The Challenge: Spies , lies and Allies - Michelle Fitzgerald

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I finally like her this episode 

She is like one of my all-time favorite Survivor players and it's funny because it just snuck up on me, like she was an okay winner on Kaoh Rong but she turned me around with Winners at War and I'm a full-time stan, human being second.

She's just so likable without being fake.

totally agree though I liked her on koah rong too but she really got me on WAW. I may be in the minority but IMO she deserved WAW too. She had to play from the bottom the whole game and did so phenomenalially. Up there with Parvati as my all time favorite gameplay styles 

Yeah, totally agree. I hurts me that she was a zero vote finalist in WAW. I hate the Edge of Extinsion format, but understand why it was used for WaW by a tv perspective, and I love Natalie, but I don't think she deserved any votes over Michele.

Yeah I love Natalie. One of my all time fave winners but Michele deserved votes over her. Imagine how the voting would go if Natalie had let Michele do fire against Tony over Sarah. I really think Michele could've beat him because she was really doing well with making fire.

I feel like the votes would've been more scattered.

Her personality is perfect for this show, both in the house and confessionals. She's thriving. Surprised me this episode with that second pace finish, I was worried she'd have a hard time standing out physically 

I knew she'd translate well she's very bubbly/charismatic but also kinda gritty because of Survivor. Her and Natalie neeeeed to be there together next season. 

She has a great social game, I can see her skating by and making it far next season when she's doesn't have the rookie target anymore. The new nany?

Tracy's mist

Tracy's mist

Tracy's mist


She has a great social game, I can see her skating by and making it far next season when she's doesn't have the rookie target anymore. The new nany?

Michele can actually win though 

i love you michele fitzgerald ❤️


I love her. Hope she comes back... Tommy too.


I love her. Hope she comes back... Tommy too.

Tommy's retiring from reality TV. He just got promoted at his elementary school.

She deserves another season 

I love how on survivor she isnt viewed as a comp beast (even though she won multiple individual comps both times she played) but on this show she actually had most of the cast intimidated. Just goes to show how your perception can change based on whatever show you are on. Thats why when yall give potentional rookies hard times based on their OG show it boggles me.

i love you michele fitzgerald ❤️

I love how on survivor she isnt viewed as a comp beast (even though she won multiple individual comps both times she played) but on this show she actually had most of the cast intimidated. Just goes to show how your perception can change based on whatever show you are on. Thats why when yall give potentional rookies hard times based on their OG show it boggles me.

Just wanna casually point out that she is tied with Natalie A for most challenge wins won by a female Sole Survivor with 13.


I love how on survivor she isnt viewed as a comp beast (even though she won multiple individual comps both times she played) but on this show she actually had most of the cast intimidated. Just goes to show how your perception can change based on whatever show you are on. Thats why when yall give potentional rookies hard times based on their OG show it boggles me.

Just wanna casually point out that she is tied with Natalie A for most challenge wins won by a female Sole Survivor with 13.

I think Michele is underrated as a competitor on Survivor but does that include tribe wins? And if so I'm sure Parvati has more...



I love how on survivor she isnt viewed as a comp beast (even though she won multiple individual comps both times she played) but on this show she actually had most of the cast intimidated. Just goes to show how your perception can change based on whatever show you are on. Thats why when yall give potentional rookies hard times based on their OG show it boggles me.

Just wanna casually point out that she is tied with Natalie A for most challenge wins won by a female Sole Survivor with 13.

I think Michele is underrated as a competitor on Survivor but does that include tribe wins? And if so I'm sure Parvati has more...

Yeah it counts tribal immunity wins not individual, individually she's won 4 in 2 seasons which several other women have done in a single season. 


She has a great social game, I can see her skating by and making it far next season when she's doesn't have the rookie target anymore. The new nany?

Michele can actually win though 

Can she tho ? Puzzles yeah that she can do but running and eating we haven't really seen her do

Michele drank contaminated water on survivor she can handle eating

She has what it takes to win, if she trains she will be a problem



She has a great social game, I can see her skating by and making it far next season when she's doesn't have the rookie target anymore. The new nany?

Michele can actually win though 

Can she tho ? Puzzles yeah that she can do but running and eating we haven't really seen her do

She doesn't quit tho. And even though she seems like she's got the fighting spirit of an elementary school child's teddy bear, there really is some grit in her. She's a good swimmer and good at puzzles. I don't know how she'd do individually but it's not impossible for her.




She has a great social game, I can see her skating by and making it far next season when she's doesn't have the rookie target anymore. The new nany?

Michele can actually win though 

Can she tho ? Puzzles yeah that she can do but running and eating we haven't really seen her do

She doesn't quit tho. And even though she seems like she's got the fighting spirit of an elementary school child's teddy bear, there really is some grit in her. She's a good swimmer and good at puzzles. I don't know how she'd do individually but it's not impossible for her.

I do see the points y'all are making I do think Michele could do good in a final I just have a hard time seeing her win. She gives me second place vibes 

Kinda like a mini version of Kam good just not good enough to ever win 

Michele was terrible at running and endurance on survivor no way at this point she wins a final

She is a 100% YES for szn 38

She is such a victim. The way she was on the bottom the entire season of Winners at War as all her allies were taken out 1 by 1. Then shows up to the challenge plane missing Jay & Natalie. Michaela gone episode 1, Tommy gone episode 3. She's always the last one left. 

She IS the final girl of a scary movie. 

Kinda like a mini version of Kam good just not good enough to ever win 

See now I 100% believe Kam has what it takes to win. Even if her running isn't all that great, I still believe she can do it if she does these enough. Same for Michele.

She MUST be back.  I'm actually heartbroken to lose her so soon.  She had so much potential this season.  We keep losing the only appealing rookies!!

Oh she definitely screams new regular.
