The Challenge: Spies, Lies and allies- Tori Deal

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I can't stand Escort either...but she is not a bully. Y'all are embarrassingly soft. This mentality is why we don't get entertainment and drama. She was instigating, not that serious.

Fine with what she did but she acts like a different person on social media lol 

tori corny as **** but yall do too much with her

I remember she was called the rookie of the year. i also remember at the throwdown nyc event she was w Jordan and they both looked homeless. Was an interesting clothing style.

I remember she was called the rookie of the year. i also remember at the throwdown nyc event she was w Jordan and they both looked homeless. Was an interesting clothing style.

she was rookie of the year and that shit got to her head 

Did anyone see in this last episode the crazy *** expressions she was making when dancing in the club while I guess trying to twerk? I died. wtf was that? She's really weird.

Did anyone see in this last episode the crazy *** expressions she was making when dancing in the club while I guess trying to twerk? I died. wtf was that? She's really weird.

She's not genuine! Nothing about her comes natural. 

yall do too much on this girl lmao

That girl does too much

yall do too much on this girl lmao

Trust me, I'm not what people use around here "pressed" over that dance part. I roared! I just couldn't believe my eyes. 

yall do too much on this girl lmao

Frrr lol annoying sometimes? Yes but she's legit been this weird/sometimes annoying person that hooks up on all her shows. Way worse people on these shows. 

Overhype flop losing back to back eliminations against a mentally checkout Jenna and an overweight Aneesa

Overhype flop losing back to back eliminations against a mentally checkout Jenna and an overweight Aneesa

lmaoooooooo whyd you randomly just go in for lmaooo

Overhype flop losing back to back eliminations against a mentally checkout Jenna and an overweight Aneesa


Overhype flop losing back to back eliminations against a mentally checkout Jenna and an overweight Aneesa

lmaoooooooo whyd you randomly just go in for lmaooo

woke up and chose violence


Overhype flop losing back to back eliminations against a mentally checkout Jenna and an overweight Aneesa

Overhype flop losing back to back eliminations against a mentally checkout Jenna and an overweight Aneesa

LMAOOO this is so sudden and random Lol


Large and in charge 

I love when PR randomly shows up and reads a castmember.

I love when PR randomly shows up and reads a castmember.

I love when PR randomly shows up and reads a castmember.

Overhype flop losing back to back eliminations against a mentally checkout Jenna and an overweight Aneesa

Overhyped and overweight 

Overhyped and overweight 


I dont like tori but her cast promo photo made it look like she hibernated with aneesa for the summer and ate everything in sight lol... but she really hasnt gained that much weight seeing her on tv its just a bad photo

Those crack nails. Yikes.
