong choice by far tho 

100% I liked the darker hair on him for sure! 

But is he an Amazing competitor and Hot tho? Better competitors and hotter people are debuting. They're gonna lose his number and none of y'all will remember him. The cap is at an all time high lol 

Umm, please tell me who has the combined strength & good looks in Joss' league?  I'll save you some time, no one.  He may not be bringing drama, but he more than serves a purpose.

Theo, Darrell, Hunter, CT (at his prime), Zach, CJ Koegel, Frank S, Landon (IMO), Kenny (he's trash, but eye candy), so forth and so on...

With all due respect, it's easy to find a man just as good and just as hot as Joss, with just who I listed above.

I wonder how many of the people saying "snooze" and such were also the people clamoring to have Big T of all people come back


Umm, please tell me who has the combined strength & good looks in Joss' league?  I'll save you some time, no one.  He may not be bringing drama, but he more than serves a purpose.

Theo, Darrell, Hunter, CT (at his prime), Zach, CJ Koegel, Frank S, Landon (IMO), Kenny (he's trash, but eye candy), so forth and so on...

With all due respect, it's easy to find a man just as good and just as hot as Joss, with just who I listed above.

They mentioned hotter & better DEBUTS - not classic cast members.  Bear, Theo & Rogan are not as hot as Joss & season 35 rookies are nowhere close.



Umm, please tell me who has the combined strength & good looks in Joss' league?  I'll save you some time, no one.  He may not be bringing drama, but he more than serves a purpose.

Theo, Darrell, Hunter, CT (at his prime), Zach, CJ Koegel, Frank S, Landon (IMO), Kenny (he's trash, but eye candy), so forth and so on...

With all due respect, it's easy to find a man just as good and just as hot as Joss, with just who I listed above.

They mentioned hotter & better DEBUTS - not classic cast members.  Bear, Theo & Rogan are not as hot as Joss & season 35 rookies are nowhere close.

lmaooo I see which Grindr type we're dealing with here 

Irrelevant to the conversation, but ok.

Irrelevant to the conversation, but ok.

it's a joke not a **** lol 


Umm, please tell me who has the combined strength & good looks in Joss' league?  I'll save you some time, no one.  He may not be bringing drama, but he more than serves a purpose.

Theo, Darrell, Hunter, CT (at his prime), Zach, CJ Koegel, Frank S, Landon (IMO), Kenny (he's trash, but eye candy), so forth and so on...

With all due respect, it's easy to find a man just as good and just as hot as Joss, with just who I listed above.

None of those guys are as good looking as Joss imo except maybe Zach. Completely take personality out of the equation and go by looks only and Joss is at the top of the list especially when you put body into the equation.

Anyway, he's a great athlete and he's eye candy. He serves a purpose like someone mentioned. Not everyone has to be constantly drama.

Body? Over Darrell? Now Deeper....

Body? Over Darrell? Now Deeper....

I mean yeah I think Joss > Darrell even body wise but we're really just spliting hairs cause Darrell and Zach have amazing bodies too but yeah I think he probably has the nicest body that's been on the show lol

It's literally what he's based his career off of so yeah it has to be really nice.

Theo is hotter than Joss in every department. So again if we speak about new school, he has competition and even MTV thinks so, hence why we probably never see Joss back again ☕️☕️


Body? Over Darrell? Now Deeper....

I mean yeah I think Joss > Darrell even body wise but we're really just spliting hairs cause Darrell and Zach have amazing bodies too but yeah I think he probably has the nicest body that's been on the show lol

It's literally what he's based his career off of so yeah it has to be really nice.

Darrell never used steroids, Joss did. By default he has a better body. Darrell is 40 and looks fresher and younger than Joss at 31, therefore Darrell is hotter.  

You can turn it and twist however you want, there is way better than Joss in looks department, right now in the cast. 

Joss over this ? ***** please 

Theo is hotter than Joss in every department.

Yea Theo is for sure.. I'll throw Alan in there as well lol

Side bar this thread currently is what the off day discussion in the challenge house would be if it was a house full of gays 

This conversation itself proves he's not wallpaper haha. No wallpaper gets this kind of discussion. 

This conversation itself proves he's not wallpaper haha. No wallpaper gets this kind of discussion. 

Thats not how it works


This conversation itself proves he's not wallpaper haha. No wallpaper gets this kind of discussion. 


It is. When a person isn't significant or doesn't matter, people won't talk about them. When people do consistently talk about someone, it fundamentally proves they are significant
