The Challenge: Spies, Lies and allies- Tori Deal

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@kvm why would her being LGBTQ (first ive heard she is) be an excuse for saying ***? Is she a gay man? Because it's not really her place otherwise.

and my point is that plenty of these people were "let go" for tweets 10 years ago. See Rogan, Taylor, etc. She should be given the same treatment if so. 

As a member of the community they often get a pass. Not saying that's what I think or how it should be just reality. 

These posts aren't new revelations. They're known. Production doesn't care clearly. 

not the same. LGBTQ is a blanket for a lot of smaller groups. It would be like someone saying the n-word and then saying "but I'm a POC too so it's fine", even though they're not black.  

Well production should. I do think that a lot of them should be let back by now (a few shouldn't). She shouldn't get a pass because she probably lets production g ang  bang her 

MTV does pick and choose who and when they want to make an example out of someone, that's the kinda fake woke behavior I hate. I don't think she should be banned for something from a decade ago though. Unlike KVM, I beleive people can grow and change from their ignorant ways. I also don't care who she sleep with or how many clients she has...I just want her off my tv cause her personality is so annoying and cringe lol.



@kvm why would her being LGBTQ (first ive heard she is) be an excuse for saying ***? Is she a gay man? Because it's not really her place otherwise.

and my point is that plenty of these people were "let go" for tweets 10 years ago. See Rogan, Taylor, etc. She should be given the same treatment if so. 

As a member of the community they often get a pass. Not saying that's what I think or how it should be just reality. 

These posts aren't new revelations. They're known. Production doesn't care clearly. 

not the same. LGBTQ is a blanket for a lot of smaller groups. It would be like someone saying the n-word and then saying "but I'm a POC too so it's fine", even though they're not black.  

Well production should. I do think that a lot of them should be let back by now (a few shouldn't). She shouldn't get a pass because she probably lets production g ang  bang her 

Sorry but this comes across as just anti-Tori due to your last sentence. She played the card that she was LBGTQ and it worked. Good for her. Anyone being canceled was stupid in the first place. 

MTV does pick and choose who and when they want to make an example out of someone, that's the kinda fake woke behavior I hate. I don't think she should be banned for something from a decade ago though. Unlike KVM, I beleive people can grow and change from their ignorant ways. I also don't care who she sleep with or how many clients she has...I just want her off my tv cause her personality is so annoying and cringe lol.

im not saying I agree with them punishing people for stuff from a decade ago. My only point is that they should keep the same standards for all of them. Jordan didn't get a pass and he's a much bigger face than Tori (albeit his actions were worse imo) but you get the point




@kvm why would her being LGBTQ (first ive heard she is) be an excuse for saying ***? Is she a gay man? Because it's not really her place otherwise.

and my point is that plenty of these people were "let go" for tweets 10 years ago. See Rogan, Taylor, etc. She should be given the same treatment if so. 

As a member of the community they often get a pass. Not saying that's what I think or how it should be just reality. 

These posts aren't new revelations. They're known. Production doesn't care clearly. 

not the same. LGBTQ is a blanket for a lot of smaller groups. It would be like someone saying the n-word and then saying "but I'm a POC too so it's fine", even though they're not black.  

Well production should. I do think that a lot of them should be let back by now (a few shouldn't). She shouldn't get a pass because she probably lets production g ang  bang her 

Sorry but this comes across as just anti-Tori due to your last sentence. She played the card that she was LBGTQ and it worked. Good for her. Anyone being canceled was stupid in the first place. 

I don't like Tori yes but that's not my point.  I like Rogan for example and I would say they are holding him accountable and that's fine as they generally have kept the same standards across the board for this type of behavior. The last sentence is referencing that I do think she buddies up to production clearly and it's worked in her favor  

it is not about being "canceled" (stupid), it's if they are holding people to certain standards based on past behavior then she should be held accountable as well, period.  

We know you love to protect her but you can't argue that if she was being held to the same standards as others then she should be benched for as long as they bench the others. 


MTV does pick and choose who and when they want to make an example out of someone, that's the kinda fake woke behavior I hate. I don't think she should be banned for something from a decade ago though. Unlike KVM, I beleive people can grow and change from their ignorant ways. I also don't care who she sleep with or how many clients she has...I just want her off my tv cause her personality is so annoying and cringe lol.

im not saying I agree with them punishing people for stuff from a decade ago. My only point is that they should keep the same standards for all of them. Jordan didn't get a pass and he's a much bigger face than Tori (albeit his actions were worse imo) but you get the point

agreed! It cant be a pick and choose with who they choose to not reach out to, if theyre truly gonna be as performative as they are keep that same energy with everyone 

She would body any girl on this cast in a hall brawl including kaycee. She got really big 

Can we please get back on track here and start talking about her being obese again? 

Can we please get back on track here and start talking about her being obese again? 

she on that aneesa diet, next season tori gonna be popping up in showers and everything


Can we please get back on track here and start talking about her being obese again? 

she on that aneesa diet, next season tori gonna be popping up in showers and everything

I hollared, not Aneesa and Tori becoming the new Kenny and Evan lmao


Can we please get back on track here and start talking about her being obese again? 

she on that aneesa diet, next season tori gonna be popping up in showers and everything

when Aneesa retires, Tori is going to take her place 

Tori's not even apart of the lgbtq community she just used that bullshit excuse so she wouldn't get cancelled

Tori's not even apart of the lgbtq community she just used that bullshit excuse so she wouldn't get cancelled

right lol she's a straight woman period. She's one of those "make out with a girl while your drunk for attention of guys" type of girls 

She's getting some of Emmanuel currently, so that's why. Emy just happens to be there. lol.

Cara Maria vibes

Overrated as hell... we need big t to orchestrate a plan again to take the trash out.

Cara Maria vibes

well, she kind of is in that seat right now where she's getting some of what that heat feels like, which is interesting because she joined in on criticizing Cara so much for playing a numbers game on WOTW 2. Fast forward to this season which is all about numbers and getting people outside of your alliance out. It's gameplay, but I think casuals are giving her the heat now that other bigger offenders are gone. Was a pre-canceled Dee in the most hated female seat during Total Madness? lol. I wasn't paying attention.


Overrated as hell... we need big t to orchestrate a plan again to take the trash out.

She's clearly the second best female competitor on this cast.  At worst third.

Kvm damn near spent 10+ years here and still can't put it together that most people don't watch this show for the competition aspect but for the drama since it is primarily a REALITY TV show. Not primarily a competition or sport. 

Kvm damn near spent 10+ years here and still can't put it together that most people don't watch this show for the competition aspect but for the drama since it is primarily a REALITY TV show. Not primarily a competition or sport. 

Overrated to me means as a competitor. She's not even loved by casuals so far. I don't care if people love or hate her (though I have opinions as to why) but she's not overrated. 

500 pounds of flop 

I couldn't stand her at all but lol @ calling her fat.

She's by the far the most overrated female competitor.

She's by the far the most overrated female competitor.


She's by the far the most overrated female competitor.


She's by the far the most overrated female competitor.

yk who was quick to come defend her 

She's by the far the most overrated female competitor.

of all time.


imagine ur best season being a season where all u did was win 2 eliminations lol. No outstanding performances in the dailies, no hold on the political game, just 2 elim wins and ur a powerhouse.

She's made two finals and came in last in both. She's left early on what, three? She's slightly above average. Her weight gain might help her poor elimination performances from the past two seasons but it's only going to hurt her ability to run a final. She'll never win, so she is an overrated flop who provides the worst commentary and cheating scandals. That's it. Imagine being a serial cheater your biggest claim to fame on tv.
