The Challenge: Spies , lies and Allies - Michelle Fitzgerald

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She stays aligning with the POC women on all her shows. What a woke white woman.

One of the few YT women I would trust with my life 

I don't know why some of y'all were shocked she has a personality.. if you ever watched survivor she was the star of both her seasons

I don't know why some of y'all were shocked she has a personality.. if you ever watched survivor she was the star of both her seasons

Okay, she won me over. But she lost points for choosing Devin lol


I don't know why some of y'all were shocked she has a personality.. if you ever watched survivor she was the star of both her seasons

Okay, she won me over. But she lost points for choosing Devin lol

I was dumbfounded at first too but thinking about it more it's not that bad. Devins a vet with other connections and he's not that big of a threat so people won't target them.

Future fan fave <3

I hate that I liked her this episode 

Still a dummy for picking funky *** Devin 

Devin was a good pick, he's a vet and there's no reason to think he may get targeted early by another vet like Fessy or CT. Obviously there's stonger guys but she's not going to win every daily regardless and needed a long term gameplan. Plus he did want her to pick him which hopefully means he has an interest in working with her and won't offer her up to whoever wins the next few dailies

picking Devin right now was smart.

Winchele Finaletzgerald <3... knew you'd deliver 

Picking Devin was stupid because Devin doesn't need to protect her since everyone can picked for elimination. She should rechter have picked someone who can win a daily

Picking Devin was stupid because Devin doesn't need to protect her since everyone can picked for elimination. She should rechter have picked someone who can win a daily

Since Devin wanted her to pick him there's a chance he vouches for her in the vet alliance and keeps her out for at least a few rounds and possibly turn that into something long term. Winning one or two dailies with CT is meaningless since he's not going to make a move against the vet alliance if they have power and wouldn't care enough to try and protect her when they don't

I actually think picking devin was probably her best move. CT and Fessy might win her a daily or two but they wouldn't protect her. Devin likes her and wants to work with her so he'll likely keep her safe for a bit like someone else said. He's also a strategist like herself that would be open to hearing about what she has to say when it comes to making moves. 

I like her but she should thank Corey for still being in the game. I don't know any eliminations games that she coulda beat Michaela in solo

Devin would never save her... he is tight with the vets. Josh was probb the only male vet willing to save her.

And people said she wouldn't bring the heat pshhhhh 

It's a pay her dues. She's got a great social game and can adapt to any situation, but she needs to get her rookie season out of the way before the vets start to trust her. If she can work in the off season on her relationships, she can go far.

I don't see that happening this season since Emy/Michaela kind of screwed her, so my bi queen is living on borrowed time. But next season, she'll be considered a "vet" and she's very likable, so I can see her doing better next time. She also needs to work out more. Michaela would've tossed her.

The only way I see Michele beating Michaela is a puzzle, if you've watched survivor she's really quick with puzzles and won a crucial puzzle immunity challenge in the finals of each season she did. However I still think Michele did better than Renan in the elim, at least Michele was holding her own, Renan was literally just doing nothing.


The only way I see Michele beating Michaela is a puzzle, if you've watched survivor she's really quick with puzzles and won a crucial puzzle immunity challenge in the finals of each season she did. However I still think Michele did better than Renan in the elim, at least Michele was holding her own, Renan was literally just doing nothing.

You know they don't do enough puzzle eliminations anymore. They should always have a solid mix of the four: physical, mental, strategy, endurance. I mean if you're gonna have close to 15 eliminations in the season, you can easily slip at least 4 puzzles into that and 4 strategy games, things Michele can excel at. There's too many head to head games, I've been saying this for a while. I'm over the headbangers.


The only way I see Michele beating Michaela is a puzzle, if you've watched survivor she's really quick with puzzles and won a crucial puzzle immunity challenge in the finals of each season she did. However I still think Michele did better than Renan in the elim, at least Michele was holding her own, Renan was literally just doing nothing.

You know they don't do enough puzzle eliminations anymore. They should always have a solid mix of the four: physical, mental, strategy, endurance. I mean if you're gonna have close to 15 eliminations in the season, you can easily slip at least 4 puzzles into that and 4 strategy games, things Michele can excel at. There's too many head to head games, I've been saying this for a while. I'm over the headbangers.

totally agree. i would love to see more endurance and strategy eliminations. puzzle eliminations can actually be really exciting as it really can be anyone's game. They need some puzzles that require some thought though, not just slider puzzles and tangrams.

And people said she wouldn't bring the heat pshhhhh 

As a fan of her I thought she would just be the nice happy girl but I love her even more with the way she stood her ground at deiberation. She has a way with words. 

She is the moment

She is the moment

She is such a natural on camera! Really liking her so far

Loving this Michele, Amanda, and Ashley friendship! Loved their live. I was thinking she wouldn't get along with them. Social queen tingz.

idk where everybody got "she was boring" from preseason

idk where everybody got "she was boring" from preseason

Apparently she's boring because she didn't cause big scenes and wasn't super dramatic on Survivor. People didn't seem to understand she's probably a top 5 social player ever on that show and getting into fights every 5 minutes would have ruined that


idk where everybody got "she was boring" from preseason

Apparently she's boring because she didn't cause big scenes and wasn't super dramatic on Survivor. People didn't seem to understand she's probably a top 5 social player ever on that show and getting into fights every 5 minutes would have ruined that

michele, parvati, and Sandra are the 3 queens of survivor social game and none of the above are boring. They are perfect players on that show because they're smart enough to know how to play. Michele was never boring, she's just smart. 

She is the moment
