The Challenge: Rivals 3 (SPOILERS DISCUSSION)

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Id want Italy unless it's Hawaii i dont think it would excite anyone staying in the US. Like in California when 90% of the cast is from there

My idea if they filmed in the United States would be Las Vegas. The missions could be done in the desert and Vegas has some pretty nice clubs they could go to. They also wouldn't have a issue with food and baths.

I wouldn't mind them going to Mexico either tbh

Where do you guys think the location will be since they went to Turkey again?

Would love to see them in Brazil again

If they reuse one south Africa or new Zealand would be cool.

I want Averey, CJ, Cooke, Adam and Frank S/Jordan(enough with this retire bs)

do not care for others tbh. 


It theme is co-ed rivals, Nany and Frank is must have pair!


Also my favorite location was FM2 one, Canada I believe. I do not understand why this has to be so hot always, its nice to see some normal weather too. 

Mandi would be a good surprise. I didn't really care for her when she was a regular but I wouldn't mind if she was on next season. She had potential.

She does have potential. I've never cared for her either but I felt sad for her. Poor thing had Wes as a partner during his reckless stage. She kicked *** in that FM2 exile and he lost it for her and she won her x-battle on Exes and he lost it again for her.

She made it to the finals on Rivals.

She did get dragged by Cara Maria... But, I mean.. Of course she would Biggrin

You seem to do this a lot. You  like to only ***ign blame to the person that loses the elimination round when you need to also look at the person who put them in that vulnerable position in the first place. if mandji(or your other example blaming abram for cara losing on exes) didn't wnat to be in elimination then she shouldve stepped up during the mission like laurel sarah and camila did to earn immunity. Mandi was flat out horrrrible in almost every mission. you've can't expect your manager to praise you for doing a good job at the end of your shift when the beginning and middle of it was spent blowing your coworkers in the bathroom. bish gets half the blame for sucking first  and Wes gets the other half for sucking later with elimination failure and mediocre alliance

wes had a mediocre alliance on exes 2 as well. His secret weapon was that he was better equipped with theresa. they were either winning or coming close to winning , which intimidated the winning team into leaving then alone, for fear that sending wes/theresa in would result in them possibly coming back to haunt them. Bananas didn't send them in because theresa was going to beat any girl there and Leroy didn't send him in because he knew Wes/theresa would probably win the next challenge and he wanted to be alligned/friends with the popular kids jock/cheerleader that had power . Nobody cared about picking on mandi/Wes because everyone knew they were the impotent low social tier nerd losers that would never win  anything including an elimination or challenge 

she did well on rivals so well give her that 

I hope Challenge legends Beth and Coral make their epic comeback. Wonder if they'll get a call. Probably not gonna happen but I can dream Dirol


Rivals 3: Nia & Coral

Co-Ed Rivals: Nia & Jordan


Queen Arielle needs to come slay us atleast once. 

Id want Italy unless it's Hawaii i dont think it would excite anyone staying in the US. Like in California when 90% of the cast is from there

My idea if they filmed in the United States would be Las Vegas. The missions could be done in the desert and Vegas has some pretty nice clubs they could go to. They also wouldn't have a issue with food and baths.

Eh the problem with that imo is that there was 2 real worlds there so part of the cast is used to living there .

Queen Arielle needs to come slay us atleast once. 

Switzerland! But there is pretty cold in the fall lol. 

Switzerland! But there is pretty cold in the fall lol. 

If they go somewhere cold they could actually get more hookups since people will cuddle with one another to keep each other warm, and one thing leads to another lol. 

Switzerland! But there is pretty cold in the fall lol. 

If they go somewhere cold they could actually get more hookups since people will cuddle with one another to keep each other warm, and one thing leads to another lol. 

Wasn't there snow on the ground during the duel 2?
Plus i remember everyone wore those wool hats

I want cold location soooo baaaddd!!!! They only use them for finale, but I like whole season being cold. 


I want cold location soooo baaaddd!!!! They only use them for finale, but I like whole season being cold. 

Maybe they can  visit Europe again. But now for the whole thing, not only final.

Brad and Violetta have been added to the pople that received availabilities calls.

I want cold location soooo baaaddd!!!! They only use them for finale, but I like whole season being cold. 

Maybe they can  visit Europe again. But now for the whole thing, not only final.

Yeah, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland have awesome places, so is middle of the Europe like Switzerland, Austria and south is also beautiful but not that cold

I would to see Scotland too.

There is no reason that more than 5/4 Alumni and Bloodlines be invited from Season 27 , There is no reason for Bananas , Jenna or Leroy to be on this imho. I'll take Nany (She allegedly brings ratings) , Aneesa , Cara-Maria (She allegedly  was a villian and always becomes a target) , Cory , Cohutta , Mitch , Raphy , Nicole and Rianna.

There absolutely no reason for anyone from AYTO3? To be cast.

Mandi would be a good surprise. I didn't really care for her when she was a regular but I wouldn't mind if she was on next season. She had potential.

She does have potential. I've never cared for her either but I felt sad for her. Poor thing had Wes as a partner during his reckless stage. She kicked *** in that FM2 exile and he lost it for her and she won her x-battle on Exes and he lost it again for her.

She made it to the finals on Rivals.

She did get dragged by Cara Maria... But, I mean.. Of course she would Biggrin

You seem to do this a lot. You  like to only ***ign blame to the person that loses the elimination round when you need to also look at the person who put them in that vulnerable position in the first place. if mandji(or your other example blaming abram for cara losing on exes) didn't wnat to be in elimination then she shouldve stepped up during the mission like laurel sarah and camila did to earn immunity. Mandi was flat out horrrrible in almost every mission. you've can't expect your manager to praise you for doing a good job at the end of your shift when the beginning and middle of it was spent blowing your coworkers in the bathroom. bish gets half the blame for sucking first  and Wes gets the other half for sucking later with elimination failure and mediocre alliance

wes had a mediocre alliance on exes 2 as well. His secret weapon was that he was better equipped with theresa. they were either winning or coming close to winning , which intimidated the winning team into leaving then alone, for fear that sending wes/theresa in would result in them possibly coming back to haunt them. Bananas didn't send them in because theresa was going to beat any girl there and Leroy didn't send him in because he knew Wes/theresa would probably win the next challenge and he wanted to be alligned/friends with the popular kids jock/cheerleader that had power . Nobody cared about picking on mandi/Wes because everyone knew they were the impotent low social tier nerd losers that would never win  anything including an elimination or challenge 

she did well on rivals so well give her that 


Mandi is a Queen. If cast, it's between her, Averey, and Nia for the title of Season 28 female MVP.

But she'll emerge victorious.

Give me Brian, Bruno, Trey, Robb, Cory ... and I am a happy camper... Smile

A few of you guys have been stainning for Brianna since the ruins, she hasnt be back. #JustSaying

Well KellyAnne returned after nine seasons and her last appearance before Bloodlines was The Ruins. Brianna is still interested in coming back so there could be a chance.

I want cold location soooo baaaddd!!!! They only use them for finale, but I like whole season being cold. 

Wasn't Fresh Meat 2 cold? It was in Whistler and I thought they filmed it around November/December... which in Canada is getting pretty cold, especially up in the mountains haha

I think once the cast knows or finds out that they go to a cold location for the entire time before the final ...I am sure some will decline because of that. ROFL especially the newer cast members...

I want cold location soooo baaaddd!!!! They only use them for finale, but I like whole season being cold. 

Wasn't Fresh Meat 2 cold? It was in Whistler and I thought they filmed it around November/December... which in Canada is getting pretty cold, especially up in the mountains haha

it was and it is my fave location so far Biggrin

A few of you guys have been stainning for Brianna since the ruins, she hasnt be back. #JustSaying

Well KellyAnne returned after nine seasons and her last appearance before Bloodlines was The Ruins. Brianna is still interested in coming back so there could be a chance.

No comparission. Kellyanne is someone that production have want back since the ruins got a call for every single challenge since then and brought some much to her 2 previous challenge apperances. Similar to Marie/Jenn that have been contacted for every challenge since their retirement.

Brianna has been contacted once or twice since then. Even though I love her on Hollywood, she was non existent on the ruins. She is not someone that production is dying to have. But then again Isaac was back on free agents, so anyone is possible even though Isaac was back before the addition of 60 are you the one? Possibilities, I personally see any dramatic ayto girls getting on it ove Brianna. I wouldn't hold your breath on it lol

It seems like everyone loves Ashley M. I hated her on the RW, she was someone who needed to get *****slapped. 

A few of you guys have been stainning for Brianna since the ruins, she hasnt be back. #JustSaying

Well KellyAnne returned after nine seasons and her last appearance before Bloodlines was The Ruins. Brianna is still interested in coming back so there could be a chance.

No comparission. Kellyanne is someone that production have want back since the ruins got a call for every single challenge since then and brought some much to her 2 previous challenge apperances. Similar to Marie/Jenn that have been contacted for every challenge since their retirement.

Brianna has been contacted once or twice since then. Even though I love her on Hollywood, she was non existent on the ruins. She is not someone that production is dying to have. But then again Isaac was back on free agents, so anyone is possible even though Isaac was back before the addition of 60 are you the one? Possibilities, I personally see any dramatic ayto girls getting on it ove Brianna. I wouldn't hold your breath on it lol

Ah I see what you're saying but any AYTO girl getting cast over Brianna is a travesty lol

A few of you guys have been stainning for Brianna since the ruins, she hasnt be back. #JustSaying

Well KellyAnne returned after nine seasons and her last appearance before Bloodlines was The Ruins. Brianna is still interested in coming back so there could be a chance.

No comparission. Kellyanne is someone that production have want back since the ruins got a call for every single challenge since then and brought some much to her 2 previous challenge apperances. Similar to Marie/Jenn that have been contacted for every challenge since their retirement.

Brianna has been contacted once or twice since then. Even though I love her on Hollywood, she was non existent on the ruins. She is not someone that production is dying to have. But then again Isaac was back on free agents, so anyone is possible even though Isaac was back before the addition of 60 are you the one? Possibilities, I personally see any dramatic ayto girls getting on it ove Brianna. I wouldn't hold your breath on it lol

Ah I see what you're saying but any AYTO girl getting cast over Brianna is a travesty lol

I love me some Brianna, but sadly I totally see it happening.
