The Challenge: Spies , lies and Allies - Michelle Fitzgerald

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Michele was terrible at running and endurance on survivor no way at this point she wins a final

This her in the ball throwing and running challenge on winners at war was embarrassing 

Running while going a month with little food and sleep is different than running while well-fed and rested.

My girl Winchele Fitzlegend is gonna come back and win S38 KNOW that

Michele was terrible at running and endurance on survivor no way at this point she wins a final

Sylvia was almost a winner and she was walking a 3 mile run. It's not impossible lol

Running while going a month with little food and sleep is different than running while well-fed and rested.

agreed. Michele knows how to play games unlike the flop regulars we have who play the same game every season and expect a different outcome (looking particularly at Nany) 

I can see her making moves to actually set herself up to win. She actually has some very strong strengths too. If she trains to run she's dangerous IMO 

This cast didn't seem very interesting to me so the only thing that made me consider watching was Michele. Was she at least interesting/fun in her time there? Is the season worth watching

This cast didn't seem very interesting to me so the only thing that made me consider watching was Michele. Was she at least interesting/fun in her time there? Is the season worth watching

She definitely shined in this environment personality-wise and was a major focus of the first part of the game

Look Michele did a lot better than I thought but we already knew she was a good swimmer from the very first challenge she did on survivor, I'd wait until she shows any endurance before we make claims like she's winning a final lol

Endurance is trainable...  everyone isnt aneesa, some people actually try work on their weak areas. Some people that ended up winning didnt have the best endurance when they started out lol.

Also imagine judging someones endurance when their hungry and tired on an island lol.

If Michele had Michaelas athletic abilities and Michaela had Micheles social game/awareness they would both be the best females we ever seen on this show. Thats not a discussion btw issa hundo

I never cared for Michele on Survivor and also on here.

Y'all stay talking about how someone will be a future champion when you barely saw them compete lol

I never cared for my own opinion.

what an incredible and CLASSY woman ❤️

A beacon of light and grace

Stomped on that other trash

Loved her before but honestly surprised how well she translated to the challenge. Miss her already. 

Loved her before but honestly surprised how well she translated to the challenge. Miss her already. 

she didn't do anything impressive??


Loved her before but honestly surprised how well she translated to the challenge. Miss her already. 

she didn't do anything impressive??

She knows how to swim lmaoooo

Monotonous, robotic, and a Copy+Paste typa personality. Sorry y'all I sense not an ounce of authenticity with this one. She even looks like a bootleg A.I robot that was set to be released in 2020 but was recalled due to malfunctioning.

Anonymous's picture

Monotonous, robotic, and a Copy+Paste typa personality. Sorry y'all I sense not an ounce of authenticity with this one. She even looks like a bootleg A.I robot that was set to be released in 2020 but was recalled due to malfunctioning.

Michele is basic and boring but Sophia the robot looks like Ashley

Miss her sm on the challenge. queen better get another invite.

Random af, but her voice reminds me of an elementary teachers voice. I cant explain why, it just does. 

Random af, but her voice reminds me of an elementary teachers voice. I cant explain why, it just does. 

She looks like one too I have been saying that since I put her on the lock thread lmao

Random af, but her voice reminds me of an elementary teachers voice. I cant explain why, it just does. 

you're right. This made her an odd temporary addition to the Lavendar Ladies when I saw her in that live with them. lol.

I think she's a beautiful woman though. 


Loved her before but honestly surprised how well she translated to the challenge. Miss her already. 

she didn't do anything impressive??

didn't mean competition wise though I do think she did better than most expected her to. I meant personality/drama wise 



Loved her before but honestly surprised how well she translated to the challenge. Miss her already. 

she didn't do anything impressive??

didn't mean competition wise though I do think she did better than most expected her to. I meant personality/drama wise 

She has a personality? 




Loved her before but honestly surprised how well she translated to the challenge. Miss her already. 

she didn't do anything impressive??

didn't mean competition wise though I do think she did better than most expected her to. I meant personality/drama wise 

She has a personality? 

don't make me go find those screens of you saying you liked her and came around to her pink lol

So tori stole emmanuel from michele and amanda stole fessy from michele too damn.


Monotonous, robotic, and a Copy+Paste typa personality. Sorry y'all I sense not an ounce of authenticity with this one. She even looks like a bootleg A.I robot that was set to be released in 2020 but was recalled due to malfunctioning.

Michele is basic and boring but Sophia the robot looks like Ashley


I wonder if she can do the Pop Culture Bike Jump Challenge. 
